红颜 Beautiful Women
- Title: 红颜 (《荆轲传奇》片尾曲)
- Date: 2004
- Singer: 胡彦斌
- Lyrics: 林文炫
- Music: 胡彦斌
- Translation: 李杀 (Xah Lee)
剑煮酒无味 饮一杯为谁 你为我送别 胭脂香味 能爱不能给 天有多长 地有多远 你是英雄就注定无泪无悔 这笑有多危险 是穿肠毒药 这泪有多么美 只有你知道 这心没有你活着可笑 这一世英名我不要 只求换来红颜一笑 这一去如果还能轮回 我愿意来生做牛马 也要与你天涯相随
my sword is not wine to whom do i drink for you farewell for me scent of a woman is love but no substance how big is the world how far is the road ahead you are a hero therefore no regrets nor tears how dangerous is a smile; it's poison how beautiful is my tears; only you know without you; life is a farce this everlasting fame i do not want only a girl's smile if rebirth returns me after this if a burdened-ox is my next life i would, if i can be with you
Note: the song title 红颜, literally red-cheeks, means beautiful girls. The 轮回 here refers to reincarnation. In the buddist's concept of rebirth, if a person in this life has bad karma (evil mind), he will be reborn in next life into a lower life form, often a burden-bearing brute. (牛马 = literally “bulls and horses”)
This song is a typical theme song for Chinese TV melodrama of the Wuxia (martial hero) genra.