Camille Paglia: Men vs Women

By Xah Lee. Date: .

older women have totally lost any significance of power

we are in a culture now, where older women have totally lost any significance or power -- Camille Paglia

One of the terrible losses of this new bourgeois culture now we occupy, as women have attained career success, for the 1st time in history (thanks to capitalism), are able to support themselves, with out depending on a father or a brother, or husband. In this new equality of workspace, all of a sudden, we are in a culture now, where older women have totally lost any significance of power.

Camille Paglia - Men and women used to live in separate worlds
Nov 2, 2017
The Mill Series
Brandon Van Dyck

Note her observation. Before industrial age, older women have power. But now info age, that is robbed from them. Sad. Cuz, women's natural power stem from youth. Now, that's your only thing.

of course, today's older women, at least the few that have successful career, have materialistic power. What's lost is the esteem and prestige. Nobody cares if you are a old women, except ya money. Whereas, older men, have have esteem, especially sexual, from women.

Camille Paglia