王菲 《匆匆那年》 (That Fleeting Year)
《匆匆那年》 匆匆那年我们究竟说了几遍再见之后再拖延 可惜谁有没有爱过不是一场七情上面的雄辩 匆匆那年我们一时匆忙撂下难以承受的诺言 只有等别人兑现 不怪那吻痕还没积累成茧 拥抱着冬眠也没能羽化再成仙 不怪这一段情没空反复再排练 是岁月宽容恩赐反悔的时间 如果再见不能红着眼 是否还能红着脸 就像那年匆促刻下永远一起那样美丽的谣言 如果过去还值得眷恋 别太快冰释前嫌 谁甘心就这样彼此无挂也无牵 我们要互相亏欠 要不然凭何怀缅 匆匆那年我们见过太少世面只爱看同一张脸 那么莫名其妙那么讨人欢喜闹起来又太讨厌 相爱那年活该匆匆因为我们不懂顽固的诺言 只是分手的前言 不怪那天太冷泪滴水成冰 春风也一样没吹进凝固的照片 不怪每一个人没能完整爱一遍 是岁月善意落下残缺的悬念 如果再见不能红着眼 是否还能红着脸 就像那年匆促刻下永远一起那样美丽的谣言 如果过去还值得眷恋别太快冰释前嫌 谁甘心就这样彼此无挂也无牵 我们要互相亏欠 我们要藕断丝连
匆匆那年 That Fleeing Year (translation by 李锦森) In that fleeing year, we kept making delays after countless words of goodbye had passed our lips, which was sadly true that love is measured by complicated hearts. In that fleeing year, we made a hasty promise, so heavy that it could only be fulfilled by someone else. Love bites are not to blame. Even in a cocoon of them cannot I ascend to heaven after a winter of hibernation. Unrehearsed love is also not to blame. I am tremendously blessed to regret by the tolerant time. If I do not have tears coming to my eyes, can I have a bashful face when seeing you again after the passage of years? It is reminiscent of those promises hastily etched and solemnly made, promises as we will never be parted and promises that are too beautiful to be realized. If the past still fills you with longing, do refrain from forgiving for the mere reason that nobody is willing to walk on without lingering. We should owe each other only to miss each other. In that fleeing year we were so ill-informed that we innocently took that face as our whole world, the face that was inexplicably pleasing as a friend and sometimes annoying as a fiend. That year we loved is doomed to have fled, coz we did not understand that never-changing word goes before a totally changed mind. That cold day is not to blame when teardrop was frozen into ice. Even gentle breeze in spring cannot blow into the still picture. Nobody is to blame for not having love from alpha to omega. Time kindly leaves us memories that are fragmentary but still linger. If I do not have tears coming to my eyes, can I have a bashful face when seeing you again after the passage of years? It is reminiscent of those promises hastily etched and solemnly made, promises as we will never be parted and promises that are too beautiful to be realized. If the past still fills you with longing, do refrain from forgiving for the mere reason that nobody is willing to walk on without lingering. We should owe each other. We shall meet after departure.
This is a theme song of a movie based on a novel.
《匆匆那年》(英语:Fleet of Time),是2014年中国大陆校园爱情片,改编自知名作家九夜茴《匆匆那年》同名小说。由彭于晏、倪妮、郑恺、魏晨、陈赫、张子萱等人领衔主演。2014年2月底开镜,2014年12月5日于中国大陆上映。[1]
Fleet of Time (Chinese: 匆匆那年), released as Back in Time in North America, is an 2014 Chinese romance film directed by Zhang Yibai and starring an ensemble cast of Eddie Peng, Ni Ni, Zheng Kai, Vision Wei and Zhang Zixuan.
The film is adapted from the popular novel of the same name by Chinese writer Jiu Yehui (九夜茴). It is a coming of age tale of a close group of friends as they experience high school, college and eventually adulthood through the '90s and 2000s. In addition to the film, the novel has also been adapted into a television series.
The film was released on December 5, 2014.
This film follows the journey of five individuals who are in high school in the 1990s and show their romantic past through memories when then reunite at their friend's wedding in 2014.
- Lyrics: Lin Xi
- Music: Kubert Leung
- Singer: Faye Wong
[2017-01-14 Wikipedia Fleet of Time]