Periodic Dosage Archive 2019-08

Tibetan Singing Bowls Set 2019-12-20 cc47t
Tibetan Singing Bowls Set Buy at amazon

you buy! for California friends, yoga women, spiritual person who are tired of western logic!

who wears a clog?

clog 2019-12-18 3hvqp
clog amazon

Andrew Ng on DeepNude

Titania McGrath aka Andrew Doyle

Kim Iversen Reports

Population Under the Firmament

was reading about Naruto, fishcake swirl, then looking at map on Japan, then Hiroshima, then reading about Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

the skumkamalaharrisDropped out. Good thing. 美国 各大大媒体 三年前就知道 #epstein 事情,而且都有详细报告,但是被封了,没报告,因为牵涉到 美国总统和各大人物。现在这个信息被挖出。

take a bath towel. grabs 2 corners and raise over your head so it can fly like a kite. run in your back yard. when the wind is strong, you gonna be lifted. you can peer over the creeks below. what a experience. you should try it sometimes. i did in my dream yesterday.

USA propaganda don't want you to see this.

the kong kong rioter skums do not dare to beat non chinese 香港暴民不敢打外国人

us propaganda on china. apparently, this Hadas Gold works for CNN.

Hadas Gold David Culver lie China 2019-10-25 8fbzf
Hadas Gold David Culver lie China 2019-10-25 8fbzf

呵呵。美国人写书,说,你们大陆用微信卖酒会被中共扣分,约会,结婚,和你的朋友都会影响你的社会分数。 American author Daron Acemoglu rumor about “chinese credit system”. lol.

UK Iron Lady, fall in china steps. this video was way popular back then among chinese. the implication was that, the Iron Lady met a harder guy, Deng Xiaoping, and the fall reflects psychological falter.

history of hong kong 2019-10-15 f9d8p
history of hong kong 2019-10-15 f9d8p
history of hong kong 2019-10-15 fj3pn
history of hong kong 2019-10-15 fj3pn

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist 2019-10 By Jeffrey Dorfman. At ❮❯ 〕

on china, gold mine.

more and more picture and videos nows shows up about the truth of #Tiananmen . soldiers burned alive by rioters, this is before tankman

Tiananmen Square Massacre 2019-10-15 6hybq
Tiananmen Square Massacre 2019-10-15 6hybq
Tiananmen Square Massacre 2019-10-15 5fd68
Tiananmen Square Massacre 2019-10-15 5fd68


Saving Private Lynch 2003

这个人是白左大明星,搞笑的。 每月(对,月)收入 6,000,000 美金。 最近去看球赛,和George Bush前总统坐在一起嘻哈。 被左派批评。 她节目反驳。 然后被人加上这个背景。 各大白左媒体封,说是冒犯版权。 #EllenDeGeneres

你常常说这个。 其实,都在我网上,排列的很好。 问题是,一般,人不会去看。 如果我贴链接,更不会去按。 非要直接贴东西,而且不能有链接,看的人才会多。 明天,又是新的一天。 人们啥都忘了。 互联网上大家洗脑战继续 美国总统候选人,说美国民主如何血洗利比亚。香港年轻人,看看。 and my white american friends who are supporting Hong Kong protest, pay attention. understand that CIA/NED is paying billion per year to rebels in china since 1960s.

美国民主就是,把它的敌人,你的政府推翻,然后五代十国大乱,它就不管了。 #HongKongProtest

Google suspended facial recognition research for the pixel 4 smart phone reported targeting homeless black people

google face recog black homeless 2019-10-07 jmp5v
google face recog black homeless 2019-10-07 jmp5v

Joe Rogan and Eric Weinstein idiocy

Big Bang, Hopf fibrations, Gauge Theory 2 idiots. here we see joe rogan exposing his idiocy by his self consciousness. then we have this Eric Weinstein exposing his idiocy by twisted explanation he thought superior.

i didn't like eric w because he tends to use spurious academic jargons and certain abstractions the way he talks, he think it's smart, and usually to non-tech people, and fooling them.

the way he tried to explain some physics/math concepts to Joe Rogan, shows much of it. you can see he thinks he is teaching in the most superior and smart way. Joe is really too dumb to understand anything. But eric's way of explaining is by all means weird and not great. 美国没有高速铁路。

美国没有高速铁路。 美国的铁路,是这个样子。就在我家走路30分钟到。这个铁路从Mountain View 到三藩市。车票美金8. 55 人民币。50公里距离。50分钟。这个铁路,常常出问题。每年n人在铁道自杀。

Meghan Murphy, Twitter Ban

“it's illegal to induct into the armed forces if you have iq less than 83. That's 10% of the population.”

