Links To Wikipedia from

This page contains all existing links from xah sites to Wikipedia, as of 2016-12-19. There are a total of 7142 links.

This file is automatically generated by a emacs lisp script.

As of 2017-03-30, this page will not be updated. I'm starting to remove links to Wikipedia. For why, see Think Twice Before You Donate to Wikipedia

  1. "Weird Al" Yankovic → Humor: Weird Al - “White and Nerdy” ❮❯
  2. ...Baby One More Time (song) → Britney Spears - “Baby One More Time” ❮❯
  3. .dmg → Mac OS X “.dmg” File and Command Line Tutorial ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  4. .DS Store → Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  5. .NET Framework → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6. .obj → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-11 ❮❯
  7. 0.999... → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  8. 1181 Lilith → Unicode Astrology Astronomy Symbols ☿ ♆ ♋ 🌙 🌛 🌝 🌞 ❮❯
  9. 12 Kingdoms → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  10. 12 Years a Slave (film) → Best Movies ❮❯
  11. 1421 hypothesis → 1421 Hypothesis [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/1421.html ]
  12. 14th Dalai Lama → Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ]
  13. 15-puzzle → Great Math Software on Puzzles ❮❯
  14. 1918 flu pandemic → Google Glass Dating, and History in Downton Abbey ❮❯
  15. 1932 → Li Ao on Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Li_Ao_on_Tiananmen_Square.html ]
  16. 1938 Changsha fire → 李杀網誌存档 2015-05 to 2015-05 ❮❯
  17. 1942 (video game) → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  18. 1943: The Battle of Midway → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  19. 2001: A Space Odyssey (film) → Byte Magazine Cover on LISP, A Space Odyssey, Nietzsche ❮❯ •Daisy Bell in “2001: A Space Odyssey” ❮❯
  20. 2001 anthrax attacks → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  21. 2003 California recall → Star Spangled California Gubernatorial Recall 2003 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mary_carey.html ] •Words, page 10 ❮❯
  22. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  23. 2004 Summer Olympics → Babes of the Union Jack, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/brits2.html ]
  24. 2005 Sony BMG CD copy protection scandal → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  25. 2006 Duke University lacrosse case → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  26. 2006 World Cup → Cologne Cathedral ❮❯
  27. 2008 unrest in Tibet → Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ]
  28. 2010–2011 Tunisian uprising → Chinese Revolution à la Egypt? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/chinese_revolution_a_la_egypt.html ]
  29. 2011 Egyptian revolution → What is Al Jazeera? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/what_is_Al_Jazeera.html ]
  30. 2011 Thailand floods → SAT Words ❮❯
  31. 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami → 2011 Japan Tsunami Videos [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tsunami_in_japan.html ]
  32. 2011 US debt ceiling crisis → SAT Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  33. 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup riot → Kissing Couple in Riot [ Periodic_dosage_dir/riot_kissing_couple.html ]
  34. 2012-13 Stratfor email leak → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-11 to 2013-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201311.html ]
  35. 2012 phenomenon → temp area for words ❮❯
  36. 2013 Russian meteor event → 2013 Russian Meteor Event 📺 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/2013_Russian_meteor.html ]
  37. 21st Century Schizoid Man → 21st Century Schizoid Man ❮❯
  38. 24-hour comic → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  39. 2 Girls 1 Cup → Internet: 2 Girls 1 Cup [ sex/2_girls_1_cup.html ]
  40. 3-D film → SAT Words ❮❯
  41. 3-manifolds → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  42. 300 (film) → Movie 〈300〉 and Battle of Thermopylae ❮❯
  43. 3D computer graphics software → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  44. 3D engine → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  45. 3D printing → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200909.html ] •Best Animation Movies ❮❯
  46. 3DS Max → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯
  47. 3GP and 3G2 → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  48. 401k → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  49. 4chan → Reddit = Porn Fodder [ Periodic_dosage_dir/reddit_porn_fodder.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200910.html ] •Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  50. 50 Cent → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ] •50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  51. 50 Shades of Grey → Chick Porn: 50 Shades of Grey [ sex/chick_porn_50_shades_of_grey.html ]
  52. 5566 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  53. 7-zip → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  54. 8-bit clean → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  55. A-Do → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  56. B Testing → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-04 ❮❯
  57. A Brief History of Time → Humor: Weird Al - “White and Nerdy” ❮❯
  58. A cappella → Cute Girls Singing Adele's - “Rolling in the Deep” ❮❯
  59. A Clockwork Orange (film) → A Clockwork Orange [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/a_clockwork_o.html ] •GRE Words ❮❯
  60. A Confederacy of Dunces → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  61. A Conflict of Visions → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  62. A Day in the Life → David Bowie - “Young Americans” ❮❯
  63. A Few Good Men → Stars'n'Stripes Book Covers and Movie Posters [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/movie_cover.html ] •Writer's Words ❮❯
  64. A Fish Called Wanda → Words, page 18 ❮❯
  65. A Madman's Diary → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  66. A Modest Proposal → Literature: A Modest Proposal (by Jonathan Swift) ❮❯
  67. A New Kind of Science—•Notes on A New Kind of Science ❮❯ •World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯
  68. A Short Film About Killing → Xah Arts Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  69. A Short Film About Love → Xah Arts Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  70. A Tale of Two Cities → Words, page 15 ❮❯
  71. A Whiter Shade of Pale → - “A Whiter Shade of Pale” ❮❯
  72. Aalborg → Wind Turbine Photos ❮❯
  73. Aapua wind park → Wind Turbine Photos ❮❯
  74. Abalone (board game) → Great Math Board Game Software ❮❯
  75. ABBA → ABBA - “Dancing Queen” ❮❯ •ABBA - “Take a Chance on Me” Courtship Dissected ❮❯
  76. Abel Prize → Math Prizes and Nobel Ignobility ❮❯
  77. Abigail and Brittany Hensel → Best Psychological Thriller Movies ❮❯
  78. Abigail Van Buren → (Knowledge + Love) / Disrespectfulness ❮❯ •Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ] •Prussian Blue Documentary [ Periodic_dosage_dir/prussian_blue.html ] •Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  79. abortion → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  80. Abraham → Arcade Fire “Abraham's Daughter”,♪ “Hunger Games” Ending Credits Song ❮❯
  81. Abrahamic religions → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ] •Christianity, Islam as Violent Cults [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/scripture.html ] •Arcade Fire “Abraham's Daughter”,♪ “Hunger Games” Ending Credits Song ❮❯
  82. Absolute pitch → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  83. Abstract expressionism → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  84. Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse reports → Terrorism from USA: Misery US Americans Have Done to the World [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040318_americanism.html ]
  85. Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  86. Abuse of notation → Math Notation, Computer Language Syntax, and the “Form” in Formalism ❮❯ •The Problems of Traditional Math Notation ❮❯ •What is the Difference of Russell's Logicism, Hilbert's Formalism, Axiomatic System? ❮❯ •Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-09 ❮❯
  87. Acacia → Time Machine: Chapter VII ❮❯
  88. Access Point → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  89. Acer Inc. → PC Vendors Market Share [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pc_seller_marketshare.html ]
  90. Acheron → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 3 ❮❯ •Words, page 14 ❮❯
  91. Achilles → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  92. Achilles and Patroclus → Hollywood and Disney's Rape of Culture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hollywood_disney_rape_of_culture.html ]
  93. acidity → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  94. Acousticophilia → Words, page 17 ❮❯
  96. Act of Parliament → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  97. Actaeon → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  98. Action Figures → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  99. ActionScript → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  101. Active Directory Service Interfaces → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  102. Active Scripting → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  103. Active Server Pages → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  104. Active Worlds → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  105. Ada (programming language) → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  106. Adam Lopez → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  107. Adaptogen → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  108. Address Resolution Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯ •Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯ •Windows: Networking Commands ❮❯
  109. Adium → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯ •Difference Between Apple and PC keyboards ❮❯ •Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯ •What Characters Are Not Allowed in File Names? ❮❯
  110. ADM-3A → History of Emacs and vi Keys ❮❯
  111. Adobe Flash → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  112. Adobe FrameMaker → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  113. Adobe Illustrator → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  114. Adobe InDesign → Syntax Design: Use of Unicode Matching Brackets as Specialized Delimiters ❮❯
  115. Adobe Photoshop → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  116. Adolphe Quetelet → Pedal Curve ❮❯ •Geometric Inversion ❮❯ •Caustics ❮❯
  117. Adonis → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  118. Adrian Chen → Reddit = Porn Fodder [ Periodic_dosage_dir/reddit_porn_fodder.html ]
  119. Adriana Sage → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  120. AdSense → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯ •How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯ •How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  121. Adsense → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  122. Adult documentary → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  123. Advance fee fraud → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ]
  124. Advanced Audio Coding → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  125. Advanced Linux Sound Architecture → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  126. Advanced Systems Format → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  127. AdWords → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  128. Aegis → English Vocabulary: Abstract Nouns ❮❯
  129. Aeneas → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 3 Scene 2 ❮❯
  130. Aerial root → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  131. Aerobic exercise → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  132. Aeron chair → Design Stupidities of the Mundane ❮❯
  133. AES → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  134. Affect display → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  135. Affiliate program → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  136. Affine transformation → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯ •Affine Transformation ❮❯ •Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  137. Affirmative action → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  138. Afghan (blanket) → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ]
  139. African American Vernacular English → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  140. African Wild Dog → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  141. Afterburner → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  142. Aftermath: Population Zero → Periodic Dosage Archive 2012-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201201.html ]
  143. AfterStep → Random Linux Notes, Emacs on Ubuntu, 2011-05-26 ❮❯
  144. Against All Enemies → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  145. Agamemnon → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  146. Agent Orange → Terrorism from USA: Misery US Americans Have Done to the World [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040318_americanism.html ]
  147. Ages of consent in Asia → American's Obsession with Little Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wasp_girls.html ]
  148. Agha → Aladdin: The Magician ❮❯ •Aladdin: the Fatimah ❮❯
  149. AI Winter → My Experience of Emacs vs XEmacs ❮❯
  150. AIDS → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  151. Aiff → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  152. Aileron → Google Earth Flight Simulator Controls ❮❯
  153. Aimee Teegarden → Humor Video: Miss Teen USA and World Maps ❮❯
  154. Air Canada → Maple Leaf Deference [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/canada2.html ]
  155. Aircraft Carrier → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  156. AirPort → How to Setup a Network Between Mac and Windows ❮❯
  157. Airship → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  158. Ajax (mythology) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  159. Ajax (programming) → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  160. AK-47 → Leaked Video: US Helicopter Killing Iraqi [ Periodic_dosage_dir/leaked_video_US_helicopter_killing.html ]
  161. Akasha (vampire) → Words, page 14 ❮❯
  162. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge → Las Vegas Travelog: New York, New York [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/nynymgm.html ]
  163. Akihabara → μTRON Keyboard from Japan ❮❯
  164. Akino Arai → - “the Borderline” from - “Macross Plus”, Meaning of Sultry ❮❯
  165. Akio Morita → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  166. Al-Zarqawi → The Art of Propaganda ❮❯
  167. Al Hurra → What is Al Jazeera? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/what_is_Al_Jazeera.html ]
  168. Al Jazeera → What is Al Jazeera? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/what_is_Al_Jazeera.html ]
  169. Alabaster → Aladdin: The Pavilion ❮❯ •Aladdin: A Challenge ❮❯
  170. alabaster → Words, page 14 ❮❯
  171. Aladdin → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  172. Aladdin, Las Vegas → Las Vegas Travelog: Alladin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mcaladdin.html ]
  173. Aladdin (1992 Disney film) → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  174. Alain Robert → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201006.html ]
  175. Alan Bergman → Dusty Springfield - “the Windmills of Your Mind” ❮❯
  176. Alan Cooper → Voodoo of Software Engineering ❮❯
  177. Alan Cumming → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  178. Alan Greenspan → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-09 to 2013-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201309.html ]
  179. Alan Menken → Writer's Words ❮❯
  180. Alan Turing → GRE Words ❮❯
  181. albatross → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  182. Albert Einstein → Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ] •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  183. Albert Leung → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  184. Albert Speer → GRE Words ❮❯
  185. Alberto Iglesias → The Skin I Live In ❮❯
  186. Albrecht Dürer → Art of Albrecht Dürer ❮❯
  187. alchemy → Writer's Words ❮❯
  188. Alcibiades → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  189. Aldous Huxley → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  190. Alejandro Jodorowsky → Alejandro Jodorowsky, Spiritual Journey, Commandments [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Alejandro_Jodorowsky_Spiritual_Journey.html ]
  191. Alembic → The Fisherman And The Jinni ❮❯
  193. Alex Gaudino → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ]
  194. Alex Jones (radio host) → Wikileaks Rap News ❮❯
  195. → Website And Domain Lookup Tools ❮❯
  196. Alexander's horned sphere → Math in Second Life, page 3 ❮❯
  197. Alexander Grothendieck → Alexander Grothendieck = Obi-Wan ❮❯
  198. Alexander Lowen → Are You Schizoid or Autistic? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/schizoid.html ]
  199. Alexander McQueen → Alexander McQueen, Haute Couture, How Absurdity Became High Art ❮❯
  200. Alexander Ostrovsky → 顿河的哥萨克,饮马在河流上 (Please Kill Me Later) ❮❯
  201. Alexander the Great → Gulliver's Travels. PART III. A VOYAGE TO LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB, AND JAPAN. ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  202. Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov → Russian National Anthem ❮❯
  203. Alfie Kohn → What Motivate Us? and What Motivates Book Sellers? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/motivation.html ]
  204. Alfred Douglas → English: Ostentatious, Spurious, but Uranian! ❮❯
  205. Alfred Lawson → Cults: Lawsonomy, David Icke, Moonie, Falun Gong, Raelism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lawsonomy.html ]
  206. alga → Time Machine: Chapter XI ❮❯
  207. Algea → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  208. Algebraic Geometry → Websites on Plane Curves ❮❯
  209. algebraic geometry → Writer's Words ❮❯
  210. Algebraic integer → Schmidt Arrangement, Algebra Integer, Gaussian Integer, Eisenstein Integer, Modular Group ❮❯
  211. Algebraic logic → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  212. Algebraic number → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  213. ALGOL → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  214. Algorithmic differentiation → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  215. Alias (Mac OS) → File Aliases Considered a Plague ❮❯
  216. Alibi → Eagles - “Hotel California” ❮❯
  217. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland → Alice in Wonderland, and Through the Looking-Glass ❮❯
  218. Alice: Madness Returns → Alice: Madness Returns ❮❯
  219. Alice (programming language) → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯
  220. Alice (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  221. Alice chess → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  222. Alice in Wonderland (1951 film) → Disney Alice ❮❯
  223. Alice In Wonderland (1976 film) → Porn Alices [ p/alice/porn.html ]
  224. Alice in Wonderland (2010 film) → Misc Alice Artwork, page 1 ❮❯
  225. Alice Pleasance Liddell → Photogenic Alices [ p/alice/photo_alice.html ]
  226. Alicia Boole Stott → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  227. Alien → Misc Scenes in Second Life [ sl/misc.html ]
  228. Alien Resurrection → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  229. Alien vs. Predator (film) → Alien vs Predator (screenshots) [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/alien.html ]
  230. Aliens (film) → American's Obsession with Little Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wasp_girls.html ]
  231. Alison Lapper → the Glorification of Female with Limblessness [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040201_limbles_ninmu.html ] •Sculpture of Armless Woman ❮❯
  232. All's Well That Ends Well → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-10 to 2014-10 ❮❯ •Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  233. all your base are belong to us → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  234. Allegro CL → Thoughts on Common Lisp Scheme Lisp Based Emacs ❮❯
  235. Allen Ginsberg → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  236. Allen Jones (sculptor) → A Clockwork Orange [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/a_clockwork_o.html ]
  237. Allods → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-06 ❮❯
  238. allophone → An Etymology Rhapsody on Spiracle ❮❯
  239. Almquist shell → random Linux notes 2012-04-18 ❮❯
  240. Alpha channel → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  241. Alpha compositing → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  242. Alpha male → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  243. Alphabet of human thought → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  244. Alt code → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-04 ❮❯ •Difference Between Apple and PC keyboards ❮❯
  245. Altamont Pass Wind Farm → Altamount Pass Wind Farm ❮❯
  246. AltaVista → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  247. Altricial → Rabbit vs Hare, Rabbit Meat Poisoning, Three-Rabits Motif, Cuniculture ❮❯
  248. Alureon → Hacker Humor: Illustration of Botnet and Rootkit ❮❯
  249. Amazon EC2 → Database Tech 2012 ❮❯
  250. Amazon Kindle → What's Kindle, iPad, Android, and All That Jazz?? ❮❯ •Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  251. Amazon S3 → The NoSQL Movement ❮❯ •Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  252. Amber MacArthur → Women in Tech: Today's Google Plus Recommendation? You Decide. ❮❯
  255. Ambrose Bierce → Hacker News,, and What is Politics? ❮❯
  256. AMD 700 chipset series#RAIDXpert → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  257. AMD Phenom → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  258. American Beauty (film) → “American Beauty” Screenshots [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina3.html ]
  259. American Civil War → SAT Words ❮❯
  260. American Civil War reenactment → Rebel Belles [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/na_tinbe.html ]
  261. American Heritage Dictionary → Writer's Words ❮❯
  262. American Life (song) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  263. American Mathematical Society → Computer Language Websites Popularity ❮❯
  264. American McGee's Alice → American McGee's Alice Gallery ❮❯
  265. American Sign Language → Writer's Words ❮❯
  266. American Standard Version → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  267. Ames room → Education in Second Life ❮❯
  268. Amit Singhal → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-08 ❮❯
  269. Ammonite → Non-human Animals in Second Life ❮❯ •Second Life: Flying Ammonite by Bathsheba ❮❯
  270. Ammunition → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  271. Ampere → Unicode: Unit Symbols ㎜ ㎝ ㎡ ㎥ ㎐ ❮❯
  272. ampersand → Semantic of Symbols: HTML Entities, Ampersand, Unicode ❮❯
  273. AMSN → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  275. Amy Irving → Jessica Rabbit “Why Don't You Do Right” ❮❯
  276. Amy Tan → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  277. Anacharsis → The Bimbo from Alaska: Sarah Palin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Sarah_Palin.html ]
  278. anachronisms → Time Machine: Chapter I ❮❯
  279. Anal stretching → Censorship, Erotica, Racism: Cindy's Torment [ p/cindys_torment.html ]
  280. Analog (program) → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  281. Analog stick → Math Models of 3D Inputs Control ❮❯
  282. Analytic continuation → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  283. anamorphosis → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  284. anarchism → STRATEGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s24.html ]
  285. Anathem → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  286. Andain → Andain - “Beautiful Things” ❮❯
  287. Anders Hejlsberg → TypeScript Will Kill CoffeeScript and Dart! ❮❯
  288. Andres Escobar → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  289. Andrew Carnegie → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  290. Andrew Keen → GRE Words ❮❯
  291. Andrew Lloyd Webber → Madonna “Don't Cry For Me Argentina” ❮❯
  292. Andrew Martinez → Feminism Perving Archive 2010-01 [ sex/blog_past_2010-01.html ]
  293. Andrew Marvell → Poetry: Brevity of a Woman's Life: To His Coy Mistress ❮❯
  294. Andrew S. Tanenbaum → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  295. Andrew Vachss → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  296. Android (operating system) → Google Chrome, SPDY Protocol, Browser War II ❮❯
  297. Andromache → Hector and Andromache ❮❯
  298. Andromeda (mythology) → Art of Gustave Dore ❮❯
  299. Anemoi → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  300. Anemone → The Arabian Nights ❮❯
  301. Anesthesia → I Got Stoned and Sold into Slave Trade [ Periodic_dosage_dir/stoned.html ]
  302. Ang Lee → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  303. Angel Shark → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  304. Angkor Wat → Sculpture of Asian Demigoddesses: Apsara, Devatas, Yakshini ❮❯
  305. Angle trisection → Trisectrix of Maclaurin ❮❯ •Quadratrix Of Hippias ❮❯
  306. Angles → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  307. Animal trapping → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  308. Animation codec → Best Video Codec for Screencast or Line Animation ❮❯
  309. Animusic → Player Piano, Music Box, Designing Mechanical Music Devices ❮❯
  310. Anita Mui → 《痴痴的等》 (I Wait For You) ❮❯
  311. Ann Coulter → Words, page 16 ❮❯
  312. Ann Summers → Words, page 4 ❮❯
  313. Anna and the King → Writer's Words ❮❯
  314. Anna Karenina → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  315. Anna Karenina principle → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  316. Anna Kournikova → International Flags Babes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/elsewhere2.html ]
  317. Anna Leonowens → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Words, page 15 ❮❯
  318. Anna Nicole Smith → Words, page 11 ❮❯
  319. Anna Pavlova → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  320. Annabel Lee → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  321. Anne Rice → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ] •Discovering Twilight Dawn Reaction [ sex/Twilight_Dawn_reaction.html ] •Anne Rice's Vampire and Sleeping Beauty ❮❯
  322. Annees de Pelerinage → Classical Keyboard Music ❮❯
  323. Annie Leibovitz → Photography is High Art? ❮❯ •Fashion Alice (Haute Couture) ❮❯
  324. Annie Proulx → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  325. annorexia → Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  326. Annus mirabilis → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  327. Anomic → DISRUPTION OF THE POWER PROCESS IN MODERN SOCIETY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s09.html ]
  328. Anonymous (group) → Anonymous vs Google: the Origin and Culture of Anonymous [ Periodic_dosage_dir/origin_of_Anonymous.html ]
  329. Anonymous (group) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-12 ❮❯ •Wikileaks, Bank of America, Anonymous, US Government, Espionage [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Wikileaks_Bank_of_America_Anonymous_espionage.html ] •Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  330. Anorexia nervosa → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ]
  331. Anshe Chung → Introduction to Second Life ❮❯ •Second Life Product Market Value ❮❯
  332. Anson Hu → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  333. Antares (rocket) → Etymology of Rocket, Spinster's Staff! ❮❯
  334. anteater → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  335. Antenna (biology) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200910.html ]
  336. Anthony Gatto → Elegance and Respectability of Juggling ❮❯
  337. Anthony Lewis → DISRUPTION OF THE POWER PROCESS IN MODERN SOCIETY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s09.html ]
  338. Anthropology → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-07 to 2012-07 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  339. Anthropomorphism → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  340. Anti-aliasing → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  341. Anti-copyright → Software Piracy, Open Source, Free Software, Copyright ❮❯
  342. Anti-Japanese sentiment → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  343. Antimony → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  344. antimony → The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯
  345. Antioxidant → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  346. Antler → GRE Words ❮❯
  347. Antlion → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  348. ANTLR → parser notes ❮❯
  349. Anton Szandor LaVey → Christianity, Islam as Violent Cults [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/scripture.html ]
  350. Antonio Abondio → Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯
  351. Antonio Canova → Sexy Sculptures ❮❯ •the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  352. Antony and Cleopatra → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-08 to 2013-08 ❮❯
  353. Anya Marina → Anya Marina - “Whatever You Like” “Gossip Girl” ❮❯
  354. AOL → Mathematician Marijke Van Gans Died (1955 to 2009) ❮❯ •Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  355. AOL Instant Messenger → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯ •Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  356. Apache Ant → What's Apache Ant, Apache Maven, What's the Difference? ❮❯
  357. Apache HTTP Server → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯ •Blocking Image Leechers in Apache ❮❯
  358. Apache Maven → What's Apache Ant, Apache Maven, What's the Difference? ❮❯
  359. Aphasic → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  360. Aphid → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  361. Aphorism → GRE Words ❮❯
  362. Aphrodite → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •Art of William Bouguereau ❮❯ •Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯ •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  363. APL (programming language) → How to Create APL or Math Symbols Keyboard Layout ❮❯
  364. APL (programming language) → Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages; ASCII Jam vs Unicode ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •My Impression Of Lisp from Mathematica [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_comp_exp.html ]
  365. APL syntax and symbols → APL Symbols Meaning and Code Example ❮❯
  366. Apocalypse Now Redux → GRE Words ❮❯
  367. Apocalypticism → SAT Words ❮❯
  368. Apollo → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  369. Apollonian gasket → Crop Circles Art: Apollonius Circles, Taiji Diagram ❮❯
  370. Apollonius of Perga → Geometric Inversion ❮❯ •Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯
  371. Apophasis → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-09 to 2011-09 ❮❯
  372. Apotheosis → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 4 [ p/mopi/mopi4.html ]
  373. App Store → Google Chrome, SPDY Protocol, Browser War II ❮❯
  374. Apple and Adobe Flash controversy → Xah Math Blog Archive 2013-09 to 2013-09 ❮❯
  375. Apple Icon Image → Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  376. Apple IIe → Control Key and Capslock Key Positions in Old Keyboards ❮❯
  377. Apple Intel transition → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •1913 Websters Dictionary and WordNet ❮❯
  378. Apple Keyboard → Apple Keyboards ⌨ ❮❯
  379. Apple keyboard → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  380. Apple Lisa → Control Key and Capslock Key Positions in Old Keyboards ❮❯
  381. Apple Mail → Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  382. Apple pie → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  383. Apple Push Notification Service → Industrial Tech: Twilio, SendGrid, Google Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service ❮❯
  384. Apple Terminal → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  385. AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Monitor → Computer Tech Progress and Video On Demand ❮❯
  386. AppleLink → Mathematician Marijke Van Gans Died (1955 to 2009) ❮❯
  387. AppleScript → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  388. Application bundle → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-06 ❮❯
  389. Application firewall → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  390. Apsara → Sculpture of Asian Demigoddesses: Apsara, Devatas, Yakshini ❮❯
  391. aptitude (software) → Linux: Package System {dpkg, apt-get} Tutorial ❮❯
  392. Aquamacs → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •Emacs Dev Inefficiency and Emacs Web 2.0? ❮❯
  393. Arab world → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  394. Arabic alphabet → Unicode Basics: What's Character Set, Character Encoding, UTF-8? ❮❯
  395. Arabic language → Emacs 24.1 New Features (released 2012-06) ❮❯ •Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  396. Aral Sea → Aral Sea ❮❯
  397. Araneida → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  398. Arc (programming language) → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯
  399. Arc (programming language) → Paul Graham's Infatuation with the Concept of Hacker ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  400. Arc de Triomphe → Las Vegas Travelog: Paris Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/paris.html ]
  401. Arcade Fire → Arcade Fire “Abraham's Daughter”,♪ “Hunger Games” Ending Credits Song ❮❯
  402. Arcadia University → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  403. Archbishop of Canterbury → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  404. Archbishop of York → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  405. Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery → Time Machine: Chapter II ❮❯
  406. Archimedes → The Strengths of the Academic Enterprise ❮❯ •Archimedean Spiral ❮❯
  407. Archimedes spiral → Archimedean Spiral ❮❯
  408. Architect → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  409. Archive Utility → Mac OS X Resource Fork and Command Line Tips ❮❯
  410. Archy → GUI vs Command Line — a Unified Design ❮❯
  411. Archy and mehitabel → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  412. Arctic Circle → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  413. Area 51 → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  414. Areola → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 6 [ p/mopi/mopi6.html ]
  415. Ares → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 2 ❮❯ •Words, page 17 ❮❯
  416. argot → Writer's Words ❮❯
  417. Argot → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ] •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-02 to 2013-02 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  418. Arial Unicode MS → Best Unicode Fonts for Programer ❮❯
  419. Ariana Grande → Cute Girls Singing Adele's - “Rolling in the Deep” ❮❯
  420. Arianna Huffington → Star Spangled California Gubernatorial Recall 2003 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mary_carey.html ] •The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ]
  421. Ariel Dorfman → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  422. Aries (constellation) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 3 ❮❯
  423. Arija Bareikis → Deuce Bigalo [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina7_bl.html ]
  424. Aristides → 李敖有话说; Li Ao Lectures [ Periodic_dosage_dir/li_ao_lectures.html ]
  425. Aristolochia clematitis → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  426. Aristotle → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART III. A VOYAGE TO LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB, AND JAPAN. ❮❯
  427. arithmetic sequence → SECTION 19. — How, though the Sphere shewed me other mysteries of Spaceland, I still desire more; and what came of it ❮❯
  428. Arkansas → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  429. Arlen Specter → Writer's Words ❮❯
  430. Armadillidiidae → English Accent: Alabama Accent 📺 ❮❯
  431. Armagetron Advanced → Math: TRON Light Cycle Optimal Strategy 📺 ❮❯ •Maze and Math in Video Games ❮❯
  432. Armies of the Night → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  433. Armin Meiwes → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  434. Armless wonder → Perception of Difficulty Levels of Human Feats ❮❯
  435. arms race → STRATEGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s24.html ]
