Periodic Dosage

Human Animals and Their Power Struggles

Once upon a time there was Diary, and similar were logs, journals, travelog and such forth. In our info age, it is called blogs by inept computing geeks. To keep in sync with humanity of fashionable business and nomenclature novelty, mine is called Periodic Dosage. This periodic, is bent on to inform the informed, and educate the educated, of all things and social things and ethological things.


CNN Fakenews on Kamala Border Czar

Kamala Border Czar fakenews 2024-07-26
Kamala Border Czar fakenews 2024-07-26
American diet 2024-07-24 212150
American diet 2024-07-24 212150
usa pol sjw anti vs zion 2024-07-25 HKxqh
usa pol sjw anti vs zion 2024-07-25 HKxqh
cori bush netanyahu 2024-07-25
cori bush netanyahu 2024-07-25
Matt Walsh palen burn flag 2024-07-24 132556
Matt Walsh palen burn flag 2024-07-24 132556
Jeremy Soller System76 sjw 2024-07-24 pFDkB
Jeremy Soller System76 sjw 2024-07-24 pFDkB
xah lee profile photo 2024-07-19
xah lee profile photo 2024-07-19
female identifying 2024-07-18
female identifying 2024-07-18
sjw white char is black 2024-07-18
sjw white char is black 2024-07-18
Microsoft DEI 2024-07-16 q7kG
Microsoft DEI 2024-07-16 q7kG

Marc Andreessen Blocks Xah Lee

Am blocked by Marc Andreessen. have no idea why. I am not sure i ever replied to him.

pmarca block xahlee 2024-07-16
pmarca block xahlee 2024-07-16

Shantanu Narayen, the guy that runs Adobe.

Adobe Shantanu Narayen 2024-07-13
Adobe Shantanu Narayen 2024-07-13

seems, indians are in generall docile to power. example include

ladybird browser, attacked by deepstate sjw gang

ladybird browser sjw 2024-07-05
ladybird browser sjw 2024-07-05

Today is american flag day. I went to chaturbate and collected some star-spangled girls for my collection. American Cultural Heritage.

i have collected, hundreds, of screenshots of star spangled naked girls via july 4th chaturbate

screenshot 2024-07-05 220035
screenshot 2024-07-05 220035

how to get hired, for socially inept nerds

xtodo rss
xtodo rss
xahlee livejournal 17 anni 2023-01-15
xahlee livejournal 17 anni 2023-01-15

List of Todo from Advanced Frens

Why USA Started Censorship

very well said.

ban tiktok 2024-03-10
ban tiktok 2024-03-10
xtodo rss work in progress
elon musk lawsuit openai sam altman 2024-03-01-2
elon musk lawsuit openai sam altman 2024-03-01-2
elon musk lawsuit openai sam altman 2024-03-06
elon musk lawsuit openai sam altman 2024-03-06
mira murati sam altman 2024-03-08
mira murati sam altman 2024-03-08
xtodo rss work in progress
havard pussy pad 2024-02-27 215451
havard pussy pad 2024-02-27 215451
xtodo rss work in progress
ukraine corruption money in shoebox 2024-02-26
ukraine corruption money in shoebox 2024-02-26
usa ukraine corruption 2024-02-11
usa ukraine corruption 2024-02-11
xtodo rss work in progress
xtodo rss work in progress
mrbeast skum 2022-12-08 8xXTr
mrbeast skum 2022-12-08 8xXTr

Social Network, Elon X Twitter, Psycho Thumbup

Social network, truly still got problems. Even elon X is very good now, but basically, good posts don't spread, drama posts and outrageousness spread. This is mostly due to the ๐Ÿ‘ โญ ๐Ÿงก psycho game that began by facebook zukerbug skuum.

if you want to be popular, you just have to do grifting type of posts, do it daily.

Gonzalo Lira is dead.

social network crap, 2024-01

in the past decade, social network site contents are mostly shallow, clickbait, fakenews, grifters, and veiled marketing. e.g. jack dorsey twitter, reddit, hackernews, etc. hope today @elonmusk's x is no longer that. i think it's slightly better.

fakenews came from us gov, clickbait from usa media corps, grifting from lots youtubers and 'influencers' telling you garbage.