千年緣 Millennial Destiny

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

This song 《千年緣》 (Millennial Destiny) is from Chinese kungfu TV melodrama 《仙劍奇俠傳四 迴夢游仙》

《千年緣》 (Millennial Destiny)
Liu Yifei  xiaolongnu
刘亦菲 (Liu Yifei) (born 1987) Actress in TV drama 《神鵰俠侶》 (year 2006)
冰封的淚 如流星隕落 跌碎了誰的 思念
輪迴之間 前塵已湮滅 夢中模糊 容顏

崑崙巔 江湖遠 花謝花開花滿天
嘆紅塵 落朱顏 天上人間
情如風 情如煙 琵琶一曲一千年
今生緣 來生緣 滄海桑田 成流年

古老的劍 斬斷了宿怨 喚醒了誰的 誓言
轉瞬之間 隔世的愛戀 追憶往日 繾綣

崑崙巔 浮生遠 夢中只為你流連
笑紅塵 畫朱顏 浮雲翩躚
情難卻 情相牽 只羨鴛鴦不羨仙
今生緣 來生緣 難分難解
崑崙巔 浮生遠 夢中只為你流連
笑紅塵 畫朱顏 浮雲翩躚
情難卻 情相牽 只羨鴛鴦不羨仙
今生戀 來生戀 莫讓纏綿 傷離別

Note: on the web, lots places writes 神雕侠侣 instead of 神鵰侠侣. The difference is the character vs .

the character means eagle or condor. In simplified Chinese is , which originally means sculpting, as in sculpture. The bird part 鸟 is gone, and the stroke count also increased. But looking at ancient character table, actually this word also means a type of bird. The meaning of “sculpting” seems to be derived from bird picking on wood.

The character is not in Chinese encoding GB2312.

鵰 雕

It turns out, the word also means bird. It means short-tailed bird.


Gongfu Melodrama