  436. Armstrong Whitworth Argosy → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  437. Arnold Bocklin → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  438. Arnold Schwarzenegger → Star Spangled California Gubernatorial Recall 2003 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mary_carey.html ] •The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ] •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Racial Slurs ❮❯
  439. Around the World (La La La La La) → ATC - “Around The World” ❮❯
  440. Array programming → Vector Normalize Function in Mathematica, APL, Haskell, Ruby, Python, Perl, Lisp, JavaScript, Java, … ❮❯ •My Impression Of Lisp from Mathematica [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_comp_exp.html ]
  441. Arrow's impossibility theorem → Voting Systems: Why Winner Isn't Liked by Majority ❮❯
  442. Arsenal ship → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  443. Art Deco → Las Vegas Travelog: MGM Grand [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mgm.html ] •Art Deco in Movie Batman [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/batman.html ]
  444. Art Spiegelman → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  445. Artemis → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  446. Arthur Cayley → Envelope ❮❯ •Caustics ❮❯
  447. Arthur Conan Doyle → 周杰倫 《夜的第七章》 “Twilight's Chapter 7” ❮❯
  448. Arthur Rackham → Wonderland Illustrations by Arthur Rackham ❮❯
  449. Arthur Schopenhauer → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  450. Arthur Stanley Eddington → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  451. Artificial intelligence → HUMAN RACE AT A CROSSROADS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s21.html ]
  452. Artificial Life → On Ignoring Trolls ❮❯
  453. Artificial life → Great Software for Cellular Automata ❮❯
  454. Artificial neural network → Artificial Neural Network is Nasty ❮❯
  455. ArtOfIllusion → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  456. As-Salamu Alaykum → Aladdin: The Pauper's Son ❮❯
  457. AS400 → GRE Words ❮❯
  458. Asceticism → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  459. asceticism → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ] •Aladdin: the Fatimah ❮❯
  460. ASCII → Emacs's Key Syntax Explained ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  461. ASCII art → A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯
  462. Asciidoc → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-03 ❮❯
  463. Ashley Alexandra Dupré → Politics: Bill Maher Mocks American Socialism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/american_socialism.html ]
  464. Ashton Kutcher#Controversy → Ashton Kutcher: 3 Million US Children Are Sold as Sex Slaves per Year [ sex/3k_US_children_sex_slaves_per_year.html ]
  465. Asia Carrera → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  466. ASL → Sign Language Interpreter Girl Steals the Show 📺 ❮❯
  467. Aspen → To Build a Fire ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 4 ❮❯
  468. Assault rifle → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  469. Association for Computing Machinery → Computer Language Websites Popularity ❮❯
  470. Asterism (gemmology) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  471. Asteroids (video game) → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  472. Astro Boy (1960s) → Art of Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫) ❮❯
  473. astroid → Astroid ❮❯
  474. Astronomical symbol → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-11 to 2010-12 ❮❯
  475. Astroturfing → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  476. ASUS → Computer: ASUS Graphics Card and Motherboard ❮❯
  477. Asymptotic curve → Breather Surface ❮❯
  478. Asynchronous Transfer Mode → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  479. AT&T → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  480. At sixes and sevens → Madonna “Don't Cry For Me Argentina” ❮❯
  481. Atavism → Writing: Elements of Style in English ❮❯
  482. Ataxx → Maze and Math in Video Games ❮❯ •Great Math Board Game Software ❮❯
  483. Athena → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  484. Athina Roussel → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  485. Athlon 64 X2 → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  486. ATI → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  487. ATI Catalyst → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  488. ATI Catalyst Drivers → A Tale of PC Problems; Strange Microphone Noise ❮❯
  489. Atlanta → Cherish - “Do It To It” ❮❯
  490. Atlas (architecture) → Las Vegas Travelog: MGM Grand [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mgm.html ] •Milk, Tits, Caryatids [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031016_caryatids.html ]
  491. Atlas beetle → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200910.html ]
  492. ATM → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  493. Atom (standard) → Atom Webfeed Basics ❮❯ •Emacs Lisp: Command to Update RSS/Atom Webfeed ❮❯
  494. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki → Words, page 19 ❮❯
  495. Atomium → Atomium in Second Life ❮❯ •Architecture: Atomium (Iron Crystal Building) ❮❯
  496. Atrium (architecture) → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ] •Words, page 2 ❮❯
  497. ATSUI → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  498. Attack on Pearl Harbor → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  499. Attention deficit disorder → AWOLNATION - “Sail” ❮❯
  500. Au jus → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  501. Audacity → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  502. Audio Video Interleave → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  503. Audrey Kawasaki → Art of Audrey Kawasaki, page 3 ❮❯ •Art of Audrey Kawasaki, page 4 ❮❯ •Art of Audrey Kawasaki ❮❯ •Art of Audrey Kawasaki, page 2 ❮❯
  504. Audrey Tang → Poem: The Bell Tolls for Thee; 鐘為汝鳴 ❮❯
  505. Auguste Rodin → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  506. Augustus Caesar → Las Vegas Travelog: Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars.html ]
  507. Augustus of Prima Porta → Las Vegas Travelog: Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars.html ]
  508. Aurora Snow → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ] •Words, page 16 ❮❯
  509. Austin → Hard Rock Cafe USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/rokci_ckafi.html ]
  510. Austin Powers → US Flag Culture in Cinema [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko4_skina.html ]
  511. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me → Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  512. Australia → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  513. Authorized King James Version → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  514. Autism Spectrum Quotient → Autism Test [ Periodic_dosage_dir/autism_test.html ]
  515. AutoCAD → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Outline Rendering of 3D Models (POV-Ray) ❮❯ •List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  516. AutoCAD DXF → Intro to Mathematica's 3D Graphics Format ❮❯
  517. Autodesk Maya → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  518. Autodesk Softimage → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  519. autodidact → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-09 to 2011-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  520. Autoerotic asphyxiation → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  521. AutoIt → AutoHotkey Syntax Problems ❮❯
  522. AutoKey → Linux: Keyboard Software Guide ⌨ ❮❯
  523. AutoLISP → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  524. Automata theory → Parser Notes ❮❯
  525. Automatic parallelization → Why Must Software be Rewritten for Multi-Core Processors? ❮❯
  526. Autonomous System (Internet) → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  527. Autostereogram → A Fantastic Auto-stereogram ❮❯
  528. Autosuggestion → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  529. Avant-garde → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  530. avant-garde → GRE Words ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  531. Avatar (2009 film) → Avatar and District 9 Movie Review ❮❯
  532. Avaya ERS 8600 → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  533. Avenue Q → Internet is For Porn; What Girls Do On The Internet? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/internet_is_for_porn.html ]
  534. AVG (software) → Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯
  535. AVN (magazine) → SAT Words ❮❯
  536. AWK → Unix Pipe as Functional Language ❮❯
  537. AWOL → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  538. AWStats → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  539. Axiom of choice → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  540. axiom of choice → GRE Words ❮❯
  541. Ayn Rand → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-09 to 2013-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201309.html ]
  542. AZERTY → Idiocy of Keyboard Layouts: QWERTZ, AZERTY ❮❯
  543. Azumanga Daioh → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  544. Baby carrots → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201009.html ]
  545. Bachelor's degree → Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯
  546. Bachelorette (song) → Björk - “Bachelorette” ❮❯
  547. Backbone.js → Backbone Tutorial ❮❯
  548. Backgammon → Aladdin: A Brother ❮❯
  549. backhoe → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  550. Bad Romance → Lady Gaga - Bad Romance ❮❯
  551. BAE Hawk → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  552. Baghdad → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  553. Bagua → “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  554. Baguazhang → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯ • “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  555. Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula → Math Politics: Simon Plouffe and nth Digit Formula of π ❮❯
  556. Bajiquan → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  557. Baker Street → 周杰倫 《夜的第七章》 “Twilight's Chapter 7” ❮❯
  558. Balaam → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  559. ball gag → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  560. Ballast (electrical) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  561. Ballet boot → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  562. ballet boots → Pretty Girls in Second Life ❮❯
  563. Bally's Las Vegas → Las Vegas Travelog: Flamingo, Ballys, Barbary Coast [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/flamingo.html ]
  564. Bambi → Writer's Words ❮❯
  565. Bamboo → Pole Dancing and Chinese Pole 📺 [ sex/pole_dancing.html ]
  566. Bandolier → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  567. Bang and Olufsen → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  568. Bangbros → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200909.html ]
  569. Bangkok → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  570. Baptists → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  571. Bar exam → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  572. Barack Obama → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  573. Barbadoes → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  574. Barbara Branden → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-09 to 2013-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201309.html ]
  575. Barbary Coast Hotel and Casino → Las Vegas Travelog: Flamingo, Ballys, Barbary Coast [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/flamingo.html ]
  576. Barbie → Barbie Anthropology [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030919_barbie.html ] •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯ •Words, page 11 ❮❯
  577. Barbie Girl → Barbie Anthropology [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030919_barbie.html ]
  578. Barefoot → Is Barefoot Running Healthier? ❮❯
  579. Barefoot running → Is Barefoot Running Healthier? ❮❯
  580. Barn owl → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  581. Barnacle → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ] •〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  582. Barnes & Noble Nook → What's Kindle, iPad, Android, and All That Jazz?? ❮❯
  583. Barracuda → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  584. Barrel shroud → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  585. Bash → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  586. Bash (Unix shell) → What's the Difference Between .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, …? ❮❯
  587. BASIC → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯ •Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  588. Basic English → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯ •Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯ •Words, page 12 ❮❯ •The Writing Style of Xah Lee ❮❯
  589. Basic Multilingual Plane → Best Unicode Fonts for Programer ❮❯
  590. BASIC programming language → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  591. Basketball → Make Basketball Basket Height To Team's Height Average [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/basketball_basket_height.html ]
  592. Basmala → Queen - “Bohemian Rhapsody” ❮❯
  593. Bassorah → The Tale Of The Three Apples ❮❯
  594. Batch file → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  595. Batgirl → Visual Art: Batgirl Craze, page 1 ❮❯
  596. Batman (1989 film) → Art Deco in Movie Batman [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/batman.html ] •Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  597. Battering ram → Time Machine: Chapter VII ❮❯
  598. Battersea → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  599. Battery electric vehicle → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  600. Battle of Hastings → Time Machine: Chapter I ❮❯
  601. Battle Angel Alita → Battle Angel Alita 《銃夢》 ❮❯
  603. Battle of Berlin → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  604. Battle of Khe Sanh → Bruce Springsteen - “Born in the USA” ❮❯
  605. Battle of Los Angeles → SAT Words ❮❯
  606. Battle of Midway → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  607. Battle of Stalingrad → Freedom Goddesses [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040324_zifre_cevni.html ] •A Clockwork Orange [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/a_clockwork_o.html ]
  608. Battle of Thermopylae → Movie 〈300〉 and Battle of Thermopylae ❮❯
  609. Battlement → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  610. Battleship → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  611. Battleship Row → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  612. Battlezone (1980 video game) → GRE Words ❮❯
  613. Baywatch → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  614. Bazaar → Architectural Beauty: Islamic Bazaar ❮❯
  615. Bazaar (software) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-12 ❮❯
  616. Bazaar (software) → GNU Emacs Development Inefficiency ❮❯
  617. BBCode → Emacs: Xah BBCode mode ❮❯
  618. BBEdit → My Experience of Emacs vs XEmacs ❮❯ •Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  619. BBEdit Lite → TextMate Gone Open Source ❮❯
  620. BCBG → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  621. BCWipe → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  622. BDSM → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  623. Be Inc. → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  624. Beach → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  625. Beachhead → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  626. Beast (comics) → SAT Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  627. Beastiality → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  628. Beat It → Michael Jackson - “Beat It” ❮❯
  629. Beatboxing → Google Translate does Rap (beatboxing) 📺 ❮❯
  630. Beauty and the Beast → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  631. Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  632. Bedbug → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  633. bedrock → GRE Words ❮❯
  634. Bedrock (producers) → Bedrock - “For What You Dream Of” (Trainspotting) ❮❯
  635. Beelzebub → Queen - “Bohemian Rhapsody” ❮❯
  636. Beetle → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200910.html ]
  637. Beetlejuice (entertainer) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  638. Begging → Time Machine: Chapter II ❮❯
  639. Behavioral genetics → SECTION 12. — Of the Doctrine of our Priests ❮❯
  640. Beijing National Stadium → Architecture Beauties ❮❯
  641. Beijing Welcomes You → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  642. Being John Malkovich → American's Obsession with Little Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wasp_girls.html ] •Words, page 11 ❮❯
  643. Bejeweled → Bejeweled Blitz Strategy as Math ❮❯
  644. Belem Tower → Jerónimos Monastery ❮❯
  645. Belemnite → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  646. Belladonna → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  647. Bellagio → Las Vegas Travelog: Bellagio [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/bel.html ]
  648. Bellagio (hotel and casino) → Las Vegas Travelog: Bellagio [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/bel.html ]
  649. Belles-lettres → What's Belles-lettres ❮❯
  650. Bellwether → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 7 [ p/mopi/mopi7.html ]
  651. Belly dancing → Art of Sexual Positions [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rama.html ]
  652. Belt (firearm) → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  653. Beltway sniper attacks → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  654. Belvedere → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  655. Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center → Giant Parabolic-dish Photo Gallery ❮❯
  656. Ben Wa balls → Sex Toys on Amazon: Ben Wa Balls, Kegel, Anal Hooks! [ sex/ben_wa_balls.html ]
  657. Benoit Mandelbrot → Death of Steve Jobs vs Dennis Ritchie, John McCarthy ❮❯
  658. Benoît Mandelbrot → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  659. Bentley → Anya Marina - “Whatever You Like” “Gossip Girl” ❮❯
  660. BeOS → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  661. Beriev Be-6 → Seaplane Wreck ❮❯
  662. Bering Sea → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  663. Bering Strait → Writer's Words ❮❯
  664. Berlin → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  665. Bernard Ebbers → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  666. Bernard Greenberg → GNU Emacs and XEmacs Schism ❮❯
  667. Bernardine Dohrn → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200901.html ]
  668. Bert Bos → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-08 ❮❯
  669. Bertrand Meyer → Erik Meijer on Xtreme Programing and Agile ❮❯
  670. Bertrand Russell → Programing Language: Systematic Syntax: Lisp vs Mathematica ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-05 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200805.html ] •Sci-fi, Orgasm Machine, Pure Pain Machine, and Human Suffering [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_suffering.html ] •Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ] •To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ] •Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ] •Art of Stanislaw Szukalski ❮❯ •Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯ •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  671. Beth Gibbons → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  672. Better Business Bureau → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯ •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  673. Betty Boop → The Sex in Little Red Riding Hood [ p/sex_in_little_red_riding_hood.html ] •Toons USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/toons.html ]
  674. Beyonce Knowles → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  675. Bhang → Aladdin: A Brother ❮❯ •The Tale Of The Ensorceled Prince ❮❯
  676. Bhopal disaster → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  677. Bible belt → PeTA says: Eating Meat Can Cause Impotence [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/peta.html ]
  678. Biblical inerrancy → GRE Words ❮❯
  679. BIC Corporation → Stars'n'Striped Toys [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/cafne_dacti.html ]
  680. Bicycle → Writer's Words ❮❯
  681. bidet → Eyes Wide Shut: Bathroom [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina2ews_bathroom.html ]
  682. Big Brother (1984) → HUMAN RACE AT A CROSSROADS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s21.html ] •Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  683. BigTable → The NoSQL Movement ❮❯
  684. Bijection, injection and surjection → Math Jargons Explained ❮❯
  685. Bild Lilli doll → the Littlest Harlot (by Tracy Quan) ❮❯
  686. Bildungsroman → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  687. Bill Ayers → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200901.html ]
  688. Bill Clinton → US Flag Fashion [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko3.html ]
  689. Bill Gosper → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  690. Bill Joy → Lisp Celebrities and Computing History from “Worse Is Better” ❮❯ •The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •Arrow Keys Efficiency: vim HJKL vs Inverted-T IJKL ❮❯ •on vi Keybinding vs Emacs Keybinding ❮❯
  691. Bill Maher → Camille Paglia on Feminism, Men, Date Rape [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/camille_paglia.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200912.html ] •Politics: Bill Maher Mocks American Socialism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/american_socialism.html ]
  692. Bill Watterson → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  693. Billie Jean → Michael Jackson - “Billie Jean” ❮❯
  694. Billy Idol → Billy Idol - “Sweet Sixteen” ❮❯
  695. Binary prefix → Kilo vs Kibi, Mega vs Mibi ❮❯
  696. Binaural beat → Binaural Tone, I-Doser, Made Me Crazy [ Periodic_dosage_dir/binaural_tone_i-doser.html ]
  697. Binaural recording → Hi-Fi Audio Systems, Binaural Recording [ Periodic_dosage_dir/binaural_recording.html ]
  698. Bing News → Google Search Problems; Alternative Search Engines ❮❯
  699. Binocular vision → “American Beauty” Screenshots [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina3.html ]
  700. Biocommunication (science) → Avatar and District 9 Movie Review ❮❯
  701. Biofouling → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  702. Biographies of Exemplary Women → The Biographies of Exemplary Women 《列女传》 ❮❯
  703. Bioluminance → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  704. Bioluminescent → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  705. Biometric → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  706. biopics → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  707. BIOS → Ubuntu Linux Install Error: “'grub-install /dev/sdb' failed” ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  708. Biosphere2 → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯ •Words, page 19 ❮❯
  709. Biosphere 2 → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  710. Biovision Hierarchy → Xah's Second Life Build Tutorial ❮❯ •Important Concepts In Scripting LSL ❮❯
  711. Bipolar disorder → Are You Schizoid or Autistic? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/schizoid.html ]
  712. birch → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  713. Bird's nest soup → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  714. Bird migration → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  715. Bishops → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  716. bison → SAT Words ❮❯
  717. Bit rate → Computer Devices Bandwidth Table ❮❯
  718. bitcoin → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  719. Bitpass → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  720. Biángbiáng noodles → Chinese Phrase: Dripping Beauty 娇艳欲滴 ❮❯
  721. Black-box testing → web tech 2012: blackbox/whitebox testing, Jenkins, Puppet, Selenium ❮❯
  722. Black Death → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  723. Black Jack (manga) → Art of Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫) ❮❯
  724. Black operation → SAT Words ❮❯
  725. Black Rain (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  726. Black Rhinoceros → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ] •Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  727. Black Swan (film) → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  728. BlackBerry PlayBook → Modern Tablet Computer Features ❮❯
  729. Blackjack → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  730. Blade Runner → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  731. Blaise Pascal → Limacon Of Pascal ❮❯ •Conic Sections ❮❯ •Cardioid ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  732. Blame Canada → Writer's Words ❮❯
  733. Blasphemy → English: Etymology of Blasphemy ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  734. Bleacher → A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯
  735. Blender (software) → Intro to POV-Ray and 3D Geometry Programing ❮❯ •Xah's Second Life Build Tutorial ❮❯ •List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  736. Blind men and an elephant → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  737. blinders → BDSM in Second Life: Pony Girls [ sl/pony.html ]
  738. Blister agent → Psychology and Moral Attitude of “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/wmd.html ]
  739. Block cipher → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  740. Blogger (service) → Google Blogger Porn Content Policy [ sex/google_blogger_porn_policy.html ]
  741. Blogging → Jessica Cutler (The Washingtonienne) Sex Scandal [ sex/Jessica_Cutler.html ]
  742. Blojsom → Content Management Shootout 2006 ❮❯
  743. blonde → English: Blonde vs Blond ❮❯
  744. Blondie (band) → Blondie - “In The Flesh” ❮❯
  745. Blondie (band) → Blondie - “Dreaming” ❮❯
  746. Blood poisoning → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  747. Bloodletting → Words, page 16 ❮❯
  748. Blosxom → Content Management Shootout 2006 ❮❯
  749. Blow-fly → SECTION 20. — How the Sphere encouraged me in a Vision. ❮❯
  750. Blue Crush → Stars'n'Stripes Book Covers and Movie Posters [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/movie_cover.html ]
  751. Blue Fire → Xah Math Blog Archive 2011-08 to 2011-09 ❮❯
  752. Blue rose → 周杰倫 《夜的第七章》 “Twilight's Chapter 7” ❮❯
  753. Blue Screen of Death → Windows Blue Screen of Death — a Account of My PC's Memory Failure ❮❯
  754. Blurb → English: the Etymology of Blurb ❮❯
  755. Bo Yang → Swearing in Writing ❮❯
  756. Bob Giraldi → Michael Jackson - “Beat It” ❮❯
  757. Bob Guccione → Feminism Perving Archive 2012-06 [ sex/blog_past_2012-06.html ] •Words, page 11 ❮❯ •Words, page 11 ❮❯
  758. Bobbin → a Choker Romance ❮❯
  759. Bobby Fischer → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯ •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  760. Body building → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ] •Words, page 15 ❮❯
  761. Body Mass Index (BMI) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201009.html ]
  762. Body modification → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ]
  763. Body sushi → erotic drawings: Body Sushi [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/body_sushi.html ]
  764. Body Worlds → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  765. Boeing 717 → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  766. Bog people → Words, page 17 ❮❯
  767. Bogdanov Affair → World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯
  768. BogoMips → CPU Speed Benchmark: BogusMips in Perl ❮❯
  769. Bohemian Rhapsody → Queen - “Bohemian Rhapsody” ❮❯
  770. Bohemianism → Words, page 5 ❮❯
  771. Boing Boing → Internet Hipsters and Hipstering of our Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/internet_age_thinking.html ]
  772. Bolete → Easy Words ❮❯
  773. Bolsheviks → THE DANGER OF LEFTISM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s26.html ]
  774. BOMArchiveHelper → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  775. Bomberman → Maze and Math in Video Games ❮❯
  776. Bondage mitten → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  777. Bone marrow → Time Machine: Chapter XI ❮❯
  778. Bonnie Tyler → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  779. Bonobo → Female, Sex, and Bonobo [ sex/female_sex_and_bonobo.html ]
  780. bonobo → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Words, page 19 ❮❯
  781. Bonobos → Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence ❮❯ •Words, page 19 ❮❯
  782. Bonsai Kitten → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  783. Bonus Army → Li Ao on Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Li_Ao_on_Tiananmen_Square.html ] •SAT Words ❮❯
  784. Book frontispiece → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  785. Boot sector → Ubuntu Linux Install Error: “'grub-install /dev/sdb' failed” ❮❯
  786. Bootstrap Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  787. Borg (Star Trek) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  788. Boris Vallejo → Art of Luis Royo [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/luis_royo.html ]
  789. Borland Delphi → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  790. Born in the U.S.A. (song) → Bruce Springsteen - “Born in the USA” ❮❯
  791. Botnet → Hacker Humor: Illustration of Botnet and Rootkit ❮❯
  792. Bottom-up parsing → Parser ❮❯
  793. Bound (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  794. bourgeois → HUMAN RACE AT A CROSSROADS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s21.html ]
  795. Bourne shell → What's the Difference Between .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, …? ❮❯
  796. Boustrophedon → Words, page 4 ❮❯
  797. Bow (ship) → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ]
  798. Box tie → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  799. Boxing → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ] •Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  800. Boxing the compass → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  801. Boxun → Chinese Revolution à la Egypt? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/chinese_revolution_a_la_egypt.html ]
  802. Boxxy → Humor Video: Magibon, Boxxy, 4chan Personalities ❮❯
  803. Boy's surface → Boy's Surface (Apery) ❮❯
  804. Boy George → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  805. Bracket → English Writing Style: Oxford Comma and Strippers ❮❯
  806. Brad Templeton → Wikipedia Article on Cindy's Torment [ p/cindys_torment_wikipedia.html ]
  807. Bradley Kuhn → On the Survival Strategies of Larry Wall vs Richard Stallman ❮❯
  808. Bradley M. Kuhn → Perl Books Survey 2002 ❮❯
  809. Bragg v. Linden Lab → Emerald Viewer Banned by Linden Labs; What Viewer to Use? ❮❯
  810. Braid theory → Knitting, Chinese Knots, Braid Theory ❮❯
  811. Braille → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  812. Branko Grunbaum → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  813. Branko Grünbaum → Knitting, Chinese Knots, Braid Theory ❮❯
  814. Brave New World → Flatland: A Introduction (by Xah Lee) ❮❯
  815. Bravura → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  816. Brazil (film) → Humor: Motorola TV Commercial mocks Apple 1984 ❮❯
  817. Brazil (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  818. Brazilian carnival → Pretty Girls in Second Life ❮❯
  819. Brazilian waxing → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  820. Break key → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  821. Breakfast → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  822. Breakfast in America (song) → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  823. Breast feeding → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  824. Breastfeed → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  825. Breather → Breather Surface ❮❯
  826. Bree Turner → Deuce Bigalo [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina7_bl.html ]
  827. Breech (firearms) → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  828. Brendan Powell Smith → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  829. Bribe Payers Index → Map of the World's Corruption and Bribery [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/corruption.html ]
  830. Bric-a-brac → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  831. Brice Marden → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ] •Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  832. Bridget Hall → Stars'n'Striped Supermodels [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/supermodels.html ]
  833. Brigantine, New Jersey → 李杀網誌存档 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  834. Brighton Collectibles → Curlicues ❮❯
  835. Brigitte Bardot → 李敖: 才女与美女如何兼备; Li Ao: Pretty Women vs Brainy Women ❮❯
  837. Britney Spears → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  838. Broadcast address → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  839. Broken Arrow (1996 film) → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  840. Bromide (language) → English: the Etymology of Blurb ❮❯
  841. Brontosaurus → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  842. Brook Taylor → Envelope ❮❯
  843. Brooke Greenberg → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-01 to 2013-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201301.html ]
  844. Brooke Shields → Photogenic Alices [ p/alice/photo_alice.html ] •Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  845. Brooklyn Bridge → Las Vegas Travelog: New York, New York [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/nynymgm.html ]
  846. Brother Industries → Dvorak Keyboard Layout ❮❯
  847. Brown bear → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  848. Browser war → Web Browser Market Share 2010-02 ❮❯
  849. Bruce Boxleitner → SAT Words ❮❯
  850. Bruce Lee → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  851. Bruce Schneier → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201103.html ]
  852. Bruce Springsteen → Stars'n'Stripes Book Covers and Movie Posters [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/movie_cover.html ]
  853. brunette → English: Blonde vs Blond ❮❯
  854. Bryce (software) → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  855. Bryophyte → Time Machine: Chapter XI ❮❯
  856. BSD → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  857. BSD Daemon → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •Unix Humor: the Origin of BSD Daemon Beastie ❮❯
  858. BTRON → TRON Operating System, TRON Encoding ❮❯
  859. Bubble Bobble → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  860. Bubblegum dance → - “Butterfly” (Song from Dance Dance Revolution) ❮❯
  861. Buccaneer → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  862. Bucket hat → Vexillology of World Cup 2006 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/wc2006.html ]
  863. Buckminster Fuller → World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯
  864. Buckwheat → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  865. Bucky bit → Banish Key Chords ❮❯ •Emacs Keybinding Syntax Examples ❮❯
  866. Budapest → Nakedness — a WASP Crime [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040203_lunbe_zekri.html ]
  867. Buddha → Art of Sexual Positions, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rama2.html ]
  868. Buddhism → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  869. Buenos Aires → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  870. Buffon's needle → Xah Math Blog Archive 2011-12 to 2012-04 ❮❯
  871. Bugsy Siegel → Las Vegas Travelog: Flamingo, Ballys, Barbary Coast [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/flamingo.html ]
  872. Bukkaki → Animal Love in Second Life [ sl/sx-danlu.html ]
  873. Bulletin board system → Mathematician Marijke Van Gans Died (1955 to 2009) ❮❯ •Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  874. Bump mapping → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  875. Bunker → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  876. Burberry → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  877. Burial at sea → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  878. burnt umber → SECTION 8. — Of the Ancient Practice of Painting ❮❯
  879. Bushmeat → SAT Words ❮❯
  880. Bushmen → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  881. buskin → Time Machine: Chapter III ❮❯
  882. Bustle → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  883. Butch and femme → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ]
  884. Butterfly ( song) → - “Butterfly” (Song from Dance Dance Revolution) ❮❯
  885. Buttocks → Censorship: Wikipedia, Vulva, and the Ass from Outer Space [ sex/wikipedia_vulva.html ]
  886. Byte (magazine) → Byte Magazine Cover on LISP, A Space Odyssey, Nietzsche ❮❯
  887. Byte Order Mark → Unicode BOM Byte Order Mark Hack ❮❯
  888. Byzantine → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  889. Byzantium (film) → Best Movies ❮❯
