Leaked Video: US Helicopter Killing Iraqi 2010-04
The video is obtained by Wikileaks.
It turns out, among the dead and wounded are 2 staff from the Reuters news agency, and 2 children.
You can see more detail about this incidence here:
5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad — including two Reuters news staff.
Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.
Wikipedia has a article about this incidence: July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike.
Who's Fault?
Look at the soldiers go (paraphrased): “O, crawling man, all you gotta do is pickup a weapon, so i can blast you to pieces.”, “LOL, look at that! we blew a hole right in the windshield!”, “O, it's their fault they bring children into battlefield!”.
On the US side, the soldiers say they spotted weapons right off the bat (Rocket-propelled grenade (RGPs) and AK-47), and US officials insist the target are “insurgents” (euphemism for “enemy”), and the accidentally killed are termed “Collateral damage”.
(People are called “individuals”. Shooting is “engage”, killing is “neutralize” or “execute”, and execution is now standard english. see: Euphemism. The militant pussy sex says that the use of the male form of pronoun “he” for both gender is brainwashing at work with damage to their sex. How cum they haven't thought about military terms?)
On the other hand, the humanitarian fuckfaces insist that this is totally wrong, something of a “war crime”, and that war should be carried out with care and policies and ethical considerations. Like, “excuse me sirs, am gonna start shooting now.”.
So, whose the fault? The soldiers? I don't think so. Such a gaming scene is common, probably the daily happenings of soldiers, on any side of war, and throughout history too. Is it the leaders, the fuckface George W Bush? Yes, a lot to do with him. But mostly, the problem is you.
You see, killing is a fundamental pleasure of human animals, in fact, a pleasure of all carnivores. Because, killing is associated with food. If you don't kill, you die, of hunger, and in many cases, you become food. However, vast majority of people deny this line of thought. They have moralities, and humanities, ethics, gods, children, human “beings”, etc. After all, which animal can tell us we are not animals, except the gods we made? Starting with this line of untruth, beget us modern concept of human “rights”, from there bred all sort of thorny ethical problems, misery, and spittle war over it. [see Why Do I Not Support the “Human Right” Concept?]
Wikileaks, Julian Assange
- Did Wikileaks Julian Assange Rape Women (2010)
- Leaked Video: US Helicopter Killing Iraqi 2010-04
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- Wikileaks Julian Assange got arrested 2019-04-11
- Julian Assange Love Story (2020)