Indian God Shiva

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Indian God Shiva

narendra modi x 2024-06-07
narendra modi x 2024-06-07
Shiva the Lord of Dance LACMA
Shiva the Lord of Dance LACMA

Shiva's wife, Parvati

That's shiva (濕婆), an indian god.

this is her wife, Parvati

Parvati 2024-06-07 JR4T
Parvati 2024-06-07 JR4T
Parvati 2024-06-07 3sTw
Parvati 2024-06-07 3sTw

Shiva and Parvati's Son, Ganesa

and this is one of their son, Ganesa

ganesa 2024-06-07 z3kx
ganesa 2024-06-07 z3kx
ganesa 2024-06-07 yCYm
ganesa 2024-06-07 yCYm
ganesa 2024-06-07 QTS8
ganesa 2024-06-07 QTS8

Linga, the penis of Shiva

shiva 2024-06-07 210729
shiva 2024-06-07 210729
linga 2024-06-09 svRZ
linga 2024-06-09 svRZ
linga 2024-06-09 vSsQ
linga 2024-06-09 vSsQ

yoni, the vagina of parvati

yoni 2024-06-09 kwJ3
yoni 2024-06-09 kwJ3
shiva 2024-06-07 204721
shiva 2024-06-07 204721
shiva 2024-06-07 210253
shiva 2024-06-07 210253