  890. Bzip2 → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  891. Bézier curve → Bezier Curve ❮❯
  892. C-130 Hercules → Air Screws ❮❯
  893. C-47 Skytrain → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  894. C sharp (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  895. C shell → What's the Difference Between .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, …? ❮❯
  896. Cabaret (1972 film) → Cabaret Screenshots [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/cabaret.html ]
  897. Cabaret (movie) → Cabaret - “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” ❮❯
  898. Cabochon → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  899. → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  900. Cacls → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  901. Cadillac → David Bowie - “Young Americans” ❮❯ •Cherish - “Do It To It” ❮❯
  902. Cadillac DeVille → Cherish - “Do It To It” ❮❯
  903. caesarean section → GRE Words ❮❯
  904. Caesarean section → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  905. Caffeine → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  906. Caftan → The Fisherman And The Jinni ❮❯
  907. Cage (BDSM) → BDSM in Second Life: Cage [ sl/tor2.html ]
  908. Cain → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  909. Cairo (graphics) → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  910. Cairo (operating system) → SAT Words ❮❯
  911. Cairo tiling → Math: TRON Light Cycle Optimal Strategy 📺 ❮❯
  912. Caitlin Upton → Humor Video: Miss Teen USA and World Maps ❮❯
  913. Calabash → 留几手的话 (Words from Save A Hand Or Two) ❮❯
  914. Calais → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  915. Calculator → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  916. Calendar → What's a Year? Why Not Just 100 Days? ❮❯
  917. Caliber → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  918. Calibre (software) → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  919. California → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  920. California electricity crisis → The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ]
  921. California gubernatorial recall election → The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ] •Words, page 2 ❮❯
  922. Caliphs → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  923. Call-with-current-continuation → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯ •Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  924. Calliope → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  925. Caloric restriction → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  926. Calorie restriction → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201009.html ] •Words, page 10 ❮❯
  927. Calque → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  928. calque → SAT Words ❮❯
  929. Calvin Klein (fashion designer) → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  930. Calypso (mythology) → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  931. Camel → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  932. CamelCase → Programing Style: camelCase vs snake_case ❮❯
  933. cameltoe → International Flags Babes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/elsewhere2.html ]
  934. Camille-Christophe Gerono → Lemniscate of Gerono ❮❯
  935. Camille Paglia → Camille Paglia on Feminism, Men, Date Rape [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/camille_paglia.html ] •Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ] •The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ] •Vocabulary Study: Informal Words ❮❯ •Words, page 15 ❮❯ •Words, page 15 ❮❯ •Words, page 15 ❮❯ •Words, page 15 ❮❯ •Words, page 15 ❮❯ •Words, page 15 ❮❯
  936. Camino → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-06 ❮❯
  937. Camp (style) → Vocabulary Study: Informal Words ❮❯
  938. Camphor → Aladdin: The Pavilion ❮❯ •Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  939. CamStudio → Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  940. Camtasia Studio → Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  941. Cancan → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  942. Candy Candy → Candy Candy Anime 小甜甜 キャンディ・キャンディ ❮❯
  943. Canker sore → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  944. Cannabis (drug) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  945. Cannabis cultivation → Eagles - “Hotel California” ❮❯
  946. Canning → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  947. Canonical LR parser → Parser ❮❯
  948. Cant (language) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-02 to 2013-02 ❮❯
  949. Cantor's diagonal argument → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  950. Cao Yu → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  952. Cappadocia → Periodic Dosage Archive 2015-04 to 2015-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201504.html ]
  953. Caps Lock → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  954. Caps lock → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  955. Captain America → Captain America [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_jatna.html ]
  956. Captain America: The First Avenger → Writer's Words ❮❯
  957. Captain Phillips (film) → Best Movies ❮❯
  958. Captcha → Anti-bot Test: CAPTCHA! ❮❯
  959. Captive portal → Linux: Firewall Tutorial, iptables, netfilter ❮❯
  960. CAR and CDR → Lisp's List Problem ❮❯
  961. Caracas → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  962. Caramelldansen → Caramell - “Caramel Dancing” ❮❯
  963. Caravanserai → Aladdin: the Fatimah ❮❯
  964. Carbuncle (gemstone) → Time Machine: Chapter IX ❮❯
  965. Cardiac arrhythmia → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  966. Cardinality of the continuum → Math Font, Unicode, Gothic Letters, Double Struck, ℤ ℚ ℝ ℂ ℜ ℑ ℵ ❮❯
  967. cardioid → Cardioid ❮❯
  968. Cardiovascular disease → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  969. Caribbean → Gulliver's Travels. PART I — A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT ❮❯
  970. Carl (Aqua Teen Hunger Force) → Toons in Second Life ❮❯
  971. Carl Benjamin Boyer → Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯
  972. Carl Herman Unthan → Perception of Difficulty Levels of Human Feats ❮❯
  973. Carlin Romano → SAT Words ❮❯
  974. Carlos the Jackal → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  975. Carlovingian → Time Machine: Chapter VII ❮❯
  976. Carly Foulkes → T-Mobile Commercials: Hottie Carly Foulkes ❮❯
  977. Carly Simon → Sexual Anthropology in Carly Simon's “You're So Vain” ❮❯
  978. Carnelian → Aladdin: The Pavilion ❮❯ •Aladdin: A Challenge ❮❯
  979. Carnivore (software) → NSA Mass Surveillance ❮❯
  980. Carnivorous plant → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  981. Carrier battle group → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  982. Carson City, Nevada → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  983. Carsun Chang → THE NATURE OF FREEDOM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s12.html ]
  984. cartel → Writer's Words ❮❯
  985. Carthage → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  986. cartilage → GRE Words ❮❯
  987. Caryatid → Milk, Tits, Caryatids [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031016_caryatids.html ]
  988. caryatid → Milk, Tits, Caryatids [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031016_caryatids.html ]
  989. Cascading Style Sheets → The Problems with CSS ❮❯ •HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Tech and Browser Timeline ❮❯
  990. Cash register → The Sounds of Obsolete Technologies 1990 to 2000 ❮❯
  991. Casino (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ] •A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ] •Writer's Words ❮❯
  992. Casino Royale (2006 film) → Midnight Poison - “Space Dementia” 📺 Eva Green ❮❯
  993. Casio ClassPad 300 → Best Scientific Calculators ❮❯
  994. Casio fx-7000G → HP-28S Advanced Scientific Calculator ❮❯
  995. Caspar Wessel → Understanding Complex Numbers ❮❯
  996. Cassandra → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  997. Casserole → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  998. caste → GRE Words ❮❯
  999. Caste system in India → GRE Words ❮❯
  1000. Castor and Pollux → Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯
  1001. Castration → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ]
  1002. Castrato → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Aladdin: The Unfinished Window ❮❯
  1003. Casualties of the conflict in Iraq since 2003 → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1004. Cat → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ] •Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  1005. Cat body language → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  1006. Cat communication → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  1007. Catamaran → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1008. Catechins → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  1009. Category:American photographers → Photography is High Art? ❮❯
  1010. Category:Chinese mathematicians → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  1011. Category:Complex analysis → Geometric Transformation on the Plane ❮❯
  1012. Category:Firearm components → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  1013. Category:Subtitle file formats → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯
  1014. Category theory → Xah Math Blog Archive 2013-10 to 2013-10 ❮❯ •Erik Naggum, Analogy vs Analysis, and lisp-1 lisp-2 Meaning-Space ❮❯
  1015. catenary → Catenary ❮❯
  1016. catenoid → Helicoid-Catenoid ❮❯
  1017. Cathedral architecture → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯ •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1018. Cathedral of Brasilia → Hyperboloid Structure, page 2 ❮❯
  1019. Catherine A. Fitzpatrick → Software Freedom is Free Speech or Free Beer? ❮❯ •Women in Tech: Today's Google Plus Recommendation? You Decide. ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1020. Catherine the Great → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  1021. Catholic → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1022. Catnip → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1024. catsuit → A Double-bun Haired Sex Slave in Second Life [ sl/ox_horns.html ]
  1025. Catsuit → Words, page 5 ❮❯
  1026. Caucasus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 1 ❮❯
  1027. Cauchy-Schwarz inequality → Vectors ❮❯
  1028. Cauchy sequence → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  1029. causality → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1030. Causality (physics) → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1031. Cause celebre → Words, page 14 ❮❯
  1032. Causeway → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1033. Caustic (mathematics) → Caustics ❮❯
  1034. Cavitation → Water Screws, page 2 ❮❯ •Water Screws, page 1 ❮❯
  1035. CBS → GRE Words ❮❯
  1036. Ccleaner → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  1037. CCleaner → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-11 ❮❯ •Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯ •How to Disable Windows Startup Apps ❮❯
  1038. CCTV New Year's Gala → 王菲 《传奇》 (Faye Wong - “Legend”) ❮❯
  1039. CD-ROM → Encyclopedia, My Experiences ❮❯
  1040. CDATA → On Unix Filename Characters Problem ❮❯
  1041. Cecilia Yip → Double-Bun Hair Girls [ bb/ox_horns.html ]
  1042. Cedar → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 3 ❮❯
  1043. Celebrity sex tape → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  1044. Celery Task Queue → Python Tech 2012: django, CherryPy, unittest, nose, celery, decorator ❮❯
  1045. Celine Dion → Jennifer Rush - “The Power of Love” ❮❯
  1046. Cell phone → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1047. cellular automata → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯
  1048. Cellular automata → Great Software for Cellular Automata ❮❯ •SOME PRINCIPLES OF HISTORY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s13.html ]
  1049. Celtic nations → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  1050. Centaur → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 5 Scene 2 ❮❯
  1051. centaur → Similar Words ❮❯
  1052. Centipede (video game) → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  1053. Central Park → Alice Artwork (fable-styled) ❮❯
  1054. Century egg → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  1055. Cerberus → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 4 ❮❯
  1056. Cereal → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  1057. Certificate authority → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  1058. Certificate revocation list → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  1059. Cervix → Moon Cup, IUD, Cervix [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/menstrual_cup.html ]
  1060. CGAL → Math Software for Programers ❮❯
  1061. CGOL → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯
  1062. Challenger Deep → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1063. Chamberlain (office) → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 2 ❮❯ •The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯
  1064. Chanel No. 5 → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  1065. Chaos theory → SAT Words ❮❯
  1066. Chappell, Nebraska → Starry Americana [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/starry_americana.html ]
  1067. Chaps → Star Spangled Second Life [ sl/us.html ]
  1068. Chara (singer) → 鄧麗君 《南海姑娘》 (The Tropics Sea Girl) ❮❯
  1069. Character encoding → Unicode Basics: What's Character Set, Character Encoding, UTF-8? ❮❯
  1070. Character Map → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-04 ❮❯
  1071. Character map → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  1072. Charge-coupled device → What is Gamma Correction in Images and Video? ❮❯
  1073. Charles-Nicolas Peaucellier → Geometric Inversion ❮❯
  1074. Charles Babbage → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1075. Charles Baudelaire → a Choker Romance ❮❯
  1076. Charles Bukowski → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •The Writ of My Heart ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  1077. Charles Darwin → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1078. Charles Dickens → Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •How to Increase Your Vocabulary? ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  1079. Charles Julien Brianchon → Conic Sections ❮❯
  1080. Charles Ng → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200812.html ]
  1081. Charles Ponzi → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  1082. Charlie (porn star) → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  1083. Charlie Dore → Sheena Easton - “Strut” ❮❯
  1084. Charlie Manson → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  1085. Charlie Rose → Camille Paglia on Feminism, Men, Date Rape [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/camille_paglia.html ]
  1086. Charlie the Unicorn → Humor: Candy Mountain Cave Song 📺 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  1087. Charlize Theron → Hot Chicks and Their Personalities [ sex/hot_chicks_and_their_personality.html ]
  1088. Charon (mythology) → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  1089. Charter → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-07 to 2012-07 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  1090. Charter 08 → Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ]
  1091. Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  1092. cheetah → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  1093. Chemical warfare → Psychology and Moral Attitude of “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/wmd.html ]
  1094. chemise → Similar Words ❮❯
  1095. Chen Gexin → 《初恋女》 (Maiden Love) ❮❯
  1096. Chen Kun (actor) → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  1097. Chen Shui-bian → Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ] •Taiwan, Politics, Tongyong Pinyin ❮❯
  1098. Cheongsam → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  1099. Cher → Las Vegas Travelog: MGM Grand [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mgm.html ]
  1100. Cherish & Cali → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  1101. Cherish (band) → Cherish - “Do It To It” ❮❯
  1102. Chernobyl disaster → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  1103. Cherry Poptart (comics) → Cherry Poptart [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/cherry_poptart.html ]
  1104. CherryPy → Python Tech 2012: django, CherryPy, unittest, nose, celery, decorator ❮❯ •Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-02 ❮❯
  1105. chess → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯
  1106. Chevolet → YoungBloodZ - “Damn” [ music/damn.html ]
  1107. Chevrolet Corvette → US Flag Culture in Cinema [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko4_skina.html ] •Prince - “Little Red Corvette” ❮❯
  1108. Chiang Kai-shek → Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ] •What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1109. Chiang Kai-shek International Airport → Las Vegas Travelog: Alladin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mcaladdin.html ]
  1110. Chick lit → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  1111. Chicken (game) → Direct vs Indirect Use of Language (Steven Pinker Talk) ❮❯
  1112. Chicken (Scheme implementation) → A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯
  1113. Chilblains → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1114. Chilcoot Pass → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  1115. Chimera (mythology) → Similar Words ❮❯
  1116. China → SAT Words ❮❯
  1117. China Central Television Headquarters → Python Snake Becometh Dragon in China 蛇变龙! ❮❯
  1118. China Central Television Headquarters building → Architecture Beauties ❮❯
  1119. Chinese bronze inscriptions → Chinese Character Script Styles 甲骨,金文,篆書,隸書,行書,草書,楷書,楷軆,宋體,… ❮❯
  1120. Chinese calligraphy → Qi Lisp Language Logo ❮❯
  1121. Chinese characters → Unicode Basics: What's Character Set, Character Encoding, UTF-8? ❮❯
  1122. Chinese checkers → Great Math Board Game Software ❮❯
  1123. Chinese Civil War → Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ]
  1124. Chinese dragon → Gorgeous Chinese Dragon Relief ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  1125. Chinese finger trap → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1126. Chinese input methods for computers → Emacs Chinese Input for Studying Chinese ❮❯
  1127. Chinese knotting → Knitting, Chinese Knots, Braid Theory ❮❯
  1128. Chinese Library Classification → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1129. Chinese linking rings → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1130. Chinese pole → Pole Dancing and Chinese Pole 📺 [ sex/pole_dancing.html ]
  1131. Chinese Poles → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  1132. Chinese punctuation → Intro to Chinese Punctuation ❮❯
  1133. Chinese variety art → Pole Dancing and Chinese Pole 📺 [ sex/pole_dancing.html ]
  1134. Chinese writing system → How to Tell the Difference Between Chinese, Japanese, Korean? ❮❯
  1135. Chingy → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  1136. Chitika → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  1137. Chivas Regal → 留几手的话 (Words from Save A Hand Or Two) ❮❯
  1138. Chloe Jones → Star-spangled Porn [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/penthouse.html ]
  1139. Choi Jin Sil → GRE Words ❮❯
  1140. Choi Sung-Bong → Choi Sung-bong - “Nella Fantasia” ❮❯
  1141. Cholera → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-07 to 2012-07 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1142. Chomsky hierarchy → Formal Grammar ❮❯
  1143. Chorea (disease) → SECTION 4. — Concerning the Women ❮❯
  1144. Chosroes → Aladdin: The Pavilion ❮❯
  1145. Chris Robinson (director) → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  1146. Christiaan Huygens → Tractrix ❮❯ •Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯ •Caustics ❮❯
  1147. Christiane Kubrick → Eyes Wide Shut: Bathroom [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina2ews_bathroom.html ] •Art in Cinema ❮❯
  1148. Christina Hoff Sommers → Violence Against Women: the Origin of Rule of Thumb [ sex/violence_against_women.html ]
  1149. Christine → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1150. Christine Fan → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  1151. Christopher Hitchens → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1152. Christopher J. Date → Computer Languages ❮❯
  1153. Christopher Poole → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  1154. Christopher Reeve → American Superheros [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/traji_tsali_nanmu.html ] •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-07 to 2013-07 ❮❯
  1155. Chrome Web Store → Google Chrome, SPDY Protocol, Browser War II ❮❯
  1156. Chronograph → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Chronograph and Chronometer ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1157. Chronometer → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Chronograph and Chronometer ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1158. Chrysler Corporation → Scarily Patriotic Heartland USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/t5.html ]
  1159. Chu Mei-feng → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  1160. Chuck Norris → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  1161. Chuck Taylor All-Stars → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  1162. Church of Satan → Christianity, Islam as Violent Cults [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/scripture.html ]
  1163. Chuu-Lian Terng → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  1164. CIA → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  1165. CIA drug trafficking → GRE Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1166. Cicada → Cicada Photo [ insects/cicada.html ]
  1167. Cicero → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  1168. Cicerone → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  1169. Cigarette filter → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  1170. Cilice → The Tale Of The Ensorceled Prince ❮❯
  1171. Cimmerian → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  1172. Cinderella → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ] •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1173. Cinderella (1950 film) → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  1174. Cinderella (software) → Great Software for Plane Geometry ❮❯
  1175. Cindy Crawford → Stars'n'Striped Supermodels [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/supermodels.html ] •Writer's Words ❮❯
  1176. Cinema4D → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  1177. Cipher → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  1178. Cipher suite → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  1179. Circle → Circle ❮❯
  1180. Circles of Apollonius → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  1181. Circuit switching → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1182. Circular breathing → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  1183. Circus Circus Las Vegas → Las Vegas Travelog: Circus Circus [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/circus_circus.html ]
  1184. Cirque du soleil → Porn Freedom; What Is Obscenity? [ sex/porn_freedom.html ]
  1185. Cirque du Soleil → Las Vegas Travelog: MGM Grand [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mgm.html ] •Elegance and Respectability of Juggling ❮❯
  1186. Cirrus SR22 → Google Earth Flight Simulator Controls ❮❯
  1187. Cissoid of diocles → Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  1188. Cistern → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1189. citadel → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1190. City of Lost Children → City of Lost Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina4.html ]
  1191. ClamWin → Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯
  1192. Clarion (instrument) → The Tale Of The Bull And The Ass ❮❯
  1193. Classful network → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1194. Classic (Mac OS X) → 1913 Websters Dictionary and WordNet ❮❯
  1195. Classical conditioning → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  1196. Classical mechanics → Second Life Building Tutorial: the Object Tab ❮❯
  1197. Classless Inter-Domain Routing → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1198. Claude Monet → Writer's Words ❮❯
  1199. Claude Shannon → CONTROL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s20.html ]
  1200. Claudio Arrau → Naxos's CDs of Liszt ❮❯ •Piano Scale Practice; Liszt Transcendental Etude № 12 ❮❯ •Augustness, Austerity, Pain and Suffering: 4 Piano Pieces to Die For ❮❯
  1201. Clean (programming language) → Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  1202. Cleopatra → Madonna - “Like It or Not” ❮❯
  1203. Clerical script → Chinese Character Script Styles 甲骨,金文,篆書,隸書,行書,草書,楷書,楷軆,宋體,… ❮❯
  1204. Click fraud → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  1205. Click Through Rate → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  1206. Clicksor → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  1207. Cliki → Content Management Shootout 2006 ❮❯
  1208. Climatron → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  1209. Clio → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  1210. Clipboard manager → Linux: Sync X11 Primary Selection and Clipboard ❮❯
  1211. Clipper → Words, page 5 ❮❯
  1212. Clitoral hood piercing → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  1213. Clitoris → Censorship: Wikipedia, Vulva, and the Ass from Outer Space [ sex/wikipedia_vulva.html ]
  1214. Cloisonné → Chinese Hand Exercise Ball ❮❯ •a Choker Romance ❮❯
  1215. Clojure → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯ •LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Programing: Will Lisp Ever be Popular? ❮❯ •A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200811.html ]
  1216. Cloning → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1217. cloning → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  1218. Clothoid → Cornu Spiral ❮❯
  1219. Clozure CL → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯ •A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯
  1220. Clytemnestra → Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯
  1221. cmd.exe → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  1222. CMU Sphinx → Using Voice to Code Faster than Keyboard 📺 ❮❯
  1223. cmus → Linux: Music Players ❮❯
  1224. COBOL → Writer's Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1225. COBOL (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  1226. Coca-Cola → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  1227. Cockfight → Words, page 19 ❮❯
  1228. Cocktail dress → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 3 [ p/mopi/mopi3.html ]
  1229. Cocoa (API) → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯ •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1230. Coconut cream → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  1231. Cocoon (song) → Björk - “Cocoon” ❮❯
  1232. Cocytus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  1233. Code2000 → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  1234. Code page → Windows Console Key Shortcuts ❮❯
  1235. CodeWarrior → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  1236. CodeWright → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  1237. Codex → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1238. Codex Leicester → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  1239. Codex Seraphinianus → Art: Crocodile Sex: Codex Seraphinianus ❮❯
  1240. Codpiece → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  1241. CoffeeScript → CoffeeScript or JavaScript? ❮❯
  1242. Cofinite → Parser Notes ❮❯
  1243. Cognac (drink) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  1244. Cognate → GRE Words ❮❯
  1245. Cold reading → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  1247. Colin Maclaurin → Pedal Curve ❮❯ •Trisectrix of Maclaurin ❮❯
  1248. Colin Powell → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1249. Collada → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-11 ❮❯
  1250. Collagen → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  1251. Collateral damage → Leaked Video: US Helicopter Killing Iraqi [ Periodic_dosage_dir/leaked_video_US_helicopter_killing.html ]
  1252. Colloid → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-09 to 2013-09 ❮❯
  1253. Colloquy (IRC client) → Difference Between Apple and PC keyboards ❮❯ •Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  1254. collusion → Writer's Words ❮❯
  1255. collyrium → The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯
  1256. Cologne Cathedral → Cologne Cathedral ❮❯
  1257. Colonization → Avatar and District 9 Movie Review ❮❯
  1258. Colonization of Mars → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  1259. Colorist → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  1260. Colossus computer → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  1261. colostomy → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 3 [ p/mopi/mopi3.html ]
  1262. Columbia Pacific University → Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus [ Periodic_dosage_dir/women_venus_men_mars.html ]
  1263. Combat Arms (video game) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200911.html ]
  1264. Combinatory logic → Programing Style: Variable Naming: English Words Considered Harmful ❮❯ •What's Point-free Programing? (point-free function syntax) ❮❯ •Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-01 ❮❯
  1265. Combining character → Logical Operators, Truth Table, Unicode ❮❯
  1266. comedo → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  1267. Comfort women → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1268. Comic Book Legal Defense Fund → To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ] •Porn Freedom; What Is Obscenity? [ sex/porn_freedom.html ] •Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  1269. Comics Code Authority → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  1270. COMMAND.COM → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  1271. Command key → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  1272. Common cold → To Catch a Cold [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/cold.html ]
  1273. Common Desktop Environment → Random Linux Notes, Emacs on Ubuntu, 2011-05-26 ❮❯
  1274. Common Gateway Interface → URL Percent Encoding and Ampersand Char ❮❯ •HTML Correctness and Validators ❮❯
  1275. Common Hawthorn → Time Machine: Chapter IX ❮❯
  1276. Common User Access → Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯
  1277. Common Yew → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  1278. Commonwealth → Words, page 4 ❮❯
  1279. Communist Party of China → Great Fire Wall, Chinese Net Censorship; When Will China Open Up Internet? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/chinese_net_censorship.html ]
  1280. Compact fluorescent lamp → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  1281. compact fluorescent lamp → Words, page 16 ❮❯
  1282. Comparison of 3D computer graphics software → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  1283. Comparison of CAD editors for AEC → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  1284. Comparison of cryptographic hash functions → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  1285. Comparison of Free EDA software → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  1286. Comparison of issue-tracking systems → GNU Emacs Development Inefficiency ❮❯
  1287. Comparison of streaming media systems → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  1288. Comparison of video services → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  1289. Compass rose → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  1290. Competitive dance → Juggler's Shifty Legs and Snaky Torso ❮❯
  1291. Complete metric space → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  1292. Complex manifolds → Random Math Notes: Friedrich Hirzebruch, Theorema Egregium, … ❮❯
  1293. Complex systems → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  1294. Comprachicos → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1295. Compression arch suspended-deck bridge → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  1296. Compulsive hoarding → Blocking Image Leechers in Apache ❮❯
  1297. CompuServe → Mathematician Marijke Van Gans Died (1955 to 2009) ❮❯ •comp.lang.lisp is 95% Spam ❮❯ •HP-28S Advanced Scientific Calculator ❮❯ •Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  1298. Computer-aided design → Tinies in Second Life ❮❯
  1299. Computer algebra system → Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯
  1300. Computer Chess → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1301. Computer font → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  1302. Computer shortcut → Windows Programing: AutoHotkey Path Problem; Windows Shortcut Path ❮❯
  1303. Computer terminal → Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯
  1304. Computing π → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  1305. Concatenative programming language → What's Point-free Programing? (point-free function syntax) ❮❯
  1306. Conchoid (mathematics) → Conchoid ❮❯
  1307. Concorde → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ] •Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  1308. Concurrency (computer science) → Guy Steele Says: Don't Iterate, Recurse, and Get rid of cons! ❮❯
  1309. Concurrent Versions System → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  1310. Condoleezza Rice → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1311. condom → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1312. Condominium → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  1313. Confession → Madonna - “Like It or Not” ❮❯
  1314. Confessions on a Dance Floor → Madonna - “Like It or Not” ❮❯
  1315. conformal map → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  1316. Confucianism → TWO KINDS OF TECHNOLOGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s25.html ] •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1317. Confucius → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯
  1318. Conic section → Websites on Conic Sections ❮❯
  1319. Conjoined twins → Best Psychological Thriller Movies ❮❯
  1320. conjoined twins → GRE Words ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  1321. Conscription → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1322. conscription → Words, page 14 ❮❯
  1323. Constant folding → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  1324. Constantine I → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1325. Constrained writing → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  1326. Construction of the real numbers → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2013-10 ❮❯
  1327. Consumer Watchdog → Google Ice Cream; Can Google Be Trusted? ❮❯
  1328. Content-control software → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  1329. Content management system → How to Add a Comment System to Website ❮❯
  1330. content management systems → Content Management Shootout 2006 ❮❯
  1331. Content word → Parser Notes ❮❯
  1332. Context-free grammar → Formal Grammar ❮❯
  1333. Continuation → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  1334. Continuation passing style → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  1335. Continued fractions → Chapter 4: Systems Based On Numbers ❮❯
  1336. Continuous automaton → Elements of a Cellular Automata System ❮❯
  1337. Continuous function → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  1338. Continuous integration → web tech 2012: blackbox/whitebox testing, Jenkins, Puppet, Selenium ❮❯
  1339. Continuous spatial automaton → Elements of a Cellular Automata System ❮❯
  1340. Continuum hypothesis → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  1341. continuum hypothesis → GRE Words ❮❯
  1342. Contrast (vision) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1343. Control-Alt-Delete → What Does SysRq/ScrLk, Pause/Break Keys do? ❮❯ •A Tale of PC Problems; Strange Microphone Noise ❮❯
  1344. Controlled vocabulary → Web Keywords and Taxonomy ❮❯
  1345. Conventional PCI → Linux: How to Get Wireless to Work ❮❯
  1346. Conway's Game of Life → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯ •Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯ •Go Board Game on Hexagonal and Triangular Grids ❮❯ •So You Want to Change the World? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/so_you_want_to_change_the_world.html ]
  1347. Conway's Game of Life → Great Software for Cellular Automata ❮❯ •Emacs Menu Usability Problem ❮❯
