Xah Music Blog Archive 2019-01

Cabaret - Tomorrow Belongs to Me 🎵

Macross Plus, Information High

王菲 《传奇》 Faye Wong - Legend

Faye Wong - Eyes on Me. Final Fantasy VIII 🎵

千年等一回 Millennial Wait

王菲 《棋子》 (A Game Piece)

Goodbye Horses

Don't Let It Bring You Down

Hooverphonic - 2wicky 🎵

two chinese songs on 17

US National Anthem: The Star-Spangled Banner

National Anthems

Louise Alenius - Slow Mover 🎵

Mulholland Drive - Llorando 🎵

Bach, Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1, Fugue #8 🎵

Yoko Kanno - Moon (Gundam) 🎵

Billy Idol's 63 now. Apparently he's touring. here's his Sweet Sixteen (1987) when he's 32. Billy Idol - Sweet Sixteen 🎵 Note here, it's sweet 16, not sweet 18, 21. Nor sweet 30, 40.

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you watch it, with respect to human history, you see he's a entertainer. Entertainers, some become stars, and, they wither with time in waves of generations.


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梅艳芳死了。邓丽君也死了。張國榮也死。总觉得台湾香港人唱歌比美国人厉害。台湾香港唱歌靠声音,真功夫。美国歌王歌后一般是什么摇滚或金属,喊喊叫叫,或其他搞花样,比方 Madonna,Britney Spears 或 Lady Gaga (或周杰伦)。声音厉害的少(如Michael Jackson)。

The Swordsman 滄海一聲笑

What Happens to Piano Music If Human Have 10 Hands?

鄧麗君 《船歌》 Teresa Deng, Boat Song

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Got Your Money 🎵

Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin 🎵

Jefferson Airplane - Bear Melt 🎵

vidthumb RRh0QiXyZSk

Sexual Anthropology in Carly Simon's “You're So Vain”

there is a fantastic song in this great video on cat behavior https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VkVlYIbMP4

any know the song? the description says “Cherry in my Cocktail by the fantastic L and L Music (c) 2013” with a YouTube link, but the video is gone and i can't find the song anywhere.

Chopin, Funeral March

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she so cute

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Interview with a Vampire, Lestat Sonata

Bach, Goldberg Variations 🎵

fuck eminem. puny white idiot with no bass no power.

also note that rap is a degenerate form of singing. It requires much less skill. rap from blacks is analogous to formation of white's heavy metal. they, reflect the loss of structure of society.

Sign Language Rap 🎵

Glenn Gould plays Bach. This, a mad genius. extremely weird guy. watch at 1:00. (begin at 0:55). Also, watch starting at 4:52. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mia9woisQZo

Bach, Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor

黃妃 追追追


vidthumb xQ-8IkItoV4
 千江水 千江月 千里帆 千重山 千里江山 我最水
萬里月 萬里城 萬里愁 萬里煙 萬里風霜 我最妖嬌

什麼款ㄟ殺氣 什麼款ㄟ角色 什麼款ㄟ梟雄 迫阮策馬墜風塵
什麼款ㄟ愛情 什麼款ㄟ墜落 什麼款ㄟ溫柔

後阮日夜攏想你 很久以前 狼主的傳說 如今狼煙再起
很久以前 狼主的傳說 如今狼煙再起 啊 追 追 追

追著你ㄟ心 追著你ㄟ人 追著你ㄟ情 追著你ㄟ無講理
啊 煩 煩 煩 煩過這世人 心肝如蔥蔥 找無酒來澆 嚥氣啦

麥擱那麼大聲對我說話 啊 亂 亂 亂
女人ㄟ心 豆腐做ㄟ 為你破碎 任由針底劃


千江水 千江月 千里帆 千重山 千里江山 我最水
萬里月 萬里城 萬里愁 萬里煙 萬里風霜 我最妖嬌

什麼款ㄟ殺氣 什麼款ㄟ角色 什麼款ㄟ梟雄 迫阮策馬墜風塵
什麼款ㄟ愛情 什麼款ㄟ墜落 什麼款ㄟ溫柔

後阮日夜攏想你 很久以前 狼主的傳說 如今狼煙再起
很久以前 狼主的傳說 如今狼煙再起 啊 追 追 追

追著你ㄟ心 追著你ㄟ人 追著你ㄟ情 追著你ㄟ無講理
啊 煩 煩 煩 煩過這世人 心肝如蔥蔥 找無酒來澆 嚥氣啦

麥擱那麼大聲對我說話 啊 亂 亂 亂
女人ㄟ心 豆腐做ㄟ 為你破碎 任由針底劃

啊 追 追 追

追著你ㄟ心 追著你ㄟ人 追著你ㄟ情 追著你ㄟ無講理
啊 煩 煩 煩 煩過這世人 心肝如蔥蔥 找無酒來澆 嚥氣啦

麥擱那麼大聲對我說話 啊 亂 亂 亂
女人ㄟ心 豆腐做ㄟ 為你破碎 任由針底劃

雪中紅 A Rose in Snow

《记事本》 陈慧琳 (Notebook)

鄧麗君 《但願人長久》

鄧麗君 《你可知道我爱谁》 (Do You Know Who I Love)

鄧麗君 《晶晶》 (Teresa Teng, Jing Jing)

James Bond Songs

Sungbong Choi - Nella Fantasia 🎵 (updated)

Elfen Lied - Lilium 🎵 (updated again)

仰阿莎 阿哥阿妹 (Ah Ge Ah Mei)

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歌观人 Chinese Songs with Translation

梅豔芳《似是故人來》 (Return)

愛江山更愛美人 The Bold and the Beautiful

SING 女團 寄明月 🎵

刀郎 《西海情歌》 (the Love Song of West Sea) 🎵

女人沒有錯 (Women Are Not Wrong) 🎵

《我的楼兰》 (My Loulan)

M.I.A. - Paper Planes 🎵

#xahmusic of the day. 愛江山更愛美人 The Bold and the Beautiful what a translation of the title. perfect. would be hard to translate the lyrics.

新套马杆 (Lasso Pole) 🎵