Ghost in the Shell 攻殻機動隊

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Original Comics

Ghost in the Shell was originally a Japanese comics, published in 1989 to 1990.

Subsequently, several feature animation, TV series, and live-action film have been made.

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cover artwork of original comics.

ghost in the shell manga

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ghost in the shell comics cover 12210
ghost in the shell comics cover 32309
ghost in the shell comics cover 47520

Censored Lesbian Scene

In the original comics, there's lesbian scene, but are censored in USA version.

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Ghost in the Shell, original Japanese comics, 1989 - 1990, lesbian scene.
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lesbian scene
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ghost in the shell comics, usa version, where the lesbian scene frames are redrawn without.

Second edition published Dark Horse (October 2004, left-to-right, 6x9 format) was uncensored.

ghost in the shell intron depot 1
“Intron Depot 1”, collection of Masamune Shirow's full color works. Intron Depot 1
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“Intron Depot 1”, collection of Masamune Shirow's full color works. Intron Depot 1
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“Intron Depot 1”, collection of Masamune Shirow's full color works. Comment about the lesbian scene, by the author. Intron Depot 1

2017-03-25 Thanks to for the “Intron Depot 1” photos.

1995 Animation

ghost in the shell 1995 anime poster
Ghost in the Shell 1995 animation poster
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ghost in the shell team

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, TV series in Japan, 2006

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Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, TV series in Japan, 2006. The bot in the back is Tachikoma, a combat bot equipped with artificial intelligence. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

Ghost in the Shell, Arise (animated TV series in Japan). 2015

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Ghost in the Shell, Arise (animated television series in Japan). 2015 Ghost in the Shell, Arise

2017 Live Action Film

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Ghost in the Shell

ghost in the shell 2017 movie poster
ghost in the shell 2017 movie poster.
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Robo Geisha, from Ghost in the Shell 2017 USA live-action film.

Ghost in the Shell 攻殻機動隊