Periodic Dosage Archive 2022-01
Ending of 2022, an era of dark usa. Bright 2023 coming. I want to thank you guys, many of my supporters. All over the globe, in usa, canada, brazil, also uk, germany, whole europe, and China, Africa, Middle East, Russia, and many other countries. Some i came to know, most are quite and i don't know. Thank you.
major lying skums.
- Donie O'Sullivan, CNN
- Drew Harwell, washingtonpost
- Ryan Mac, nytimes
- Aaron Rupar, independent
i got these thot bots following me, about one per week, this year.
- gone
cc .
2023-05-12 addendum: they are now all banned
- ❮❯
restarting webfeed/rss
In past 2 years, i have been slacking in updating the webfeed (aka rss/atom). Now, i try to start it again. you can goto Periodic Dosage to read past stuff.
- this blog, Periodic Dosage, began in 2006-08, as my original blog.
- but around 2010, it split into multiple blogs on various of my domains, during the years i was dying a hunger and need google ads money.
- it split into programing blog, emacs blog, webdev blog, math blog, arts blog, writing/literature blog, and this one Periodic Dosage, became just pol related or sensitive topics such as pol, religion. has been censored by google since about 2005. 〔see Google AdSense Ban on〕
in past year or two, i've been trying to clean up the blog. putting random notes into coherent whole. not a dedicated effort, but i do some whenever i have time.
this blog, going forward, would be something like pol related or personal or non-tech related.
also, writing a blog takes tremendous time. it's much easier, for example, just to twitter, because there you can just blab whatever in your mind. but in a blog, it requires context, explanation, and much better writting.
- by the way, don't expect too much. again, writing coherent blog takes tremendous time. like a hour or hours for a short article.
- so, you have now 2 choices. one is just goto twitter or other and post a drivel, and not bothering with blogging. but that's obviouly a big problem. cuz, any social network post, lasts just for a day. it's all forgotten after that. also, these corps can delete your post, or entire account, anytime.
- so, writing on your own blog is much more important. you have a record of your thoughts, and other people can find it and read it, for years to come.
- so, what i do is that, even i just have a few sentences, and no time to write a full blog, i just “tweet” it into my blog.
- this way, later when i have time, i can collect, edit, rewrite, organize, them into more coherent whole.
- this is what periodic dosage has been since 2016 or so.
elon musk's twitter, now also removed the blocking that prevent you from reading twitter after a few pages if you don't have a account.
- 2022-12-10, seems it's back
Who is Moon Alabama? Bernhard Horstmann?
to dig
Nathan Law 羅冠聰, this skum, escaped to UK.
- i want a phone, where it has all sorta sersors builtin, and upon a centralized press of a button, the signal would boost a magnitude within n radius radians.
- the sensors should include pleasure stimulating waves too. and can be used point to point like a walky-talky, besides centralized button.
- biometrics, comes to play. such as finger print and eye recognization, so that target can be specific.
- u no want to pleasure the wrong girl.
- we getting there.
- imagine, in our insufferable modern life, many of us suffers from sleeping pills problem. with the phone, u can set it to auto wave sleep scheduled. so, u fall into sound asleep at the right time. no more pill dependency.
- the potential for saving human lives is very collaborative.
- concerns for unwanted child can also be done by just press of a button. we getting close to unstanding wave function in pregnancy. so, this would save a trip to abortion. Save us time and money, and freedom to all girls. Can now study stem.
- now writing a blog documenting lira
- to write a full one, will take days.
- but am just gonna write some as much and best as i can
- for a couple of hours. then till next time, maybe add more and edit
- the point is, need to begin in.
- in past months, started to log all the pol figures, e.g. drama, etc known people, starting around 2016, that i have spend huge amount time on
- to document, how i know them, what i've learned, and my judgement of the char
- eg tim pool, launren southern, etc etc etc.
- tim pool and lauren i already have blog
- but in past months, been collecting my insta thoughts that i blogged all over during past 6 years or so into single page compilation, with hope that they gradually became coherent whole
- normally, we can rely on internet, or waybackmachine
- or youtube, etc. but they been all corrupted
- so, links went dead, vid gone, wikip aboutface, etc, and even archive sites, such as waybackmachine, turn corrupt, and other archive comes and go, reddit posts come and go, etc.