  1348. Conway's orbifold notation → Wallpaper groups: The 17 Wallpaper Groups ❮❯ •Wallpaper groups: References and Related Web Sites ❮❯
  1349. Coolidge effect → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  1350. Coordinate system → Geometry: Coordinate Systems for Plane Curves ❮❯
  1351. Coordinated Universal Time → Atom Webfeed Basics ❮❯
  1352. Copacabana (nightclub) → Mickey Avalon - “Jane Fonda” Song [ music/Mickey_Avalon__Jane_Fonda_song.html ]
  1353. Copulation → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  1354. Copycat (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  1355. Copyright Term Extension Act → Mickey Mouse Copyright Nation: on Copyright and Its Duration [ Periodic_dosage_dir/copyright_duration.html ]
  1356. Coq → Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯ •State of Theorem Proving Systems 2008 ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  1357. Coral reef → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1358. Coraline (film) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200909.html ]
  1359. Core fonts for the Web → Standard Web Fonts ❮❯
  1360. Core router → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1361. Core Text → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  1362. Corel Painter → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  1363. Corey Feldman → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯
  1364. Coriander → English Vocabulary: Nouns Misc Unsorted ❮❯
  1365. Corina Ungureanu → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200807.html ]
  1366. Coriolanus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 4 ❮❯
  1367. Cornelia Africana → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  1368. Cornice → 〈The Autumn Of The Patriarch〉 by Gabriel Garcia Marquez ❮❯
  1369. Cornish people → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  1370. Cornwall → The Eden Project ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART III. A VOYAGE TO LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB, AND JAPAN. ❮❯
  1371. Corona (beer) → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  1372. Coroutine → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  1373. Corporation → Las Vegas Travelog: Bellagio [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/bel.html ]
  1374. Corpse Bride → Tim Burton's Corpse Bride: Piano Duet ❮❯
  1375. Corrigendum → Words, page 13 ❮❯
  1376. Corroboree frog → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  1377. Corrupted Blood incident → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  1378. Corruption Perceptions Index → Map of the World's Corruption and Bribery [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/corruption.html ]
  1379. Corset → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  1380. corset → Similar Words ❮❯
  1381. corset piercing → A Double-bun Haired Sex Slave in Second Life [ sl/ox_horns.html ]
  1382. Cory Ondrejka → Misc Advanced LSL Tips ❮❯ •Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2009-11 ❮❯
  1383. Cosette → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1384. Cosmogony → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1385. cosmology → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1386. Cosmopolitanism → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-07 to 2013-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201308.html ]
  1387. Cost-plus pricing → Writer's Words ❮❯
  1388. Cost Per Impression → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  1389. Cost per mille → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  1390. Costa's minimal surface → Costa Surface ❮❯
  1391. Costume de rigueur → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  1392. Costume drama → Google Glass Dating, and History in Downton Abbey ❮❯
  1393. Cougar → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  1394. coup d'etat → Jeeves and the Ph.D ❮❯
  1395. Coup d'état → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  1396. Courtesan → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  1397. Courtiers → The Hunger Games, and Highbrowism of The New Yorker: hobbesian, dystopian, epicene, courtier, cosseted ❮❯
  1398. Courtroom Television Network → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  1399. Cowboy → Art of Sexual Positions [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rama.html ]
  1400. cowcatcher → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1401. Cowles Media Company → 李敖有话说; Li Ao Lectures [ Periodic_dosage_dir/li_ao_lectures.html ]
  1402. Coyote Ugly Saloon → Las Vegas Travelog: MGM Grand [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mgm.html ]
  1403. CPAN → What I've Learned by Conversational Styled Posts ❮❯ •Problems of Emacswiki ❮❯
  1404. Cracker Barrel → Scarily Patriotic Heartland USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/t5.html ]
  1405. Cradle board → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 8 [ p/mopi/mopi8.html ]
  1406. Craigslist → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ]
  1407. craps → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  1408. crayfish → Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯
  1409. Creampie (sexual act) → Semen Nutrition: Health Benefits of Eating Cum [ sex/semen_nutrition.html ]
  1410. Creation-evolution controversy → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1411. Creator code → Mac OS X Resource Fork and Command Line Tips ❮❯
  1412. credit card → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  1413. Credit Card → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  1414. Crematoria → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  1415. Cretan Bull → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 3 ❮❯
  1416. Criminology → SECTION 12. — Of the Doctrine of our Priests ❮❯
  1417. Crinoline → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  1418. Crips → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1419. Crispin Sartwell → What's Wrong With Women [ Periodic_dosage_dir/_p/www_women.html ] •Crispin Sartwell Email on Government Power [ Periodic_dosage_dir/c_sartwell_email.html ] •Words, page 1 ❮❯ •Words, page 7 ❮❯
  1420. Cristal (wine) → YoungBloodZ - “Damn” [ music/damn.html ]
  1421. Criticism of Facebook → Facebook's Ethics ❮❯
  1422. Critique of Pure Reason → Jeeves and the Ph.D ❮❯ •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1423. Crocodilia → Differences Between Crocodile and Alligator ❮❯
  1424. Cronus → Art of Francisco Goya ❮❯ •The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  1425. Cronyism → Are You Schizoid or Autistic? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/schizoid.html ]
  1426. Crop (implement) → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  1427. Crop circles → Geometric Design thru Crop Circle ❮❯
  1428. crosier → Lituus ❮❯
  1429. cross ratio → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  1430. Crossword → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1431. Cruise missile → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  1432. Crumb (film) → Art of Robert Crumb ❮❯
  1433. Crunk → YoungBloodZ - “Damn” [ music/damn.html ] •Cherish - “Do It To It” ❮❯
  1434. Crusades → Art of Henry Darger [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/henry_darger.html ] •Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1435. Cruz Bustamante → The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ]
  1436. Cry to Heaven → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1437. Cryptographic hash function → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  1438. cryptography → Stanford University Computer Science Courses — Review ❮❯
  1439. Cryptonomicon → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  1440. Crystal → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1441. Crystal Cove State Park → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  1442. Crystal Space → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  1443. Crystallographic group → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  1444. CSS Zen Garden → Zen Coding and Emacs Buddha Coding ❮❯
  1445. Ctags → ctags etags gtags: How to Find Where a Function is Defined or Called? ❮❯
  1446. CTAN → What I've Learned by Conversational Styled Posts ❮❯
  1447. Cuba → STRATEGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s24.html ]
  1448. Cubic curve → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  1449. Cuckold → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  1450. cuckoo → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  1451. Cucurbitaceae → The Fisherman And The Jinni ❮❯
  1452. Cufflinks → SAT Words ❮❯
  1453. cul-de-sac → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  1454. Culling → GRE Words ❮❯
  1455. Cult of personality → Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2011-10 to 2011-10 ❮❯ •李杀網誌存档 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  1456. Cultural Revolution → The Strengths of the Academic Enterprise ❮❯
  1457. Culture jamming → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1458. Culture of Greece → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1459. Cuniculture → Rabbit vs Hare, Rabbit Meat Poisoning, Three-Rabits Motif, Cuniculture ❮❯
  1460. cunnilingus → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  1461. Cup (volume) → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  1462. Cupid → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  1463. Cupola → The Tale Of The Ensorceled Prince ❮❯
  1464. Curlicue → Curlicues ❮❯
  1465. currying → What's Currying in Computer Science? ❮❯
  1466. Currying → What's Currying in Computer Science? ❮❯
  1467. Curse of knowledge → Periodic Dosage Archive 2015-01 to 2015-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201501.html ]
  1468. Curse of the Golden Flower → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1469. Cursive script (East Asia) → Chinese Character Script Styles 甲骨,金文,篆書,隸書,行書,草書,楷書,楷軆,宋體,… ❮❯
  1470. curtsey → Wonderland: Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole ❮❯
  1471. Curvature → The Problems of Traditional Math Notation ❮❯ •Curvature ❮❯
  1472. cushat → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  1473. Cusp (singularity) → Cusp ❮❯
  1474. Cut, copy, and paste → History of Emacs and vi Keys ❮❯
  1475. Cuteness → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  1476. cutlass → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  1477. CyberLink → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  1478. cybersex → Second Life, Tech Geekers, And Escapism ❮❯
  1479. cyberspace → Second Life, Tech Geekers, And Escapism ❮❯
  1480. Cyberspace → Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes ❮❯
  1481. Cybersquatting → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  1482. Cyborg 009 → Cyborg 009 ❮❯
  1483. Cyclamen → The Flaming Cyclamen ❮❯
  1484. Cyclic group → What's Difference Set of a Group ❮❯
  1485. Cyclone → Spirals in Nature ❮❯
  1486. Cyclops → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 3 ❮❯
  1487. cyclops → Similar Words ❮❯
  1488. cygwin → Windows Console Key Shortcuts ❮❯
  1489. Cyndi Lauper → Cyndi Lauper - “She Bop” ❮❯ •Words, page 11 ❮❯
  1490. Cython → Python Libs for Scientists ❮❯
  1491. cytotoxins → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1492. D-BUS → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯
  1493. D. H. Lehmer → GRE Words ❮❯
  1494. D (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  1495. dada → Writer's Words ❮❯
  1496. Daedalus → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  1497. Daemontools → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-01 ❮❯
  1498. Daguerreotype → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1499. Dahm triplets → Star Spangled Body Paintings (US Flag Body Paintings) [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/xadni_pixra_lacru.html ]
  1500. Dai-Shogun - Great Revolution → Japan Kiriko Hattori (服部 霧子) PVC Figure ❮❯
  1501. Dai Wangshu → 《初恋女》 (Maiden Love) ❮❯
  1502. Daisy Bell → Daisy Bell in “2001: A Space Odyssey” ❮❯
  1503. Dale Carnegie → Are You Schizoid or Autistic? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/schizoid.html ]
  1504. Dallas → ABBA - “The Day Before You Came” ❮❯
  1505. Dallas (1978 TV series) → SAT Words ❮❯
  1506. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders → Star Spangled Cheerleaders [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/flag_cheerleaders.html ]
  1507. Damascus → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1508. Damask → a Choker Romance ❮❯
  1509. Damn! (song) → YoungBloodZ - “Damn” [ music/damn.html ]
  1510. Damsel in distress → Postures of Female and Male [ sex/postures_of_male_and_female.html ]
  1511. Damselfly → Dragonfly, Damselfly, Insect Flight ❮❯
  1512. Dan Weinreb → GNU Emacs and XEmacs Schism ❮❯
  1513. dance → Dancing in Second Life ❮❯
  1514. Dance Dance Revolution → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ] •Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  1515. Dancer in the Dark → Words, page 7 ❮❯
  1516. Dancing Queen (single) → ABBA - “Dancing Queen” ❮❯
  1517. Dangling else → Ambiguous Grammar ❮❯
  1518. Daniel Bernoulli → Epicycloid and Hypocycloid ❮❯
  1519. Daniel C. Dennett → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200909.html ]
  1520. Daniel Defoe → Writer's Words ❮❯
  1521. Daniel Edwards → Britney Spear as Birthing Sculpture ❮❯ •Paris Hilton Sculpture ❮❯
  1522. Daniel H. Pink → What Motivate Us? and What Motivates Book Sellers? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/motivation.html ]
  1523. Daniel Weinreb → Lisp Celebrities and Computing History from “Worse Is Better” ❮❯ •Famous Programers on How Common Lisp Sucks ❮❯ •Programing Language: A Ruby Illustration of Lisp Problems ❮❯ •vi, Emacs, Keybinding Design ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯ •Lisp Programer Daniel Weinreb Died (1959 to 2012) ❮❯
  1524. Daniela Mercury → Camille Paglia on Lady Gaga [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/camille_paglia_on_lady_gaga.html ]
  1525. Danny Sullivan (technologist) → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-08 ❮❯
  1526. Dante and his Divine Comedy in popular culture → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 6 [ p/mopi/mopi6.html ]
  1527. Dao (sword) → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  1528. Dao Lang → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  1529. Darcs → Distributed Revision Control Systems, Haskell Darcs, and Math Sacrilege ❮❯ •Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  1530. Darik's Boot and Nuke → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  1531. Darren Criss → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯
  1532. Darren Rowse → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯ •How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯ •How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯ •Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2010-10 to 2010-12 ❮❯ •Swearing in Writing ❮❯
  1533. Dart (programming language) → CoffeeScript or JavaScript? ❮❯
  1534. Dart (missile) → Stars'n'Striped Toys [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/cafne_dacti.html ]
  1535. Darth Maul → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1536. Darwin (operating system) → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  1537. DarwinPorts → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  1538. Dash → Semantics and Symbols: Examples of Unicode Symbols Usage ❮❯ •The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  1539. Data Encryption Standard → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  1540. Data remanence → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  1541. Data Shredder → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  1542. Datagram → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1543. Datagram Congestion Control Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1544. Davia Ardell → Star-Spangled Porn Stars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno2.html ]
  1545. David (Michelangelo) → Las Vegas Travelog: Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars.html ]
  1546. David Blaine → Periodic Dosage Archive 2014-04 to 2014-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201404.html ]
  1547. David Bowie → David Bowie - “Life on Mars” ❮❯
  1548. David Brin → Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  1549. David Graeber → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-01 to 2013-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201301.html ]
  1550. David Icke → Cults: Lawsonomy, David Icke, Moonie, Falun Gong, Raelism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lawsonomy.html ]
  1551. David LaChapelle → Gisele Bundchen in US Flag Swimwear [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/Gisele_Bundchen_flag.html ]
  1552. David Leeson → 94 Photos of Iraq War, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/iraq_pixra.html ]
  1553. David Lynch → Words, page 19 ❮❯
  1554. David Stannard → Terrorism from USA: Misery US Americans Have Done to the World [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040318_americanism.html ]
  1555. Dawn Powell → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1556. Daylight saving time → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200910.html ]
  1557. Days Inn → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  1558. Dbm → Database Tech 2012 ❮❯
  1559. DD-WRT → Linux: Firewall Tutorial, iptables, netfilter ❮❯ •TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1560. DDOS → GNAA Weev Troll Song (Kesha - “TiK ToK”) [ music/gnaa_weev_song.html ]
  1561. DDR2 SDRAM → Windows Blue Screen of Death — a Account of My PC's Memory Failure ❮❯
  1562. De jure → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  1563. De Profundis (letter) → Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯
  1564. De Wallen → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  1565. Dead code elimination → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  1566. Dead or Alive (video game series) → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  1567. Dead Snow → Dead Snow Avatar ❮❯
  1568. Deadliest Warrior → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  1569. Deadpool → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-11 to 2014-12 ❮❯
  1570. Deaf → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1571. Death and the Maiden (1994 film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  1572. Death and the Maiden (film) → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  1573. Death and the Maiden (play) → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  1574. Death of Isoroku Yamamoto → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  1575. Death Proof → Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯
  1576. Debbie Does Dallas → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  1577. Debbie Gibson → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯
  1578. Debbie Nathan → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  1579. Debbugs → GNU Emacs Development Inefficiency ❮❯
  1580. Debian → GRE Words ❮❯
  1581. Debian Almquist shell → What's the Difference Between .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, …? ❮❯
  1582. Debian Free Software Guidelines → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  1583. Debit card → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  1584. Deborah Harry → Blondie - “Dreaming” ❮❯
  1585. Deborah Tannen → GRE Words ❮❯
  1586. Declarative programming → Hardware Modeled (Von Neumann) Computer Languages and Functional-Level Languages ❮❯
  1587. Decorative knotwork in East Asia → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1588. Decorator pattern → Python: Decorator Tutorial ❮❯
  1589. DeCSS → The State of Affairs of DVD Rippers ❮❯
  1590. Dedekind cut → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  1591. Deep sea fish → Words, page 11 ❮❯
  1592. Deep Throat (film) → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  1593. Deepwater Horizon oil spill → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201006.html ]
  1594. Defamation → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1595. Default route → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1596. defeatism → HUMAN RACE AT A CROSSROADS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s21.html ]
  1597. Defender (video game) → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  1598. Defrag → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  1599. Defraggler → Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯
  1600. Degree (graph theory) → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  1601. Dejanews → comp.lang.lisp is 95% Spam ❮❯
  1602. Delaunay triangulation → Math: Fibonaci Sequence Video Fallacy 📺 ❮❯
  1603. Delayed onset muscle soreness → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1604. Delimiter-separated values → A Exhibition of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode ❮❯
  1605. Delphi → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  1606. Delphi (online service) → Mathematician Marijke Van Gans Died (1955 to 2009) ❮❯
  1607. Deluge (software) → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  1608. Demagogy → GRE Words ❮❯
  1609. Demesne → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1610. Demeter → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  1611. Demographics of atheism → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1612. Demomaker → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯
  1613. Demosthenes → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  1614. Denial-of-service attack → Emerald Viewer DOS Fiasco ❮❯
  1615. Dennis Gabor → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200811.html ]
  1616. Dennis Kozlowski → Words, page 1 ❮❯ •Words, page 5 ❮❯
  1617. Denotational semantics → Syntax, Formal Language, Pattern Matching ❮❯
  1618. Der blaue Engel → the Littlest Harlot (by Tracy Quan) ❮❯
  1619. Derinkuyu underground city → Periodic Dosage Archive 2015-04 to 2015-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201504.html ]
  1620. Dervish → The First Kalandar's Tale ❮❯ •The Porter And The Three Ladies Of Baghdad ❮❯
  1621. Des Moines, Iowa → GRE Words ❮❯
  1622. Desargues's Theorem → Desargues's Two Triangle Theorem ❮❯
  1623. Descartes → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1624. descriptive geometry → What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra ❮❯
  1625. Design language → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  1626. Desktop Publishing → Emacs cua-mode Problems ❮❯
  1627. Desktop publishing → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯ •Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯ •The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  1628. Desmond Morris → Art of Sexual Positions [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rama.html ]
  1629. Destiny's Child → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  1630. Detergent → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1631. Deus ex machina → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  1632. deus ex machina → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  1633. Devatas → Sculpture of Asian Demigoddesses: Apsara, Devatas, Yakshini ❮❯
  1634. Deviantart → A Note To Deviantart Users ❮❯
  1635. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions → Poem: The Bell Tolls for Thee; 鐘為汝鳴 ❮❯
  1636. Devprayag → Photo: Ganges River ❮❯
  1637. Dewey Decimal Classification → Web Keywords and Taxonomy ❮❯
  1638. Diacritic → Accent Marks: Trema, Umlaut, Macron, Circumflex, and All That ❮❯
  1639. Diadem (personal wear) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  1640. Diaeresis (diacritic) → Accent Marks: Trema, Umlaut, Macron, Circumflex, and All That ❮❯
  1642. Diamondoid → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  1643. Diana, Princess of Wales → GRE Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Medical Words ❮❯
  1644. Diana (goddess) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  1645. Dicentra → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 2 ❮❯
  1646. Dick (movie) → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  1647. Dick Cheney → Third World Blind ❮❯ •Words, page 6 ❮❯
  1648. Dicta Boelcke → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  1649. Dictionary (software) → American Heritage Dictionary vs New Oxford American Dictionary ❮❯
  1650. Dido → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 5 Scene 3 ❮❯
  1651. Dido (singer) → Dido - “White Flag” ❮❯
  1652. Die Ärzte → Cry For Love (Schrei nach Liebe) ❮❯
  1653. Diego Maradonna → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1654. Diego Rivera → Art of Diego Rivera ❮❯
  1655. Difference Engine → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1656. Difference set → What's Difference Set of a Group ❮❯
  1657. Differential calculus → English/Chinese Math Terminology 中/英 数学术语 ❮❯
  1658. Differential Galois theory → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  1659. Differential Geometry → Websites on Plane Curves ❮❯
  1660. DIGITAL Command Language → GRE Words ❮❯
  1661. Digital library → Death of Encarta ❮❯
  1662. Digital Rights Management → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1663. Digital signature → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  1664. Dike (mythology) → Feminism Perving Archive 2013-07 [ sex/blog_past_2013-07.html ]
  1665. Dillo → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-03 ❮❯
  1666. Dim sum → GRE Words ❮❯
  1667. Diocles (mathematician) → Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  1668. Dionysius Halicarnassensis → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  1669. Dionysus → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  1670. Diorama → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1671. Direct3D → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  1672. Directed Energy Weapon → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1673. Dirndl → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1674. Disc jockey → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  1675. Disclosure (film) → Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  1676. Discretionary access control → Linux: Firewall Tutorial, iptables, netfilter ❮❯
  1677. Disk Copy → Mac OS X “.dmg” File and Command Line Tutorial ❮❯
  1678. Disk image → Mac OS X “.dmg” File and Command Line Tutorial ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1679. Disk partitioning → Ubuntu Linux Install Error: “'grub-install /dev/sdb' failed” ❮❯
  1680. Disk Utility → Mac OS X “.dmg” File and Command Line Tutorial ❮❯
  1681. DiskImageMounter → Mac OS X “.dmg” File and Command Line Tutorial ❮❯
  1682. Display resolution → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200812.html ]
  1683. Disqus → How to Add a Comment System to Website ❮❯
  1684. Dissection problem → Geometric Dissection, Mechanical Iris, Expandable Table Furniture 📺 ❮❯
  1685. Dissociative identity disorder → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1686. Distaff → Etymology of Rocket, Spinster's Staff! ❮❯
  1687. Distance-vector routing protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1688. Distributed hash table → The NoSQL Movement ❮❯
  1689. District 9 → Avatar and District 9 Movie Review ❮❯
  1690. Divan → Aladdin: Princess Badr al-Budur ❮❯
  1691. Divan (furniture) → Aladdin: The Pauper's Son ❮❯
  1692. Divine Comedy → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 6 [ p/mopi/mopi6.html ]
  1693. Division algebra → The Significance of Complex Numbers: Frobenius Theorem ❮❯
  1694. DivX → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  1695. Diyu → Chinese Hell, Japanese Architecture, Full Rigged Ship ❮❯
  1696. DJ Sharpnel → DJ Sharpnel - “Blue Army” (Song from Dance Dance Revolution) ❮❯
  1697. Django (web framework) → Python Libs for Scientists ❮❯ •Python Tech 2012: django, CherryPy, unittest, nose, celery, decorator ❮❯
  1698. Django web framework → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1699. Djuna Barnes → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1700. DMZ (computing) → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1701. Dnsmasq → Linux: Firewall Tutorial, iptables, netfilter ❮❯
  1702. Do the Right Thing → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  1703. DocBook → Syntax Design: Use of Unicode Matching Brackets as Specialized Delimiters ❮❯
  1704. Document-oriented database → Database Tech 2012 ❮❯
  1705. dodecahedron → Math in Second Life, page 3 ❮❯
  1706. Dodecahedron → SECTION 19. — How, though the Sphere shewed me other mysteries of Spaceland, I still desire more; and what came of it ❮❯
  1707. Dodge Caliber → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  1708. Doge's Palace → Las Vegas Travelog: Venetian [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/venetian.html ]
  1709. Dokkoida → Drifting (car driving) ❮❯
  1710. Dolce & Gabbana → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ] •Black Eyed Peas - “My Humps” ❮❯
  1711. doldrums → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  1712. Domain name → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯ •Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  1713. Domain name front running → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  1714. Domain name registrar → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  1715. Domain name registry → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  1716. Domain name speculation → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  1717. Domain Name System → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1718. Domain name system → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  1719. domain name system → What's Lisp-1, What's Lisp-2? Bad Jargon or Good Jargon? ❮❯
  1720. Domain parking → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  1721. Domain tasting → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  1722. Domesday Book → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  1723. Don't be evil → Google: DON'T BE EVIL vs Don'T Do Evil ❮❯
  1724. Don't Cry for Me, Argentina → Madonna “Don't Cry For Me Argentina” ❮❯
  1725. Don Hopkins → Unix Pestilence: Quotations ❮❯ •The X-Windows Disaster ❮❯ •The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •Rants on Emacs Visual Lines by Don Hopkins and Mark Crispin ❮❯
  1726. Don Juan → Writer's Words ❮❯
  1727. Don Quixote → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1728. Don Syme → F Sharp, OCaml Books and History of OCaml ❮❯
  1729. Donald A. Glaser → Xah Lee's Resume [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/Xah_Lee_Resume.html ]
  1730. Donald A. MacKenzie → State of Theorem Proving Systems 2008 ❮❯
  1731. Donald Barthelme → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1732. Donald Crowhurst → English Vocabulary: Special Meaning Words ❮❯
  1733. Donald Knuth → Words, page 6 ❮❯
  1734. Donald Norman → the Myth of Myth of QWERTY vs Dvorak Layout ❮❯
  1735. Donald Rumsfeld#Lawsuits → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  1736. Donna D'Errico → Star Spangled Playmates [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/playmates.html ]
  1737. Doomsday cult → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-07 to 2012-07 ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  1738. Door breaching → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  1739. Dopamine → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 3 [ p/mopi/mopi3.html ]
  1740. Doppelgänger → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  1741. Doraemon → Toons in Second Life ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  1742. Doritos → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  1743. Dormouse → Wonderland: Chapter 7: A Mad Tea-Party ❮❯
  1744. Dostoevsky → Futuristic Calamity [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030909calamity.html ] •Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  1745. Dot-com bubble → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯ •Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes ❮❯ •Cookies, Super Cookies, Your Privacy ❮❯ •Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯ •Encyclopedia, My Experiences ❮❯
  1746. Dot matrix display → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯
  1747. dot matrix printer → The Sounds of Obsolete Technologies 1990 to 2000 ❮❯
  1748. Dot matrix printing → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  1749. Dot product → Vectors ❮❯
  1750. DoubleClick → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  1751. Doubling the cube → Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  1752. Douglas C. Engelbart → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2013-07 ❮❯
  1753. Douglas Crockford → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •Syntax Coloring in Editors ❮❯
  1754. Douglas Hofstadter → Xah Math Blog Archive 2011-01 to 2011-03 ❮❯ •Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯
  1755. Downs (nautical) → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  1756. Downton Abbey → Google Glass Dating, and History in Downton Abbey ❮❯
  1757. Dr. Seuss → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  1758. Dr. Strangelove → Writer's Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Racial Slurs ❮❯
  1759. Drafting table → What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra ❮❯
  1760. dragon → Similar Words ❮❯
  1761. Dragon boat → GRE Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1762. Dragon Kung Fu → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  1763. Dragon NaturallySpeaking → Using Voice to Code Faster than Keyboard 📺 ❮❯
  1764. Dragonfly → Dragonfly, Damselfly, Insect Flight ❮❯
  1765. Dreadlock → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1766. dreadlocks → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  1767. Dresden → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  1768. Drexel University → Xah Lee Site Awards and Recognitions [ PageTwo_dir/Bookmarks_dir/linksToMySite.html ]
  1769. Drifting (motorsport) → Drifting (car driving) ❮❯
  1770. Driver ant → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  1771. Drop registrar → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  1772. Drosera regia → Photo: Cherry, Venus Flytrap, and the Lure of Sex ❮❯
  1773. Drow → Evil Lords In Second Life ❮❯
  1774. Dual-channel architecture → Windows Blue Screen of Death — a Account of My PC's Memory Failure ❮❯
  1775. dubstep → Robot Dance and Dubstep Videos ❮❯
  1776. Dubstep → Moonlight Sonata Dubstep ❮❯
  1777. Dune (novel) → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  1778. Dunhuang → Silkroad Watchtower Ruin ❮❯
  1779. Duomo → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  1780. Duomo di Milano → Curlicues ❮❯ •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Architectural Beauty: Duomo di Milano ❮❯
  1781. Duplex (telecommunications) → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1782. Duplicate characters in Unicode → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯
  1783. Dust devil → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1784. Dusty Springfield → Dusty Springfield - “the Windmills of Your Mind” ❮❯
  1785. Duty-free shop → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  1786. Duverger's law → Voting Systems: Why Winner Isn't Liked by Majority ❮❯
  1787. Dvorak Simplified Keyboard → Dvorak Keyboard Layout ❮❯ •Alternative Keyboard Layouts List ❮❯
  1788. Dylan (programming language) → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯
  1789. Dylan (programming language) → Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  1790. Dylan programming language → Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  1791. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯ •TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1792. Dynamic random access memory → Advantages of Solid-State Drive vs Hard Drive (SSD vs HDD) ❮❯
  1793. Dynamical Systems → On Ignoring Trolls ❮❯
  1794. Dynamical systems → Great Software for Dynamical Systems ❮❯
  1795. Dynamo (storage system) → The NoSQL Movement ❮❯
  1796. Dynasty → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1797. Dyspepsia → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  1798. E-mail address → Pattern Matching vs Grammar Specification ❮❯
  1799. E-meter → Scientology and Falun Gong [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/scientology_falun_gong.html ]
  1800. E-Prime → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  1801. E8 lattice → John Baez on Octonion 📺 ❮❯
  1802. E (mathematical constant) → Xah Math Blog Archive 2012-07 to 2012-07 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1803. E (mathematical constant) → Chapter 4: Systems Based On Numbers ❮❯
  1804. Eagle Claw → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  1805. Eagle Claw Kung Fu → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  1806. Earth → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯ •Wonderland: Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole ❮❯
