Periodic Dosage Archive 2023-05

lies we been fed.

Rachel Levine is a Man, Got TheBabylonBee Banned

just found out, this post, got @TheBabylonBee ban'd, during jack dorsey's twitter.

rachel levine is a man 2023-06-19
rachel levine is a man 2023-06-19

anon idiots on twitter

there exist faaakheads like this. this type of post always comes from non-paid account. Always.

anon idiots on twitter 2023-06-18 syVjf
anon idiots on twitter 2023-06-18 syVjf

i noticed, that if you goto your own reply tab, you won't see all you replies. some are hidden, for reasons i don't know. so, best to use your own browser bookmark to posts you deem important.

the few posts i did in past few days that i cannot find via my reply tab, are:

(some showed up. still not others.)

top criminals in usa

been trying to think of a system, to indicate the degree of crime. Say, 1 year in jail to 50. and beyond that is, death penalty. So that we have a number to indicate the degree of their crimes. For communication.

the list should include lots us corrupt politicians, weapon boses, tech industrial bosses, oil bosses, mainstream media propagandists, CEOs, etc.

Xah Lee Defending Elon Musk 2023-06-17

xah lee on elon musk 2023-06-17 Jmx8Z
xah lee on elon musk 2023-06-17 BHrm3
xah lee on elon musk 2023-06-17 n85Jz
xah lee on elon musk 2023-06-17 StXjS
xah lee on elon musk 2023-06-17 StXjS

imagine if you are elon musk. would you last for a month? a year? A careless move, there'd be an fatal car accident. or, your empire went away magically. do you know what your enemies are? and how powerful they are? and the depth of the system, the shithole we are in?

if not for elon, our posts won't be seen. and, i would not have started to post about pol. we get mobbed and canceled.

let's asssum elon is evil, but there are at least one thousand people a magnitude more evil, massive cause of death, politicians and weapon bosses and tech oil etc bosses in usa now.

it's those, we need to focus.

theoretical philosophical stance doesn't work.

Why is Assange in jail? Was it not a broken condemn in Sweden? How is a condemn got a man in jail? Assange exposed tens of top criminals of humanity. Can you list them? Is elon musk in it?

perhaps 90% of us population don't care about pol, as long as there are Starbucks and juicy steaks. and those who care, it takes years of dedicated reading to know what's going on.

I hope am making a point. for what's worth.

I Cannot Forget, the Men-Hating Years, by Women Activists

this video basically says, that women are physically weaker than men. we human animals knew this for thousands of years. that's why wars r fought by men. and we protect women n children always, in every culture on earth.

funny, few years ago around 2017 of the sjwgang days, the activist femists insist women r as strong as men, want to put women in military as foot soldiers, and went batshit when some woman tennis player cant beat men. and are mob canceling those who say otherwise.

women were used as a pawn. now, they got offended by the cross-sex men and switched sides.

complex pol war at play.

remember, truth always stands. evil don't last long.

SJW Movement vs Cultural Revolution

james lindsay china mao 2023-06-14 xwkgw 2023-06-14

The woke movement is very much like Cultural Revolution. They:

Mao began the Cultural Revolution to regain power. Basically cooking up stuff and tell teens to rebel with violence. (killing professors, land owners, rich, etc.)

In usa, the formation of the woke movement is more complicated. But basically, it's funded by the mega riches (deepstate, weapon, high tech, financial, drug etc bosses). They cook up stuff (patriaky/criticalrace etc), telling teens and the misfits (gay, trans) poor (blacks) to rebel via violence (antifa, blm), so that the war industry's dirty money can continue to flow.

similar in lots ways but obviously different in many.

Cultural Revolution is far more severe by degree or advanced (millions ends up dead by starvation). it's done by brute force in mao's era of dictatorship. Parents do not even see their kids. people live in collective commune. (they do not have the luxury to “tell” their kids whatever.)