- the point is , no more reliable sources or backup on the internet that's coherent
- so, as my usual habit, i write a log, blog, and collect, and now i try to make them better, in the usual way, of doing bits this or that today and whenever.
- in past week, actually spend many hours on this
- this, constitutes, part of history
- gonzalo lira char, for example, so far as i know, has 5 youtube accounts.
- 2 of them he no longer has access. 1 is ad ban'd. 1 latest new. and another one am not sure what's the status.
- so, for example, for a internet known guy, if u been there, then, u might know, what's the story, a coherent story, about the guy, or what he is saying.
- such as me, and others here know at least some about lira, since we been watching in past year.
- but, suppose u never heard of the guy, then, it's extremely hard to find reliable info.
- u'll find all sort lies, hit pieces, and some factual, but the problem is, u dunno which is correct.
- the above, is a description, of the sjw era, applicable to any known figure, say with a million follower.
- so, since i do write a lot, so i take some time, to make them part of the internet resource.
- dont have time or money to really make them the best, about each person, but i do my part, as other netters gather bits and pieces.
- against the mainstream lies and censorship.
- btw, similar, is the russian ukrain war, i been posting here at least weekly since it began in march this year.
- i gather, a lot people wont read it.
- but a lot, others, do.
- and, those who search for actual truth, can find it.
- ------------
- the sam bankman is also a good example.
- right now, for those of us looking into, we know, at least some basic facts.
- but after a few months, it'll all be forgotter, and become rumors or whatnot.
- so, we need to doc it. we here means me, or any, who happens to, can, write or doc about it.
- ----------------
- truth, never goes away.
- as they say.
- the logical, technical, reason is, not because some magic or god or karma or wishful hopeful thinking.
- but because, human animals, on the whole, and long term, always, prefer the truth.
- in short term, maybe there are parties who like things just one way. thus, censorship, bias, or lies.
- but, all human animals considered as a whole, and over long term, say by decades, then, we prefer truth, overwhelmingly. because, that is advantageous to us, with regard to all human animals over long term.
- this is why, truth, never die. as they say.
- great man.
now, xah's programing field crackpot list
- Larry Wall crackpot
- Martin Fowler crackpot
- Hakon Wium Lie fuckface
- Dave Winer fuckface
- David Heinemeier Hansson fuckface
- Isaac Z. Schlueter skum
elon musk bought twitter, and fired half of employees.
basically, fired the fakenewers.
origin of reddit
- something like that yeah.
- also the imgur...
- reddit, began, in a noble way, in 2005 or so.
- it was a sparking web2 new tech forum of lisp, python, emacs
- and imgur also started in 2009 or so, began as a one-man open source contribution, no ads, no js, no shit
- today, they r both the worst skum possible, and also filled with sjw skums, and deepstate fakenews
- and no js, cookies, no show
- and is currently trying to get u to adopt the next stage, deepstate's web3
- with blockchain fakemoney and tracking u to death
- in the name of privacy and democracy to get away from google twitter fb.
- like the World Economic Forum, whose purpose is to control free trade
- in the name of free trade
never click YouTube shorts
- now, a new crotchet. never, click on the youtube shorts.
- that is, new rule for myself.
- more specifically, never, get tempted, when youtube shows some 'shorts', never click on it.
- Image
- this is the impetus
- and i clicked on that girls with legs
- now, for those dunno, this is just a minor addition to my rather strict principles about how no let my brain get tainted by internet
- very tight mind rule. won't go elaborate or repeat here, but basically, never, get info that is given to u easily.
- (repeat here for the nth time)
- and to be more practical for those interested: this basically means, for starters, never, click on anything suggested to u, from any site. and the critical part is, when, that thing shown to u seems interesting to u, especially important ones, such enticing job offer when u need a job.
