周璇 《诉衷情》 (Grievances of Love)
古典。含蓄又淫荡。 A old song from Shanghai,China, 1947. A classic. The lyrics is demure yet drips wantonness。
无限柔情, 像春水一般荡漾。 荡漾到你的身旁, 你可曾听到声响。 你的影子, 闪进了我的心房。 你的言语你的思想, 也时常教我神往。 我总是那么盼望, 盼望有一个晚上。 倾诉着我的衷肠, 给你添一点惆怅。 惆怅是情感的波浪, 也是情感的桥梁, 情感的启航。 你若是需要爱的滋养, 从今后就莫再傍徨。
an endless wave of affection, undulates like the waters of summer. it arrived at your side, have you felt it? the image of you, flashed into my mind. your moves and thoughts, are my thirsts and cravings i always had this wish, wished there's a night. where i whisper my grievances at your side, burden you with my worries. sorrow is the billow of affection, and the bridge of affection, the guide of affection. if you need the nourishment of love, hesitate no more.
Title: 訴衷情 (Grievances of Love). Lyrics: 陈式. Music: 姚敏. date: 1947. Singer: 周璇. Translation: 李杀 (Xah Lee).