Similar Words
This page collects words similar in one way or another: synonym, paronym, homonym, homophone, homograph, and other kind of nameless nymphs of my fancy, including: near synonyms, near homonyms, words likely mixed up, specialized technical jargons, etc.
- Animalistic Cries: roar, bray, hiss, coo, buzz, howl…
- Brutal Appellatives: feline, canine, avian, equine, asinine…
- Brutes: dam, kid, bitch, pussy, stud, mare…
- Name callings: honky, gringo, wetback, redneck, white trash…
- Chantable Couplets: nature or nuture, friend or foe, nook and cranny, cease and desist …
- names of similar words: synonym, paronym, homonym, homophone, homograph …
- “Synonymous Antonyms or Antonymous Synonyms”: cry, decry; linear, rectilinear; flammable, inflammable; famous, infamous; title, entitle; shamed, ashamed …
the ruling class
- autocracy → by single person, monocracy = by a manarch. Autocracy gone by are depotism.
- aristocracy → by lineage
- plutocracy → by rich
- democracy → by populace
- mobocracy → by mobs, ochlocracy, democracy run amuck
- anarchy → no ruling. sort of democracy extreme
- hagiocracy → by church leaders, hagiarchy, hierocracy, theocracy
- technocracy → by technicians or experts, often in communism contexts. Modern China is said to be technocracy
- meritocracy → by merits, ability. Open Source software movement is sometimes said to be based on meritocracy.
- kakistocracy → Government by the worst men. opposite of meritocracy or technocracy.
- corpocracy → by corporate bureaucracy, paperwork
- gerontocracy → by old people
- gynecocracy → by woman (gynocracy)
- kleptocracy → corrupted-cracy. Some third world countries with rich
- narcokleptocracy → by drug lords
- slavocracy → by slave holders
- stratocracy → my military people
- thalassocracy → naval stuff
- timocracy → Plato's fancy. A state in which the love of honor is the ruling motive.
See also: Form of government.
one batch of animals
flock, flight, herd, drove, pack, gang, gaggle, bevy, brood, school, swarm, throng..
See also: List of animal names (with collective nouns), Herd
Some bird names:
- condor, falcon, hawk, harrier, owl, vulture
- lark,
- parakeet, parrot, raven, crow,
- nightingale, sparrow, swallow, robin, jay, canary, cardinal,
- catbird, cockatoo, coot, crane, loon, crossbill, curlew, finch, grouse, kea, kite, kiwi, linnet, macaw, magpie, mynah, oriole, osprey,
- cock, peacock,
- shrike, songbird, tanager, warbler, wren
incessant utterances
grumble, babble, mumble, murmur, mutter, stammer, prattle, blather, drivel, drool, prate, twaddle, gab, chatter, blabber, burble, jabber, gibber, maunder, patter, yak, yammer, twiddle, twitter, smatter, tinkle, ramble
English has lots words describing these. They may indicate a commen need to describe such slacking talk. Oftentimes we can glimpse a culture or human nature from languages. Other examples are the plethora of words for decribing stupidity or fools, and as well women as sex objects.
- lass
- lassie
- wench
- dame
- femme
- chit
- colleen
- damsel
- demoiselle
- broad
- minx
- coquette
- hussy
- bint
- bimbo
- maiden, virgin, houri
- demimonde (demimondaine), paramour, ladylove, sweetheart
- popsy, doxy, sexpot, chanteuse, ingenue, frump
- fleshpot, harlot
- trull → And let my spleenful sons this trull deflower [Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus: Act 2]
- A trull is a prostitute. Synonyms for prostitute varies in context and connotation. There's tramp, harlot, courtesan, call girl, prostitute, whore.
Women's clothings:
chemise, corset, peignoir, Lingerie
locomotion mannerisms, gaits
swagger, trod, tread, tramp, trample, trudge, stamp, limp, lope, amble, saunter, scamper, scuttle, scurry, scoot, shamble, shuffle, slouch, traipse
- strut → she struted with her new heels
- stalk → the predator stalks its prey
- plod → plodding thru snow
- sashay → sashaying through the street struting her figure
- wade → wading through the river
- shuffle → the prisoner shuffled to the gallow
- scurry → mouses scurried around
- stomp → the angry kid stomped away from her mom
- stamp → stamping out of the office
- clomp → she clomped down the steps
- trot → the kid is emulating horse trot
- gallop → the horse breaks into a gallop (gait: trot, canter, gallop)
- wobble → earth wobbled around the sun
- waddle → Linux waddles from obscurity [USA Today, tech news headline, 2002]
- trek → trek across Africa
Chimeras and boogieman
Some words used for fantasy creatures.
