IQ Intelligence
- woke from 2 hours sleep
- continue to code wolfram lang
- the thing with math is that, once u get into, spend a lot time, feels good, u r getting to know things, then, u knew that u can never amount to shit. there's too much.
- work log wolframlang
- math
- and the hours of readin math math
- since last year, been reading math like a few hours per day
- starting maybe around feb 2023
- when i was young, like in 1993 or so, i read, a mathematician said, that, today in a math conf, you don't know the guy sitting next you is doing.
- amout of math to learn today is more than the task of knowing all the world's langs.
- he compared it that way.
- that had a big impression upon me.
- and i believe it.
- though, i think am not too sure today
on IQ
- btw, also let me poke a truth here.
- math, is for high iq. period.
- only if u have high iq, u can do math.
- there's nothing wrong with it if u r not good at math.
- just as many mathematicians mob toilets at mcdonalds.
- it's important to know, what is true.
steve says
- Not necessarily wrong, but the whole idea of IQ is fundamentally flawed.
- Intelligence is a hard concept to define, a very hard thing to measure (e.g., computers would probably score pretty damn high in IQ tests, but they are not necessarily intelligent), and perhaps it's not something that can be synthesized with one single number for each individual.
- Also, it's something that can be trained up to a significant degree (although it's in part genetic, like talent in sport).
- lol. everytime i say that there's always counter like this.
- i think is pure bullshit.
- let me be more precise.
- what typical other idiots will say is this: that there's also social iq, or street iq.
- what u said, is not that. but rather close to what am saying.
- of course, iq test doesn't mean that number is the jugement of ur brain.
- sometimes u r not in the mood during the test, u didn't drink coffee, or one's wife just left, or, the pen broke. etc.
- or, the idiotic institution that did a lot mistake in the test.
- and or, the tests, are not exactly perfect, and probably never will.
- but all these, r obvious and insignificancia.
- the iq tests, remain, a rough indication of intelligence.
- and what is intelligence?
- it is, by definition, the ability to analize problems and logic.
- and, can it be trained?
- well, yes and no and yes.
- u can be trained for tennis too.
- but training, say like weight lifting, or swimming, won't do that much good, if ur gene isn't fit for it.
- for example, let me take the bear body type. they like weight lifting. they constantly tell u, how gym is good.
- am not that type. i won't ever be much good at weight lifting.
- and i'll tell them, kungfu, is actually the best. weight lifiting is idiotic.
- while we r on the subject, let me say a bit more about iq, to dispell misinfo.
- now, about iq of individuals, aka each person.
- of course, and should be obvious, having high iq no mean u'll do good. in general, some massive statistical sense, yes.
- not at indivial level. because, lots can happen to a person. random events. wheel of fortune.
- and, one important thing to note is that, iq does not determine how rich u become.
- rich, success, has a lot more to do with ambition, ur personality.
- in fact, i think there's correlation, very high iq, tend to have depression. am not too sure.
- again, that's statistically speaking. doesn't mean, if u r super smart, u gonna be depressed.
- the most important thing here is this: rich, success, has a lot more to do with ambition, ur personality, and ur people skills.
- and depends on you working for it, for success.
- now, let me say a few things as faq, against the pop idiotic myths.
- iq, is a fairly valid test, for ur intelligence, or how smart u r. and that basically means, ur analytic and logic capacity.
- the street iq, or 'emotional iq', does not exist. they were created to counter iq as power struggle in academia.
- street smartness, or emotional awareness, certainly exist. they are called, tact, acumen, gracefulness, sociability