Xah Arts Blog
Art and Girls, from monkey men to kingdom come.
- Twitter, like YouTube and the internet, is a deep sea.
- You are just seeing a droplet of it.
- You'll never see others if you stayed in your stream feed or suggestions.
- The most effective way to see what actually exist out there, is by search.
- Say, search random word outside your life.
- It may be something science, or politics, or history, sports, travel, culture, ... actually you need take some time to come up with words or phrase you never thought of in your life, something outside your life style, your family, your contacts, interest or religion or practices or human behavior you never seen before, but you'll find that millions others, practice it.
- Quite annoying, the grifting phenomenon on social media.
- On twitter for example, everyone tries to amass mega followers, and you do that, by posting brainless or dramatic style catering to certain faction.
- and now and then, pick a fight with another pop account, so it drums up popularity for both.
- Get massive emotion engagement.

ballet pointe

- the new grok image generation is worse. on the left is old. on the right is new.
- @grok can you fix this?
- generating 4 images is not good.
- it's slower, and usually we want just one to see where to go.
- also, the new pics is more fake.

Anime is created by people who cannot stand looking other humans. what a cogent statement. it captured the psyche of American weeaboo zoomers.
Miyazaki on anime.


misc updates
- wavy wall
- Yuyuan Garden Station
- round ceiling
- Gangxia North station
- https://x.com/Starlink/status/1683673673105018881
- Beautiful. this building is The Petronas Twin Towers , one of the tallest, and it has a Malaysia style pagoda.
- https://x.com/Jason/status/1684318334941028354
- girl surfing on long board
- beautiful.
- The concept of beauty, began, with nubile girls.
- Because, that is the most important element of how we persist in nature.
- https://x.com/qin_duke/status/1680368345265192961
- 816 Nuclear Military Plant.
- Amazing.
- A whole nuke factory inside a mountain.
- The world's biggest nuke factory, abandoned.

- https://youtu.be/rY9PDSfEjUk
- Ana Luisa NEGRÃO, 314 — Prix de Lausanne 2023 Prize Winner — Contemporary
- Prix de Lausanne
- Feb 7, 2023
- Art of Tamara de Lempicka
- Batman, Pathological Creatures and Their Psychology
- Art Deco in Movie Batman
xtodo clean up

- https://youtu.be/tbGZW-w4Uis
- Game of Thrones NOT by Balenciaga
- Interstellar Owl
- Apr 20, 2023

- https://youtu.be/zpVD24fBI7g
- Linux by Balenciaga
- phirevideos
- Apr 10, 2023