English Vocabulary; To Be Sorted

here are some legend for my own use.

-as hanker → You can make you own background music if you have a hankering for it.

adulate, adulation

allusion → If you just ask, i’d be happy to explain any sentence or intentions or origins or allegories or allusions or recondite wisdom you couldn't grasp. [Xah Lee ranting in comp.lang.lisp, 2000-07-26]

armistice → “Armistice International”

attrition→ rubbing away. For example, there is a site called attrition.com, dedicated to computing hacking releated news and issues, as in “rubbing away a behemoth”.

-w balderdash → your article is balderdash

-s balk → the dork balked at crossing the wooden bridge

-g bandy → the kid bandied his toy sword, menancing grimace in full display.

-l bucolic → countries are often bucolic, often with bucolic people. Bucolic people are also known as rubes, rustics — rythms with rural and rooky. Countryman, on the contrary, is not to be intepreted as bucolic man. For example, in the movie Silence of the Lambs, Dr. Hannibal Lecter calls the FBI chic Clarice Starling a rube, however, they are mutally countryman, despite that Starling is a woman.

-l careen → nubile chics careening on the deck — that is their nature.



, hoard, imbue, impute, innocuous,
intelligentsia, interlocutor, inveigle, jaunt, leviathan,

enclave, extradition, flounce, foolhardy, forthwith,

-g fusillade
-g gluttony
-g gnash
-l miscreant → there is a excellent porn movie titled miscreant
-g quip
-g cognoscenti → connoisseur
-g cretinous → that is cretin
-g episcopal → church shit
-g mitigate → mitigate the situation
-g neophyte → newbie

provident, rancor, rejoin, remonstrate, rove, sentient, shun, strident, superannuate, synopsis, verve, waterloo, wee, complicity, confluence, invidious, beleaguer, harridan, leach, reprise, dervish, gloaming, haply, holism, impunity, internecine, intromit, , numinous, objurgate, prophylactic, purblind, regale, transmogrify, artifice, betoken, declaim, dilatory, disburse, elocution, inculpate, intercede, nascent, , quandary, rancor, supervene, tribulation, truculent, usurpation, accession, aplomb, earl, flagitious, impunity, inimitable, junta, parlay, raffish, recoup, straggle, subterfuge

-n whet

-s apathy
-h close-fisted
-s curt
-s didactic

-s mutable
prodigious, propriety,
pugnacious, raze, rebuff, rout, supercilious,

-s supplant → replace
-e understated
-s unimpeachable

-g thrifty → i think there's a generic store called Thrifty in California, much like Wal-Mart and Target, Safeway, Albertson's…
-c upbraid
-s venerate
-g auspice
-w cackle → cackle upon my silliness

captious, dalliance, dirge,
, execration, garish, Herculean,
imbecility, laurel, peeve, peremptory, perjure,
pestiferous, ploy, stash, totem,

-s translucent → i was covertly ogling at her translucent dress.

-g diaphanous → ethereal, gossamer → “diaphanous bodysuit, something like a body stocking but with the kind of intimate snugness of a condom” → translucent
-l gossamer → see through, gauze like fabric.

-s persecution,
-s apprehend

venality, yeoman,
plaint, arraignment, dunk, infidel, mosque, precept, orchard, collusion,
inclement,  glint, spry, suborn, brigand, invidious,
enfranchise, enervate, tangential,
errant, pummel

mediate, perquisite, cadre

-l leitmotif → motif

extradite, ballyhoo
-g epitomize → it seems that going gaga epitomized the acme of an supreme artist's life

spume, duly
-g exoteric → opposite of esoteric. Math is esoteric, music is exoteric
-s esoteric → compare exoteric → why do you endeavor on such an esoteric subject (group theory)

-g stipulate → Perl programing stipulates a sloppy mind
-g propound → they propound an experimental anarchy region
-g hubbub → Java, the hubbub of computer industry of 1997
-g congenital → not to be confused with congenial, but think of genital

-a microcosm
-l libation

-w insular

irrefragable, , penury, skittish, disembark,
curmudgeon, escutcheon,
wrangle, rebuff, gambol, puerility, tableaux, entrench, squall, consign,
incontestable, veld
-n savanna

-w quintessential → there is essence, quintessence, then essential and quintessential → “Liszt was the quintessential romantic”  Musical Heritage Review

abstention, congenial,

recourse, decoy, compendium, populist,
hagiarchy, partial, stint, reprieve, steppe, halcyon, testament,
comportment, verity, cower, bogey, corporeal,
agronomy, intemperance, transverse, swathe, mortar, mote, consternation,
nonsectarian, clemency, equanimity, pontificate.

-e exploit
-g fecund
-w peroration → holes …
-g draconian
-g epicurean
-g ire → When quality lampoon are read by rubes, it arose instinctive ire in them. Although they do not apprehend the significance, but can fully sense it's attacking nature. In newsgroups, such rubes would reply with a vengeance, showing that their majesty, could see nothing but insults. [Xah Lee in comp.lang.lisp, 2000-07-27]

-s listless
-g lampoon → when Kim Jong Il succeeded his father as leader of North Korea six years ago, he was lampooned by the rest of the world as a pudgy playboy who drank cognac while his countrymen barely subsisted, many of them reduced to eating roots. [Time Mag, 2000-06-26]

-l garrulous

-g jingoist → the movie Saving Private Ryan has a jingoistic tone.

-n samizdat → The implications are profound. Dissidents in totalitarian states could use Freenet to post samizdat that once had to be cautiously hand-circulated. _Whistle-blowers 9_ could safely bring _smoking-gun_ documents to light. [Time Mag, 2000-06-26]

-w philistine → It would be philistine to parse a true work of art in this way - to say, for example, that “King Lear” presents a pretty sorry picture of father-daughter relations. But lesser works like “American Beauty” have to take their chances. Being Best Picture does not make it a work of art. (Think of 1990's Best, Kevin Costner's ridiculous “Dances With Wolves.”) [The Subtle Stink That Mars ‘American Beauty’, by Lance Morrow, 3000-03-27, http://www.time.com/time/daily/0,2960,41820-101000326,00.html]