In the sjw/blm/woke movement of usa, it's under corrupt american capitalism/oligarchy. Sex is used to rot the christian bedrock. And straight whitemen, the pillar of us society, are tagged evil to induce fear of speaking up. (and in general, the us population is fed-up with too comfy a living, fat with iphones and gym and starbucks and cars. a state of degeneracy.)

The post by James Lindsay, is rather propaganda-like. it tries to kill one evil by hinting another untruth via emotion and american ignorance. (do you want the upcoming us vs china war? because that is what fuels woke.)

btw James Lindsay rose to fame around 2017 during the rise of sjwgang, by getting a hitler piece published in sjwgang's academic journal. (back then, it's feminism and patriaky that's in vogue. (the added trans now alienated women))

I thank James Lindsay for fighting the sjwgang. but his twitter posts, is lots lose-mouth batshit.

my friends, stand up (like James Lindsay), be serious, say what you actually mean, and avoid drama, sensationalism, memes. (and, be careful.)

James Clapper  Adam Kinzinger  Andrew McCabe 2023-06-13
James Clapper, Adam Kinzinger, Andrew McCabe. big criminals. 2023-06-13
lgbtq erase women 2023-06-13 VfKpG
lgbtq erase women 2023-06-13 VfKpG

Cannot Tell Human from Bot on Online Websites

human vs bot twitter 2023-06-11
human vs bot twitter 2023-06-11

Blizzard Activision Pride Skum

Blizzard Activision pride skum 2023-06-09
Blizzard Activision pride skum 2023-06-09
call of duty cancel gtbtq 2023-06-09 hXGXN
call of duty cancel gtbtq 2023-06-09 hXGXN

lots nutjobs on twitter

with great powers comes with great responsibility.

when you hear that, run for your life.

The Unabomber Died

Bio-Mosquitoes Factory

bio-mosquitoes factory 2023-06-10
bio-mosquitoes factory 2023-06-10

many sad stories. usa on the collapse.

trans 2023-06-09 DCHY3
washington judge women spa 2023-06-09
girl arm skind penis 2023-06-09
Hillary Clinton email 2023-06-09 QS7HM
Hillary Clinton email 2023-06-09 QS7HM
cali bill parent trans cut 2023-06-09 7F586

lol. pronoun stickers given out at weapon bosses's meeting. this is, convenient will of the people.

pronoun stickers 2023-06-05 Rp5Ys
Robert F Kennedy twitter spaces 2023-06-05
Robert F Kennedy twitter spaces 2023-06-05
vidthumb vVw9qMxdMN8

USA is now in extreme danger of collapse. Weapon bosses making fakenews for war, and erasing women, encouraging cutting off children's tits n cocks, millions dead to sell covid drugs.

All, so that these mega rich can become more rich. You probably already knew. We must fight it now. If you are on the left, start to dig in. you can start to read elon's replies try to stop reading any mainstream news.

Vivek Ramaswamy

this guy, Vivek Ramaswamy running for president. I don't think so. Americans are not ready to vote for a indian skin. Nor chinese skin as Andrew Yang tried.

Vivek Ramaswamy 2023-06-03 WKpc5
Vivek Ramaswamy 2023-06-03 WKpc5
biden laptop emails 2023-06-01
biden laptop emails 2023-06-01

Scripted vs Livestream Video

xah lee scripted vs livestream video 2023-06-01
xah lee scripted vs livestream video 2023-06-01

Mattew Yglesias liar

matthew yglesias 2023-05-29 V4qFD

Mattew Yglesias, a notable media writer, posting pictures to ridicule other us politicians. this is what media circus means.

Mattew Yglesias twitter DeSantis 2023-05-29 wjjNp
Mattew Yglesias twitter DeSantis 2023-05-29 wjjNp

2023-05-18 Sam Altman is perhaps better named Lex Altman.

On social network sites, please no link to mainstream sites. Screenshot is better, because:

  1. solid record and highlight focus point.
  2. no promoting bad sites.
  3. no post-edit or deletion problem by bad sites.

