Artemis — the Greatest Bitch of All Times

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

I love Artemis, for her virginal beauty and cruelty. Artemis is a beautiful, merciless, permanent virgin, bitch. She kills, with her arrow for pretty much gaming.

artemis statue 88086
Artemis at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. Artemis statue

Artemis is a virgin goddess of hunting and moon, twin sister of Apollo, daughter of Zeus and Leto, and is one of the deities sitting atop Mount Olympus. Artemis is called Diana by the Romans. Despite her virginal beauty, Artemis is no cuddling babe. Her tales vary a lot and sometimes contradictory, but among things, one hapless hunter Actaeon who bumped into her nakedness while bathing and stared, for that she made him into a stag and was rent by his own hounds, to her resolute satisfaction. And, she also shot her companion nymph maiden Callisto to death when Callisto unwillingly lost her virginity thru rape by Zeus — Artemis's dad — who disguised himself as Artemis. She also is said to be the cause of women who dies at childbirth, some account as giving a swift painless death with her arrows. Her perpetual virginity is granted by her dad the omnipotent Zeus, at age of 3. Artemis is also the killer of Orion (the giant and hunter and son of the sea god Poseidon ), who became a constellation. This virgin goddess also locked horns with Agamemnon , king of Mycenae and commander of Greek forces in the Trojan War. She stopped the wind in their voyage to Troy, which resulted the sacrifice of Agamemnon's own daughter Iphigenia. Artemis and her twin brother Apollo, together killed like a game the 6 daughters and 6 sons of the queen Niobe , only because Niobe boasted her superiority over Leto (Arthemis's mother) for she had 12 offsprings versus Leto's only two. (Niobe ended up becoming a stone perpetually wet with her tears.).

Greek Mythology