Language and English

Dear indigenous of English,

You NO unstand.

it is often the case,
that i do contemplate,
the degree of cockiness,
that i should exhibit myself.

if showing-off too much,
i then beget revulsion.
if i show not enough,
then i'm not man enough.

therefore i trounce,
when being pressed,
on the delicate balance,
that i might have trashed.

now you understand,
'tis not my loftiness,
but my frailties,
that you should endorse.

on the other hand,
with regards to the universe,
my name is Xah Lee,
and i'm still matchless.

— Xah Lee, 2004

For latest vagaries, Disorder of a Man of Letters -- Xah's Belles-lettres, please you subscribe of it.

The Ethology of Jargons, Chantable Phrases, Obfuscations

Phonetics, Symbols, Typography


Etymology, a Pit of History
