Did Wikileaks Julian Assange Rape Women (2010)

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

If you are not familiar with the event of wikileaks, see a intro here: Wikileak: US Diplomatic Cables Leak.

Julian Assange Raped Women?

Summary of the article: When Julian was visiting Stockholm, Sweden, two women admirers, Anna and Sofia, sought him out. Anna offered her apartment for him to stay. Sofia bought the train ticket for Julian to visit her at home. Both had sex with him. Anna created a party at her house the next morning for him. Sofia had a second sex the morning after. Few days later, the two women met, found out that each slept with him, then they started to visit police. The central issue seems to involve a broken condom. Apparently, under Swedish law, sex without women's consent to not use a condom is considered rape. Sofia wanted to know if there's a way to force Julian to take a HIV test, because no condom was used in their second sex. LOL.

Apparently, the names are leaked all over. Here's the photos.

wikileaks Anna Ardin 63bc3 wikileaks Anna Ardin 2
Anna Ardin, the woman who invited Julian to stay at her apartment. image source
wikileaks Sofia Wilen
Sofia Wilen, the woman who bought Julian train tickets to her abode.

More article:

(note: beware of big news org that change old articles. Best to try web archive sites on the url)

See also: Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior”

Julian Assange