YouTube Censorship, Shadow Ban

Harvard Racism

杀杀说美国的故事。加拿大首领,Justine Trudeau 是白左的大首脑。大概全世界首领中他是最白左。今天他的一张2001年照片被挖出来。他参加派对,扮成阿拉丁,脸画成黑人。白左理论认为这是极端黑人歧视。哈佛大学大闹,开除等不少。今天他马上道歉。真是个帅哥。笑容可掬。那个女人看了不爱?见推连

2019-09-20 美国,本来是左派,右派。左派通常是讲自由言论,民主,反战争,反政府。右派通常是讲保守传统,基督教,反同性恋,反女权。2010后,尤其2016后,左派完全变样。变成白左,极端。女权变成恨男人,同性恋权变成人妖称霸权,黑人权,回教权,男女无别,最近几年是要求国无边界。你不同意,就是希特勒。

白左妖言惑众。现在开始烧书。就是,所有白人的书,都该烧。比方,台湾大陆常常流行看世界文学。比方茶花女,双城记,钟楼怪人,莎士比亚,这些都作者被统称为 dead white males (死白男)。白左集团在大学小学内要禁止学校教这些书。见图。那个Paul是烧书的一个集团首脑。另一张照片是一个学校烧书。

twitter sjw 2019-09-20 shqnb
twitter sjw 2019-09-20 shqnb Kavanaugh is on the news again. smeared by sjgang. 美国白左的事。Kavanaugh 是右派法官。自从2018要上任的时后,白左就各种攻击。弄出女的,说30年前强奸。地方不记得了,时间不记得,证人没有,连她朋友都不信。还有女的其它说强奸,都完全没证据。现在纽约时报又说强奸,又是空口说白话。 弄出的女的就是左边这个 Christine Blasey Ford。白富美。教授。白左还给她捐了1百万。拿了。右派也给 Kavanaugh 捐了60万。后来没拿,因为他说作为法官不能拿这个钱。

这人女的,是加拿大🇨🇦教授。反白左的一个大将。她报告 白左 Christine Blasey Ford 的背景。 To Understand Christine Blasey Ford, Take a look at Palo Alto University



你是白左派吗?如果大题上同意我的看法,或者不是很白左,或不是对这个有详细研究,何必订我这呢。这个事件,美国左右双方强大势力,新闻上万,视屏上千,僵尸户双方白万。斗争砍人。我看你不是白左。那么,我们不必为这个事争论。 不如说说大陆的事。意见不同没关系。说个人知道的事。

Hong Kong tycoon problem 2019-09-16 j4w6n-2
Hong Kong tycoon problem 2019-09-16 j4w6n
Hong Kong tycoon mk588
Hong Kong tycoon mk588

美国对中东的控制 US Blames Iran for Attacks on Saudi Arabia Oil Facilities

middle east map 2019-09-15 482hk
middle east map 2019-09-15 482hk 跟她。要想知道 wikileaks 维基解密 Julian Assange (朱利安·阿桑奇) 的消息,她最可靠。

are you aware of the sjw stuff? it's very controversial. heard about Jordanb Peterson Lindsay Shepherd Bret Weinstein ?

