Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill) on Ukraine, 2022

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Who is Gonzalo Lira

Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red Pill.

i first heard of Gonzalo Lira in 2022-02, when the russia ukraine war begin, when seeing one of his YouTube video (streamed live) about it.

I'm Here In Kiev, Ukraine Streamed live on Feb 27, 2022 Coach Red Pill

I find the guy genuine, and very interesting, and high IQ. over the months, i've watched many of his vids, on and off. He is a bit of a nutjob, and usa gov hater. but nevertheless, he is very interesting, and often informative.

Gonzalo Lira (born February 29, 1968) is an American novelist and filmmaker born in Burbank, California

He is the son of Gonzalo Lira Valdés and María Isabel López Hess; he is a descendant of José Miguel Carrera,.[1] He grew up in the San Fernando Valley, New York City, and Miami, as well as Guayaquil, Ecuador. He completed high school at St. George's College in Santiago, Chile, in 1985. He attended Dartmouth College in 1991, graduating with honors in 1995, with a degree in history and philosophy.

His first novel was Counterparts, a commercial thriller published in 1997. His first Spanish language novel was Tomáh Errázurih, a highly experimental coming-of-age story published in 1998.

After moving to lower Manhattan in 1998, Lira wrote, produced and directed a comic short film, So Kinky. He worked developing video games such as Soldier of Fortune.[2] He wrote his next novel, Acrobat, in 2002. The novel was subsequently purchased by Miramax to be turned into a motion picture. In 2002, he moved to Chile. He began writing and producing Spanish language feature films. He co-wrote, produced and directed the film Catalina's Kidnapping, a Spanish language thriller in 2006.[3]

Starting in 2010, Lira began contributing economic analysis to Zero Hedge and naked capitalism and Business Insider.

[2022-02-28 from https://www.businessinsider.com/author/gonzalo-lira]

Gonzalo Lira Dead, 2024-01

Gonzalo Lira dead 2024-01-12
Gonzalo Lira dead 2024-01-12

Gonzalo Lira's First Video on Ukrain War

This is the first of Gonzalo Lira's video on ukrain war that made me aware of him and been following on and off.

Gonzalo Lira 1st vid Ukrain gP5D
Gonzalo Lira 1st vid Ukrain gP5D

He made vid almost everyday, often 1 hour long. since 2002-02, he had few new YouTube and twitter accounts due to ban.

Last time he got arrested is ~2022-03-18 (disappeared), and seems to have made a deal. but he kept on doing pol vids.

Lira is a bit of a nutjob. He kept insisting usd gonna collapse as a calamity. (apparently since even 10 years ago) but his info on ukrain and russia, seems solid to me.

His best vid, is one on Victoria Nuland, Streamed live on Mar 27, 2022. That gave a history of her deeds.

Xah Lee Gonzalo Lira 2023-05-28 G6TNj

Gonzalo Lira YouTube Channel “Coach Red Pill”

Gonzalo Lira YouTube Coach Red Pill Yv3c
Gonzalo Lira YouTube Coach Red Pill Yv3c

Gonzalo Lira first Ukraine YouTube Channel

Gonzalo Lira 1st Ukraine YouTube Channel 2023-08-05
Gonzalo Lira 1st Ukraine YouTube Channel 2023-08-05

Gonzalo Lira Second Ukraine YouTube Channel: The Roundtable

Gonzalo Lira The Roundtable VbBn
Gonzalo Lira The Roundtable VbBn
Gonzalo Lira 2022-04-30 The Start of A New Channel 9ggK
Gonzalo Lira 2022-04-30 The Start of A New Channel 9ggK

Gonzalo Lira Third Ukraine YouTube Channel: Gonzalo Lira — Again

Gonzalo Lira Third Ukraine YouTube Channel xpqT
Gonzalo Lira Third Ukraine YouTube Channel xpqT

Gonzalo Lira social network accounts

Gonzalo Lira