Interesting Words of Brutes
Here's a short collection of interesting words for animals with designations of sex, age, purpose from human animal's perspective.
- sire → male parent
- dam → female parent
When did the tiger's young ones teach the dam? O, do not learn her wrath- she taught it thee; The milk thou suck'dst from her did turn to marble, Even at thy teat thou hadst thy tyranny. Yet every mother breeds not sons alike: [To CHIRON] Do thou entreat her show a woman's pity. — Shakespeare in Titus Andronicus]
- fledgling → bird
- gosling → goose
- kid → goat
- calf → cow,bull,elephant, whale..
- chick → chicken
- cub → bear, wolf, lion
- duckling → duck
- lamb → sheep
- fawn → deer
- leveret → hare
- puppy → pup, dog
- kitten → cat
- kit → cat, or fur bearing animal
- foal → horse
- joey → kangaroo
- pullet → domestic hen
- suckler → suckling calf or mammal
- whelp → mammal: dog, wolf. → Two of thy whelps, fell curs of bloody kind,/ Have here bereft my brother of his life. [Shakespeare in Titus Andronicus Titus Andronicus]
- yearling → She looked straight into his eyes. “'Kill the yearlings,'” she said very gently. “'Kill the calves.'” [James Agee in A Mother's Tale]
- weanling → child or animal
- fatling → fattened youngling for sale
- poulard → A young hen that has been spayed for fattening.
- pony → any type of horse that is small when mature
- cock →
- rooster → Another Rooster in the Hen House — from Joker of a dialogue in movie Batman (1989).
- capon → A male chicken castrated when young to improve the quality of its flesh for food
- gander → male goose
- hart → A male deer, especially a male red deer over five years old.
To-morrow, and it please your Majesty To hunt the panther and the hart with me, With horn and hound we'll give your Grace bonjour. — Shakespeare in “Titus Andronicus” Act 1 Scene 1
- ox → castrated adult bull
- bullock → castrated bull
- steer → A young ox, especially one castrated before sexual maturity and raised for beef
- stag → male deer.
- tomcat → male cat
- gib → male cat, esp. castrated
- filly → young female horse
- ewe → female sheep.
- hen → A female bird, especially adult domestic fowl; female octopus or lobster.
- bitch → A female canine animal, especially a dog
- cow → The mature female of other large animals, such as whales, elephants, or moose.
- doe → female deer, hare, goat, or kangaroo.
- sow → adult female hog, bear.
- mare → female horse
- cattle → cows, steers, bulls, oxen… bred for human curlinery pleasure.
- colt → young male horse
- stud → horses kept for breeding
- stallion → uncastrated male horse, esp. for breeding
- gelding → castrated animal, esp. male horse.
- geegee
- pinto → mottled horse
- puss,pussy → cat, women
- goose → female goose
- swine → pig, hog, boar
- bison,buffalo
- hare
some rare names
- jackal
- lemur
- dodo
- armadillo