- basilisk, brownie
- sprite, elf, pixie, fairy
- dwarf,
- fay, troll, giant, griffin,
- ogre, goblin
- manticore
- mermaid
- dragon, phoenix
- Succubus, incubus
- unicorn
From greek mythology:
Some words used for color:
chartreuse, grizzle, jet, ebony, sepia, bister, beige, dun, ecru, flaxen, tawny, maize, titian, umber, amber, ocher, russet, ruddy, carmine, sorrel, scarlet, henna, garnet, claret, fuchsia, vermillion, magenta, mauve, sanguine, maroon, cardinal, lavender, turquoise, azure, teal, sapphire, indigo
See also: List of colors.
dawdle, doodle → in the game American McGee's Alice, the white rabbit said to Alice “don't dawdle, Alice”
allay, alleviate, palliate, sooth
- thorn → horny plants
- throne → king's seat
- throng → a bunch of crowd.
- thong → thin strap of leather; underwear
swamp, mash, marsh, pulp, quagmire, mire
ails ills aisles isles
founder, flounder
twirl, whorl, whirl, swirl
parlay, parley
consul, council, councel
vis-a-vis = face-to-face, bona fide = genuine, et al = and others, etc. = et cetera; and so forth, per se = as such, i.e. = id est; that is, e.g. = exempli gratia; for example, viz. = videlicet; namely, MIA, g.o.p., AWOL
crochet, crotchet
knoll, hillock, hummock
perorate, harangue, tirade, diatribe, rant, rave
skulduggery, hanky-panky, prestidigitation
dextral, sinistral , deasil, widdershins → all these are hardly used.
ophthalmologist, optician, optometrist
remunerate, requite, repay, redeem, compensation, recompense, reparation, atonement
rump, hip, buttocks, bottom, cheeks, derriere, ass, breech
epee, rapier, scimitar, cutlass, dagger, foil, stiletto, stylet, halberd, pike, lance, spear, bow, crossbow → there are good varieties of words for varieties of swords used around the world.
tot, tote, toot, tout → Price has a song called _Sing of the Times_; the lyrics talks about a tot whose favorite game is about toting a machine gun. Owls hoot, whistles hoot. Merchants tout. → in describing small child, there's also tyke and kid, with kid also being a young goat.
podium, rostrum, lectern, dais, pulpit, soapbox
caustic, mordant, trenchant, acrid, scathing
shrewd, sagacious, perspicacious, astute → Jon, this is your chance to smite the world's eggheads with your prowess and perspicaciousness. (Announcing a programing contest to a brash hotshot Perl programer)
pope, pontiff, prelate, bishop, priest, deacon, subdeacon, vicar, rector, curate, pastor, sexton, diocese, parish, chapel
flair, flare, blare
club, mace, maul, cudgel, bludgeon, truncheon
balustrade, parapet, rampart, bulwark, palisade, stake
dapple, dapper, dabble, dabber
depredate, deprecate
varnish, burnish, furbish, tarnish, garnish, furnish
dozen/gross/score, team of horses, span of mules, yoke of oxen, brace of partridge, pair of shoes, couple of days, raft, horde, throng, mound
coruscate, scintillate, shimmer, glisten, glint, glimmer, glean, garner, muster
fiddle, fumble, botch, bumble, blunder, bobble, boggle, bungle, cobble, flounder
refection, ration, sustenance, provision, viand, morsel, victual, repast, elixir, arcana, libation, nectar, ambrosia, panacea
veldt, prairie, savannah
gaggle, gobble, gulp, gurgle, gargle, goggle, gargoyle
cranny, crevice, fissure, nick, gash
dock, jetty, quay, wharf, harbor, estuary, inlet, bay, promontory, cape, peninsula
crater, furrow, valley, chasm, gorge, canyon, ravine, gulch, gullet, gully
tomb, vault, sepulcher, catacomb
epigram, epigraph, epitaph, epitome, epithet
recipient, incipient, percipient
admonish, upbraid, scold, chide, berate, vituperate, blame, reprehend, reproach, reproof, reprove, censure, excoriate, rebuke, objurgate, reprimand, chastise
bespeak, divination, presentiment, premonition, presage, portend, prognosticate, predict, foretell, forecast, forebode
jangle, joggle, jiggle, jounce, giggle
admonish, demolish, abolish
exalt, extol, exhort, exult, extort
prodigious, prodigal, profligate, reprobate
ingenious, ingenuous, indigenous
repentant, penitent, deplore, doleful, melancholy, mourn, sorrow
compunctious, regretful, deplore, remorseful, contrite
malign, traduce, asperse, vilify, calumniate, defame
facetious, felicity, felicitous
mantel, mantle
acclaim, declaim, exclaim, proclaim, announce, denounce, belittle, deprecate, depredate
dispel, disperse, dissipate, disseminate
cheap, thrifty, niggardly, penurious, parsimonious, frugal, Spartan, provident