Annotated Guide of Who to Follow for anti sjw
if you are average person, you might be confused about who are the characters on twitter or YouTube on political issues.
i've started following “conservative” or anti-sjw people on twitter since Jan 2017, and i learned a lot. Here's a quick guide of who is who. (that i know of and can provide some comment)
• [2017-08-09] Tim Pool. is a independent video reporter. He does a very good job on current events, usually with an ostensible moral sense of neutrality.
• [2017-08-09] Luke Rudkowski, also a independent video reporter, on current events. Am a new follower, i haven't watched much of his videos. But the few i've seen, he seems to be very good person, and his videos seem to tend to address major political issues. (such as economics, political events, war, crisis. As opposed to, sjw genderism etc.)
• [2017-08-09] Cassie Jaye. Famous for her Red Pill documentary. She was a dedicated feminist, until the red pill movie. Her story is a very eye-opening story. She is also very beautiful. She is a gentle woman, very intelligent, not offensive, and not rude and don't do meme stuff. Her video, is acceptable and understandable to the general public.
• [2017-08-09] Lauren Southern. She used to work for Rebel Media, doing video report on current events or alt opinions. Then, she became independent around March 2017 or so. She used to be very fair, address sjw issues such as feminism, genderism stuff, that you can watch her video and understand current events. But as of now 2017-08-09, she has became more of a activist, and her tweets and videos have become more insider meme u-no-unstand stuff unless you already wallow in sjw sphere. Because she being pretty and does hard work, she has huge number of followers, but also, became target of sjw leftism, ban'd her patreon, de-monetize her YouTube, etc. Her recent work also tends to have a holier-than-thou smuggness. Still, she is a good person, does good work.
[2017-08-09] Brittany Pettibone. Also a very beautiful girl. Often associated with Lauren Southern. Currently, they do a video show together. Her twitter bills: “Nationalist, Author, Political YouTuber. Book: Instagram: ” I'm not quite sure what Brittany Pettibone does, but she is part of the anti1984 team. I think mostly about genderism things. Brittany Pettibone has a identical twin sister, often work together. They are extremely beautiful.
• [2017-08-09] Irma Hinojosa. She is of Hispanic decent. I don't know much about her. But her story, seems to be, she got tired of the political left, and became a full activist Trump supporter. Her tweets is not something understandable to outsider. Often retweet pro-Trump and pro-USA rants. She may post frequently, about events she's attending, and often does live report too. She is beautiful too. Her twitter bills herself as: “Ground Journalist covering rallies and protests. #LatinosWithTrump Support my work: ” Am grateful for her work.
[2017-08-09] Geoffrey Miller. His twitter says: “Evolutionary psych professor; wrote some books. Mate choice, sexual politics, Effective Altruism, freedom. Most tweets are ironic and don't reflect anyone's views” He, like any other, has been attacked by the left. Among his tweets, he regularly tweet quality beautiful things that's lost among millennials today, such as great beautiful buildings, sculptures, paintings, etc that the sjw despise and is ignorant of. Oh, he's a handsome dude! And, masculine, strong! Claire Lehmann. She is Australian, in Sydney. Her twitter says: “Principle before affiliation. Founder, editor of @QuilletteM.”. That QuilletteM is the site . The site is new, started i think around 2017-05 or so. It's dedicated to voices that the left ban. For example, the recent article: 〔The Google Memo: Four Scientists Respond By Quillette Magazine. At , accessed on 2017-08-09〕 which is ddos attacked by the sjw left.
• [2017-08-09] Dave Rubin. This is a big one. Dave Rubin runs a Rubin Report show, basically on YouTube etc. It interviews anti-sjw people, talking about the SJW issues and political issues in general. Dave is gay. He tends to be mild, and not pushing of his questions, and all around reasonable, and intelligent. He is a classic liberal or libertarian (as i am), and sensed that today's liberal made a 180 degree turn. Rubin Report are truly great interviews. Being videos, they are often long, 1 hour each, very time consuming to watch. But good to see people's faces, and see them talk about issues. Most people on this page has been on Rubin Report.
• [2017-08-09] Jordan B Peterson, a great powerful force dealing with sjw voodoo. Peterson is a Canadian psychology professor. He rose to fame due to his refusal to a proposed Canadian law about using pronouns dictated by genderism. Peterson is very sharp, extremely articulate, yet, understandable. You can watch many of his videos on YouTube, on sjw issues, but among which are also his university lectures. Often, academicians cannot convey points to the general public. Peterson is an exception, and understand precisely the social circumstances, media attention, in how to react well. He is able to get his point across, yet precisely as an academician, on the spot. He earned my respect by his knowledge and ability, and the courage to stand up. Julian Assange. This guy, needs no introduction. If you read his tweets and, carefully everyday, read them with skeptism, the whole CNN sjw fakenews story falls flat. But most sjw folks i know of, seem to simply refuse to read it.
• [2017-08-09] Christina Sommers. She is a long time feminist since at least 1990s, of the good kind. Former philosophy professor. She is author of several feminism books. she now is “Resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute”, and runs YouTube video blog “The Factual Feminist”, addressing the many lies the sjw is pushing.
• Camille Paglia. Perhaps, she needs no introduction. She is extremely forceful, powerful, speaks like a machine gun, and absolutely do not cave in to any sjw pressures. She rose to fame with her book “Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson” in 1990. She's now professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, since 1984. She is also a feminist, the good kind, since 1980s and before, and with views that precede their popularity. Recently, due to the fast sjw rising, she started to do public lectures on theses issues again. My god, watching her is spectacular.
for example, try this one to begin with:
She's age 70 now. There are lots of her videos on YouTube. Watch them.
Oh, and she's also got a shrilling pen, often appearing on many mainstream publications. For every article she writes, if you want to understand them fully, you have to spend hours, lookup up words, and looking her historical names she cites. (even if, you have a degree in literature)
See for example, Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia)
by the way, Paglia does not do twitter, but there's a twitter bot that tweets her stuff.
my Feminism Perving blog, often features her.
See also:
- Camille Paglia: Free Women, Free Men
- Camille Paglia on Feminism, Men, Date Rape
- Camille Paglia on Lady Gaga
- Sexy Women: Katie Couric, Camille Paglia, Jane Hamsher
ok, i think that's it for the day. Already spend 3 hours on this. Maybe i'll add more later, and i probably forgot a few.
there r lots others of course. Some, are just conservative personalities, that focus on Trump stuff. Some, are the lol and meme and chan characters, on YouTube, etc, such as the sargon and shoe on head and lacie green etc.
and some, i think are scumbags. Such as the alex jones of infowar, the kingdotcom scum. Then there's also questionable guys, stephen molly, etc.
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