Videos of Ukraine War

ukraine war videos 2023-05-26
ukraine war videos 2023-05-26

Dont let your brain be tainted

twitter anon 2023-05-26 CSQZb
twitter anon 2023-05-26 CSQZb
twitter anon 2023-05-26 QV4yW
twitter anon 2023-05-26 QV4yW
twitter anon 2023-05-26 P2T96
twitter anon 2023-05-26 P2T96
twitter anon 2023-05-26 Svf6m
twitter anon 2023-05-26 Svf6m

how other nations view usa

President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev on usa.

China diplomat Wang Wenbin (汪文斌) on usa

Sudan billionaire businessman Mo Ibrahim on usa.

South African politician Naledi Pandor on usa.

South African leader Fikile Mbalula on usa.

Trump vs Ron DeSantis

WallStreetSilv trump vs DeSantis 2023-05-24 Tr5xM
WallStreetSilv trump vs DeSantis 2023-05-24
xahlee trump strong man 2023-05-24 sXyHd
xahlee trump strong man 2023-05-24 sXyHd

Never knew Ron DeSantis (i live in Cali.) till today listened to him on twitter. not particularly impressed, i think he's just ok. I think Trump is better.

What impressed me about trump is that, AFTER his presidency, the entire Democratic Party and megarich+powerful are still after him, impeachment, jan 6, lawsuit, even with fbi raid. For over 2 years. Incredible. That shows me a lot fear of Trump.

yet, Trump is still on stage this and that daily. Incredible strong man he is, and a good man.

That “I want everybody to stop dying. Russians and Ukrainians.” on recent CNN, is just spectacular. The wit and the substance.

xahlee social network 2023-05-23 7BVBQ

this is a sad thing and one of the problem of social networks. they all want you to use their, and only their, product. there's no way to export to another platform. and these companies, comes and go, get sold, etc, with your info.

If you really care for truth, all info should be equally ranked. That could be also a selling point for twitter. But simply punish the scammers, bots, liers, etc. So twitter is the best place to market your writings, for all platforms.

another thing inherent in so-called social network “platform” is that, they need to post everyday. Which means, all content are ephemeral, and same thing are repeated over a decade (eg gun law), no permanence, no coherence, no actual conversation. Just tweet, tweet, every day!

it all began with facebook markzukerbug skuum, and other become-rich “disruptive tech” startups in silicon valley. Zoomers grew up in this air, powerless, and became anon meme-posting zombies. No spine, no ethics, know nothing. Shill n grift, are the new words.

vidthumb nwgD-8Bj Qs
  • Obama Accused of Gay Sex, Drugs, and Murder
  • obama08acorn
  • May 31, 2009
  • Sinclair Alleges that in 1999, He and Barack Obama Shared Gay Sex and Cocaine
  • Sinclair has since agreed to a polygraph, challenged Obama to do the same
  • Sinclair has Filed a Federal Lawsuit Against Obama and Others for Harrassment and Intimidation Since the Video Came Out
Barack Obama Larry Sinclair 2009 vDk2Y
Barack Obama Larry Sinclair 2009
vidthumb 3QK0eGp3N6A

Western catch-phrase for peace is justice and democracy. China's catch-phrase is harmony and prosperity. Cultural Differences.

xahlee 2023-05-17 FryQt
xahlee 2023-05-17 FryQt

in today's internet age since about 2010, you can find details about every political event, controversial event, politician, or known persons, and make a good judgement. It's a matter of how much time you are willing to spend. Most American rather sip starbucks n click retweet.

David Hogg

fbi private spies 2023-05-11 104809
fbi private spies 2023-05-11 104809
fbi private spies 2023-05-11 105004
fbi private spies 2023-05-11 105004

u wonder, why some bright people say trite stuff on twitter. regularly posting basic college edu opinions. the reason is, websites since ~2010, u need to perennially post brainless things. By the design of social media. drama, grift, or play the popularity game.

xah lee youtube comment 2023-05-07 WDpVG
xah lee youtube comment 2023-05-07 WDpVG
jan6 2023-05-03 jNh2k
jan6 2023-05-03 jNh2k