  1807. earthquake → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1808. Ease (programming language) → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯
  1809. Eason Chan → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  1810. East Indies → Gulliver's Travels. PART I — A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT ❮❯
  1811. Eastern Cottontail → Rabbit vs Hare, Rabbit Meat Poisoning, Three-Rabits Motif, Cuniculture ❮❯
  1812. Easy Rider → Star Spangled Bikes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/flag_bike.html ]
  1813. EasyInstall → Python: What's PyPi, pip, easy_install, setuptools? ❮❯
  1814. ebay → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  1815. Ebola virus disease in the United States → Periodic Dosage Archive 2014-10 to 2014-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201410.html ]
  1816. Ebonics → The Tyranny of Twit Writing: Facebook Twitter Char Limits and SMS Abbrevs ❮❯
  1817. EC Comics → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  1818. ECG → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ] •Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  1819. Echo (mythology) → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  1820. Eclipse (software) → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  1821. Eclipse IDE → Problems of Emacs's Manual ❮❯ •Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  1822. Economic vegetarianism → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  1823. Economics → Wonderland: Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole ❮❯
  1824. Economy of the People's Republic of China → Words, page 17 ❮❯
  1825. Ed Gein → Best Horror Movies ❮❯
  1826. Eddie's Attic → YoungBloodZ - “Damn” [ music/damn.html ]
  1827. Eden Project → The Eden Project ❮❯
  1828. Edgar Allan Poe → The Masque of the Red Death ❮❯ •〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯ •“The Tell-Tale Heart” By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1829. Edmund White → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1830. Edmund Wilson → GRE Words ❮❯
  1831. Edouard Manet → Paintings of Odalisque and Prostitutes ❮❯ •Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  1832. Edsger Dijkstra → What is the Difference of Russell's Logicism, Hilbert's Formalism, Axiomatic System? ❮❯
  1833. Edsger W. Dijkstra → Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯ •Death of Steve Jobs vs Dennis Ritchie, John McCarthy ❮❯ •Paul Graham's Infatuation with the Concept of Hacker ❮❯ •Language Design: Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1? ❮❯
  1834. Edsger W Dijkstra → It's Not You, It's Them: Why Programming Languages Are Hard To Teach 📺 ❮❯
  1835. Edward Bernays → Periodic Dosage Archive 2014-04 to 2014-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201404.html ]
  1836. Edward FitzGerald (poet) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯
  1837. Edward Snowden → Encryption: What's Perfect Forward Secrecy? ❮❯ •Richard Stallman meets Julian Assange 2013 ❮❯
  1838. Edward Teller → THE MOTIVES OF SCIENTISTS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s11.html ]
  1839. Edward Tufte → Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯
  1840. Edwardian era → Google Glass Dating, and History in Downton Abbey ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  1841. Edwin Abbott Abbott → Flatland: A Introduction (by Xah Lee) ❮❯
  1842. Effects of cannabis → I Got Stoned and Sold into Slave Trade [ Periodic_dosage_dir/stoned.html ]
  1843. Effervescence → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  1844. eglantine → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  1845. egotism → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  1846. Egyptian hieroglyphs → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  1847. Egyptian Revolution of 2011 → Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes ❮❯ •Chinese Revolution à la Egypt? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/chinese_revolution_a_la_egypt.html ]
  1848. Egyptology → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  1849. Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus → Caustics ❮❯
  1850. Eiffel (programming language) → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  1851. Eiffel Tower → Las Vegas Travelog: Paris Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/paris.html ]
  1852. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors → What's the Nature of Eigenvector? ❮❯
  1853. Eight-Nation Alliance → 火烧圆明园是怎么回事? Burning of the Imperial Palace ❮❯
  1854. Eight queens puzzle → HP-28S Advanced Scientific Calculator ❮❯
  1855. EINE → Lisp Programer Daniel Weinreb Died (1959 to 2012) ❮❯
  1856. Eisenstein integer → Schmidt Arrangement, Algebra Integer, Gaussian Integer, Eisenstein Integer, Modular Group ❮❯
  1857. El Jadida → Architectural Beauty: El Jadida Cistern ❮❯
  1858. Eldred v. Ashcroft → Mickey Mouse Copyright Nation: on Copyright and Its Duration [ Periodic_dosage_dir/copyright_duration.html ]
  1859. Electra → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  1860. Electra Complex → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  1861. Electric car → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  1862. electric chair → BDSM in Second Life: Hardcore Torture [ sl/tor3.html ]
  1863. Electric shock → BDSM in Second Life: Hardcore Torture [ sl/tor3.html ]
  1864. Electronic commerce → Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes ❮❯
  1865. Electroplate → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1866. Elegiac comedy → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1867. Elephant → SAT Words ❮❯
  1868. Elevator (aircraft) → Google Earth Flight Simulator Controls ❮❯
  1869. Elfen Lied → Elfen Lied - “Lilium” ❮❯
  1870. Elfriede Jelinek → GRE Words ❮❯
  1871. Elgin Marbles → Milk, Tits, Caryatids [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031016_caryatids.html ]
  1872. Elie Cartan → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  1873. Eliot Spitzer → Politics: Bill Maher Mocks American Socialism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/american_socialism.html ]
  1874. ELIZA → Emacs Menu Usability Problem ❮❯
  1875. Elizabeth (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ] •English Vocabulary: Special Meaning Words ❮❯
  1876. Elizabeth Banks → The Hunger in Hunger Games: Breath it All In, Children ❮❯
  1877. Elizabeth Báthory → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1878. Elizabeth Shue → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  1879. Elizabeth Zubilin → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 2 ❮❯
  1880. Ella Fitzgerald → Writer's Words ❮❯
  1881. Ellipse → Ellipse ❮❯
  1882. Ellipsis → Semantic of Symbol: Unicode Ellipsis Symbol vs Dot Dot Dot ❮❯
  1883. ellipsoid → Ellipsoid ❮❯
  1884. Elliptic function → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  1885. Elliptic functions → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  1886. Elm (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  1887. ELO rating system → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1888. Elva Hsiao → 萧亚轩 - And I Know (song) ❮❯
  1889. Elytron → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200910.html ]
  1890. emacs → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  1891. W3 → My Experience of Emacs vs XEmacs ❮❯
  1892. Emacs Lisp → Emacs Lisp References ❮❯
  1893. Email client → Emacs Should Support HTML Mail ❮❯
  1894. Emanuel Swedenborg → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  1895. Embryonic stem cell research → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1896. Emergence → SOME PRINCIPLES OF HISTORY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s13.html ]
  1897. emergent phenomenon → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  1898. Emil Doepler → Apocalypse Now, Ride of the Valkyries [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/apocalypse_now.html ]
  1899. Emily Dickinson → Emily Dickinson's Poems ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯ •Words, page 11 ❮❯
  1900. Emir → Aladdin: Proposal ❮❯
  1901. emir → The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯ •Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  1902. Emirs → Words, page 14 ❮❯
  1903. Emmett High School → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  1904. Emo → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  1905. Emoticon → 李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  1906. Emperors Club VIP → A Close Encounter with a Prostitute in Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/20031015_copulate.html ]
  1907. Empire State Building → GRE Words ❮❯
  1908. Encarta → Encyclopedia, My Experiences ❮❯ •American Heritage Dictionary vs Merriam Webster Collegiate ❮❯
  1909. Enceladus (mythology) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 2 ❮❯
  1910. Enchant (software) → aspell sucks: Dismal Vocabulary Size ❮❯
  1911. Encyclopaedia Britannica → Encyclopedia, My Experiences ❮❯
  1912. Encyclopedia Britannica → Web Keywords and Taxonomy ❮❯ •Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯
  1913. → Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201104.html ]
  1914. Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition → Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯
  1915. Endianness → Gulliver's Travels. PART I — A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT ❮❯
  1916. Energy → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  1917. EnergyMech → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  1918. Engel (song) → A View to the Wilderness of Human Animals. Rammstein - “Engel” ❮❯
  1919. England → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  1920. English-American → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  1921. English on the Internet → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  1922. English passive voice → What's Passive Voice? What's Aggressive Voice? ❮❯
  1923. English Restoration → Writer's Words ❮❯
  1924. English Wikipedia → Problems of Emacswiki ❮❯
  1925. Engraving → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  1926. Engrish → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  1927. Ennio Morricone → Choi Sung-bong - “Nella Fantasia” ❮❯
  1928. Enoch → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  1929. Enriched text → Converting Email Formats ❮❯ •Emacs as Word Processor: Bold, Underline, Color Texts ❮❯
  1930. Enron → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  1931. Enron scandal → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  1932. entomology → THE MOTIVES OF SCIENTISTS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s11.html ]
  1933. Entropia Universe → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  1934. Entropy (information theory) → Random Notes on Randomness ❮❯
  1935. Environmental vegetarianism → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  1937. Epaulet → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  1938. Ephebophile → Reddit = Porn Fodder [ Periodic_dosage_dir/reddit_porn_fodder.html ]
  1939. Ephebophilia → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  1941. Epidermis (skin) → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  1942. Epigram → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-11 to 2011-11 ❮❯
  1943. Epiphyllum → 王菲 《彼岸花》 (Flower of Paradise) 曼珠沙华的故事 ❮❯
  1944. Epiphyte → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  1945. Epistolary novel → Words, page 15 ❮❯
  1946. epistomology → SECTION 20. — How the Sphere encouraged me in a Vision. ❮❯
  1947. Equation Editor → The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯
  1948. Equiangular spiral → Equiangular Spiral ❮❯
  1949. Equilateral triangle → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  1950. Equinox → What's a Year? Why Not Just 100 Days? ❮❯
  1951. Equity and gender feminism → SAT Words ❮❯
  1952. Equivalence relation → Xah Math Blog Archive 2014-09 to 2014-09 ❮❯
  1953. Erato → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  1954. Eratosthenes → Tech Humor: Apache vs Node.js vs NGINX 📺 ❮❯
  1955. Erebus → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  1956. Erechtheum → Milk, Tits, Caryatids [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031016_caryatids.html ]
  1957. ergonomics → Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯
  1958. Eric Hoffer → THE DANGER OF LEFTISM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s26.html ]
  1959. Eric S. Raymond → ESR wrote: How not to engage me! ❮❯
  1960. Eric Schmidt → What Motivate Us? and What Motivates Book Sellers? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/motivation.html ]
  1961. Eric Temple Bell → Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ]
  1962. Erik Meijer (computer scientist) → Erik Meijer on Xtreme Programing and Agile ❮❯
  1963. Erik Naggum → Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯
  1964. Erika Marozsán → Incredible Beauty: Erika Marozsán in Gloomy Sunday ❮❯
  1965. Eris → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  1966. Eris (dwarf planet) → Unicode Astrology Astronomy Symbols ☿ ♆ ♋ 🌙 🌛 🌝 🌞 ❮❯
  1967. Erlang (programming language) → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯
  1968. Erlang (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  1969. Ernest Hemingway → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯ •How to Increase Your Vocabulary? ❮❯
  1970. Ero guro → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  1971. Eros (god) → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ]
  1972. Eros (mythology) → Art of William Bouguereau ❮❯ •the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  1973. Erotic art in Pompeii and Herculaneum → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  1974. Erotic lactation → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200909.html ]
  1975. ERuby → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-05 ❮❯
  1976. Escapism → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  1977. Eschatology → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  1978. Escutcheon (heraldry) → SECTION 12. — Of the Doctrine of our Priests ❮❯
  1979. espalier → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  1980. Esperanto → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  1981. Esquire → Wonderland: Chapter 2: The Pool of Tears ❮❯
  1982. Essay mill → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201007.html ]
  1983. Estonia → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  1984. Estuary → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  1985. Et cetera → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  1986. ETAOIN SHRDLU → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  1987. Eternal September → Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes ❮❯
  1988. Ethereal (software) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  1989. Ethernet crossover cable → How to Setup a Network Between Mac and Windows ❮❯
  1990. Ethernet hub → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  1991. Ethernet over twisted pair → How to Setup a Network Between Mac and Windows ❮❯
  1992. Ethiopia → Third World Blind ❮❯
  1993. Ethiopian Wolf → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  1994. Ethnology → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ] •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  1995. ethology → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  1996. Ethology → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ] •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  1997. Etienne Pascal → Limacon Of Pascal ❮❯
  1998. etiolate → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  1999. Etiology → English Vocabulary: Medical Words ❮❯
  2000. etymology → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-08 to 2011-08 ❮❯
  2001. Euclid's Elements → Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  2002. Eudora (e-mail client) → Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  2003. Eudora Welty → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2004. Eugene Debs → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ]
  2005. Eugene Delacroix → Art of Eugène Delacroix ❮❯
  2006. Eugenio Beltrami → Tractrix ❮❯ •Tractrix ❮❯
  2007. Euler's identity → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  2008. Euler characteristic → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  2009. Euphemism → Leaked Video: US Helicopter Killing Iraqi [ Periodic_dosage_dir/leaked_video_US_helicopter_killing.html ]
  2010. euphuism → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  2011. Eurasian → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2012. Eurasian lynx → Second Life's Furries 3 ❮❯
  2013. Eureka Seven → Math in Second Life ❮❯
  2014. Eurodance → - “Butterfly” (Song from Dance Dance Revolution) ❮❯
  2015. Europa (mythical) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ] •Art: Europa and the Bull ❮❯ •Words, page 14 ❮❯
  2016. Europa (mythology) → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  2017. Europa Report → Hard SciFi Movies ❮❯
  2018. European Polecat → GRE Words ❮❯
  2019. Euterpe → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  2020. Eva Green → Midnight Poison - “Space Dementia” 📺 Eva Green ❮❯
  2021. Eva Perón → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ] •Madonna “Don't Cry For Me Argentina” ❮❯
  2022. Evangelista Torricelli → Equiangular Spiral ❮❯
  2023. Eve online → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯ •Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200911.html ]
  2024. Everson Mono → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  2025. Evita (musical) → Madonna “Don't Cry For Me Argentina” ❮❯
  2026. evolute → Evolute ❮❯
  2027. Evolutionary arms race → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  2028. Evolutionary computation → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  2029. Evolutionary psychology → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  2030. Ewok → Second Life's Furries, page 1 ❮❯
  2031. Exam (film) → Xah Arts Blog Archive 2012-04 ❮❯
  2032. Excalibur → Las Vegas Travelog: Excalibur [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/excalibur.html ]
  2033. Excalibur (hotel and casino) → Las Vegas Travelog: Excalibur [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/excalibur.html ]
  2034. Excite → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  2035. Execution by burning → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  2036. Execution of Saddam Hussein → the Saving of Private Lynch [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030902_lynch.html ]
  2037. exegesis → Words, page 4 ❮❯
  2038. exFAT → Windows: is Your USB Drive Fast Enough for ReadyBoost? ❮❯
  2039. ExifTool → Linux: Command to View/Delete Metadata in Image Files ❮❯
  2040. Exotica (film) → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  2041. Expat (XML) → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯
  2042. Exploitation film → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ]
  2043. Exponential function → Exponential Curve ❮❯
  2044. Expression problem → Programing: the Expression Problem ❮❯
  2045. Ext4 → Ubuntu Linux Install Error: “'grub-install /dev/sdb' failed” ❮❯
  2046. Extended Unix Code → Intro to Chinese Encoding; What Character Encoding Does Chinese Sites Use? ❮❯ •Unicode Basics: What's Character Set, Character Encoding, UTF-8? ❮❯
  2047. Extensible Metadata Platform → Linux: Command to View/Delete Metadata in Image Files ❮❯
  2048. Extensible Stylesheet Language → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  2049. Extreme Associates → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  2050. Eye movement in language reading → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  2051. Eye movement in music reading → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  2052. Eye of a needle → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  2053. Eye of GNOME → Linux: Image Viewers ❮❯
  2054. Eyes on Me (Faye Wong song) → Faye Wong - “Eyes on Me” (Final Fantasy VIII Song) ❮❯
  2055. Eyes Wide Shut → Writer's Words ❮❯
  2056. F-14 Tomcat → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  2057. F.I.R → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  2058. A-18 Hornet → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  2059. F sharp (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  2060. F Sharp (programming language) → Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  2061. FA-MAS → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  2062. Fab Five Freddy → Blondie - “Rapture” ❮❯
  2063. Fabrice Bellard → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  2064. facade → Las Vegas Travelog: MGM Grand [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mgm.html ] •Las Vegas Travelog: New York, New York [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/nynymgm.html ]
  2065. Off → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  2066. Facebook → Facebook's Ethics ❮❯
  2067. Facebook Beacon → Facebook's Ethics ❮❯
  2068. Facial Action Coding System → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2069. Facial expression → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  2070. Factor (programming language) → What's Point-free Programing? (point-free function syntax) ❮❯ •Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-11 ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  2071. Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science → Scientology and Falun Gong [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/scientology_falun_gong.html ]
  2072. Fafner of the Azure → Drifting (car driving) ❮❯
  2073. Fahrenheit graphics API → 3D Graphics Formats and Social Causes in Computer Languages ❮❯ •Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  2074. fair use → Second Life Gallery: About the Screenshots ❮❯
  2075. Fairmount Bagel → Story: My Teen Years in Bagel Making ❮❯
  2076. Falsetto → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-04 to 2012-06 ❮❯
  2077. Fan Chung → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  2078. Fandango → - “A Whiter Shade of Pale” ❮❯
  2079. Fano plane → John Baez on Octonion 📺 ❮❯
  2080. Fanziquan → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  2081. Faraday shield → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  2082. Farewell My Concubine (film) → Farewell My Concubine 霸王别姬 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/farewell_my_concubine.html ] •Juggling Tricks ❮❯
  2083. → Reddit = Porn Fodder [ Periodic_dosage_dir/reddit_porn_fodder.html ]
  2084. Faro (card game) → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  2085. Fart → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2086. Fascism → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2087. Fashion Show Mall → Las Vegas Travelog: Riviera [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/riviera.html ]
  2088. Fashionable Nonsense → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  2089. Fastest computer → Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201101.html ]
  2090. Fasting → Aladdin: the Fatimah ❮❯
  2091. FAT32 → Windows: is Your USB Drive Fast Enough for ReadyBoost? ❮❯
  2092. Fatimah → Aladdin: the Fatimah ❮❯
  2093. Faun → Time Machine: Chapter VII ❮❯
  2094. faun → Similar Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  2095. Faust → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2015-04 to 2015-08 ❮❯
  2096. Faye Wong → 王菲 《棋子》 (A Game Piece) ❮❯ •鄧麗君 《但願人長久》 ❮❯ •王菲 《容易受傷的女人》 (Fragile Woman) ❮❯ •王菲 《開到荼蘼》 (Last Blossom) ❮❯ •Faye Wong - “Eyes on Me” (Final Fantasy VIII Song) ❮❯ •王菲 《彼岸花》 (Flower of Paradise) 曼珠沙华的故事 ❮❯ •王菲 《流浪的红舞鞋》 (Wandering Red Dancing Shoes) ❮❯
  2097. FBI → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  2098. FBReader → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  2099. Fcitx → Linux: Chinese Input Setup ❮❯
  2100. Fcuk → Las Vegas Travelog: Alladin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mcaladdin.html ]
  2101. Federation Square → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  2102. Fedora (operating system) → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  2103. FeedBurner → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  2104. Felching → Semen Nutrition: Health Benefits of Eating Cum [ sex/semen_nutrition.html ]
  2105. Felicity → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2106. fellatio → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  2107. Female ejaculation → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  2108. Fencing → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  2109. Fendi → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ] •Black Eyed Peas - “My Humps” ❮❯
  2110. Fengdu Ghost City → Buddhism Wreath-eating Ghost 食蔓鬼 ❮❯
  2111. Feral children → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2112. Fernando (single) → ABBA - Fernando ❮❯
  2113. Ferrite bead → What's the Ugly Cylinder at the End of Computer USB Cables? ❮❯
  2114. festoon → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  2115. Fetch (FTP client) → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  2116. FFmpeg → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯ •Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  2117. Fibonacci number → Math Mysticism: is Hurricane Shape a Fibonaci Spiral? ❮❯
  2118. Fibonacci sequence → Math: Fibonaci Sequence Video Fallacy 📺 ❮❯
  2119. Fidel Castro → THE DANGER OF LEFTISM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s26.html ]
  2120. Field of vision → Bird Flight V Formation as Geometry Problem of Max Visual Contact ❮❯
  2121. Fields medal → Math Prizes and Nobel Ignobility ❮❯
  2122. Fifth-generation computer → Words, page 18 ❮❯
  2123. Fifty Shades of Grey → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2124. Fifty Shades of Grey (film) → Feminism Perving Archive 2015-04 [ sex/blog_past_2015-04.html ]
  2125. Fighting in hockey → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2126. Figurehead → the Glorification of Female with Limblessness [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040201_limbles_ninmu.html ] •Milk, Tits, Caryatids [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031016_caryatids.html ] •Words, page 6 ❮❯
  2127. File:KB Canadian French text.svg → Idiocy of Keyboard Layouts: QWERTZ, AZERTY ❮❯ •International Keyboard Layouts ❮❯
  2128. File:KB Canadian Multilingual Standard comment-en.svg → International Keyboard Layouts ❮❯
  2129. File:KB France.svg → Idiocy of Keyboard Layouts: QWERTZ, AZERTY ❮❯ •Keyboard: What's the Difference Between Alt Graph Key, Compose Key, Dead Key? ❮❯ •International Keyboard Layouts ❮❯
  2130. File:KB Spanish.svg → International Keyboard Layouts ❮❯
  2131. File:KB US-International.svg → International Keyboard Layouts ❮❯
  2132. File:Standard web banner ad sizes.svg → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  2133. File:Tourette's tic long medium 192kbps.OGG → Writer's Words ❮❯
  2134. File Allocation Table → Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯ •Unicode Support in File Names: Windows, Mac, Emacs, Unison, Rsync, USB, Zip ❮❯
  2135. File system → Ubuntu Linux Install Error: “'grub-install /dev/sdb' failed” ❮❯
  2136. Filename extension → Mac OS X Resource Fork and Command Line Tips ❮❯ •Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  2137. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-05 ❮❯
  2138. FileZilla → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  2139. Filigree → Curlicues ❮❯
  2140. Final Fantasy VIII → Faye Wong - “Eyes on Me” (Final Fantasy VIII Song) ❮❯
  2141. Fingerprint (computing) → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  2142. Finite state machine → Parser Notes ❮❯
  2143. Fink → Software Dependency Complexity: Fink, Unison ❮❯ •Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  2144. Fire-walking → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  2145. Fire (instant messenger) → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  2146. Fire rainbow → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  2147. Firearm → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  2148. Firewall (computing) → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  2149. Firmiana simplex → 王菲 《流浪的红舞鞋》 (Wandering Red Dancing Shoes) ❮❯
  2150. First-order logic → The Codification of Mathematics ❮❯
  2151. First Cause → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2152. Fischer Random Chess → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯
  2153. Fish anatomy → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  2154. Fish migration → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  2155. Fisherian runaway → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  2156. Fisting → Lesbians in Second Life [ sl/les.html ]
  2157. fisting → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  2158. Five in a Row (game) → Emacs Menu Usability Problem ❮❯
  2159. Five Points, Manhattan → Writer's Words ❮❯
  2160. FLAC → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  2161. Flac → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  2162. Flag of Cuba → Cuban Flag Porn [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/pn_cuban.html ]
  2163. Flag of India → Flags Babes in Asia [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/elsewhere.html ]
  2164. Flag of Mexico → Vexillology of babes in World Cup 2002, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/bolci2.html ]
  2165. Flag of Poland → International Flags Babes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/elsewhere2.html ]
  2166. Flag of South Korea → Vexillology of babes in World Cup 2002, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/bolci2.html ]
  2167. Flag of Texas → Lone Star Cowgirls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/pa_tarci.html ]
  2168. Flag of the United Kingdom → Babes of the Union Jack, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/brits2.html ]
  2169. Flag of Wales → Dragon Flags ❮❯
  2170. Flags of the Confederate States of America → Rebel Belles [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/na_tinbe.html ]
  2171. Flagstone → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  2172. Flame (malware) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-07 ❮❯
  2173. flamingo → Wonderland: Chapter 8: The Queen's Croquet-Ground ❮❯
  2174. Flamingo Las Vegas → Las Vegas Travelog: Flamingo, Ballys, Barbary Coast [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/flamingo.html ]
  2175. Flannery O'Connor → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2176. Flash file system → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  2177. Flash memory → Advantages of Solid-State Drive vs Hard Drive (SSD vs HDD) ❮❯
  2178. Flash Video → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  2179. Flat Earth → Tech Humor: Apache vs Node.js vs NGINX 📺 ❮❯
  2180. Flat manifold → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  2181. Flat torus → Math: TRON Light Cycle Optimal Strategy 📺 ❮❯
  2182. Flatland → Flatland: A Introduction (by Xah Lee) ❮❯
  2183. Flatland BMX → Flatland BMX (Bicycle Acrobat) ❮❯
  2184. Flatterland → Flatland: A Introduction (by Xah Lee) ❮❯
  2185. Flattr → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  2186. Flavonoid → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  2187. Fleur-de-lis → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  2188. fleuret → Jeeves and the Ph.D ❮❯
  2189. Flickr#Censorship controversy → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  2190. Flight of the Bumblebee → Xah's Music Learning Notes ❮❯
  2191. Flint → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  2192. Flip-flop → Star-Spangled Women's Apparels [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko2.html ]
  2193. Floating-point unit → Computer Tech Progress and Video On Demand ❮❯
  2194. Flogging a dead horse → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-12 to 2012-01 ❮❯
  2195. Floppy disk → The Sounds of Obsolete Technologies 1990 to 2000 ❮❯
  2196. Flour → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  2197. Flower of life → Geometric Design thru Crop Circle ❮❯
  2198. fluid ounce → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  2199. FluidSynth → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  2200. FLV → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  2201. Flyff → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-06 ❮❯
  2202. Flying Swords of Dragon Gate → Best Gongfu Movies ❮❯
  2203. Fog of war → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  2204. Folding bicycle → Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201101.html ]
  2205. Folksonomy → Web Keywords and Taxonomy ❮❯
  2206. FON → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  2207. Font substitution → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯ •Best Unicode Fonts for Programer ❮❯
  2208. Fonts on Macintosh → Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2014-01 to 2014-01 ❮❯
  2209. Fonzie → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  2210. Food science → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  2211. Foodie → Foodie — What a Effing Word ❮❯
  2212. Foot binding → Dolls of Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031127_dolls.html ]
  2213. Football World Cup → Vexillology of babes in World Cup 2002 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/bolci.html ]
  2214. Football World Cup 2002 → Vexillology of babes in World Cup 2002, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/bolci2.html ]
  2215. Football World Cup 2002 naming controversy → Vexillology of babes in World Cup 2002, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/bolci2.html ]
  2216. footman → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2217. For Whom the Bell Tolls → Poem: The Bell Tolls for Thee; 鐘為汝鳴 ❮❯
  2218. Force → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  2219. Force feeding → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  2220. Ford Motor Company → Scarily Patriotic Heartland USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/t5.html ]
  2221. Ford Mustang → David Bowie - “Young Americans” ❮❯
  2222. foresail → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  2223. Form-Z → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  2224. Form of government → Similar Words ❮❯
  2225. formal grammar → Pattern Matching vs Grammar Specification ❮❯
  2226. Formal language → Modeling Math Problem Into a Question in Formal Language: Conway's 2-Angle Problem ❮❯ •Syntax, Formal Language, Pattern Matching ❮❯ •JavaScript Book by David Flanagan, and Man-made Complexity in Computer Language ❮❯ •Programing Language: Systematic Syntax: Lisp vs Mathematica ❮❯
  2227. formal language → Programing Language Syntax Soup ❮❯
  2228. formal logic → Pattern Matching vs Grammar Specification ❮❯
  2229. Formal system → Math Notation, Computer Language Syntax, and the “Form” in Formalism ❮❯ •What is the Difference of Russell's Logicism, Hilbert's Formalism, Axiomatic System? ❮❯ •What is the Difference of Russell's Logicism, Hilbert's Formalism, Axiomatic System? ❮❯
  2230. formal system → The Codification of Mathematics ❮❯ •Programing Language Syntax Soup ❮❯
  2231. Formalism (mathematics) → Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯ •What is the Difference of Russell's Logicism, Hilbert's Formalism, Axiomatic System? ❮❯
  2232. Formula editor → 9 Tools to Display Math on Web ❮❯
  2233. Forrest Gump → Movie: American Crowd Pleasers Hall of Fame [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/mov2.html ] •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  2234. Forth (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  2235. FORTRAN → Language Design: Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1? ❮❯
  2236. Fortran (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  2237. Fortress (programming language) → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯
  2238. Fortress (programming language) → Guy Steele Says: Don't Iterate, Recurse, and Get rid of cons! ❮❯ •Paul Graham's Infatuation with the Concept of Hacker ❮❯ •Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages; ASCII Jam vs Unicode ❮❯
  2239. Fortuna → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 1 ❮❯ •Words, page 1 ❮❯ •Words, page 1 ❮❯
  2240. Fortune 500 → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  2241. Foster City, California → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  2242. Fountain pen → 李敖: 才女与美女如何兼备; Li Ao: Pretty Women vs Brainy Women ❮❯
  2243. Fourth wall → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-11 to 2014-12 ❮❯
  2244. Fowler's Modern English Usage → Writing: Elements of Style in English ❮❯
  2245. foyer → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  2246. Fractal → Equiangular Spiral ❮❯
  2247. fractal dimension → Chapter 3: The World Of Simple Programs ❮❯
