Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Moldbug)
Mencius Moldbug vs Social Justice Warriors
discovered this curious character. Curtis Yarvin, aka Mencius Moldbug.
his rise to fame was that, he was going to give a talk at Strange Loop (a clojure conference), but people notified the organizer Alex Miller about Curtis Yarvin's alt ego Mencius Moldbug blog, which is a political theory blog with ideas and nuances that the social justic warriors cannot take.
thus, he's ban'd from the talk.
then, next year, he submitted a talk to LambdaConf. Again, someone told the organizer his writings. The organizer took pains to consider the issue, eventually granted the talk. Then, the sjw, tried to tell the conference sponsors to back off. Then, someone, raised a issue, a donation, and got some thousands of dollars to sponsor the LambdaConf, with, Curtis Yarwin giving his presentation about programing (which has nothing to do with his political blog.)
And, the Curtis Yarvis, turns out to be quite a interesting character. He's a computer scientist. He created the Urbit, some kinda radical software (i don't know what it is.). Urbit is the subject of his talks. And, as Mencius Moldbug (a great name!), he wrote quite a lot about political theories, the type of writing that you need to have a degree in history or political science or philosophy to understand. (most social justice warriors do not understand. They just see the word Slavery, and they got angry.)
Here's several random links. I spent 2 days reading them.
〔A FORMALIST MANIFESTO By Mencius Moldbug. At〕
〔A formalist manifesto Kindle Edition By Mencius Moldbug. At Buy at amazon〕
〔The Curious Case of Mencius Moldbug By David Auerbach. At “A software engineer's odious political writing got him booted from a tech conference. It shouldn't have.”〕
〔Wrestling With Inclusion at LambdaConf By John A De Goes. At , accessed on 2016-07-07〕
〔Why We're Sponsoring LambdaConf 2016 By Argumatronic. At , accessed on 2016-07-03〕
spent 3 hours reading Mencius Moldbug. First of all, what a name.
his writing is, incomprehensible, or, caters to a clique. Opaque, elitist, and holier than thou. Lots assumptions. It assumes, for example, you are acquainted with the literature of the history of western politics.
1 article of his, will take you 2 hours to read. and that's only superficially. Instead, you skim and scan, not for understanding, but feel where he's going.
i was, lying in bed, unassuming, trying to do my daily routine of googling who mentioned me. Then, there it is, , a classic, old, common lisper, who has me listed in his blog roll, for years. And, just above my name, there it is: Unqualified Reservations [] , the blog of Mencius Moldbug.
but wait. This loper guy, i don't know who he is, but he seems to be a classic hacker. “Hacker” here means, real programer who knows his stuff, in depth, from programing language down to the cpu. Anyway, he's got some interesting writing. go check it out sometimes.
the Mencius Moldbug guy, is inventor of some obscure tech called urbit, which i have no idea what it is. I first heard about a year ago, over a controversy where he is invited to a clojure conference to talk about his tech, but got thrown out by sjw. Then, months later, at another conference lambda something, the sjw are doing it again, but the good people saw the injustice, and donated money to sponsor him and made the conference live.
i recall, last year i spend half a day reading his stuff. Totally Incomprehended. But i went to Wikipedia instead, on article Dark Enlightenment. And there, you readily learn things and what he's about.
today i did the same. Turns out, he knew Peter Thiel and in fact spend the election night at Peter's house. That's nice to know.
About Dark Enlightenment (aka neoreaction), is quite interesting. You might go read Wikipedia yourself. Be warned, parts i see are sjw smear.
- machivalian school, james burnum, 1930
- James Burnham
- Rollback
In The Machiavellians, he developed his theory that the emerging new élite would prosper better if it retained some democratic trappings — political opposition, a free press, and a controlled “circulation of the élites.”
- interesting argument. But i think basically, you equate yarvin's idea as some form of Corporatocracy
- now the idea of corporatocracy, we can say is how things are in current usa gov. and it's well known among big sector of population as being super bad. (at least, you and me both think it's very bad.)
- perhaps one quote from wikip represents it well:
Historian Howard Zinn argues that during the Gilded Age in the United States, the U.S. government was acting exactly as Karl Marx described capitalist states: “pretending neutrality to maintain order, but serving the interests of the rich”.[6]
- essentially, the rich gets richer, super rich, and abuse the poor, the poor gets poorer.
- this is exactly how i see the usa currently is. And is very bad.
- now, but i DO NOT believe yarvin's idea is some form of corporatocracy as described by wikipedia.
- So, what's yarvin's idea? let's look wikip
- note the words i circled, and the highlighted parts.
- the last sentence says: liberalism as creating a Matrix-like totalitarian system
- exactly! This IS the current usa corporation state.
- and Wikipedia continues that yarwin wants to: replace American democracy with a sort of techno-monarchy
- exactly!
- you see? Yarvin, is not for the status quo current American corporatocracy state of affairs.
now, let's begin to dive into what yarvin believes. quote from wikip
- to me, that's a fine, beautiful, opinion.
- first of all, anti-democratic, and anti-egalitarian. I totally agree with. The concept of democracy, and egalitarian, have lots problems. and ended up today, as white men or the rich abusing the poor, and USA raping other countries. Democracy and Egalitarian sounds nice, but as practiced by USA, it's the rich and powerful eating the poor.
- now the term 'reactionary' seems confusing. i'll lookup later. let's put it aside for now. I'll just say what i affirm to be good ideas i agree with.
- the Whig historiography, i also am not familiar with. But the short description given by wikipedia, is that the belief that human history tends to progress towards greater liberty. This, i totally disagree. Just look at USA since WWII. Enriched ourselfs, raped weak countries. So, i agree with yarvin's idea, that this "whig historiography" is a wishful thinking fable.
