王菲 - 容易受傷的女人 Fragile Woman
Most beautiful song by Faye Wong (王菲). This song that catapulted her into stardom, and subsequently the most popular singer in Asia.
Cantonese Version
《容易受傷的女人》 王菲 (粤語) 作词:潘源良 ▲1:= 人渐醉了夜更深 在这一刻多么接近 思想仿似在摇撼 矛盾也更深 ▲2:= 曾被破碎过的心 让你今天轻轻贴近 多少安慰及疑问 偷偷的再生 ▲3:= 情难自禁 我却其实属于 极度容易受伤的女人 ▲4:= 不要 不要 不要骤来骤去 请珍惜我的心 ▲5 如明白我 继续情愿热恋 这个容易受伤的女人 ▲6:= 不要等 这一刻 请热吻 ▲7:= 长夜有你醉也真 让我终于找到信任 不管一切是疑问 快乐是情人 ▲8:= 曾害怕了这一生 是你始终甘心靠近 我方知拥有着缘份 重建我信心 ▲2 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 终此一生 也火般的热吻 ▲7 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 ▲6.1 ▲7
▲1:= we slowly become drunk as the night deepens at this moment we are so close to each other my thoughts appear to be shaken contradictions grow deeper ▲2:= though my heart was once broken today i let you gently approach it how comforting, but there is also doubt secretly growing inside me ▲3:= love is hard to resist i'm in fact a woman who is easily broken-hearted ▲4:= please don't please don't please don't come then suddenly leave please treasure and have pity on my heart ▲5:= if you understand me then continue your love with this easily broken-hearted woman ▲6:= don't wait any longer just kiss me passionately ▲7:= with you tonight, hard to believe but it's real i'm finally able to regain my faith despite all the uncertainty still happy as lovers ▲8:= i was once afraid of this life it is you who i can finally lean on i know i must embrace this fate for it to hlep rebuild my confidence ▲2 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 untill the end of this lifetime, let us kiss like fire ▲7 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 ▲6 ▲7
Faye Wong - “Fragile Woman” (Cantonese version) Lyrics:潘源良 (English translation: 李杀 (Xah Lee)) ▲1:= intoxicated deep into the night with your warm breath on me my mind is a shamble unsure and timid ▲2:= this broken heart have you intimately near tonight trepidation and doubt quietly reawakened themselves ▲3:= helplessness are my movements but easily broken and hurt is this woman ▲4:= please don't, please don't don't fool about have a heart for me ▲5:= if you understand me please continue to caress this broken hearted woman ▲6.1:= don't hesitate this very moment kiss me dearly ▲7:= these cold nights you made me warm a trust i have found all doubts i'm throwing away happiness i have found ▲8:= fear ran my life but you patiently put them away i realized this fortuity rebuilt me ▲2 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 ▲6.2:= torrid kisses for life ▲7 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 ▲6.1 ▲7
Standard Chinese Version
The lyrics for Standard Chinese version are very different.
The Cantonese lyrics is more poetic, with sexual passion, and has a happy ending. The Standard Chinese version is more colloquial, and doesn't have a happy ending.
(王菲 《容易受傷的女人》 (国语)) 作词:潘源良 ▲1:= 留著你隔夜的吻 感覺不到你有多真 想你天色已黃昏 臉上還有淚痕 ▲2:= 如果從此不過問 不想對你難捨難分 是否夜就不會冷 心就不會疼 ▲3:= 顫抖的唇 等不到你的吻 一個容易受傷的女人 ▲4:= 希望希望 希望你會心疼 我害怕一個人 ▲5:= 為何不肯 輕輕喚我一聲 安慰容易受傷的女人 ▲6.1:= 為了你 我情願 給一生 ▲7:= 黑夜裡不敢點燈 是誰讓我越陷越深 讓我深愛過的人 越來越陌生 ▲1 ▲2 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 ▲6.2:= 你的眼神 燙傷我的青春 ▲7 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 ▲6.1 ▲7
Faye Wong - “Fragile Woman” (Standard Chinese version) Lyrics:潘源良 (English translation: 李杀 (Xah Lee)) ▲1:= i kept your kiss of last night i can't tell how serious it is i am thinking of you and now it's dusk dried tears are still on my face ▲2:= if i don't ask don't want this to be painful would that make cold nights go away? would it stop the pain? ▲3:= my trembling lips waits for your kiss that never came i am but a heart-broken woman ▲4:= would you, would you have pity for me i am afraid of loneliness ▲5:= won't you, won't you whisper sweetly my name a heart for this heart-broken woman ▲6.1:= for you i would give my life ▲7:= i cannot face the night who got me this deep? the one i loved deeply more and more is a stranger ▲1 ▲2 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 ▲6.2:= your gaze scorched my heart ▲7 ▲3 ▲4 ▲5 ▲6.1 ▲7
Original Japanese Version
This song is originally a Japanese song named 〈ルージュ〉 (Rouge; 胭脂). It's written by Miyuki Nakajima (中岛 美雪) (born 1952) in 1977 for singer Naomi Chiaki (瀬川 三恵子) (born 1947). Song written in 1977.
~2012 Thanks to Kay YZhang for help on the Japanese lyrics.
曲:中岛美雪 词:中岛美雪 口をきくのが うまくなりました どんな酔いしれた人にでも 口をきくのが うまくなりました ルージュひくたびにわかります あの人追いかけて この町へ着いた頃は まだルージュはただひとつ うす桜 あの人追いかけて くり返す 人違い いつか泣き慣れて 口をきくのが うまくなりました ルージュひくたびに わかります つくり笑いが うまくなりました 心慣じめない人にでも つくり笑いが うまくなりました ルージュひくたびに わかります ※生まれた時から 渡り鳥もわかる気で つばさをつくろう事も 知るまいに 気がつきゃ鏡も 忘れかけた うす桜 おかしな色と笑う つくり笑いが うまくなりました ルージュひくたびに わかります※ (※くり返し)