T-ara ♪ Bo Peep Bo Peep

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

A super cute Korean girl group T-ara, singing the super silly “bo peep bo peep”.

T-ara - Bo Peep Bo Peep Buy at amazon

Sooooo cute!

The cute kitten style reminds me of Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen).

王彩樺 《保庇》 BOBEE

The song has been made into a Chinese version in Taiwanese, called 保庇 (bobee), sung by 王彩樺. The lyrics is independent, not a translation of the Korean version, but the cuteness-overload factor is kept.

王彩樺 《保庇》 (BOBEE), year 2010
保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 噢
保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 啊啊

保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 噢
保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 保庇 啊啊

行來到這 去到遐 世間遐呢大
流行啥麼衫 啥麼車 咱攏綴咧趴

唸著啥麼聲 啥麼歌 攏總咧講遐
你講咱攏綴咧驚 保庇 保庇 保庇 啊

毋通擱心頭一直 掠袂定 (指點啦~指點啦~指點啦~求神通)
遮認真打拚攏是 為著啥 (試看昧~試看昧~你)

求籤詩  抽籤詩 有拜才會出頭天
想乎釐 想乎釐 做落才有好時機

莫講 sorry 哪有意義
心意來爬上天 飛上天 神明嘛緊來助陣

相信運命愛靠自己拼 會乎咱成功

After listening to both Korean and Chinese versions continuously for about 12 hours, i decided, the Chinese singing is the better performance, but the Korean chicks and dancing are far more cuter.