language and code of conduct

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Sordid Tales of Code of Conduct

linux is fak'd. read the whole thread.

On its new Code Of Conduct ❮❯


Richard Stallman on Code of Conduct 2018-09-18 6f60f
Richard Stallman on Code of Conduct 2018-09-18 6f60f

the poster implied that it's a personal email communication.


language and code of conduct

Matz the Ruby creator giving opinion about the master/slave terminology that the sj gang wanna change. As the sj gang do things, it cross borders, but basically stops at countries that don't speak English. This is a advantage of lang barrier. If 1 part corrupt at times, not whole world.

context: “master / slave を parent / child に置き換えるのは、政治的に正しくなくて(子供は親の従属ではない)、leader / follower とでも呼ぶべきなのでは。” ❮❯

i used to think, that china should learn more English, so that the world can move towards 1 universal language, from efficiency point of view. But didn't realize, there are indeed advantages that the whole world does not speak 1 lang.

India, due to United Kingdom imperialism, English became basically their native language for all science and tech. I thought that's progress, until i saw, how today, the top websites Indians use are all US sites, and they are also infested with sj stuff.

here's ranking of most spoken languages, counting “as second language” speakers. L1 in the chart means 1st lang. L1 means 2nd lang. English and Chinese are roughly the same. Followed by Hindi, Spanish, Arabic.

most spoken language 2018-09-18 1ffbb
most spoken language 2018-09-18 1ffbb
code of conduct by matz ruby a381e
code of conduct by matz ruby a381e