Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro on Tiktok Ban 2025-01-17
The CCP is our enemy. TikTok is a Chinese op. It is designed to manipulate Westerners into parroting CCP propaganda while gathering all their data. If TikTok divests itself of Chinese ownership, it should continue to operate. If not, it should not.

My Impression of Ben Shapiro

I watched a lot Ben Shapiro from 2016 to about 2019. That's the sjw gang days. Shapiro is a big anti sjw star.
I like Shapiro for fighting the sjw gang.
but intellectually, Ben Shapiro is like a juvenile, gerbil mouth and mousy brain. Squeaking for a turf.
it turns out, Shapiro is also anti china, posting fakenews about china often.
2023-12-30 as it turned out, since gaza, Ben Shapiro is a extreme pro israel skum. pro killing palens.
Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro 2018-01-31

- Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro: Religion, Trans Activism, and Censorship
- Nov 30, 2018
- The Rubin Report
Ben Shapiro gets DESTROYED by conservative BBC journalist Andrew Neil
lol. “Ben Shapiro gets DESTROYED by conservative BBC journalist Andrew Neil” seems there are lots editted version. This seems to be full version, 16 minutes.
cass, i can't agree you calling him a “neocon”? from my eyes, he's just a conservative fighting the sj. (i don't particularly like him. am not conservative) full interview is at i agree he doesn't look good. but win lose in such public debate is common.
what's ben's position on wikileaks? was he against Assange?
Ben Shapiro is now super popular. 2M followers on twitter. good. Anything to wipe the sjw-gang out.
i don't follow Ben Shapiro cuz am into academic things. philosophy, history, linguistics, math etc. Shapiro, is just a quickwitted smart guy with very traditional American conservative views. No scholarly knowledge.