Why Women Are Colder Than Men
- women's body is colder than men
- actually, women seem to have slightly higher body temp, about 0.3 C, but colder on the touch.
- but i asked gpt, jissus, elaboratly trying to cover it up
- here's summary
- women's hands n feet, arms, are colder than men. by 3 degree C.
- women themselfs feel colder. eg ask for higher heating or wear 'sweater'
- the scientific explanation seems to be, mulitiple reasons. women have more fat, less muscle. muscle generates heat. women's metabolism is slower. and women's hormones constrict blood or such.
- but funny, in english speaking people and chatgpt, they try to elaborately dismiss the fact or defensive. as if, therefore women r inferior.
- problem of the western societies
- am looking into cuz wife's body always cold. hand, arm, whole upper body, lower body too.
- and she says am a heating pad.
- though, the inner body temp, is on average the same between men n women. with women 0.3 C higher or so.
- but look at the elaborate cover up gpt is trying
- 1. is false. lol. fat insolates better. in trying to be obssessed with western view, it actually came out with a false statement.
- 2. seems a lie too. men's metabolism is significantly higher. 20% or some.
- 3. is a fuzzy lie too. 'perception' is mentioned to defend why women cold.
- 4. is false. lol. women' don't 'fashion'. women bare their skin as natural sexual attraction of human animals.
- 5. is extra add on nothingness. lol.
now, checking this out. giving the clickbait white men ads some business.
women things, hot!
- thanks for watching. no problem. i finished watching.
- Image
- women things, this vid, for women.
- xah's conclusion: stupid women.
- and, pay attention to the accent of this narrator in the vid.
- of course, a girl. a raspy voice.
- studies have shown, that's most attractive to women.
- like women's mags, it's all pretty women and sex.
- revolving around men, the rich and powerful ones.
- their primal desire in life.