Feminism Perving 2016-09

Polymorphous Gender Bathroom

Age Preference in Sexual Partners

Smooth! How to Impress a Girl. from Tom and Jerry

Synchronized Swimming — the Sport that Makes SJW Uncomfortable

Synchronized Swimming

it's hard to imagine, the swj watching this.

am not sure what they would say other than getting all angry.

though, it's possible, that swj will kill Synchronized Swimming. However, there's also gymnastic, where the frequent and wide spread of legs of female is a signature movement. And then, it's also deep rooted in dance. LOL. Unless sjw revolved into bloodbath revolution like Nazi or the Red Guards of China or French Revolution.

Megyn Kelly hot

. @megynkelly is real hot. but the “eat a dick” is funny

btw if u don't know, Megyn Kelly locked horns with Trump a while back, even i don't follow news know. it's a show.

but anyhow, some women, knew how to seduce men, real smart, and feminine. She is one.

America don't have these kinda women. Very rare. You go to Europe, or China.

Megyn Kelly on Howard Stern Show, 2010.

Is Modern Academic Feminism Harming Women? An interview with Christina Hoff Sommers By Clay Routledge Ph.D. At https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/more-mortal/201609/is-modern-academic-feminism-harming-women , accessed on 2016-09-04〕

prominent programer Douglas Crockford, uninvited from Nodevember conference due to social justice warriors

who is Douglas Crockford? he is the inventor of json format, and basically the guy who popularized JavaScript the good parts.

the details are fuzzy right now, but you can start from reading reddit:



In Defense of Douglas Crockford By Adam Morgan. At http://atom-morgan.github.io/in-defense-of-douglas-crockford , accessed on 2016-09-04〕

Crockford By Paul Straw. At https://paulstraw.svbtle.com/crockford , accessed on 2016-09-04〕

Why We Don't Have More Women in Science?

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