Xah Music Blog Archive 2020-01
this is spectacular
more updates.
- 周璇 《诉衷情》 (Grievances of Love)
- 周璇 《真善美》 (Truth, Virtue, Beauty)
- 《痴痴的等》 (I Wait For You)
- 《初恋女》 (Maiden Love)
- 色 戒. 天涯歌女 Lust, Caution. The Wandering Songstress. Can You Trust Women?
todo, review
鄧麗君 《星》 (Teresa Deng, Subaru) and when tomorrow yu pass here, the Pleiades will guide you too
ZZ Top - Rough Boy (todo, add to index)
random anime song, minor updates
random songs, minor updates
- Blackstreet - No Diggity 🎵
- Sign Language Rap 🎵
- Phantom of the Opera, Don Juan Triumphant
- O Fortuna
- Sheena Easton - My Sugar Walls 🎵
- Kazakhstan National Anthem
- 仰阿莎 阿哥阿妹 (Ah Ge Ah Mei)
- 鄧麗君 《星》 (Teresa Deng, Subaru)
- 鄧麗君 《在水一方》 (the Girl Yonder)
- Snake River Conspiracy - You And Your Friend 🎵
- Arcade Fire - Abraham's Daughter. Hunger Games 🎵
updated Prince song videos
random songs, minor update
Daisy Bell in “2001: A Space Odyssey” 🎵
minor update
fixed videos.
todo. need fix video
tumultuous life. video and music dump
- Apocalypse Now, Ride of the Valkyries
- Michael J Fox, Interviewed by Katie Couric
- OVERWATCH: No Mercy - The Living Tombstone
- Radiohead - Creep 🎵
- Rick n Morty: Shake That Ass 🎵
- Jessica Rabbit - Why Don't You Do Right 🎵
- Chopin, Prelude Opus 28 #24
- 鄧麗君 《星》 (Teresa Deng, Subaru)
- 齊豫 《船歌》 Boat Song 🎵
- 美少女战士 《月光舞曲》 Sailor Moon Theme Song, Chinese Version
- 鄧麗君 《海韵》 Rhythm of the Wave
- 你牛什么牛 (You Niu What Niu) 🎵
currently stuffing fishballs and chicken legs in my mouth
tumultuous life.
and whoa 'tis opportune to showcase it now. The Grandmaster, Bagua Palm. 一代宗師,八卦掌 n u guys spend 1 year to dive into the history of trigrams, bagua, iching, opera, and how it relates to Gottfried Leibniz and binary systems, and the austerity of Mathematics!
千年緣 Millennial Destiny
drama, melodrama, and superheros of Chinese characteristics, and, a dive into the etymology of ancient character of a bird.
Asian Girl Singing Jingo Bells
now, uncertain if she's chinese or japanese. She looks chinese but these things are often from Japan