鄧麗君 《南海姑娘》 (The Tropics Sea Girl)
In praise of the love of humanity of tender young girls and sweet sixteens themselves, i've translated these beautiful Chinese lyrics of a popular Teresa Deng song.
南海姑娘, sung by by Teresa Deng (1953 to 1995).
song from movie 《爱魂》 “Soul Love” , Singer 鄧麗君 (Teresa Deng), Lyrics by 庄奴, Music by 汤尼, Translation: 李杀 (Xah Lee)
南海姑娘 椰风挑动银浪 夕阳躲云偷看 看见金色的沙滩上 独坐一位美麗的姑娘 眼睛星样灿烂 眉似新月弯弯 穿着一件红色的纱笼 红得象她嘴上的槟榔 她在轻叹 叹那无情郎 想到泪汪汪 湿了红色纱籠白衣裳 哎呀 南海姑娘 何必太过悲伤 年纪轻轻只十六半 舊夢失去有新侣做伴
The Tropics Sea Girl Coconut breeze flirts the silver waves The gloaming sun ogles behind the cloud Looking over the golden beach Sits alone a pretty girl Eyes gleaming like the stars Brows curvy as the new moon She wears a red sarong As red as the betel nut in her mouth She bemoans Over that heartless one Poignancy filling her eyes Dampened her red sarong O, sweetie of the South Sea Why so overly a grief Age so tender only sixteen A lost dream garners you new ones
The person who made the song famous is 鄧麗君 (Teresa Deng). She may also be the original singer of the song. 王菲 (Faye Wong) also sung this song dedicated to Teresa, and her version is also extremely beautiful.
See also: 鄧麗君 《海韵》 Rhythm of the Wave