Social Justice Attacking Richard Stallman, Jeffrey Epstein, Vice 杀杀说说美国的事。这个视屏,第一个女的,叫 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [在推特 ] 她是今年白左派选出的美國眾議院議員,是白左极端。很年轻,29岁。每天以极端无脑的话在推特涨粉。国无边界,社会主义,是她天天推特上的话。不同义,你就是希特勒。。这个视屏,是右派反她的视屏。


很多大陆朋友不知道。美国CIA给了西藏汉奸 1.7百万美金,还在美国训练了西藏游击队,然后跳伞放回西藏,每一年。1960年代。这个是美国后来公开的资料。李敖节目友专门报告。美国也有记录视频,在油管。 上面链接有详细

cia in tibet 2019-09-12 pgs9t
cia in tibet 2019-09-12 pgs9t


li ao on tibet 2019-09-13 h4fzg
li ao on tibet 2019-09-13 h4fzg
liu xiaobo 2019-09-13 ykmzx
liu xiaobo 2019-09-13 ykmzx

大陆朋友不知道。刘晓波 拿了美国多少钱?1百万美金。图上有每年给多少。都是NED机构官方网站公开的资料。当然,刘晓波 也得了诺贝尔和平奖,1百万美金奖金。刘晓波 还写了文章骂李敖。也文章支持美国打伊拉克。 上面详细报告,全英文。

Liu Xiaobo, NED, CIA, USA Support

这位 是美国反白左的律师。2018 年谷歌工程师,生物学家 James Damore 发表建议说女工程师比男工程师少或许是因为男女性向不同,被解雇。法院告谷歌。就是她律师。还有很多事件。

谷歌工程师 James Damore 的报道 ,还有法院告书,我全看了。对白左如何起来的很有帮助。这几年我都有研究这个问题。


从2016开始加右派人。有些是每天政治谣言涨粉,小事写成大事,偏激。有些是专门搞笑画佩佩蛙蛙🐸戏虐白左(这种最多,通常是普通年轻人)。有些是学术教授,比方 。有些是深入政治分析真相(这最严重,也会被杀)。真正说有深度话的人很少。右派通常账号随时被封。

大概2017,2018年,右派人在推特上越来越多。就是一般美国住在小城市或乡村的老百姓。这种不容易看到他们的账号。通常,你佛大号右派人物,然后看他们贴的下面讨论,就能看到。很多是女性或妇女。因为白人男说话常常会被打。 香港造反小头目黃之鋒到美国了。他来这里开会。这个机构是 Congressional Commission on China. 国会行政监察中国会。这机构目的是“监察中国法治发展和人权”。看看上面链接,美国人的报告。

在美国,反对美国做恶的很多,但是没什么用,被大权力阻挡。 反对美国做恶最有名的是他,Noam Chomsky。 可在油管上看他说话

Noam Chomsky 2019-09-10 vp9cw
Noam Chomsky 2019-09-10 vp9cw

现在最大的反对美国做恶的是她 。现在在进选总统。但是目前被左派 DNC机构拉黑,使她不能参加下次的左派候选人辩论。各大媒体(左派)都在斗争这个女士,各种抹黑。因为,很多左派右派都是靠战争 卖武器 侵略 吃饭的。 她的维基百科没有中文版。 你可去英文版看看她的资料,生平。

Tulsi Gabbard 2019-09-10 csxp9
Tulsi Gabbard 2019-09-10 csxp9

记得美国为什么打伊拉克吗?说是有核武器化学武器。结果啥么武器都没找出来。核武,化学武器全世界美国最多。 伊拉克人民死60万(详细数字没有。美国官方说,我们不记录这些。媒体也不准有任何流血照片)注意,推特,油管,都不准血腥照片。我贴一个比较软的照片。我有收集很多照片,就不贴链接了。

Bernie Sanders Linda Sarsour 2019-09-08 g6tc7-2
Bernie Sanders Linda Sarsour 2019-09-08 g6tc7-2



哈哈。我知道猪瘟的时候也是在想,这蛮好的,美国很多左派是积极喊吃素,动物权。 看看这个视频。这是白左,到一个餐馆,哭说有人杀了她的女儿。原来那个女儿是一只鸡。2014的事。动物权。 有一个感觉。在美国,第一代大陆人支持川普的,可能不是因为认为白左混蛋,而是白左唱共产,川普反大陆(至少表面上是),所以支持川普。就好像最近知道法轮功是这样。这次香港事件我才想到这点。真是乱。美国各大媒体,谷歌推特脸书等,是恨川普入骨每天喊他是希特勒。看到这个画会气死。

