Feminism Perving Blog
- hot girls so hot, must post again
- and the usa whitemen idiots, no longer have this
- by the democ party and twisted liberal idiots
- so the girls r all on chaturbate now
biological sexual maturity vs legal sexual maturity
what's the reason, and when, did americans, started to distinguish biological sexual maturity, with legal sexual maturity?
Do white people have more sexual dimorphism than yellow?
- it's quite interesting, the idea that whites have more sexual dimorphism than asians. seems true. well, at least, white girls much bigger tits and ass. asian girls r flat.
- though, white girls age so fast. at 14, they r hot goddesses. but by 30, they became a hag.
- while asian girls, say chinese, they r flat. maybe a bit hot at 20. but at 50, they look 20 still.
- like xah lee.
- am wondering, this is tied dna to big tits n ass, or, totally separate.
- in other words, by dna, must one age fast if have big tits and ass.
i think not. cuz there are asian girls with big tits.
feministfrequency shut
the skum feministfrequency is shut. note, the 2slgbtqiplustrans that today women hate, is all began by feminism, starting primarily with this Anita Sarkeesian.
bop is zoomer's coom. this is back when christians ruled america.
Men Are Lonely Cocks, Women Are Social Networks
this highlights one of the diff between men n women.
for men, they are mostly cocks. we roam alone, and must constantly fight other men. for women, they are social creatures, bound with other women and children.
for man to cross-sex as woman, it's usually just a game. because there are huge amount of psyco men, from thiefs to gangsters to killers to kings. it's all men. anything goes.
for an unprepared girl to cross-sex into man, often it's a big surprise. (unless, u r already a butch dyke)
- lol, dr Debra Soh run 2 threads, asking men and women what would they tell younger self.
- men https://x.com/DrDebraSoh/status/1667542443884158979
- women https://x.com/DrDebraSoh/status/1667542113435926528
- Entirely diff. the women revolve around men, sex, relationship, beautification. lol
- Men about how to, well, basically achieve.
- ancient news. but eternal humanity.
- By the way, men and women want the same thing. That is, multiply themselfs.
- For men, this means futter more young women.
- For women, this means, get the best men. faaking more no help, cuz 1 baby per year max. plus the baby grows in your tummy, risking life for both.
- For women, best men are the rich and powerful.
- For men, best way to get more women is be powerful and rich.
- eternal truth. everybody in every culture understands it, except current usa sjw era.
have not updated the webfeed for over a year. check out the site instead. at Feminism Perving Blog . i might start the webfeed again, but busy.
some controversy going on with miss universe philippine
- philippines is quite a mouthful. Better, is Filipins.
- beauty pageant is a funny thing.
- originally, it's natural, of girls aka teen girls, competing for tits and ass.
- celebrated by human animals everywhere. because, they, teen girls, are the most important element makes the continuation of humanity possible.
- but in modern times, in particular, USA, it became as money making business.
- in particular in past 10 years, became sjw drama. cuz the usa democratic sjw peddling is fundamentally incompatible with so-called beauty pageant. (edited)
Linguistics of thot vs egirl
- yeah.
- the context is, in my blog, i need a name to refer to those internet girls that use their body to sell. not necessarily even sell, e.g. those on instagram. where they just look hot and keep posting them... and often showing skin, but not necessarily.... a whole spectrum of them, but basically that's what girls do, when they can, of kept posting their face and body, all day and night.
- no other content, but basically just sexual attraction, or piss mark among girls.
- and to, girls on onlyfans, where u have more skin, tongue, to hardcore faaking.
- the word in my mind is thot. though, i haven't been in zoomer community too much to see how they used it.
- while, i heard egirl, apparently also referring to similar thing.
- according to wikip or meme dict etc, egirl by best definition apparently refer to a specific genra of boys n girls. while thot, is just zoomer jargon for slut or 'hoe'.
- since i want to use the word for online girls, so, egirl seems more appropriate, according to these lose online references. but i felt thot is better.
- the word egirl is lame, like email. and i think the jargon egirl is gonna die soon.
- since the whole world is eworld. the e-something is merely a progress of tech.
