愛江山更愛美人 The Bold and the Beautiful

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .


李麗芬 Lily Lee 【愛江山更愛美人 The bold and the beautiful】台視「倚天屠龍記」片尾曲 Official Music Video

詞曲 小蟲

道不盡紅塵奢戀 訴不完人間恩怨 世世代代都是緣
留著相同的血 喝著相同的水 這條路漫漫又長遠

紅花當然配綠葉 這一輩子誰來陪 渺渺茫茫來又回
往日情景再浮現 藕雖斷了絲還連 輕嘆世間事多變遷

愛江山 更愛美人 哪個英雄好漢寧願孤單
好兒郎 渾身是膽 壯志豪情四海遠名揚

人生短短幾個秋 不醉不罷休
東邊我的美人哪 西邊黃河流
來呀來個酒啊 不醉不罷休

oft, literal translation makes no sense. here, 愛江山更愛美人, Literally is “love river and mountain but love beautiful people more”. Vernacularly is “love power but love girls more”. But “The Bold and the Beautiful” conveys the meaning. (but lost cultural background)

typically, in professional translation such as movies, you translate the meaning, sacrifice cultural reference. So, The Bold and the Beautiful. But, you lost the river and mountain reference of power and country. and lost chasing girls, a hero and masculine reference.

here, 江山 is literally River and Mountains. But it means, ambition, power, country, as in emperor's territory. and 美人 is literally beautiful people, but means, girls, as in, going to war over a girl, of kings and powerful men.

the theme, of men pursuing beautiful girls and warring for his empire, is common theme of China, in movies, in soap operas. Or, rather, universal. In western culture, you have similar, from trojan war to gangsta rap.

it'd be hard to translate the lyrics.

Gongfu Melodrama