Hong Kong Trump tank 2019-09-06 cdzcc
Hong Kong Trump tank 2019-09-06 cdzcc [2019-09-06 twitter dancohen3000 ] ( )



apparently, there's this guy John De Goes a programer in functional programing community, that jsgang are banning him. not sure what's the details yet.

japan nazi 2019-09-05 pgzrb
happens in Japan too. even flying nazi flag. 日本也有这样。拿碎旗都出了。
colorado democratic socialists of america 2019-09-05 3d8rp
colorado democratic socialists of america 2019-09-05 3d8rp
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey hacked 2019-08-30 j5vr8
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey hacked 2019-08-30 j5vr8
unix philosophy seven 2019-08-30 kz4zt
unix philosophy seven 2019-08-30 kz4zt

2019-08-22 我急,在说一点希望包容。千万不要接受美国或其他国外访问。过去有的的算了。事情会搞得越来越糟。我是台湾生。20岁住美国。是美国人。没去过大陆。支持大陆。美国的花样看了30年。

megaupload kim dotcom

the megaupload kim dotcom case is still fighting for extradition since fbi raided his newzeland mansion in 2012. this guy is skum. fraud over 3 countries. also note, he said the mega nz was taken over by nz gov. so, beware if using.

kim dotcom 2019-08-18 x6r45
kim dotcom 2019-08-18 x6r45

Antifa Hammer 美国白左派,铁捶打人

Hong Kong Riot 2019





如果没有听过这些,我可以推网站,YouTube 电台,推特上人。注意,不是有没有的问题。这个问题,从2016年川普上阵,每天媒体吵,推特上喊,斗争的厉害。不止是美国,白人国现在都是这样。推特控制信息。


香港问题=白左问题。这个人讲解 Hong Kong problem = western elite. thread

8chan creator in video

8chan creator Fredrick Brennan

timpool sensationalism

since past 1 year, timpool been doing sensationalism. you used to do actual reporting, but now 80% of video content is repeating your same old uneducated opinion, and 4 videos per day. really got sick of you Tim.

psy warfare, democracy vs social justice

. @Quillette is supposed to be reason. But this Claire tweet isn't reasonable. it's emotion exciting. on the other hand, on twitter everyone shoot random all the time. No biggie. I happened to be Chinese by blood, and don't buy the typical whitemen+democracy=china-evil view.

lol. as far as opinion goes, my opinion is HK protest happened because USA CIA/NED is sending 💰 to a few hungry orgs. Like, O, China+Islam, please do send more 💰 so femism+intersect+race cripple white nations.

US pouring $ to rebel in other nations is no secret. NED say amount on its website. You know @TulsiGabbard on regime change? and Noam Chomsky? It's not to say Chinese don't bitch. But most prob the western mainstream media cry, is more than it seems.

lol, your characterization of Mao, exposes your bias to any as skin deep. Also, about social credit many of u r crying. let me tell u son, vast majority of Chinese in China don't care, just like vast majority in US love ok Google iphone mapping ya life out. Convenience trump all.

hiding as Japanese on twitter

i noticed, a lot people hiding as Japanese by using Japanese names as account name. but they don't speak Japanese. also, many chinese from china doing that too i think. This happens on twitter and mastodon too.

safari can't do YouTube anymore?

about a month ago, safari will often not play youtube videos on youtube site. Sometimes reload fixes it, sometimes not.

chances are, Google is fucking it from behind

styx hammer 666 dude

ok, this styx hammer 666 is a smart dude. A learned man. on the other hand, tim pool, is not too smart, ignorant, except everything happening on twitter

I Respectfully Disagree With Tim Pool: No Civil War is Looming
Aug 09, 2019

8chan El Paso Daytona

Fredrick Brennan 8chan 2019-08-08 v6pjd
Fredrick Brennan 8chan 2019-08-08
xah lee 8chan 2019-08-10 w2hmk
xah lee 8chan 2019-08-10 w2hmk

am sorry to say, that part actually i don't care much. it's muddy. It's a American obsession, and now many lgbtqsjw r pushing FOR it. also, r we talking about ≺ 13 or ≻? cartoon or real pic? the few times i went 4chan, i haven't seen real pd. otoh, i've seen it on twitter!