- while thot, has more content in its etymology.
Dr. David Buss and I discuss his groundbreaking work in evolutionary psychology. Our conversation forays into human mating practices & strategies, female preferences, dominance hierarchies, (fe)male aggression, emotional regulation & status, the dark triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy), inherent inequality, and much more.
Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind 6th Edition by David M Buss. Buy at amazon
china porn is great, cuz china ban porn, so vast majority of china porn is real natural porn, recorded by average young people
Women Change Men
Camille Paglia, remarkable, always.
Keri Smith, so bright, and pretty
SCUM Manifesto, by Valerie Solanas
This is the most forward looking feminism stuff written in 1968
An Easy Girl (French: Une fille facile) 2019. A french film. Art house kinda drama movie.
the actress is Zahia Dehar, a 16 years old prostitute turned star.
Zahia Dehar (born 25 February 1992) is a French-Algerian fashion and lingerie designer, prostitute, model and actress who was once known for her role in an underage prostitution scandal.
[2020-02-20 Wikipedia Zahia Dehar]
women things, they rob women
you buy!
Jeffrey Epstein is dead
wow Jeffrey Epstein is dead. Said to be suicide. This guy, holds lots dark secrets. Likely, lots kings got entertained by teen girls via him. The list includes Marvin Minsky, major guy in artificial intelligence.
apparently, Gerald Sussman, the Scheme lisp guy, also went to the island.
When you are rich, at the level of billions. You invite other moguls, prominent politicians, scientists, with girls of pert tits doing their things, on a island, private, it hard to not bulge.
etymology of mogul
“powerful person,” 1670s, from Great Mogul (1580s), the common designation among Europeans for the Mongol emperor of India after the conquest of 1520s, from Persian and Arabic mughal, mughul, alteration of Mongol (q.v.), the Asiatic people. As a name for the best quality of playing cards, by 1742, so called for the design on the back.
[etymology of mogul https://www.etymonline.com/word/mogul]
summer skirts flowing. what sweetness. thus i fell into the hand of God. offspring are born.
discovered this laurelai character
- https://lolcow.wiki/wiki/Laurelai
- https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Laurelai
Xah Talk Show 2019-05-17 why teen girls gossip, mating behavior of women vs men, keyboards
naked yoga
the sjgang is hitting up Camille Paglia. Mobilize, fight these skmbgs.
〔UArts Students Call for Camille Paglia's Firing over Transgenderism Stance, #MeToo Movement By Tom Ciccotta. At https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/04/16/uarts-students-call-for-camille-paglias-firing-over-transgenderism-stance-metoo-movement/〕
women's ads pouring in onto my twitter. I guess twitter trans'd me. lol. to help me focus on my women studies.
twitter women ads, linquistics girls vs women
for some reason, twitter thinks am a woman since few days ago. It kept showing me women ads. Thank you twitter. I am beautiful, and i have girl power.
there is some bit of linguistic interest. Note that, you hear “girl power”, never “women power”. and among women, they call themselfs girls. and words like slut, bitch, are predominantly used by women.
These all have biological basis. female call themselfs “girls”, cuz youth plays significant role. Namely, you can't have babies after mid life. The slot and beech words are manifestation of mating fight. (as opposed to males, manifested in fist fights, sometimes life and death.)
now am 100% sure twitter thinks am a woman.
these days, facts becomes fuzzy history just after 10 years, because, you try to web search, and all you get is disinfo. here's my blog about Assange in 2010.
the chaos of the sjgang, began by fem gang, the abclbtqxyz thing, is getting worse. Now, about transvswomen. Tim Pool reports
why women wear earrings? cuz it shines? why shine? cuz it attractions attention. Why attract attention? cuz it say sex. why women say sex? cuz babies grow in young women. They let you know.
lol, women judge on men's shoes.
and it's actually correct report, i'd say. but more importantly, women don't care what you wear, really, not even how you look. your personality, confidence, gets them wet.
courtship is truly the most fascinating thing. you want it, she want it, but you just have to work things out. like, there's a sea of people, half male, half female. you get together, and humanity survives.