- and then, wikip goes on to say, yarvin believes, or the dark enlightenment, is in favor of a return to traditional societal contructs and forms of gov.
- This, i view positively.
- it goes on to say, including absolute monarchism. This, i don't have a problem with. Need to look into detail. For example, china, for 4 thousands of years, are mostly monarchy in some form, and many periods of times, are great prosperousness. (am not sure what percentage)
- ok. i think the above , concludes my argument, on how Curtis Yarvin, is not a bad person, in fact, i deem him a great political philosopher proper, in our time.
- “great” not in the span of human history sense. But in our current generation sense. Yarvin, is a better philosopher, in his ideas, and his efficacy, than vast majority of philosophers in universities, hundred thousands of them, including those philosopher pundits that moonlight on TV and mainstream trumpets.
- now also, i want to dive deeper, onto exactly what's this dark enlightenment. Details.
- but maybe another time.
Evaluating Dark Enlightenment and Curtis Yarvin
- this dark enlightenment (bad name), or neo-reactionary (worse name)… i'll just abbrev Dark En, or DE, has some form of it been practiced?
- in history, i mean.
- maybe some similar form been practiced… oh wait, wasn't it china?
- there's much more on wikip about it… i think it's interesting to go thru. i'll perhaps do when at leisure.
- yester, i was reading it, there's also a section of criticism.
- part of it is i deem a explicit smear, by the sjw gangs aka current usa deepstate agencies aka current neolibs and neocons in usa.
- (obviously, if yarvin's idea became followed, it undermine these corporatocracy elites)
- some of the criticism, simply say yarvin is just alt-right, creating theories as a front to push alt-right…
- quote: “an acceleration of capitalism to a fascist point.”
- quote: “what ties them to the rest of the alt-right is their unapologetically racist element, their shared misanthropy and their resentment of mismanagement by the ruling elites.”
- quote: “propagating very far-right ideas.”
- and what's alt-right? there is no clear definition, but basically a word to mean evil lord, hitler, nazy.
- from what i see, Yarvin undermines the corporatocracy of usa, and these elites panics to smear him.
- for example, this DE, is anti-democracy, anti-egalitarian. These, the democracy and egalitarian, is the foundation of the usa corporatocracy's front face.
- and in last decade, became more severe: sjw equity.
- also note, from wikip, the idea of DE is: “accountable monarchy”, note the word Accountable.
- “American democracy is a failed experiment which should be replaced by an accountable monarchy”
- and
- “wants to replace American democracy with a sort of techno-monarchy”
- techno-monarchy.
- here the word techno, allow me to elaborate a bit, doesn't mean CEO of technology companies. Rather it means, competence and scientific.
- does Yarvin have political ambitions? i think from past deed, not really.
- according to wikip, he specifically ask people, his readers, that activism is not the answer. Rather, he push for unactivism, and disengagement, with current social form of usa.
- so far, it seems, yarvin is just a philosopher of political theories. and an entrepreneur with his urbit undertaking. a programer, and technologist.
- regarding yarvin as a cult leader… am not so sure about that as damnation. Lots or most philosophers, are cult leaders in a sense.
- in particular, for example, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Hegel. These i despise.
- they are outright cult leaders, literally.
- Ayn Rand, is sometimes said to be an American philosopher, but also, somewhat a cult following.
- but again, comparatively, we have real malicious cult that's far powerful in USA: scientology, falungon.
- scientology as cult is well known. falungon, in past decade, became a billion? dollar enterprise, partially funded by CIA, anti china, and pro-trump.
- if Yarvin and his followers is considered a cult, it's far insignificant, then the current harm of scientology, falungon, and i'd say quite a lot others that currently exist…
- i mean, about some new guy leading people to bad beliefs… we have TimPool on youtube, with several million followers, daily babbling about civil war and other idiotic thoughts, and quite a lot with millions of followers that are the milengen and zoomer youtube stars daily posting shit and mis-info, on pol matters.
- oh, and we have Alex Jones, a outright nutjob, this is actually a BIG mis-information spreader and pusher, and a intentional one. A skum.
- now, also, right now under the power of usa corporatocracy, there are lots professors and academics, right now are selling Communism, and SJW's race theory, some critical shit. Pushing it to every school, highschool.
- I think Yarvin's thoughts, are exactly undermining these at the core level.
- so Yarvin to me, i think he's really a great guy. Great thinker, doing things to collapse the fake democracy and egalitarism.
- Yarvin's criticism of the current state, seems very insightful to me.
- Now as for what Yarvin proposes, the dark enlightnment… perhaps it's fuzzy, or is just armchair philosophy, we don't know how it'll play out. But from just a theory, it seems to me, i find it likable and agreeable to my view of the world.
- Namely, it ask for a responsible, accountable system. I think that part is often ignored.
- I think most western people will just freak out on hearing anti-democracy, anti-egalitarianism.
- For example, in the manner i say it… if the public found a politician or CEO lied, then, DEATH!
- immediate DEATH, Jail, or harm, to leaders who lied, proportional to the size of the leadership and size of the lie.
- In my pol view, an ideal gov system… i don't know the subject well, but one thing i find i emphasize most, is the integrity of the leader, that's the MOST important. What the system, whatever tocracy, policies, or nice jargons such as democracy or egalitarianism, i think matters much less. It's the goodness of the leaders, as seen by past deeds, is the MOST import aspect, in a nation's prosperity, and prosperity of its citizens, down to the poor have nots.
- so, it seems, Yarvin's Dark Enlightenment idea, i find fairly to my liking.
- ok. that's the end, of this episode of spontaneous typing in good morning energy.