English Vocabulary

Five thousand English words with usage examples.

For a intro, see: How to Increase Your Vocabulary.

You should have a dictionary software. see: Online English Dictionary Tools.

SAT Words

Words commonly found in magazines or newspapers. A great source for SAT preparation. High school students starts here.

GRE Words

Similar in nature to the SAT group but more difficult. You may find them in GREs (Graduate Record Exams). SAT and GRE words are basically words found in journalism. (as opposed to novels or other literatures.)

Writer's Words

When i cannot find a categorical basket to put a word in, i dump it here. Writers are the ones to blame for this utter quandary.

Writer's words are often found in fictions, novels. These words may not often appear in journalism.

Special Words: Hyphenated words, Slang, Nouns, Arcane, Poesy, …

Hyphenated Words

What a strung-out tongue-in-cheek booby-trap!

Combination Words

I daresay the forthcoming outlook of a headstrong crackpot is oftentimes a polymath not unlike the foresight of yours truly.

Compound word or portmanteau words. For many of these words, the hyphen eventually dis-appears. For example, email started as e-mail for electronic-mail. (As email becomes infused into household usage, there is a gradual tendency to drop the e in email.)

Special Meaning Words

Familiar words with unfamiliar meanings or likely to be misunderstood. For example, a seedy hotel; It's not cricket to cheat at cards; marshal all the relevant facts for the presentation.

Foreign Words

Words that looks glaringly foreign. Exempli gratia: de facto, bona fide, ad hoc, voilà, et cetera. From a etymology point of view, most words are foreign anyway.


Like, more bang for the buck.


Yup! So what's the diff between slang and informal? Often, slang begin as slang, and when they become pop, pundits upgrade them to informal status. Informal words are words that doesn't appear in formal writings, such as journals. Sometimes, dictionaries will disagree on a word status being slang, informal, or normal.

Interesting Nouns

Nouns are the least interesting class, period.


Difficult, obscure, or specialized jargon, but not archaic. Often interesting ones that tickles mentality. Psy. lingoes like Oedipus Complex or phallic worship; med. jargons like alexia or neurasthenic; litterateur archaisms like misology and misogyny, what-not esoterica like clepsydra and sextant; sexual technicalities like coitus interruptus or mastectomy; philosophical, philological, or cunnilingual gibberish from dualism to tribadism, from idealism to Dadaism, to theism/atheism/agnosticism, of solipsism to deconstructionism and gaga.


Words that appear in poetry. The likes of prolix men who can't be precise.

Similar Words

Synonym, paronym, homonym, homophone, homograph, and other kind of nameless nymphs of my fancy.

Similar Words

Misc Compilations

Misc compilations. Word fodder.

SAT prep