Mozilla (Firefox), the Deepstate Browser

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Mozilla, Where Did Millions Go

Mozilla money 2023-08-06 QwQy
Mozilla money 2023-08-06 QwQy

Mitchell Baker

The head of Mozilla Mitchell Baker earned roughly $5.6 Million during 2021. The rest of the executive team ranged, more or less, from $100k to $300k.

Mckensie Mack Group

During 2021, Mozilla paid $387k dollars to someone called “MCKENSIE MACK GROUP.”

Mckensie Mack Group 2023-08-06 f6gG
Mckensie Mack Group 2023-08-06 f6gG

Action Research Collaborative

$100,000 was paid to an organization listed as “Action Research Collaborative.”

That founder, Neil Lewis Jr., appears to have focused his career on “vaccine acceptance”, problems with “white” people, and his theory that “white people” can not be victims of discrimination.

ss 2023-08-06 184609 C5tK
Action Research Collaborative 2023-08-06 4fdg

Brendan Eich on Mozilla

Brendan Eich 2023-08-06

[why is Mitchell Baker not fired] I couldn't possibly say, but one might suspect she has old connections with early Googlers, and Mozilla is still (at ever lower revshare rates in successive deals) a cheap source of search traffic for Google, and good PR aka "antitrust repellant". At $5.6M/year comp, wouldn't you sell your soul this way?

Mitchell was a Netscape lawyer who wrote the NPL and MPL. She was not part of mozilla dot org from the beginning.

Your irrational animus toward me may be making you sloppy with that false claim about Mitchell in your first sentence, but your second paragraph just makes stuff up out of whole cloth. Lying, in a word. Mozilla rank and file as far as I know wanted me to stay. I have many letters and emails testifying to this.

It doesn't do you any credit to fulfill wishes this way, even on HN where a noisy but surprisingly small cohort do it vs. me, endlessly.

Brendan Eich on Mozilla 2023-08-06 nzf8
Brendan Eich on Mozilla 2023-08-06 nzf8
Mozilla board 2023-08-07 8YM2
Mozilla board 2023-08-07 8YM2

ohgodplsno says

Mozilla Corruption