Lojban Vocabulary: cmavo
By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .
- se
- 2nd conversion; switch 1st/2nd places
- te
- 3rd conversion; switch 1st/3rd places
- ve
- 4th conversion; switch 1st/4th places
- xe
- 5th conversion; switch 1st/5th places
- na
- bridi contradictory negator; scope is an entire bridi; logically negates in some cmavo compounds
- na'e
- contrary scalar negator: other than …; not …; a scale or set is implied
- no'e
- midpoint scalar negator: neutral point between je'a and to'e; "not really"
- to'e
- polar opposite scalar negator
- du'u
- abstractor: predication/bridi abstractor; x1 is predication [bridi] expressed in sentence x2
- jei
- abstractor: truth-value abstractor; x1 is truth value of [bridi] under metaphysics x2
- ka
- abstractor: property/quality abstractor (-ness); x1 is quality/property exhibited by [bridi]
- li'i
- abstractor: experience abstractor; x1 is x2's experience of [bridi] (participant or observer)
- mu'e
- abstractor: achievement (event) abstractor; x1 is the event-as-a-point/achievement of [bridi]
- ni
- abstractor: quantity/amount abstractor; x1 is quantity/amount of [bridi] measured on scale x2
- nu
- abstractor: generalized event abstractor; x1 is state/process/achievement/activity of [bridi]
- pu'u
- abstractor: process (event) abstractor; x1 is process of [bridi] proceeding in stages x2
- si'o
- abstractor: idea/concept abstractor; x1 is x2's concept of [bridi]
- su'u
- abstractor: generalized abstractor (how); x1 is [bridi] as a non-specific abstraction of type x2
- za'i
- abstractor: state (event) abstractor; x1 is continuous state of [bridi] being true
- zu'o
- abstractor: activity (event) abstractor; x1 is abstract activity of [bridi] composed of x2
- bi'i
- non-logical interval connective: unordered between … and … (rafsi represents any interval)
- ce
- non-logical connective: set link, unordered; "and also", but forming a set
- ce'o
- non-logical connective: ordered sequence link; "and then", forming a sequence
- jo'e
- non-logical connective: union of sets
- jo'u
- non-logical connective: in common with; along with (unmixed)
- joi
- non-logical connective: mixed conjunction; "and" meaning "mixed together", forming a mass
- ku'a
- non-logical connective: intersection of sets
- pi'u
- non-logical connective: cross product; Cartesian product of sets
- ja
- logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought or
- je
- logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought and
- jo
- logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought biconditional/iff/if-and-only-if
- ju
- logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought whether-or-not
- bo
- short scope joiner; joins various constructs with shortest scope and right grouping
- ca'a
- modal aspect: actuality/ongoing event
- co
- tanru inversion operator; "… of type …"; allows modifier trailing sumti without sumti links
- co'a
- interval event contour: at the starting point of …; initiative
- co'e
- elliptical/unspecified bridi relationship
- co'u
- interval event contour: at the ending point of … even if not done; Cessative
- du
- identity selbri; ⇔ sign; x1 identically equals x2, x3, etc.; attached sumti refer to same thing
- ke
- start grouping of tanru, etc; … type of … ; overrides normal tanru left grouping
- ke'e
- elidable terminator: end of tanru left grouping override (usually elidable)
- pu'i
- modal aspect: can and has; demonstrated potential
- roi
- converts number to an objectively quantified tense interval modifier; defaults to time tense
- nu'o
- modal aspect: can but has not; unrealized potential
- pe'a
- marks figurative usage (non-literal) speech/text as a rafsi
- va
- location tense distance: near to … ; there at …; a medium/small distance from …
- ve'e
- location tense interval: the whole of space (rafsi is used to represent any space interval)
- vi
- location tense distance: here at … ; at, near, or a very short/tiny distance from …
- vu
- location tense distance: far from … ; yonder at … ; a long distance from …
- za'o
- interval event contour: continuing too long after natural end of …; superfective
- ze'e
- time tense interval: the whole of time (rafsi is used to represent any time interval)
- ze'o
- location tense relation/direction; beyond/outward/receding from …
- zo'a
- location tense relation/direction; tangential to/passing by …
- zo'i
- location tense relation/direction; nearer than …/inward/approaching from …
- kei
- elidable terminator: end abstraction bridi (often elidable)
- le'e
- non-veridical descriptor: the stereotype of those described as …
- lo'e
- veridical descriptor: the typical one(s) who really is(are) …
- mo'i
- mark motions in space-time
- bu
- convert any single word to BY
- bu'a
- logically quantified predicate variable: some selbri 1
- broda
- 1st assignable variable predicate (context determines place structure)
- brode
- 2nd assignable variable predicate (context determines place structure)
- brodi
- 3rd assignable variable predicate (context determines place structure)
- brodo
- 4th assignable variable predicate (context determines place structure)
- brodu
- 5th assignable variable predicate (context determines place structure)
- jufra
- x1 (text) is a sentence/statement about x2 [topic/subject/predicate/focus] in language x3
- lujvo
- x1 (text) is a compound predicate word with meaning x2 and arguments x3 built from metaphor x4
- bridi
- x1 (text) is a predicate relationship with relation x2 among arguments (sequence/set) x3
- sumti
- x1 is a/the argument of predicate/function x2 filling place x3 (kind/number)