anonymous cowards
Zoomer Anon Cowards
- my point is to tell u guys to change.
- it is not impossible.
- and i have changed a few minds.
- and, i've been watching this phenom, since say y2k.
- it didn't begin with zoomer.
- it began, seeds in the hacker types.
- eg starting in 1960 hippies, anti big bro. underground. types.
- and in 80s and 90s, hacker types. eg rms, esr.
- who, advocate not to give social security, because gov no have right by law, and do not use credit cards, in some extreme cases. eg both rms, esr.
- then, in 2000s, began the milengen fuckfaces.
- this, is a gen of skum.
- typified by mark zurker fuck face book, and jack dorsey twitter skums.
- they, did a 180. they want big gov. they want power.
- then, is the sad zoomer idiots.
- they were born, in this corrupt internet bath water.
- where, corruption is at the highest. corp greed, lies. clickbait, fakenews, scam n grifts, memes.
- the zoomer were born, in this corrupt degen situation.
- the word, is hopelessness.
- so the zoomers, react with memes, carelessness, anon, drivel
- like, and, why no u kill urself
- and thots, young girls spreading legs on chaturbate
- and the sjw pink blue purple hairs
- and the memers
- hopelessness. is the word.
- it is the zoomer's brain.
- hopelessness and helplessness.
- and, within their psyche, is cope.
- cope, my fren
- cope!
- these sad younglings, r sad and hopeless, but they need to cope!
- they escape to 4chan, pornhub, etc.
- meanwhile, mouthing christianity or ortho or such.
- so, i hope i showed u guys the situation.
- and u can always change.
- note, all these, seems hopeless.
- but it's only an era.
- human animals, our nature, do not change.
- good and bad, do not change.
- grow a spine.
- stand up.
anonymous cowards
there r lots people who post reddit then delete account. extremely annoying, and coward. not talking about sensitive topic even. e.g. on #emacs.
young people, use your real name on social media. and, stand for what you say. don't shitpost. that's how you respect yourself and earn respect.
there r certainly situations anonymity apply, e.g. the work wikileaks is doing. but mostly (i'd say 99.99% posts), the nameless account behavior on the internet is just cowardice and irresponsibility.