i have 1k YouTube subscribers now. there is a bag of money on the ground. i wonder if i should pick.

notch minecraft

my snarky remark on notch minecraft got hit! lol.

notch minecraft 2019-08-08 z6rwv
notch minecraft 2019-08-08 z6rwv

what does sike mean?

answer: it's like: “ha tricked ya”

rotting your life away on twitter

i get the feeling that if i kept doing twitter etc daily like now, in 10 years, i'll be nowhere, and dead. maybe i should quit twitter.

gab and bitchute, racy bait

There is gab @getongab and @bitchute They r free speech sites. Great. But when you follow them on twitter, most posts are biased batshit u no want. Why? cuz twitter facebook made popularity = drama. If you wanna be heard, you are forced to do anger/drama/clickbait/meme.

美国有 CIA,NED 机构

美国有 CIA,NED 机构,专门资金国外团体早饭🥣。香港一些集团,想要钱💰,就要有动作。动作可嘉,💰就来了。就好像那个刘先生一样,拿了百万美金。

your sjw acquaintances

feeling inadequate. and seems many (most?) mathematicians on twitter are on the sjw side. feeling very sad. well, but the major reason people feel unhappy is when worried about sustenance.

when running into mathematician acquaintances or programer who is on sjw side, there is a question what to do. Today (3 years after 2016), for programers i basically cut all ties unless they want to talk.

when running into mathematician acquaintances who is on sjw side and occasionally posted pro sjw stuff, there is a question what to do. Often i feel like reaching out and maybe spark a conversation. But in the end i just stay quite.

for programers who post sjw stuff often, i basically cut all ties. (back in 2016, when i see programer acquaintances unfollow me due to my rare anti sjw post, i feel bad for hours. and i never unfollow them. That was then.)

Disappearing Follow List

Looks like twitter is doing unfollow to many conservatives today. (see ). This happens on youtube too. Hard to notice.

Solution is to not rely on their list. Use browser bookmarks instead. Painful but more meaningful.

when relying on cloud, your stuff may disappear or mutate. It has happened, and can happen in any future moment when you need it the most, and likely to happen at that precise moment, if happens. It's about someone pressing a button.

you know you have pets? your cat was born in your house, never went out, and don't want to. human animals in modern society is kinda like that. when you are comfy, have job, have car, everything's fine. Not interested in unpopular pol views.

乱。英文就是 chaos。这个字,具有人性的精华。

乱。英文就是 chaos。乱,这个字,一直觉得很强大,具有人性的精华。比方,心慌马乱。乱世佳人。中国近代史,从1900年,大概多是属于乱世。美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,英国,法国,白人国,从2016年,也是乱。乱,就是你杀我砍看谁厉害。 Michael Zhang 張雨軒 @YuxuanMichael BREAKING - Fighting has broken out at North Point between Protesters and local residents. #HongKongProtests #HongKong

有些学者,比方 Steven Pinker 喜欢说 从统计学角度看,世界有进步。比方,民主越来越多,杀人少了,暴力少了,饿死少了,富余多了,等。我看是不见得。现在AI控制信息,突飞科技把人推了一把。跌伤跌死都不知到。


timpool is becoming a scum. 5 vids a day to cash in on pol drama. he used to do ground work reporting. i stopped watching him, because i can't stand it after 3 min.

timpool is a uneducated man (he kept saying not having gone to school as advantage). but he's also unlearned man. he does not even know how to write an essay (he has said, and i was shocked). yet mouthing about philosophy and viewpoints on and on in his vids.

lol, US politicians are clawing each other's eyes out about busing. i dunno how idiotic it is until i looked up what's busing. If any mentions race gets a electric shock, US will be a better place for all. 'was already pretty good, till sjw gang put race in every sentence.

Democratic Candidate Debate 2019-07

Tulsi Gabbard