  2248. Frame (networking) → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  2249. FrameMaker → The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯
  2250. Frances Farmer → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  2251. Francis Bacon → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2252. Francis Brunn → Elegance and Respectability of Juggling ❮❯
  2253. Francis Lawrence → Lady Gaga - Bad Romance ❮❯
  2254. Franciscan → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2255. Francisco de Goya → Art of Francisco Goya ❮❯
  2256. Francisco Franco → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2257. Francois Boucher → Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯
  2258. Frank Brunner → Nude Alice Artwork by Frank Brunner [ p/alice/art_frank_brunner.html ]
  2259. Frank Herbert → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2260. Frank Miller (comics) → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  2261. Frank White (fictional character) → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  2262. Frankie Rayder → Stars'n'Striped Supermodels [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/supermodels.html ]
  2263. Franz Liszt → Sci-fi, Orgasm Machine, Pure Pain Machine, and Human Suffering [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_suffering.html ] •Sci-fi, Orgasm Machine, Pure Pain Machine, and Human Suffering [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_suffering.html ] •Augustness, Austerity, Pain and Suffering: 4 Piano Pieces to Die For ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  2264. François-Rupert Carabin → Human Furniture (photo gallery) [ sex/human_furniture.html ] •Feminism Perving Archive 2011-12 [ sex/blog_past_2011-12.html ]
  2265. Fraps → Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  2266. Fravia → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-11 ❮❯
  2267. Freaks → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  2268. Fred Ebb → Cabaret - “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” ❮❯
  2269. Freddie Mercury → Queen - “Bohemian Rhapsody” ❮❯
  2270. Frederic Leighton → Art of Frederic Leighton ❮❯ •The Flaming Cyclamen ❮❯
  2271. Fredric Wertham → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ] •Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  2272. Free audio software → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  2273. Free Software Foundation → Wikileaks: US Diplomatic Cables Leak [ Periodic_dosage_dir/US_diplomatic_cables_leak.html ]
  2274. Free state project → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200906.html ]
  2275. Free State Project → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2276. Freedom fries → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  2277. Freemasonry → Words, page 1 ❮❯
  2278. Freenode → Ban Xah Lee ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ] •Freenode IRC Emacs Channel Ban on Xah Lee ❮❯
  2279. French flag → Ireland Flag Babes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/ir.html ]
  2280. French Revolution → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  2281. Freyja → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  2282. Frida Kahlo → Art of Frida Kahlo ❮❯
  2283. Friedrich Gulda → Augustness, Austerity, Pain and Suffering: 4 Piano Pieces to Die For ❮❯
  2284. Friedrich Hirzebruch → Random Math Notes: Friedrich Hirzebruch, Theorema Egregium, … ❮❯
  2285. Friedrich Nietzsche → Symbol, Semantics, Design: Unicode for “e.g.” (exempli gratia) ❮❯ •Goreans in Second Life [ sl/medieval.html ] •Gorean (sex slaves) in Real Life [ sex/gorean_in_real_life.html ]
  2286. Friend zone → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  2287. Frigg → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  2288. Fritz the Cat → Art of Robert Crumb ❮❯
  2289. Frobenius theorem (real division algebras) → The Significance of Complex Numbers: Frobenius Theorem ❮❯
  2290. From Prada to Nada → SAT Words ❮❯
  2291. Front organization → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  2292. Fuck You (Lily Allen song) → Lily Allen - “Fuck You Very Much” [ music/fuck_you_very_much.html ]
  2293. Fuel cell → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2294. Fujitsu → The Idiocy of Hacker Keyboards ❮❯
  2295. Full rigged ship → Chinese Hell, Japanese Architecture, Full Rigged Ship ❮❯
  2296. Full stop → Semantic of Symbol: Unicode Ellipsis Symbol vs Dot Dot Dot ❮❯
  2297. Fully automatic → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  2298. Function-level programming → Hardware Modeled (Von Neumann) Computer Languages and Functional-Level Languages ❮❯
  2299. Function (mathematics) → What's Function, What's Operator? ❮❯
  2300. Function word → Parser Notes ❮❯
  2301. Functional completeness → Logical Operators, Truth Table, Unicode ❮❯
  2302. Fundamental theorem of algebra → Theory Of Equations ❮❯
  2303. Fundamental theorem of calculus → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  2304. Fundamental theorem of curves → Cornu Spiral ❮❯
  2305. Fungi → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  2306. Funnel → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  2307. Furry → Second Life's Furries, page 1 ❮❯ •Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  2308. Futanari → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  2309. Futon → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  2310. Future studies → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  2311. G. El-Registan → Russian National Anthem ❮❯
  2312. Gabriel García Márquez → 〈The Autumn Of The Patriarch〉 by Gabriel Garcia Marquez ❮❯
  2313. Gabriela Robin → - “Information High” from - “Macross Plus” ❮❯
  2314. Gadarenes → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2315. Gag (BDSM) → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  2316. Gag (medical device) → BDSM in Second Life: Hardcore Torture [ sl/tor3.html ]
  2317. Gaia (mythology) → Unicode Astrology Astronomy Symbols ☿ ♆ ♋ 🌙 🌛 🌝 🌞 ❮❯
  2318. galaxy → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 4 [ p/mopi/mopi4.html ]
  2319. galena → The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯
  2320. Galileo → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2321. Galileo Galilei → Catenary ❮❯ •Epicycloid and Hypocycloid ❮❯ •Queen - “Bohemian Rhapsody” ❮❯
  2322. GALILEO positioning system → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2323. Galois theory → Theory Of Equations ❮❯
  2324. Galvanism → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  2325. Gambit → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-02 to 2012-03 ❮❯
  2326. gamboge → SECTION 8. — Of the Ancient Practice of Painting ❮❯
  2327. Game AI → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  2328. Game Blender → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  2329. Game Engine → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  2330. Game theory → Stanford University Computer Science Courses — Review ❮❯
  2331. Gamergate → Feminism Perving Archive 2014-10 [ sex/blog_past_2014-10.html ]
  2332. gamine → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  2333. Gamma correction → What is Gamma Correction in Images and Video? ❮❯
  2334. Gamma function → Xah Math Blog Archive 2014-09 to 2014-09 ❮❯
  2335. Ganges → Photo: Ganges River ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  2336. Gangnam Style → PSY - “Gangnam Style” (江南 Style) ❮❯
  2337. Gangrene → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  2338. Garbage collection (computer science) → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  2339. Garden path sentence → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-05 to 2014-06 ❮❯
  2340. Garry Kasparov → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯
  2341. Garuda → Las Vegas Travelog: Mandalay Bay [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mandalayluxor.html ]
  2342. Gary Coleman → Mickey Avalon - “My Dick” Song [ music/my_dick.html ]
  2343. Gary McKinnon → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ]
  2344. Gas chamber → Psychology and Moral Attitude of “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/wmd.html ]
  2345. gas mask → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  2346. Gasoline → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  2347. Gasoline usage and pricing → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-05 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200805.html ]
  2348. Gateway (telecommunications) → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  2349. Gateway Arch → Catenary ❮❯
  2350. GATT → STRATEGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s24.html ]
  2351. Gattling gun → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  2352. Gauge (porn star) → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  2353. Gauloises → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  2354. Gauntlet (gloves) → King Sindibad and his Falcon ❮❯
  2355. Gauss-Bonnet theorem → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  2356. Gauss map → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  2357. Gaussian integer → Schmidt Arrangement, Algebra Integer, Gaussian Integer, Eisenstein Integer, Modular Group ❮❯
  2358. Gauss–Bonnet theorem → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  2359. Gautama Buddha → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯ •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  2360. Gawker#2012 Michael Brutsch unmasking → Reddit = Porn Fodder [ Periodic_dosage_dir/reddit_porn_fodder.html ]
  2361. Gay Nigger Association of America → GNAA Weev Troll Song (Kesha - “TiK ToK”) [ music/gnaa_weev_song.html ]
  2362. Gayle Rubin → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  2363. gazelle → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  2364. GB2312 → 《千年緣》 (Millennial Destiny) (仙劍奇俠傳四 迴夢游仙) ❮❯ •Pinyin Letter Frequency 拼音字母頻率 ❮❯
  2365. GB 18030 → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-07 ❮❯ •Unicode Basics: What's Character Set, Character Encoding, UTF-8? ❮❯
  2366. gedit → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  2367. Geiger counter → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 4 [ p/mopi/mopi4.html ]
  2368. geisha → Math in Second Life ❮❯
  2369. Gelett Burgess → English: the Etymology of Blurb ❮❯
  2370. Gelsenkirchen → Vexillology of World Cup 2006 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/wc2006-3.html ]
  2371. Geminus → Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  2372. General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon → Google Earth Flight Simulator Controls ❮❯
  2373. General Electric → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  2374. General Graphics Interface → Linus Flames Lisp ❮❯
  2375. General Hospital → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  2376. General Motors → Scarily Patriotic Heartland USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/t5.html ]
  2377. General Semantics → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  2378. Generation ship → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  2379. Generator (computer science) → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  2380. genetic engineering → HUMAN RACE AT A CROSSROADS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s21.html ]
  2381. Genetically modified food → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  2382. genetics → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  2383. Genghis Khan → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  2384. Genie → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 2 ❮❯
  2385. Genie (programming language) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯
  2386. Gennifer Flowers → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  2387. Genus (mathematics) → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  2388. Geo targeting → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  2389. Geodesic → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  2390. geodesic → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  2391. geodesic dome → Math in Second Life ❮❯
  2392. GeoGebra → Xah Math Blog Archive 2013-09 to 2013-09 ❮❯ •Wallpaper groups: Introduction ❮❯ •Plane Geometry Software ❮❯
  2393. Geologic time scale → Time Machine: Chapter XII ❮❯
  2394. Geomancy → Aladdin: The Magician ❮❯
  2395. Geometer's Sketchpad → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Great Software for Plane Geometry ❮❯
  2396. geometric sequence → Equiangular Spiral ❮❯ •SECTION 19. — How, though the Sphere shewed me other mysteries of Spaceland, I still desire more; and what came of it ❮❯
  2397. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  2398. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel → World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯
  2399. George Boolos → Words, page 17 ❮❯
  2400. George Carlin → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ] •To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ]
  2401. George Gipp → A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯
  2402. George MacDonald Fraser → 火烧圆明园是怎么回事? Burning of the Imperial Palace ❮❯
  2403. George Marshall → Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  2404. George Michael → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  2405. George Orwell → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  2406. George Watsky → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  2407. Georgia Brown → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  2408. Georgia O'Keeffe → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  2409. Gerald Jay Sussman → A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯
  2410. Geri Halliwell → Babes of the Union Jack, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/brits.html ]
  2411. Germaine Greer → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  2412. German flag → Ireland Flag Babes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/ir.html ]
  2413. Germanic peoples → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  2414. Germinal Pierre Dandelin → Conic Sections ❮❯
  2415. Getty Center → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  2416. Ghandharva → Las Vegas Travelog: Mandalay Bay [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mandalayluxor.html ]
  2417. Gharial → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  2418. ghetto → David Bowie - “Young Americans” ❮❯
  2419. Ghost in the Shell → Second Life: Droids ❮❯
  2420. Ghost Protocol → GRE Words ❮❯
  2421. Ghosts 'n Goblins → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  2422. Ghostwriter → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201007.html ]
  2423. Ghul → The Tale of the Prince and the Ogress ❮❯
  2424. Ghusl → The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯ •Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  2425. Giambologna → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ]
  2426. Giant Food of Carlisle, Pennsylvania → Star Spangled Supermarket Things [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/supermarket.html ]
  2427. Giant squid → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  2428. gibbet → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 3 ❮❯
  2429. Gigi Leung → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  2430. Gilbert Hernandez → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  2431. Gilles de Roberval → Limacon Of Pascal ❮❯ •Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  2432. Gilles Kahn → Famous Programers on How Common Lisp Sucks ❮❯
  2433. gillyflower → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  2434. Gimbal Lock → Euler Angles Can Cause Gimbal Lock, But Not Quaternions ❮❯
  2435. Gimp → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  2436. GIMP → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯ •Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  2437. Gina Trapani → Women in Tech: Today's Google Plus Recommendation? You Decide. ❮❯
  2438. Ginger → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  2439. Ginger ale → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  2440. Ginseng → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  2441. Giorgio de Chirico → Art Deco in Movie Batman [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/batman.html ] •Hector and Andromache ❮❯
  2442. Gisele Bundchen → Gisele Bundchen in US Flag Swimwear [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/Gisele_Bundchen_flag.html ]
  2443. Git (software) → Distributed Revision Control Systems, Haskell Darcs, and Math Sacrilege ❮❯ •Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  2444. Github → Testimonial on Xah's Emacs Tutorial ❮❯ •Practical Emacs Tutorial ❮❯
  2445. Glabrousness → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2446. Gladiator → The Hunger Games, and Highbrowism of The New Yorker: hobbesian, dystopian, epicene, courtier, cosseted ❮❯
  2447. Gladiator (2000 film) → Movie: American Crowd Pleasers Hall of Fame [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/mov2.html ]
  2448. Glee club → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  2449. Glenn Gould → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Writer's Words ❮❯
  2450. glider → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  2451. Globally unique identifier → What's Windows CLSID? Second Life UUID? ❮❯
  2452. Glock → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  2453. Gloomy Sunday → Incredible Beauty: Erika Marozsán in Gloomy Sunday ❮❯
  2454. Gloria Leonard → Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ] •Erotic Artwork [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rozgu.html ] •Moving Porn out of [ sex/moving_porn_out.html ]
  2455. Gloria Steinem → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  2456. Glory Box → Portishead - “Glory Box” ❮❯
  2457. Glory hole (sexual) → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  2458. GLtron → Math: TRON Light Cycle Optimal Strategy 📺 ❮❯ •Maze and Math in Video Games ❮❯
  2459. GMail → Emacs Should Support HTML Mail ❮❯
  2460. Gmane → Controversy of Common Lisp Package in Emacs Lisp ❮❯
  2461. GMC Sierra → Star Spangled Cars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/karce.html ]
  2462. GMER → Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯
  2463. GNOME → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  2464. GNOME Shell → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  2465. GNOME Terminal → Random Linux Notes, Emacs on Ubuntu, 2011-05-26 ❮❯
  2466. GNU arch → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  2467. GNU Aspell → unix: aspell Tutorial ❮❯
  2468. GNU Compiler Collection → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  2469. GNU GLOBAL → ctags etags gtags: How to Find Where a Function is Defined or Called? ❮❯
  2470. GNU GRUB → Ubuntu Linux Install Error: “'grub-install /dev/sdb' failed” ❮❯
  2471. GNU Hurd → Free Software, Communism, Ideologies, Policies ❮❯ •Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  2472. GNU Mailman → Emacs Dev Inefficiency and Emacs Web 2.0? ❮❯
  2473. GNU Octave → Math Software for Programers ❮❯
  2474. GNU parallel → Linux: Traverse Directory: find, xargs ❮❯
  2475. GNU Privacy Guard → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯ •Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯
  2476. GNU Project → The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  2477. GNU TeXmacs → 9 Tools to Display Math on Web ❮❯ •The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯
  2478. GNU Unifont → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  2479. GnuPG → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  2480. Gnuplot → Math Software for Programers ❮❯
  2481. gnus → Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  2482. Gnus → Controversy of Common Lisp Package in Emacs Lisp ❮❯
  2483. GNUstep → Random Linux Notes, Emacs on Ubuntu, 2011-05-26 ❮❯
  2484. Gnutella → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  2485. Go (board game) → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯ •Go Board Game as Cellular Automata ❮❯
  2486. Go (programming language) → Paul Graham's Infatuation with the Concept of Hacker ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  2487. Go ranks and ratings → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  2488. Goat → GRE Words ❮❯
  2489. goblin → Similar Words ❮❯
  2490. GoboLinux → Xah Linux ❮❯
  2491. God → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2492. God king → GRE Words ❮❯
  2493. Godel, Escher, Bach → Humor: Weird Al - “White and Nerdy” ❮❯
  2494. Godel Escher Bach → Illustrating Geometry with POV-Ray ❮❯
  2495. Gods and Generals → Stars'n'Stripes Book Covers and Movie Posters [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/movie_cover.html ]
  2496. Godzilla (2014 film) → Best Movies ❮❯
  2497. Going commando → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2498. Golden Gate Bridge → Catenary ❮❯
  2499. Golden gate bridge → High-tech Architectures in Second Life ❮❯
  2500. Golden ratio → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯ •Math Mysticism: is Hurricane Shape a Fibonaci Spiral? ❮❯ •The Problems of Traditional Math Notation ❮❯
  2501. Golden Shield Project → Great Fire Wall, Chinese Net Censorship; When Will China Open Up Internet? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/chinese_net_censorship.html ]
  2502. golden shower → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  2503. Golden spiral → Math: Fibonaci Sequence Video Fallacy 📺 ❮❯
  2504. Golden Toad → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  2505. Golgotha → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2506. Gomoku → Great Math Board Game Software ❮❯
  2507. Gonad → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  2508. Gongsun Longzi → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  2509. Goody Two-Shoes → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  2510. Google Earth → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  2511. Google+ → Internet Hipsters and Hipstering of our Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/internet_age_thinking.html ]
  2512. Google+ → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2513. Google Alert → Mathematica: Optimizing A Raytrace Code: Jon Harrop vs Xah Lee ❮❯
  2514. Google analytics → Site Terms Of Use [ terms.html ]
  2515. Google Analytics → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-02 ❮❯ •Emac Lisp: Complex HTML Processing: Creating Downloadable zip Archive ❮❯
  2516. Google Books → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  2517. Google books → Death of Encarta ❮❯
  2518. Google Chrome → HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Tech and Browser Timeline ❮❯
  2519. Google Chrome OS → Google Chrome, SPDY Protocol, Browser War II ❮❯
  2520. Google Cloud Messaging → Industrial Tech: Twilio, SendGrid, Google Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service ❮❯
  2521. Google Dictionary → Google Shutdown its Dictionary Service ❮❯
  2522. Google Earth → Google Earth KML Validation Fuckup ❮❯
  2523. Google Health → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-03 ❮❯
  2524. Google Image Labeler → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  2525. Google maps → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  2526. Google News → Google Search Problems; Alternative Search Engines ❮❯
  2527. Google PowerMeter → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-03 ❮❯
  2528. Google Reader → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-07 ❮❯ •Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯ •What's the Difference Between Google's “following” a Blog vs Subscribe? ❮❯
  2529. Google Street View → 360 Panorama ❮❯
  2530. Google talk → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  2531. Google Wallet → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  2532. Google Wave → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200906.html ]
  2533. Google Web Toolkit → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200906.html ]
  2534. Goop → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 7 [ p/mopi/mopi7.html ]
  2535. Gor → Goreans in Second Life [ sl/medieval.html ] •Gorean (sex slaves) in Real Life [ sex/gorean_in_real_life.html ] •Gorean (sex slaves) in Real Life [ sex/gorean_in_real_life.html ] •Words, page 19 ❮❯
  2536. Gore Vidal → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2537. Gorean → Gorean Panther Girls Moondance Ritual [ sl/moondance.html ]
  2538. Gorgon → Similar Words ❮❯
  2539. Gorilla → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯
  2540. Gossip Girl (TV series) → Anya Marina - “Whatever You Like” “Gossip Girl” ❮❯
  2541. Gothic fiction → Anne Rice's Vampire and Sleeping Beauty ❮❯
  2542. Goths → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  2543. Goto → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  2544. Gottfried Leibniz → Tractrix ❮❯
  2545. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz → Envelope ❮❯
  2546. GPS → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2547. GQView → Linux: Image Viewers ❮❯
  2548. Grace Slick → To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ] •Jefferson Airplane - “White Rabbit” ❮❯
  2549. Grad (angle) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  2550. Graflex → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  2551. Grand Canal of China → 1421 Hypothesis [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/1421.html ]
  2552. Grand Palace → Yaksha Sculptures ❮❯
  2553. Grandee → Aladdin: Proposal ❮❯
  2554. grandee → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  2555. Grandmaster Flash → Blondie - “Rapture” ❮❯
  2556. Grant Allen → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  2557. Grapheme → Idiocy of Keyboard Layouts: QWERTZ, AZERTY ❮❯
  2558. Grapher → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  2559. Graphical model → Stanford University Computer Science Courses — Review ❮❯
  2560. Graphical projection → What Is Perspective Drawing ❮❯
  2561. GraphicConverter → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  2562. Graphics pipeline → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  2563. Graphics tablet → Math Models of 3D Inputs Control ❮❯
  2564. GraphicsMagick → ImageMagick Command Line Tutorial ❮❯
  2565. Grassroots → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-12 ❮❯
  2566. gratuity → Second Life: Sex: Strippers and Slaves [ sl/sx2.html ]
  2567. Gray Davis → The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ]
  2568. Great American Boycott → Words, page 13 ❮❯
  2569. Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  2570. Great Leap Forward → Population Under the Firmament [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030911_populous.html ]
  2571. Great Mosque of Samarra → Spirals in Nature ❮❯
  2572. Great Pyramid of Giza → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  2573. Great Sphinx of Giza → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  2574. Great white shark → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  2575. Green Eggs and Ham → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯ •Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  2576. Green tea → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  2577. Greenland → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  2578. Greenwich → Gulliver's Travels. PART I — A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT ❮❯
  2579. Griefing → Misc Scenes in Second Life [ sl/misc.html ]
  2580. Griffin → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  2581. griffin → Wonderland: Chapter 9: The Mock Turtle's Story ❮❯ •Similar Words ❮❯
  2582. Grigori Perelman → Grigori Perelman: Will You Decline 1 Million to Make a Statement? 📺 ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  2583. Grigori Rasputin → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  2584. Grigory Perelman → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  2585. Grill (jewelry) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  2586. Grizzly-polar bear hybrid → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  2587. Grizzly Bear → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  2588. Grizzly Man → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  2589. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia → Encyclopedia, My Experiences ❮❯
  2590. Groovy (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  2591. Gropecunt Lane → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200907.html ]
  2592. Group of Two → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200908.html ]
  2593. GThumb → Linux: Image Viewers ❮❯
  2594. GTK → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  2595. Gu Long → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  2596. Guadalupe, California → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  2597. Guangzhou TV & Sightseeing Tower → Hyperboloid Architectures Gallery, page 1 ❮❯
  2598. Gucci → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ] •50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  2599. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao → Architecture Beauties ❮❯
  2600. GUI → GNU Emacs and XEmacs Schism ❮❯
  2601. Guido Grandi → Rose Curve ❮❯
  2602. Guile programming language → Computer Languages ❮❯
  2603. guillotine → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  2605. Gulliver's Travels → Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World ❮❯
  2606. Gun barrel → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  2607. Gunboat diplomacy → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  2608. Guns, Germs, and Steel → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  2609. Guqin → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  2610. Gustave Dore → Art of Gustave Dore ❮❯
  2611. Gustave Moreau → Art of Gustave Moreau ❮❯
  2612. Guy L. Steele → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯
  2613. Guy L. Steele, Jr. → Famous Programers on How Common Lisp Sucks ❮❯
  2614. Guy L. Steele, Jr. → Guy Steele Says: Don't Iterate, Recurse, and Get rid of cons! ❮❯
  2615. Guy L. Steele Jr. → History of Emacs and vi Keys ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯
  2616. Gwalior → Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯
  2617. Gwenview → Linux: Image Viewers ❮❯
  2618. gynoecium → Time Machine: Chapter XII ❮❯
  2619. Gynoecium → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  2620. Gyroid → Gyroid ❮❯
  2621. Gödel's incompleteness theorem → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  2622. Göttingen → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  2623. MPEG-4 AVC → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯ •Words, page 13 ❮❯
  2624. H. L. Mencken → Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ]
  2625. H. S. M . Coxeter → Intro to Real Projective Plane ❮❯
  2626. Haarlem → Windmills ❮❯
  2627. Hackathon → SAT Words ❮❯
  2628. Hacker (computer security) → Second Life, Tech Geekers, And Escapism ❮❯
  2629. Hacker (programmer subculture) → Computing Culture: What's Hacker? ❮❯
  2630. Hacker (term) → Computing Culture: What's Hacker? ❮❯
  2631. Hades (mythology) → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  2632. Hag → Writer's Words ❮❯
  2633. Hagar Schon Aaronson Shrieve → - “A Whiter Shade of Pale” ❮❯
  2634. Haiku → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-10 to 2011-10 ❮❯
  2635. Hainan Island incident → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  2636. haircloth → The Tale Of The Ensorceled Prince ❮❯
  2637. Haiwaii → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  2638. Halberd → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  2639. Halftrack → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  2640. Halle Berry → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  2641. Haml → HAML Tutorial ❮❯
  2642. Hammam → The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯
  2643. Hammerhead shark → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  2644. Hampton Catlin → HAML Tutorial ❮❯
  2645. Han Chinese → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  2646. Han Chinese clothing → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  2647. Han Geng → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  2648. Han Hong → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  2649. Hand of Eris → Unicode Astrology Astronomy Symbols ☿ ♆ ♋ 🌙 🌛 🌝 🌞 ❮❯
  2650. HandBrake → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  2651. Hangzhou Metro → 李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  2653. Hannibal (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  2654. Hao Wang (academic) → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  2655. Harbin → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2656. Hard link → File Aliases Considered a Plague ❮❯
  2657. Hard Rock Cafe → Hard Rock Cafe USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/rokci_ckafi.html ]
  2658. Hare → Rabbit vs Hare, Rabbit Meat Poisoning, Three-Rabits Motif, Cuniculture ❮❯
  2659. harikari → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 3 [ p/mopi/mopi3.html ]
  2660. Harisu → Milk, Tits, Caryatids [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031016_caryatids.html ]
  2661. Harlan Ellison → SAT Words ❮❯
  2662. Harley Quinn → Visual Art: Batman ❮❯
  2663. Harmful to Minors → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ] •Feminism Perving Archive 2010-03 [ sex/blog_past_2010-03.html ] •The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  2664. Harold Abelson → A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯
  2665. Harold Lasswell → Hacker News,, and What is Politics? ❮❯
  2666. Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯ •Death of Steve Jobs vs Dennis Ritchie, John McCarthy ❮❯ •Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯ •The Writing Style of Xah Lee ❮❯
  2667. Harpsichord → Piano Keyboard Actions 4: Kawai MP9000 Problems ❮❯
  2668. Harpy → Mythological Creatures In Second Life ❮❯
  2669. Harrah's Las Vegas → Las Vegas Travelog: Harrahs [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/harrahs.html ]
  2670. Harry Houdini → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  2671. Harry Paget Flashman → 火烧圆明园是怎么回事? Burning of the Imperial Palace ❮❯
  2672. Harry Potter → Artworks on Love ❮❯ •Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  2673. Harun al-Rashid → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  2674. Hash function → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  2675. Hash function security summary → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  2676. Haskell (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Computer Languages ❮❯ •Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  2677. Haskell B Curry → Writer's Words ❮❯
  2678. Haskell Curry → What's Currying in Computer Science? ❮❯
  2679. Hastings → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  2680. Hatsune Miku → Hatsune Miku, Vocaloid: Computer Generated Virtual Singing Doll ❮❯
  2681. Hatter → Wonderland: Chapter 6: Pig and Pepper ❮❯
  2682. Hausa language → Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  2683. Haute couture → Alexander McQueen, Haute Couture, How Absurdity Became High Art ❮❯ •Words, page 1 ❮❯ •Words, page 5 ❮❯
  2684. Havok (software) → Second Life Building Tutorial: the Object Tab ❮❯ •Important Concepts In Scripting LSL ❮❯
  2685. Haxe → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-01 ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  2686. Hayward, California → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  2687. Hazing → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2688. hazing → Writer's Words ❮❯
  2689. HDDerase → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  2690. He Lüting → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  2691. Headset (equipment) → Gaming Headset Reviews ❮❯
  2692. Hearst castle → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  2693. Hearst Castle → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2694. Heartburn → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  2695. Heat (1995 film) → GRE Words ❮❯
  2696. Heather Hannoura → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  2697. Heather Harmon → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  2698. Heather Whitestone → Writer's Words ❮❯
  2699. Hebe (mythology) → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ]
  2700. Hebephilia → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  2701. Hebephrenia → Words, page 6 ❮❯
  2702. Hebophilia → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  2703. Hebrew language → Emacs 24.1 New Features (released 2012-06) ❮❯ •Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  2704. Heckled → Words, page 16 ❮❯
  2705. hectare → SAT Words ❮❯
