House of Flying Daggers 《佳人歌》 🎵

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .
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This is a grave beautiful poem, perhaps the most beautiful in praising the beauty of a woman.

This is from the movie 十面埋伏 House of Flying Daggers. The song is called 佳人歌 The Beauty Song , which is a poem written by 李延年 (Li Yannian) around 80 BC, and is used as the main theme of the film.


Beauty Song
Translation: 李杀 (Xah Lee)

In the North there's a beauty,
Stunning and singular.
One look confounds a city;
A touch dooms an empire.
Rather not wishing to know,
 the ruination that may follow.
Rare beauty is here and now.

This song is sung by the actress 章子怡 (Zhang Ziyi) (born 1979) herself in the film.

a rare beauty in the north,
the finest lady on earth;
when she casts, the city leans;
one more glance, the nation falls;
Don't you care the fate to collapse?
beauty like she is, would be found nowhere else.

The English translation in the DVD i'm watching goes thus:

a rare beauty in the North, she's the finest lady on earth
a glance from her, the whole city goes down
a second glance leaves the nation in ruins
there exists no city or nation, that has been more cherished
than a beauty like this.

This translation does not do the poem justice. It's rather crude and rash, and missing meanings and the sublime and weight of the poem's essence.

house of flying daggers 013
This dance scene in the beginning of the film is the cream of the movie.
house of flying daggers hq3
Note the florid and elaborate dress. Also note the extremely ornate Chinese setting. I wonder, if the setting reflects any genuine Chinese palace in the past in terms of richness or style, or, was it purely a fictional fancy. Also note the gorgeous parquetry or paint on the floor, and the delicate rose deco in each and every drum. (are these drums pure fiction? i think i've never touched the concept of drums with painted face)
house of flying daggers hq9
Note the beautiful, delicate costume. In particular, the mathematics of weaving of the hat.

References and Sources

Kathleen Battle - Lovers

Gongfu Melodrama