- (when that happens, e.g. some site suggested some thing that is truely interesting to you. what u can do is, note the title etc, then start a new browser page, search it, and view it. as a separate process of your activity.)
now i notice, as far as pitch goes, my voice is actually not higher, compared to others. currently thinking it's more bass than average!
- generally speaking, in conflict, war, u have ur side, ur kin, friends, vs the enemy.
- however, ur side, ur kin, ur clan, ur family, ur country, ur brother, ur dad, are not necessarily the good guys.
- conflict are complex. but sometimes, or often, it's clear, one side is just wrong.
- such as vast majority of murder and serial killers, robbers, thugs, etc.
- when that guy is ur side, u have a dilemma. do u defend the guy, fight with the guy, or what?
- when ur brother killed a man, just because ur bro is drunk or feel like it, do u defend ur bro?
- or ur dad, son. etc.
- this is also, the concept of traitor, are very much related.
- on one hand, u defend ur family, clan, kin, town, country, race.
- but on the other hand, u might realize, it's ur side, are you, are doing the wrong.
- what u gonna do?
- --------------------
- when that happens, namely, ur side is obviously the aggressor (such as, americans vs the redskin in 1700s or 1800s, and being american)
- if u defend ur people, u r great for the survival of ur clan.
- but if u defend the redskin, u r great for the survival of whole humanity.
- one does not outweight the other, ethically, in general.
- --------------------
- now, speaking for myself, in this situation. my philosophy.
- i believe, am also, pro my kin n clan. but, if the wrong my people did is great, then, i personally would defend the human race. human race, is my people too.
- ----------------
- the above, is some biological ethics perspective on war n conflict, and my personal philosophy, as far as i perceive myself.
- End of essay.
great. Bryan Lunduke seems a fun guy. and seems, Locals, and Odysee, are great.
- 2019 to 2020. Hong Kong protest, paid by USA. This period i can never forget. This is the year, things turned around. China citizens, some pro USA, now turned around.
- 2020, is the year that covid began.
- truly did a lot coding and working on my website in past month. (well, actually, months) even though sometimes i felt didn't do shit.
- am in fact workaholic (a fashionable jargon of the yuppies i refrain to use).
- that is, have a extreme obsession, a hyper extreme obsession, i need to code or learn things, something comp or math. This, determines, am feeling good or not.
- this obsession, is a pathology.
- i remember when i was jobless and suffer from actual hunger, no one dollar to buy a banana, not one dollar, and i was, more severe about how i need to code/study and buried myself in obscure comp lang technicalities and writing about it.
- the underlying thought was, i need to code and get more knowledge to solve my hunger problem.
- which, is like, when dying of thirst, instead of getting up to grab a cup of water , i sit paralized and panic on thinking and working hard on all possible ways on getting water.
- this is, escapism in the extreme.
- ok. now back to code. not get into too dark stuff. 😄 was just write-flowing.
- found the tiktok puppet guy
- painter guy on ipod
- igor.molodtsov
xah ranking of girls race.
euro russian blonde blue eyes ≻ northern euro elves ≻ american white girls ≻ brazilian girls / latina / german girls ≻ chinese/korean ≻ south east asian ≻ japan / indian / perhaps mid east ≻ african girls
Brazillian r amazing. Lots of mixed races. often you have this pale blue eyed girl exceedingly beautiful with brown skin. And hybrid tends to be extremely beautiful. There's a phrase, hybrid vigor. In a similar way, the most attractive cat, the tabby cat, which is street cat, is more beautiful, healthy, than those pure breds.
great website
currently, considering consolidating my 10 blogs back into 1 or just 2. Xah Lee Feeds need to fix that page. since i merged my sites now back into just 2 few months ago.
Guys, don't post anti trans stuff. Discuss lgbtq, yess, and criticize it if u want. But don't just post anti trans or making fun of trans stuff. We have quite a few trans here btw. Trans is a phenomenon of this decade. Like it or not, lots people are trans, and it so happens, disproportionate of them are programers. Not the i-wanna-be, but actual great programers. And as it happens, it turns out, i think the trans in programing, real professional programers, tend to be very best programers. I know trans programers, my friends, back in 2000s, before the rise of the sjw gang in 2016 or so.