  2706. Hector → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •Hector and Andromache ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  2707. Hector Malot → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  2708. Hecuba → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  2709. Hedge (finance) → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  2710. Hedge (linguistics) → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  2711. hedgehog → Tinies in Second Life ❮❯ •Wonderland: Chapter 8: The Queen's Croquet-Ground ❮❯
  2712. Heidi → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  2713. Heidi, Girl of the Alps → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 4 ❮❯
  2714. Heidi Fleiss → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ] •the Littlest Harlot (by Tracy Quan) ❮❯
  2715. Heidi Klum → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  2716. Helen of Troy → Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯
  2717. helicoid → Helicoid-Catenoid ❮❯
  2718. Hell in Christian beliefs → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2719. Hellenic polytheism → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2720. Hello Kitty → Toons in Second Life ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  2721. Helmand Province → Quora's Future ❮❯
  2723. Help:Displaying a formula → 9 Tools to Display Math on Web ❮❯
  2724. Hemlock (editor) → Thoughts on Common Lisp Scheme Lisp Based Emacs ❮❯
  2725. hemotoxin → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2726. Hemotoxin → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  2727. Hennessy → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  2728. Henry Baker (computer scientist) → Voodoo of Software Engineering ❮❯
  2729. Henry Darger → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Art of Henry Darger [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/henry_darger.html ]
  2730. Henry IV of France → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  2731. Hephaestus → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 1 ❮❯
  2732. Hepting vs. AT&T → NSA Mass Surveillance ❮❯
  2733. Her (film) → Best SciFi Movies ❮❯
  2734. Hera → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  2735. Heracles → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 2 ❮❯
  2736. Herb Stempel → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  2737. Herbert Simon → World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯
  2738. Hercules beetle → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200910.html ]
  2739. Herd → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Similar Words ❮❯
  2740. Heresy → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  2741. hermeneutics → Words, page 4 ❮❯ •Words, page 3 ❮❯
  2742. Hermione Granger → SAT Words ❮❯
  2743. hermit crab → Non-human Animals in Second Life ❮❯
  2744. Hernani (drama) → The Masque of the Red Death ❮❯
  2745. hernia → SAT Words ❮❯
  2746. Herod the Great → The Masque of the Red Death ❮❯
  2747. Herodotus → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  2748. hetairai → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  2749. Heterochromia → David Bowie - “Life on Mars” ❮❯
  2750. heterodox → SECTION 22. — How I then tried to diffuse the Theory of Three Dimensions by other means, and of the result ❮❯
  2751. Hewlett-Packard → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  2752. Hex (board game) → Great Math Board Game Software ❮❯
  2753. Hexahedron → SECTION 19. — How, though the Sphere shewed me other mysteries of Spaceland, I still desire more; and what came of it ❮❯
  2754. Hey Sexy Lady → Shaggy - “Hey Sexy Lady” ❮❯
  2755. HFS Plus → What Characters Are Not Allowed in File Names? ❮❯
  2756. Hi-fi → Hi-Fi Audio Systems, Binaural Recording [ Periodic_dosage_dir/binaural_recording.html ]
  2757. Hiccups → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2758. Hideki Tojo → The Art of Propaganda ❮❯
  2759. High-end audio cables → Hi-Fi Audio Systems, Binaural Recording [ Periodic_dosage_dir/binaural_recording.html ]
  2760. High-Level Data Link Control → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  2761. High Art → Words, page 9 ❮❯
  2762. High culture → The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  2763. High dynamic range image → What is High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI)? ❮❯
  2764. Hilary Duff → Anya Marina - “Whatever You Like” “Gossip Girl” ❮❯
  2765. Hilbert curve → Space-Filling Curve ❮❯
  2766. Hilbert space → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  2767. Hillary Rodham Clinton → Wikileaks Rap News ❮❯
  2768. Hillbilly → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  2769. Hillsborough disaster → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2770. Himba → Naked Himba Girl [ Periodic_dosage_dir/naked_nimba_girl.html ]
  2771. Hindi → Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  2772. HipHop (software) → What Language Does Google Facebook Twitter Paypal Wikipedia … Use? ❮❯
  2773. Hippies → Janis Joplin - “Mercedes Benz” ❮❯
  2774. hippopotamus → Wonderland: Chapter 2: The Pool of Tears ❮❯
  2775. hippy → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  2776. Hirohito → SURROGATE ACTIVITIES (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s06.html ] •GRE Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  2777. Histogram equalization → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  2778. Historical fiction → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  2779. History of China → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  2780. History of Internet Explorer → HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Tech and Browser Timeline ❮❯
  2781. History of logic → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  2782. History of mathematical notation → Xah Math Blog Archive 2015-01 to 2015-03 ❮❯
  2783. History of money → 李敖有话说; Li Ao Lectures [ Periodic_dosage_dir/li_ao_lectures.html ]
  2784. History of salt → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  2785. History of science and technology in China → TWO KINDS OF TECHNOLOGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s25.html ]
  2786. History of the Internet → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  2787. History of the Opera web browser → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-06 ❮❯
  2788. History of trigonometric functions → Sine Curve ❮❯
  2789. Hit (internet) → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  2790. Hitoshi Igarashi → Christianity, Islam as Violent Cults [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/scripture.html ]
  2791. HIV → AIDS/HIV World Map [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hiv_map.html ]
  2792. Hogshead → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  2793. Hogwarts → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  2794. hoi polloi → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  2795. Hokusai → Erotic Artwork [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rozgu.html ] •Censorship: Illustrated Guide to ESRB [ sex/illustrated_guide_to_ESRB.html ]
  2796. HOL Light → Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯ •State of Theorem Proving Systems 2008 ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  2797. HOL theorem prover family → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  2798. Holidae In → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  2799. Hollaback Girl → Gwen Stefani - “Hollaback Girl” ❮❯
  2800. Hollow point bullet → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  2801. Holly Randall → Erotic Photographer: Suze Randall [ sex/suze_randall.html ]
  2802. Holomorphic function → Random Math Notes: Friedrich Hirzebruch, Theorema Egregium, … ❮❯ •What is Riemann Surface? Understanding the Concept Without Math ❮❯
  2803. Holy Ghost → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2804. Homelessness in the United States → GRE Words ❮❯
  2805. Homeomorphic → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  2806. homeomorphism → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  2807. Homeomorphism → Random Math Notes: Friedrich Hirzebruch, Theorema Egregium, … ❮❯ •Xah Math Blog Archive 2013-09 to 2013-09 ❮❯ •Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  2809. Homogeneous (mathematics) → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  2810. Homogeneous polynomial → What is Quadratic Form in Math? ❮❯
  2811. Homogenization → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  2812. Homograph spoofing attack → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  2813. Homoiconicity → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2013-11 ❮❯ •Fundamental Problems of Lisp ❮❯
  2814. homomorphism → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  2815. homosexuality → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2816. Homotopy → Xah Math Blog Archive 2013-09 to 2013-09 ❮❯
  2817. homotopy → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  2818. Honda Civic → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  2819. Honey → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  2820. Honey (2003 film) → Hard in Tango - “This is My DJ” ❮❯
  2821. Honeycomb → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ] •〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  2822. Honeymoon → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  2823. Hong Kong → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  2824. Hong Xiuquan → Taiping Rebellion Poem: Kill the Vicious and Keep the Righteous Poem ❮❯
  2825. Honore de Balzac → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  2826. Honorificabilitudinitatibus → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-08 to 2013-08 ❮❯
  2827. Hook (boxing) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  2828. hookah → Jefferson Airplane - “White Rabbit” ❮❯
  2829. Hooliganism → Words, page 13 ❮❯
  2830. Hopf bundle → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Math in Second Life ❮❯
  2831. Horace → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 2 ❮❯ •Words, page 12 ❮❯
  2832. Horace Walpole → Anne Rice's Vampire and Sleeping Beauty ❮❯
  2833. Horizontal and vertical writing in East Asian scripts → Intro to Chinese Punctuation ❮❯
  2834. Horn speaker → Tractrix ❮❯
  2835. horripilation → Writer's Words ❮❯
  2836. horticulture → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  2837. Horton Hears a Who! → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  2838. Horton the Elephant → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  2839. hostapd → Linux: Firewall Tutorial, iptables, netfilter ❮❯
  2840. hostel → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2841. Hostel: Part II → The Art of Torture: a Photographic Tour [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/saw.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201010.html ]
  2842. Hostname → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  2843. Hosts (file) → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  2844. Hot air balloon → Las Vegas Travelog: Paris Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/paris.html ]
  2845. hot air balloon → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  2846. Hot Air Balloon Festivals → Star Spangled Hot-Air Balloons [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/dukti_vacri_vinji.html ]
  2847. Hot spring → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  2848. Hotel California (song) → Eagles - “Hotel California” ❮❯
  2849. Hotline Communications → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  2850. Hotmail → Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes ❮❯ •Emacs Should Support HTML Mail ❮❯
  2851. Hotspot (Wi-Fi) → Linux: Firewall Tutorial, iptables, netfilter ❮❯
  2852. Houdini (software) → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  2853. House dust mite → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  2854. House of Commons → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  2855. House of Flying Daggers → “House of Flying Daggers” 《十面埋伏》 《佳人歌》 ❮❯
  2856. House of Lords → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  2857. hovercraft → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2858. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  2859. How to Train Your Dragon (film) → SAT Words ❮❯
  2860. How To Win Friends and Influence People → What Motivate Us? and What Motivates Book Sellers? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/motivation.html ] •Can You Talk About Religion, Politics, with Friends? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/friends_politics_religion.html ]
  2861. How to Win Friends and Influence People → Are You Schizoid or Autistic? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/schizoid.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  2862. Howard Eves → Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  2863. Howard Zinn → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn [ Periodic_dosage_dir/history_of_american_empire_Howard_Zinn.html ]
  2864. Hoysala → Sculpture of Asian Demigoddesses: Apsara, Devatas, Yakshini ❮❯
  2865. HP-28 series → HP-28S Advanced Scientific Calculator ❮❯
  2866. HP-49 series → Best Scientific Calculators ❮❯
  2867. HP-UX → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  2868. HTML → HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Tech and Browser Timeline ❮❯
  2869. HTML5 video → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯ •HTML5 Video Tutorial ❮❯
  2870. HTML e-mail → Converting Email Formats ❮❯ •Emacs Should Support HTML Mail ❮❯
  2871. HTML Tidy → HTML Correctness and Validators ❮❯
  2872. HTTP → URL Percent Encoding and Ampersand Char ❮❯
  2873. HTTP cookie → JavaScript: Get Cookie, Set Cookie ❮❯ •JavaScript: Get Cookie, Set Cookie ❮❯
  2874. HTTP ETag → What's HTTP Etag? ❮❯
  2875. HTTP Live Streaming → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  2876. HTTPS → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  2877. Hu Hanmin → THE NATURE OF FREEDOM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s12.html ]
  2878. Hu Jintao → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  2879. Hua Mulan → Hollywood and Disney's Rape of Culture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hollywood_disney_rape_of_culture.html ] •木蘭辭 (Mulan Ballad) ❮❯
  2880. Huang Chao → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  2881. Huang Xiaoming → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  2882. Hubris → SAT Words ❮❯
  2883. Hugh Hefner → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  2884. Hugh Sung → Digital Piano Chromatic Abruption ❮❯
  2885. Huma Abedin → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  2886. Human furniture → Human Furniture (photo gallery) [ sex/human_furniture.html ]
  2887. Human interface guidelines → Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯
  2888. Human rights#Critiques of human rights → Why Do I Not Support the “Human Right” Concept? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_rights.html ]
  2889. Human sacrifice → Wikipedia ban on Editing Tibet [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Wikipedia_ban_on_tibet.html ]
  2890. Human sexuality → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  2891. Human voice → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-07 to 2012-07 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  2892. Hummus → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  2893. Humpty Dumpty → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  2894. Hundred Schools of Thought → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  2895. Hundred Years' War → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  2896. Hung Ga → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  2897. Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 → Jessica Rabbit “Why Don't You Do Right” ❮❯
  2898. Hunspell → Hunspell Tutorial ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200906.html ] •Emacs Spell Checker Problems ❮❯
  2899. Huo Yuanjia → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  2900. Hurricane → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2901. Hurricane Katrina → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯
  2902. Hurwitz's theorem (normed division algebras) → The Significance of Complex Numbers: Frobenius Theorem ❮❯
  2903. Husky → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  2904. Hustler → Hustler's Flag Porn [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/hustler.html ] •SAT Words ❮❯
  2905. Hustler (magazine) → Star Spangled Magazine Covers, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mag.html ]
  2906. Hyacinth Macaw → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  2907. Hydra → Similar Words ❮❯
  2908. hydrofoil → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2909. Hygienic macro → Programing Style: Variable Naming: English Words Considered Harmful ❮❯
  2910. Hylas → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  2911. hymen → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  2912. Hymenaeus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  2913. Hypatia → The Strengths of the Academic Enterprise ❮❯ •Madonna - “Like It or Not” ❮❯
  2914. Hypatia of Alexandria → Hypathia, Lady Godiva ❮❯
  2915. hyperboloid → Hyperboloid of One Sheet ❮❯ •Hyperboloid of Two Sheet ❮❯
  2916. Hyperboloid structure → Hyperboloid of One Sheet ❮❯
  2917. Hypercorrection → Writing: Elements of Style in English ❮❯
  2918. Hyperion (mythology) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 5 Scene 2 ❮❯
  2919. Hyperlink → Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes ❮❯
  2920. Hypertension → SAT Words ❮❯
  2921. Hyperthermia → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  2922. Hypertrophy → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  2923. Hyperventilate → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  2924. Hypnic jerk → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  2925. Hypochondriasis → Are You Schizoid or Autistic? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/schizoid.html ]
  2926. hypodermic → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  2927. Hypoid → Hyperboloid of One Sheet ❮❯
  2928. Hyponymy → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  2929. Håkon Wium Lie → Syntax Design: Use of Unicode Matching Brackets as Specialized Delimiters ❮❯ •Opera Browser Pains ❮❯
  2930. Hôtel de Ville, Paris → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  2931. I'm on a Boat → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ]
  2932. I-Doser → Binaural Tone, I-Doser, Made Me Crazy [ Periodic_dosage_dir/binaural_tone_i-doser.html ]
  2933. I (pronoun) → On “I” versus “i” (capitalization of first person pronoun) ❮❯
  2934. I Am Rich → Apple iPad, Censorship ❮❯
  2935. I Met the Walrus → Film “I Met the Walrus”, John Lennon, FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/i_met_the_walrus_John_Lennon.html ]
  2936. I Need a Man (Eurythmics song) → Eurythmics - “I Need A Man” ❮❯
  2937. Iamb (foot) → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  2938. Ian McDiarmid → Palpatine: The Portrait of a Perfect Sociopath and Master Politician ❮❯
  2939. Ian Stewart (mathematician) → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-06 to 2010-10 ❮❯ •Flatland: A Introduction (by Xah Lee) ❮❯
  2940. Ibiza → David Bowie - “Life on Mars” ❮❯
  2941. Iblis → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 2 ❮❯
  2942. IBM → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  2943. IBM 2741 → Control Key and Capslock Key Positions in Old Keyboards ❮❯
  2944. IBM Common User Access → Emacs cua-mode Problems ❮❯
  2945. IBM PC keyboard → Computer Keyboards Gallery ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯
  2946. IBM Personal Computer → Control Key and Capslock Key Positions in Old Keyboards ❮❯
  2947. Icecat → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  2948. Iceland → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  2949. iChat → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  2950. Ichthyosaurus → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  2951. ICMPv6 → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  2952. ICO (file format) → How to Create and Update a Website Logo (Favicon) ❮❯
  2953. Icosahedron → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  2954. ICQ → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  2955. ID3 → Linux: Command to View/Delete Metadata in Image Files ❮❯
  2956. Idiocracy → US Flag Culture in Cinema [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko4_skina.html ]
  2957. IDN homograph attack → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯
  2958. IEEE 1394 → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  2959. IEEE 802.11 → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  2960. Ifconfig → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯ •How to Setup a Network Between Mac and Windows ❮❯
  2961. IFilter → How to Use Windows Search; Stop Indexing USB Drives; Rebuilding Index ❮❯
  2962. Ifrit → Aladdin: The Lamp ❮❯ •Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 2 ❮❯
  2963. iftop → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯
  2964. Igloo → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  2965. Igor Stravinsky → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  2966. Iliad → Art of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres ❮❯
  2967. Ilona Staller → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  2968. ILOVEYOU (computer virus) → Writer's Words ❮❯
  2969. Im Juli → Movie: In July (Im Juli) 2000 [ movies/in_july.html ]
  2970. iMac G3 → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  2971. iMac G5 → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  2972. IMac G5 → Photos of Xah Lee's Abode [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_abode.html ]
  2973. Image:Campo de Criptana Molinos de Viento 1.jpg → Windmills ❮❯
  2974. Image:Cavitation Propeller Damage.JPG → Water Screws, page 2 ❮❯
  2975. Image:Europa bull hg.jpg → Art: Europa and the Bull ❮❯
  2976. Image:Windmill harlem.jpg → Windmills ❮❯
  2977. Image editing → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  2978. Image map → HTML: Image Map Basics ❮❯
  2979. ImageMagic → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  2980. ImageMagick → ImageMagick Command Line Tutorial ❮❯
  2981. Immanuel Kant → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  2982. Impalement → Censorship, Erotica, Racism: Cindy's Torment [ p/cindys_torment.html ]
  2983. Imperative programming → Hardware Modeled (Von Neumann) Computer Languages and Functional-Level Languages ❮❯
  2984. Imperial cult → SAT Words ❮❯
  2985. Implicit parallelism → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯
  2986. implicit surface → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  2987. IMVU → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  2988. In-place algorithm → In-place Algorithm for Reversing a List in Perl, Python, Lisp, Mathematica ❮❯
  2989. Inbreeding → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  2990. Inception (film) → Best SciFi Movies ❮❯
  2991. Incest → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ] •The First Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  2992. Incidence (geometry) → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  2993. include directive → Programing: Why I Hate C ❮❯
  2994. incubus → Similar Words ❮❯
  2995. Independent Domain Registrars → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  2996. Indianapolis → Scarily Patriotic Heartland USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/t5.html ]
  2997. Indonesian language → Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  2998. Industrial music → GRE Words ❮❯
  2999. inetd → Mac OS X Changes To Unix ❮❯
  3000. Infibulation → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Cyndi Lauper - “She Bop” ❮❯
  3001. Infinitary → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  3002. Infinity and the Mind → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  3003. Influence: Science and Practice → What Motivate Us? and What Motivates Book Sellers? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/motivation.html ] •Can You Talk About Religion, Politics, with Friends? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/friends_politics_religion.html ]
  3004. Info-ZIP → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  3005. Information design → Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯
  3006. Infoseek → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  3007. Ingenue (stock character) → Mono - “Ingénue” ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  3008. Init → random Linux notes 2012-04-18 ❮❯ •random Linux notes 2012-04-18 ❮❯
  3009. Initial D → Drifting (car driving) ❮❯
  3010. Inker → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  3011. Inkscape → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯ •Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  3012. Inktomi → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  3013. Inline linking → Blocking Image Leechers in Apache ❮❯
  3014. Inner product space → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  3015. Inno Setup → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  3016. Inquisition → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3017. Insanity → Nightmares: Failure and Insanity [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/insanity.html ]
  3018. Insect flight → Dragonfly, Damselfly, Insect Flight ❮❯
  3019. Insert key → Keyboard: Home/End Keys Arrangement: Horizontal vs Vertical ❮❯ •Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  3020. insex → the Glorification of Female with Limblessness [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040201_limbles_ninmu.html ]
  3021. Inside Job (film) → Inside Jobs; Financial Crisis Documentary [ Periodic_dosage_dir/inside_jobs_corruption.html ]
  3022. Insignia → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  3023. Instant messaging → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯ •Xah Lee LiveJournal Profile Intro [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/lj_intro.html ]
  3024. Integrated development environment → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  3025. Integrated Services Digital Network → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3026. Intel Core 2 → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  3027. Intel HD and Iris Graphics → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-01 ❮❯
  3028. Intel Turbo Boost → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-01 ❮❯
  3029. Intelligent Input Bus → Linux: Chinese Input Setup ❮❯
  3030. IntelliJ IDEA → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  3031. IntelliType → Microsoft IntelliType Hacks ❮❯
  3032. Interactive theorem proving → Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯
  3033. Intercontinental ballistic missile → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  3034. Interix → Unix tools on Windows: Cygwin vs VirtualBox ❮❯
  3035. Interjection → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  3036. International Phonetic Alphabet → English Phonetics: IPA vs American Heritage Dictionary vs Merriam-Webster ❮❯
  3037. International Tibet Independence Movement → Wikipedia ban on Editing Tibet [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Wikipedia_ban_on_tibet.html ]
  3038. Internationalization and localization → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  3039. Internationalized domain name → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯ •URL Percent Encoding and Unicode ❮❯
  3040. Internationalized Resource Identifier → URL Percent Encoding and Unicode ❮❯
  3041. Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China → Great Fire Wall, Chinese Net Censorship; When Will China Open Up Internet? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/chinese_net_censorship.html ]
  3042. Internet Control Message Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3043. Internet Explorer 6 → Web Browser Market Share 2010-02 ❮❯
  3044. Internet Explorer 7 → Web Browser Market Share 2010-02 ❮❯
  3045. Internet Explorer 8 → Web Browser Market Share 2010-02 ❮❯
  3046. Internet Explorer for Mac → Opera Browser Pains ❮❯
  3047. Internet Group Management Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3048. internet media type → How to Embed Video with Valid HTML ❮❯
  3049. Internet media type → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-08 ❮❯ •List of HTML Self-Closing Tags ❮❯ •Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  3050. Internet Protocol → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  3051. Internet protocol suite → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3052. Internet Relay Chat → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯ •GNAA Weev Troll Song (Kesha - “TiK ToK”) [ music/gnaa_weev_song.html ] •Fun with Emacs ❮❯
  3053. Interstate 680 (California) → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  3054. Interstate 80 → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ] •Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  3055. Interstate 985 → YoungBloodZ - “Damn” [ music/damn.html ]
  3056. Interview with the Vampire → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ] •Anne Rice's Vampire and Sleeping Beauty ❮❯ •Words, page 11 ❮❯
  3057. Intestinal worm → Are You Schizoid or Autistic? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/schizoid.html ]
  3058. Intolerable Cruelty → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  3059. InuYasha → Drifting (car driving) ❮❯
  3060. Inva Mula → the Diva Dance Song from The Fifth Element ❮❯
  3061. Inversion (geometry) → Geometric Inversion ❮❯
  3062. Invisible Man (novel) → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3063. involute → Involute ❮❯
  3064. Ion (window manager) → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  3065. Ip Man (film) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  3066. IPad → What's Kindle, iPad, Android, and All That Jazz?? ❮❯
  3067. IPad (3rd generation) → Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  3068. IPad 2 → Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  3069. ipchains → Linux: What's Netfilter, iptables, Their Differences? ❮❯
  3070. Ipconfig → How to Setup a Network Between Mac and Windows ❮❯
  3071. ipconfig → Windows: Networking Commands ❮❯
  3072. IPhone 4 → Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  3073. IPhone 5 → Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  3074. IPhone 6 → Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯ •Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  3075. iPod → Double-Bun Hair Girls [ bb/ox_horns.html ]
  3076. Iproute2 → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯
  3077. iptables → Linux: What's Netfilter, iptables, Their Differences? ❮❯
  3078. IPTC Information Interchange Model → Linux: Command to View/Delete Metadata in Image Files ❮❯
  3079. IPv4 → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3080. IPv4#Header → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3081. IPv6 → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3082. iPython → Python Libs for Scientists ❮❯
  3083. IQ → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3084. Iraq War → American Superheros [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/traji_tsali_nanmu.html ] •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3085. Irfanview → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  3086. Iris recognition → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  3087. Irix → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  3088. Iron Palm → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  3089. Iron sights → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  3090. Irrlicht Engine → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  3091. Isaac Asimov → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  3092. Isaac Newton → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3093. Isabella Blow → Alexander McQueen, Haute Couture, How Absurdity Became High Art ❮❯
  3094. Isabelle (theorem prover) → State of Theorem Proving Systems 2008 ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  3095. Islam → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3097. Iso-8859-1 → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3098. IEC 8859 → Unicode Basics: What's Character Set, Character Encoding, UTF-8? ❮❯
  3099. IEC 8859-9 → Emacs: Unicode Tutorial ❮❯
  3100. ISO 216 → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  3101. ISO 3166-1 → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  3102. ISO 639 → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  3103. ISO 8601 → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-12 ❮❯ •Emacs Lisp: Parsing Date Time ❮❯ •Emacs Lisp: Writing a make-citation Command ❮❯ •Emacs Lisp: Formatting Date Time ❮❯ •The Writing Style of Xah Lee ❮❯
  3104. isometry → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯ •Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  3105. isomorphism → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯ •Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  3106. Isosurface → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  3107. isosurface → Parametric Surfaces in POV-Ray ❮❯
  3108. ISPF → Emacs Keybinding Rant, and a Glimpse of Xah Lee's Life 2010 ❮❯
  3109. Istanbul → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  3110. ITA Software → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯
  3111. Itchy & Scratchy → Misc Satirical Artwork ❮❯
  3112. iterated function system → Math in Second Life, page 3 ❮❯
  3113. Iterator → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  3114. iTunes → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  3115. IUD → Moon Cup, IUD, Cervix [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/menstrual_cup.html ]
  3116. Ivan the Terrible → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ] •GRE Words ❮❯
  3117. Ivan the Terrible (film) → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  3118. J. F. Powers → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3119. J. H. Lynch → Art of J H Lynch ❮❯
  3120. J. J. Sylvester → Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  3121. J. K. Rowling → Did Stephen King Really Say that on Twilight? ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-11 to 2011-11 ❮❯ •Words, page 3 ❮❯
  3122. J. M. Coetzee → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3123. Jab → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  3124. Jabber → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯ •The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  3125. Jacinth → Aladdin: The Pavilion ❮❯
  3126. Jack and Coke → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  3127. JACK Audio Connection Kit → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  3128. Jack London → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  3129. Jack Off Jill → Art of Mark Ryden ❮❯
  3130. Jack the Ripper → 周杰倫 《夜的第七章》 “Twilight's Chapter 7” ❮❯
  3131. Jackhammer → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  3132. Jackie Chan → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3133. Jackie Evancho → Choi Sung-bong - “Nella Fantasia” ❮❯ •Choi Sung-bong - “Nella Fantasia” ❮❯
  3134. Jacob Bernoulli → Equiangular Spiral ❮❯ •Catenary ❮❯ •Lemniscate of Bernoulli ❮❯
  3135. Jacqueline Briskin → Vocabulary In Too Much Too Soon ❮❯
  3136. Jacqueline Livingston → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ] •Jacqueline Livingston and American Sexual Taboo [ sex/Jacqueline_Livingston.html ]
  3137. Jacqueline Obradors → Deuce Bigalo [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina7_bl.html ]
  3138. Jacques-Louis David → Art: The Rape of the Sabine Women ❮❯
  3139. Jacques Charles François Sturm → Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  3140. Jacques Derrida → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-07 to 2013-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201308.html ]
  3141. Jacques Sarrazin → Art: Leda and the Swan, page 2 ❮❯
  3142. Jaguar → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  3143. Jaguar SS100 → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  3144. Jaime Bergman → Star Spangled Magazine Covers, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mag.html ]
  3145. Jainism → GRE Words ❮❯
  3146. Jakob Steiner → Geometric Inversion ❮❯
  3147. Jalousie → Words, page 14 ❮❯
  3148. Jalousie window → Aladdin: The Unfinished Window ❮❯
  3149. James Brown → James Brown “It's a Man's World” ❮❯
  3150. James Clark (XML expert) → HTML Correctness and Validators ❮❯ •Text Processing: Emacs Lisp vs Perl ❮❯ •Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯ •Emacs HTML Tips ❮❯
  3151. James Cooke Brown → Futuristic Calamity [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030909calamity.html ]
  3152. James Gleick → GRE Words ❮❯
  3153. James H. Morris → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯
  3154. James Montgomery Flagg → Star Spangled Products by US Government [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_turni.html ]
