sjw ad, pregnant at 40

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Dove sjw ad, pregnant at 40

twitter is shoving this ad down my throat in past days. i assume, to dumb women it means u can get baby at age 40, and to smart women, can't.

dove ad pregnant at 40 pj62p
dove ad pregnant at 40

Dove is a brand owned by Unilever.


Dove sjw ad, queer woman

dove twitter sjw ad 2019-04-05 MV9Ps
dove twitter sjw ad 2019-04-05 MV9Ps

Gillette ad, sick fat woman

the sjw-gang is really getting nuts. i don't think these kinda things will be accepted by society anywhere. and actually, damage the brand. am puzzled by this, who is doing it, and do they know it'll fail? or, they knew but want to begin a dictatorship?

gillette venus sjw ad 2019-04-05 2bsVg
gillette venus sjw ad 2019-04-05 ❮❯

maybe, this is a marketing stunt. these days, this is common. you generate controversy, and perhaps in the end, you increase sales. Still a risky move with respect to business.

Gillette is an American brand of safety razors and other personal care products including shaving supplies, owned by the multi-national corporation Procter and Gamble.
