Anne Applebaum (Brainwasher)

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Anne Applebaum is one of the big mouth for usa warmongers. responsible for causing millions dead.

The Crimes of Anne Applebaum

a deep dive by Mike Benz.

Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 sq8C
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 sq8C
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 PQPY
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 PQPY
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 rRQj
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 rRQj
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 7zTJ
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 7zTJ
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 GXkh
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 GXkh
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 F2VD
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 F2VD
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 NQrT
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 NQrT
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 bZkF
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 bZkF
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 x9DN
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 x9DN
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 BRVZ
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 BRVZ
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 sNq2
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 sNq2
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 6Zhb
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 6Zhb
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 qKd4
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 qKd4
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 xkpm
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 xkpm
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 6jTG
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 6jTG
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 x8sm
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 x8sm
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 kd3J
Anne Applebaum 2024-07-20 kd3J

Anne Applebaum and Jeffrey Goldberg

Anne Applebaum.Jeffrey Goldberg.2023-06-25
Anne Applebaum Jeffrey Goldberg 2023-06-25


two links.

find out who are the top brainwashers in usa, that gets millions killed over past 20 years. (and they made a lot money) my notes:

Anne Applebaum 2023-06-26 jjdfZ

list of brainwashers from that article:

McFaul McFails

Ever since he was unceremoniously ejected from Moscow for apparently attempting to organize a color revolution in 2012, Ambassador Michael McFaul has waged a personal jihad against the country's government. His hatred of the Russian leadership grew so impassioned that he once declared that Putin was morally inferior to Adolf Hitler, embracing a fringe view associated with Holocaust deniers that asserts the Nazi dictator “didn't kill German-speaking people.”

Anne Applebaum

This May, anti-Russian pseudo-scholar and former Iraq war cheerleader Anne Applebaum predicted a decisive Ukrainian counter-offensive that would storm through Russian defenses and not only “liberate” Crimea, but encourage regime change from Moscow to Venezuela.

Kurt Volker

Kurt Volker is a former US special representative for Ukraine negotiations who also operated as a de facto Raytheon lobbyist while serving as the executive director of the John McCain Institute. Volker also functioned as a liaison for US and Ukrainian business interests while presiding over the founding of American University Kyiv.

Christo Grozev

Christo Grozev is the Russia director of the US and UK government-funded website Bellingcat. This April, Grozev celebrated a terrorist attack that saw a Russian war blogger assassinated and a cafe full of civilians blown up in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Ian Bremmer

As president of the Eurasia Group risk analysis firm, political scientist Ian Bremmer has leveraged his supposed expertise into a lucrative business.

Stephen King

Horror author-turned-liberal Russiagate conspiracist Stephen King, who once praised Ukrainian Nazi collaborator and Holocaust perpetrator Stepan Bandera in a phone call with a prankster he believed to be Volodymyr Zelensky, was clearly titillated by the events of June 23. When Prigozhin's forces briefly took over the city of Rostov-on-Don, King once again proved unable to contain his overactive imagination. “Putin sowed the wind. Now he must reap the whirlwind. Slava Ukraini!” he exclaimed.

Idrees Ahmad

Idress Ahmad once existed on the margins of the UK's antiwar movement, publishing a book attacking the Iraq war-era neocon cabal, suggesting Senators Barbara Boxer and Russ Feingold voted for Iran sanctions because they are Jewish, and openly questioning the West's narrative of a genocide in Darfur.