  3155. James Q. Wilson → SIMPLER SOCIAL PROBLEMS HAVE PROVED INTRACTABLE (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s18.html ]
  3156. James Randi → Scientology and Falun Gong [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/scientology_falun_gong.html ]
  3157. James Smithson → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3158. James Wong (lyricist) → - “The Swordsman” 笑傲江湖,滄海一聲笑 ❮❯
  3159. Jamie Zawinski → Perl: Unicode Tutorial 🐪 ❮❯ •Double-Bun Hair Girls [ bb/ox_horns.html ] •Famous Programers with Repetitive Strain Injury ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  3160. Jan Hendrik Schoen → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200912.html ]
  3161. Jan Hendrik Schon → World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯
  3162. Jane Austen → How to Increase Your Vocabulary? ❮❯
  3163. Jane Fonda → Mickey Avalon - “Jane Fonda” Song [ music/Mickey_Avalon__Jane_Fonda_song.html ]
  3164. Jane Goodall → Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence ❮❯
  3165. Jane Hamsher → Wikileaks, Bank of America, Anonymous, US Government, Espionage [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Wikileaks_Bank_of_America_Anonymous_espionage.html ]
  3166. Jane Krakowski → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  3167. Jane Zhang → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3168. Janet Jackson → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ] •Mickey Avalon - “Jane Fonda” Song [ music/Mickey_Avalon__Jane_Fonda_song.html ]
  3169. Jang Nara → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3170. Janis Joplin → Janis Joplin - “Get It While You Can” ❮❯
  3171. Japan → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯ •Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  3172. Japanese battleship Nagato → Battleship Girls Anime 艦娘 ❮❯
  3173. Japanese battleship Yamato → Battleship Girls Anime 艦娘 ❮❯
  3174. Japanese dragon → Vocabulary: Poesy Words ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  3175. Japanese pornography → American's Obsession with Little Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wasp_girls.html ]
  3176. Japanese writing system → How to Tell the Difference Between Chinese, Japanese, Korean? ❮❯ •John DeFrancis Idiot on Chinese Language ❮❯
  3177. Jared Diamond → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  3178. Jared Leto → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3179. Jargon File → Troll Definition from Jargon File ❮❯
  3180. Jaron Lanier → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2013-10 ❮❯
  3181. Jason Garfield → The Cases of Elegance in Juggling ❮❯ •Elegance and Respectability of Juggling ❮❯
  3182. Jason Reitman → Why I'm Not a Proud Supporter of Feminism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040204_feminism.html ]
  3183. Jason Rohrer → Programer Simple Living Shanty Town Squatter ❮❯
  3184. jasper → Aladdin: The Pavilion ❮❯ •Words, page 14 ❮❯
  3185. Jasper Johns → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ] •Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  3186. Java3D → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯
  3187. Java (programming language) → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯
  3188. Javadoc → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯
  3189. Jay Chou → 周杰倫 《夜的第七章》 “Twilight's Chapter 7” ❮❯
  3190. Jaycee Chan → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3191. Jayson Blair → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  3192. JC Penney → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  3193. Jean-Jacques Rousseau → Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence ❮❯
  3194. Jean-Louis Gassee → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  3195. Jean-Luc Godard → GRE Words ❮❯
  3196. Jean-Léon Gérôme → Paintings of Odalisque and Prostitutes ❮❯
  3197. Jean-Paul Sartre → Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ]
  3198. Jean-Victor Poncelet → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  3199. Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres → Art of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres ❮❯
  3200. Jeb Bush → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  3201. JEdit → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  3202. Jeff Noon → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3203. Jeffrey Lundgren → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3204. Jeffrey Skilling → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3205. Jekyll and Hyde → Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  3206. Jenkins (software) → web tech 2012: blackbox/whitebox testing, Jenkins, Puppet, Selenium ❮❯
  3207. Jenna Haze → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  3208. Jennifer Rush → Jennifer Rush - “The Power of Love” ❮❯
  3209. Jennycam → Periodic Dosage Archive 2015-04 to 2015-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201504.html ]
  3210. Jeno Jando → Naxos's CDs of Liszt ❮❯
  3211. Jeremiad → GRE Words ❮❯
  3212. Jeremy Hammond → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-11 to 2013-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201311.html ]
  3213. Jeronimos Monastery → Jerónimos Monastery ❮❯
  3214. Jerry Lo → 罗百吉 (Jerry Lo)♪ “China Girl” ❮❯
  3215. Jerry Springer Show → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  3216. Jesse Vincent → 😸 Catboard, ♥ Heart Keyboard, Butterfly Keyboard, Star Trek Keyboard ⌨ ❮❯
  3217. Jessica Cutler → Jessica Cutler (The Washingtonienne) Sex Scandal [ sex/Jessica_Cutler.html ]
  3218. Jessica Lange → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  3219. Jessica Lynch → the Saving of Private Lynch [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030902_lynch.html ]
  3220. Jessica Nigri → Mario Sisters Cosplay, Jessica Nigri and Lindsay Elyse ❮❯ •Xah Arts Blog Archive 2013-11 ❮❯
  3221. Jessica Simpson → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ] •Star Spangled Magazine Covers, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mag.html ]
  3222. Jessica Szohr → Anya Marina - “Whatever You Like” “Gossip Girl” ❮❯
  3223. Jesusland map → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3224. Jew → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3225. Jewish English Bible translations → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  3226. JFIF → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3227. Jian → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  3228. Jiaozi → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3229. Jimmy Fallon → Official Lincoln #SteerTheScript Commercial 📺 ❮❯
  3230. Jimmy Wales → Think Twice Before You Donate to Wikipedia ❮❯ •Porn, Wikipedia, Larry Sanger Censorship [ sex/Larry_Sanger_censorship.html ]
  3231. Jin-Class Submarine → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  3232. Jin Yong → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  3233. Jing (software) → Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  3234. Jingle (protocol) → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  3235. Jingle bell → A Double-bun Haired Sex Slave in Second Life [ sl/ox_horns.html ]
  3236. Jinn → Hollywood and Disney's Rape of Culture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hollywood_disney_rape_of_culture.html ]
  3237. Jinni → Aladdin: The Lamp ❮❯
  3238. Jinyong → - “The Swordsman” 笑傲江湖,滄海一聲笑 ❮❯
  3239. JJ Lin → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3240. JMonkey Engine → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  3241. Jodie Foster → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3242. Joey Yung → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3243. Jog dial → Math Models of 3D Inputs Control ❮❯
  3244. Johann Bernoulli → Tractrix ❮❯
  3245. Johann Muller → Sine Curve ❮❯
  3246. Johann Nepomuk Malzel → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  3247. John B. Watson → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  3248. John Baez → Xah Math Blog Archive 2013-09 to 2013-09 ❮❯
  3249. John Bolton (illustrator) → Marada the She-wolf ❮❯
  3250. John C. Baez → Xah Math Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-12 ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  3251. John C. Malone → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  3252. John Cage → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  3253. John Carmack → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-04 ❮❯
  3254. John Chivington → White American Atrocity on American Indians [ Periodic_dosage_dir/white_american_atrocity_on_american_indians.html ]
  3255. John Collier (artist) → Hypathia, Lady Godiva ❮❯
  3256. John Coltrane → Mickey Avalon - “Jane Fonda” Song [ music/Mickey_Avalon__Jane_Fonda_song.html ]
  3257. John D. Rockefeller → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3258. John DeFrancis → John DeFrancis Idiot on Chinese Language ❮❯
  3259. John Dewey → GRE Words ❮❯
  3260. John Donne → SAT Words ❮❯
  3261. John Dos Passos → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3262. John Draper → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-11 ❮❯
  3264. John Fitzgerald Kennedy → Stars'n'Stripes Book Covers and Movie Posters [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/movie_cover.html ]
  3265. John Forbes Nash → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  3266. John Gray (U.S. author) → Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus [ Periodic_dosage_dir/women_venus_men_mars.html ]
  3267. John Grisham → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  3268. John H. Brown → Diplomacy vs Propaganda (John H Brown) [ Periodic_dosage_dir/diplomacy_vs_propaganda.html ]
  3269. John Horton Conway → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  3270. John Irving → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3271. John Kander → Cabaret - “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” ❮❯
  3272. John Kerry presidential campaign, 2004 → Periodic Dosage: I'm a Libertarian Dictator [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/20040711_jecta_jinvi.html ]
  3273. John Lasseter → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  3274. John Lennon → Film “I Met the Walrus”, John Lennon, FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/i_met_the_walrus_John_Lennon.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ] •David Bowie - “Life on Mars” ❮❯
  3275. John Lions → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3276. John Lundberg → Crop Circles Art ❮❯
  3277. John Madden → GRE Words ❮❯
  3278. John McAfee → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2013-02 ❮❯
  3279. John McCarthy (computer scientist) → Death of Steve Jobs vs Dennis Ritchie, John McCarthy ❮❯
  3280. John Naisbitt → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200912.html ]
  3281. John Norman → Goreans in Second Life [ sl/medieval.html ] •Gorean (sex slaves) in Real Life [ sex/gorean_in_real_life.html ] •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3282. John O'Conor7 → Naxos's CDs of Liszt ❮❯
  3283. John Ousterhout → Famous Programers with Repetitive Strain Injury ❮❯
  3284. John Stagliano → Porn Freedom; What Is Obscenity? [ sex/porn_freedom.html ] •Feminism Perving Archive 2010-07 [ sex/blog_past_2010-07.html ]
  3285. John Stillwell → Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯
  3286. John Stuart Mill → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3287. John Tenniel → Wonderland Illustrations by John Tenniel, page 1 ❮❯ •Looking-glass Illustrations by John Tenniel, page 1 ❮❯
  3288. John Updike → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3289. John Walker (programmer) → Words, page 5 ❮❯
  3290. John Wallis → Lemniscate of Bernoulli ❮❯ •Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  3291. John William Waterhouse → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  3292. Johnny Eck → Perception of Difficulty Levels of Human Feats ❮❯
  3293. Join (SQL) → Notes on Database Joins ❮❯
  3294. joint locks → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  3295. Jolin Tsai → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3296. Jolly Roger → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3297. Jon Postel → HTML5 Doctype, Validation, X-UA-Compatible, and Why Do I Hate Hackers ❮❯
  3298. Jon Stewart → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  3299. Jonathan Bate → 〈The Tragedy Of Titus Andronicus〉 by Shakespeare ❮❯
  3300. Jonathan Swift → Literature: A Modest Proposal (by Jonathan Swift) ❮❯
  3301. JonBenét Ramsey → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3302. Jordan (model) → Babes of the Union Jack, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/brits.html ]
  3303. Jordan curve theorem → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  3304. Jorge Bolet → Naxos's CDs of Liszt ❮❯ •Piano Scale Practice; Liszt Transcendental Etude № 12 ❮❯ •Liszt Transcendental Etude № 12 📺 ❮❯
  3305. Jose Ortega Y Gasset → the Barbarism of Specialization (philosophy) (by Jose Ortega Y Gasset) ❮❯
  3306. Josef Lada → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  3307. Josef von Sternberg → the Littlest Harlot (by Tracy Quan) ❮❯
  3308. Joseph Conrad → 李敖: 才女与美女如何兼备; Li Ao: Pretty Women vs Brainy Women ❮❯
  3309. Joseph Louis Lagrange → Envelope ❮❯ •Caustics ❮❯
  3310. Joseph McCabe → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3311. Joseph Stalin → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  3312. Josh Harris (internet) → SAT Words ❮❯
  3313. Joshua Schachter → URL Shortening is BAD ❮❯
  3314. Jostein Gaarder → Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯
  3315. José Feliciano → 蕭孋珠 《詩意》 (Poetic Yearning) ❮❯
  3316. Joule → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  3317. Journey to the West → Words, page 17 ❮❯ •西游记 (Journey To The West) ❮❯
  3318. Jove → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  3319. Joy (programming language) → Avoiding Variables in Functional Programing ❮❯
  3320. Joy Buzzer → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3321. joystick → Math Models of 3D Inputs Control ❮❯
  3322. Jpeg2000 → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  3323. JPL → Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯
  3324. JQuery → Backbone Tutorial ❮❯ •jQuery Tutorial by Example ❮❯
  3325. JSON → HTML6, JSON SXML Simplified ❮❯ •3D Graphics Formats and Social Causes in Computer Languages ❮❯
  3326. Jubilee! → Las Vegas Travelog: Flamingo, Ballys, Barbary Coast [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/flamingo.html ]
  3327. Jubilee (Christianity) → GRE Words ❮❯
  3328. Jude, brother of Jesus → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  3329. Judea → GRE Words ❮❯
  3330. Judgement of Paris → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  3331. Judith Levine → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  3332. Judith Vittet → City of Lost Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina4.html ]
  3333. Judo → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  3334. Judy Ongg → 鄧麗君 《珊瑚恋》 (A Coral Romance) ❮❯
  3335. Jukebox → Advantages of Solid-State Drive vs Hard Drive (SSD vs HDD) ❮❯
  3336. Jules Joseph Lefebvre → Paintings of Odalisque and Prostitutes ❮❯
  3337. Julia (programming language) → Language Design: Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1? ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  3338. Julianna Young → Star Spangled Playmates [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/playmates.html ]
  3339. Julie Taymor → Art of Frida Kahlo ❮❯
  3340. Julienne Davis → Eyes Wide Shut: Orgy [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina2ews_orgy.html ]
  3341. Juliette (novel) → Feminism, Students, and BDSM [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/feminism_studensts_bdsm.html ]
  3343. July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike → Leaked Video: US Helicopter Killing Iraqi [ Periodic_dosage_dir/leaked_video_US_helicopter_killing.html ]
  3344. Juniper → The Porter And The Three Ladies Of Baghdad ❮❯
  3345. Junk (ship) → 1421 Hypothesis [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/1421.html ]
  3346. Junk Keying → 1421 Hypothesis [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/1421.html ]
  3347. Junkers Ju 87 → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  3348. Junko Mizuno → Art of 水野純子 (Junko Mizuno) [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/junko_mizuno.html ]
  3349. Juno (mythology) → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  3350. Juno Online Services → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  3351. Jupiter (mythology) → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  3352. Justification (typesetting) → The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  3353. Justine (Sade) → Feminism, Students, and BDSM [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/feminism_studensts_bdsm.html ]
  3354. Jutes → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  3355. Jùjú music → Censorship Humor: BPA - “Toe Jam” ❮❯
  3356. K-3D → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  3357. Kabukicho, Tokyo → Kabukicho 歌舞伎町, Tokyo, Japan, Red-light District Photos [ sex/kabukicho_tokyo_night_photos.html ]
  3358. Kafkaesque → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ] •Words, page 16 ❮❯
  3359. Kaitlyn Ashley → Star-Spangled Porn Stars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno2.html ]
  3360. Kakapo → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  3361. Kama Sutra → Apple iPad, Censorship ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  3363. Kang bed-stove → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  3364. Kanji → SAT Words ❮❯
  3365. Kantai Collection → Battleship Girls Anime 艦娘 ❮❯
  3366. Karate → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  3367. karate → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  3368. Karen Armstrong → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3369. Karen Mok → 莫文蔚 《左岸 右转》 “Left Bank, Turn Right” ❮❯ •《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3370. Karmin (band) → Karmin - “Look at Me Now” ❮❯
  3371. Kaspersky Lab → Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯
  3372. katana → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  3373. Kate (text editor) → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  3374. Kate Moss → Sculpture of Armless Woman ❮❯
  3375. Kate Worley → Erotic Comics: Omaha The Cat Dancer [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/omaha_cat.html ]
  3376. Katherine Anne Porter → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3377. Kathleen Battle → “House of Flying Daggers” 《十面埋伏》 《佳人歌》 ❮❯
  3378. Katie Couric → The Bimbo from Alaska: Sarah Palin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Sarah_Palin.html ]
  3379. Katie Roiphe → English Vocabulary: Medical Words ❮❯
  3380. Katy Perry → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯
  3381. Kawashima Yoshiko → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  3382. KDE → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  3383. Kdenlive → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  3384. Kegel exercise → Sex Toys on Amazon: Ben Wa Balls, Kegel, Anal Hooks! [ sex/ben_wa_balls.html ]
  3385. Keirsey Temperament Sorter → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3386. Keith Packard → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯
  3387. Kelis → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  3388. Kelly Stafford → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  3389. Kelp → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  3390. Ken Jeong → Courtship Humor: What's It Gonna Be? (Video) ❮❯
  3391. Kenji Wu → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3392. Kennedy Space Center → Star Spangled Supermarket Things [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/supermarket.html ]
  3393. Kenneth Lay → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3394. Kenny G → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯
  3395. Keno → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  3396. Kent Pitman → Why You Should Avoid the Jargon Tail Recursion ❮❯ •Programing Language: Why Lisp Do Not Have a Generic Copy-List Function ❮❯ •Emacs Why line-move-visual ❮❯
  3397. Kent Recursive Calculator → Functional Programing Languages History Diagram ❮❯
  3398. Kent State killings → Li Ao on Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Li_Ao_on_Tiananmen_Square.html ]
  3399. kettledrum → Musical Instruments in Second Life ❮❯
  3400. Kevin Eastman → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  3401. Kevin Garnett → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ]
  3402. Kevin McHale (actor) → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯
  3403. Kevin Mitnick → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  3404. Keyboard layout → Short Survey of Keyboard Shortcut Notations ❮❯ •International Keyboard Layouts ❮❯
  3405. Keyboard layouts → ErgoEmacs Keybinding Features ❮❯
  3406. Keyboard technology → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3407. Keystroke dynamics → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  3408. Khajuraho → Khajuraho Temple ❮❯
  3409. Khan Academy → Review of Khan Academy by Xah Lee ❮❯
  3410. Khe Sahn → Bruce Springsteen - “Born in the USA” ❮❯
  3411. KHTML → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  3412. Kick → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  3413. kick boxing → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  3414. Kid Rock → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  3415. Kids (film) → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  3416. Killer List of Videogames → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  3417. Killing Hope → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200811.html ] •Terrorism from USA: Misery US Americans Have Done to the World [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040318_americanism.html ] •Liu Xiaobo, NED, CIA, USA Support [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_NED_CIA.html ]
  3418. Kim Basinger → Art Deco in Movie Batman [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/batman.html ]
  3419. Kim Jong-il → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3420. Kim Jong-un → Periodic Dosage Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201211.html ]
  3421. Kim Schmitz → MegaUpload Crime Boss ❮❯
  3422. Kimba the White Lion → Art of Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫) ❮❯
  3423. kimono → Math in Second Life ❮❯
  3424. Kindle Fire → Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  3425. Kinect → Microsoft Kinect Device ❮❯
  3426. King Mongkut → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3427. Kinko → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ]
  3428. Kinsey report → Second Life, Tech Geekers, And Escapism ❮❯
  3429. Kinsey Reports → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3430. kipper → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  3431. Kira Kazantsev → is Miss America the Largest Scholarship Program for Women? [ sex/miss_america.html ] •is Miss America the Largest Scholarship Program for Women? [ sex/miss_america.html ]
  3432. Kirsten Dunst → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  3433. Kiss (song) → Prince - “Kiss” ❮❯
  3434. Kite (bird) → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  3435. Klein bottle → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  3436. Klein Bottle → Klein Bottle ❮❯
  3437. Klotski → Great Math Software on Puzzles ❮❯
  3438. Kneading (cats) → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  3439. Kneeling chair → Design Stupidities of the Mundane ❮❯
  3440. Knot (unit) → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ] •Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯ •Easy Ways to Remember Latitude and Longitude and Their Order ❮❯
  3441. Knowledge representation → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3442. Knuckle-walking → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  3443. Knute Rockne → A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯
  3444. Knute Rockne, All American → A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯
  3445. Kobe Port Tower → Hyperboloid of One Sheet ❮❯ •Hyperboloid Architectures Gallery, page 1 ❮❯
  3446. Kodak → Time Machine: Chapter VI ❮❯
  3447. Kohl (cosmetics) → The Fisherman And The Jinni ❮❯
  3448. Komodo dragon → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  3449. Korah → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  3450. Koran → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  3451. Korean War → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3452. Korean writing system → How to Tell the Difference Between Chinese, Japanese, Korean? ❮❯
  3453. Kouklia → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ] •Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯
  3454. Kristine De Bell → Porn Alices [ p/alice/porn.html ]
  3455. Ku Klux Klan → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  3456. Kuomintang → Great Fire Wall, Chinese Net Censorship; When Will China Open Up Internet? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/chinese_net_censorship.html ] •John DeFrancis Idiot on Chinese Language ❮❯
  3457. Kuroda normal form → Formal Grammar ❮❯
  3458. Kurt Cobain → GRE Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  3459. Kwan Yin → Toons in Second Life ❮❯
  3460. KYO → Bedrock - “For What You Dream Of” (Trainspotting) ❮❯
  3461. L-system → Great Fractal Software ❮❯
  3462. La Maja Desnuda → Art of Francisco Goya ❮❯
  3463. La Mancha → Windmills ❮❯
  3464. La Marseillaise → French National Anthem ❮❯
  3465. Labia piercing → A Double-bun Haired Sex Slave in Second Life [ sl/ox_horns.html ]
  3466. Labia stretching → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  3467. Labiaplasty → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  3468. labyrinth → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  3469. Labyrinth → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  3470. lackey → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3471. Lady Bug (arcade game) → Ladybug Video Game, Optimal Strategy ❮❯
  3472. Lady Chatterley's Lover → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ]
  3473. Lady gaga → Lady Gaga - Bad Romance ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  3474. Lady Godiva → Hypathia, Lady Godiva ❮❯ •Words, page 15 ❮❯
  3475. Lady slipper → Photo: Cherry, Venus Flytrap, and the Lure of Sex ❮❯ •Xah Arts Blog Archive 2011-07 ❮❯
  3476. Lady Windermere's Fan → Feminism Perving Archive 2012-10 [ sex/blog_past_2012-10.html ] •Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  3477. Laelaps → Art: Europa and the Bull ❮❯ •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  3478. Laertes → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  3479. Laissez-faire → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-10 to 2013-10 ❮❯
  3480. Lake Tahoe → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  3481. LALR parser → Parser ❮❯
  3482. Lamborghini → MegaUpload Crime Boss ❮❯
  3483. Laminar flow → Dragonfly, Damselfly, Insect Flight ❮❯
  3484. Lana Del Rey → Lana Del Rey - “Video Games” ❮❯
  3485. Langton's ant → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  3486. Language Log → Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ] •What's Passive Voice? What's Aggressive Voice? ❮❯ •John DeFrancis Idiot on Chinese Language ❮❯ •Writing: Elements of Style in English ❮❯
  3487. Lantern Festival → 李杀網誌存档 2015-03 to 2015-03 ❮❯
  3488. Laozi → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯ •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3489. Laplace transform → Abuse of Math Notation ❮❯ •Math Writing Style: Use of the Term “Linear Operator” vs “Linear Function” ❮❯
  3490. Larry Flynt → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ] •The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ] •Porn Freedom; What Is Obscenity? [ sex/porn_freedom.html ] •Erotic Photographer: Suze Randall [ sex/suze_randall.html ] •Words, page 17 ❮❯
  3491. Larry McMurtry → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3492. Larry Sanger → Porn, Wikipedia, Larry Sanger Censorship [ sex/Larry_Sanger_censorship.html ]
  3493. Larry Wall → Writer's Words ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  3494. Last Exile → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3495. Last Exit to Brooklyn → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ] •Words, page 10 ❮❯
  3496. Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  3497. Latex clothing → A Double-bun Haired Sex Slave in Second Life [ sl/ox_horns.html ]
  3498. Latitude → Wonderland: Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole ❮❯
  3499. LaToya Jackson → English Vocabulary: Special Meaning Words ❮❯
  3500. Lattice (mathematics) → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  3501. Launchd → Mac OS X Changes To Unix ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  3502. Laura Branigan → Jennifer Rush - “The Power of Love” ❮❯
  3503. Lauren Weinstein → 9/11, and Human Animal's Love for Excitement [ Periodic_dosage_dir/politics_love_for_excitement.html ]
  3504. Lauren Weinstein (activist) → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3505. Lawrence v. Texas → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  3506. Lawrence Wilkerson → GRE Words ❮❯
  3507. Lazy Sunday → Humor: America Mid-West: Lazy Muncie (Video parody of Lazy Sunday) ❮❯
  3508. LCF (theorem prover) → State of Theorem Proving Systems 2008 ❮❯
  3509. Le Marais → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  3510. Leah Remini → Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief [ Periodic_dosage_dir/scientology_going_clear.html ]
  3511. Lean-to → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 8 [ p/mopi/mopi8.html ]
  3512. Leaning toothpick syndrome → Computer Language Design: String Syntax ❮❯
  3513. Leapfrog → Art of Sexual Positions, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rama2.html ]
  3514. Learjet 45 → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  3515. Leatherback turtle → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  3516. Leda and the Swan → Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯
  3517. Lee-Hom Wang → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3518. Leelee Sobieski → Eyes Wide Shut: Imp [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina2ews_imp.html ]
  3519. Leet → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  3520. Leeward Islands → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  3521. Left-wing politics → THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MODERN LEFTISM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s02.html ]
  3522. Legal positivism → California Political Parties [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/ca_jecta.html ]
  3523. Legalism (philosophy) → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  3524. Legend (film) → Evil Lords In Second Life ❮❯
  3525. Legend of the White Snake → 高胜美 《千年等一回》 (Millennial Wait) ❮❯
  3526. Lego Star Wars (Lego theme) → Tinies in Second Life ❮❯
  3528. Lemming → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3529. Lemniscate of Bernoulli → Lemniscate of Bernoulli ❮❯
  3530. Lemniscate of Gerono → Lemniscate of Gerono ❮❯
  3531. Lemur → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  3532. Lenny Bruce → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ] •To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ]
  3533. Lenovo → PC Vendors Market Share [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pc_seller_marketshare.html ]
  3534. Leo Laporte → Women in Tech: Today's Google Plus Recommendation? You Decide. ❮❯
  3535. Leo Tolstoy → Symbol, Semantics, Design: Unicode for “e.g.” (exempli gratia) ❮❯ •李敖: 才女与美女如何兼备; Li Ao: Pretty Women vs Brainy Women ❮❯
  3536. Leon Trotsky → The Art of Propaganda ❮❯
  3537. Leonard Lake → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200812.html ]
  3538. Leonardo da Vinci → Art: Copulation by Leonardo da Vinci ❮❯
  3539. Leonardo Da Vinci → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  3540. Leonhard Euler → Cornu Spiral ❮❯
  3541. leopard → Second Life's Furries 3 ❮❯
  3542. Leopard → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  3543. Leopard shark → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  3544. Les Misérables → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Tyke, Imp, Waif, and Les Misérables ❮❯
  3545. Lesbos → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  3546. Leslie Howard (musician) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ] •Augustness, Austerity, Pain and Suffering: 4 Piano Pieces to Die For ❮❯
  3547. LESS (stylesheet language) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-05 ❮❯
  3548. Letter frequency → Idiocy of Keyboard Layouts: QWERTZ, AZERTY ❮❯ •Idiocy of Keyboard Layouts: QWERTZ, AZERTY ❮❯
  3549. Letterlike Symbols (Unicode block) → Symbol, Semantics, Design: Unicode for “e.g.” (exempli gratia) ❮❯
  3550. Letters from the Earth → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3552. Levee (event) → Aladdin: Proposal ❮❯
  3553. Level of detail (programming) → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  3554. Level set → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  3555. Lewis Carroll → Photogenic Alices [ p/alice/photo_alice.html ]
  3556. Lexical grammar → Formal Grammar ❮❯
  3557. Lexicon → Parser Notes ❮❯
  3558. Lexx → GRE Words ❮❯
  3559. Lhasa de Sela → Lhasa de Sela - “Anywhere on this Road” ❮❯
  3560. Li Ao → Personal Info about Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200811.html ] •Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ] •Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ] •Li Ao on Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Li_Ao_on_Tiananmen_Square.html ] •Poem: The Bell Tolls for Thee; 鐘為汝鳴 ❮❯ •Swearing in Writing ❮❯ •李敖在微博; Li Ao Tweet Collection ❮❯
  3561. Li Houzhu → 鄧麗君 《相见欢》 (Union Joy) ❮❯ •鄧麗君 《胭脂泪》 (Rouge Tears) ❮❯
  3562. Li Yannian (musician) → “House of Flying Daggers” 《十面埋伏》 《佳人歌》 ❮❯ •“House of Flying Daggers” 《十面埋伏》 《佳人歌》 ❮❯
  3563. Li Yuchun → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3564. Li Yugang → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  3565. Liam Kyle Sullivan → Humor: Liam Show: Shoes (Kelly song) ❮❯
  3566. Libdvdcss → The State of Affairs of DVD Rippers ❮❯
  3567. Libelle (literary genre) → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3568. Liberation fonts → Standard Fonts on Linuxes ❮❯
  3569. libertarianism → STRATEGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s24.html ]
  3570. Libertarianism → Periodic Dosage: I'm a Libertarian Dictator [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/20040711_jecta_jinvi.html ]
  3571. Libopenmetaverse → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2009-11 ❮❯
  3572. Lichen → Time Machine: Chapter XI ❮❯
  3573. Lie group → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  3574. Liebesträume → Liszt Keyboard Music List ❮❯
  3575. Lieutenant governor (United States) → The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ]
  3576. Life (magazine) → 花样的年华 (Age of Blossom) ❮❯
  3577. Life on Mars? → David Bowie - “Life on Mars” ❮❯
  3578. Lift (web framework) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-06 ❮❯ •Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2014-06 to 2014-06 ❮❯
  3579. Lift (web framework) → Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2015-04 to 2015-04 ❮❯
  3580. Ligature (typography) → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3581. light-emitting diode → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  3582. Light-saber → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  3583. Lighttpd → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3584. LightWave 3D → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  3585. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol → Mac OS X Changes To Unix ❮❯
  3586. Lightweight markup language → A Emacs Frustration (Blogger package) ❮❯
  3587. Lignite → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  3588. Lilliput and Blefuscu → SECTION 14. — How I vainly tried to explain the nature of Flatland ❮❯
  3589. Lily Allen → Lily Allen - “Fuck You Very Much” [ music/fuck_you_very_much.html ]
  3590. limacon of Pascal → Limacon Of Pascal ❮❯
  3591. limbo → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 3 Scene 1 ❮❯
  3592. Limit (mathematics) → English/Chinese Math Terminology 中/英 数学术语 ❮❯
  3593. Limit (mathematics) → Wonderland: Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole ❮❯
  3594. Lin Chi-ling → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3595. Lin Dai → 《痴痴的等》 (I Wait For You) ❮❯
  3596. Linden Lab → Shopping in Second Life ❮❯
  3597. Linden Scripting Language → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Xah's Second Life Linden Scripting Language (LSL) Tutorial ❮❯ •Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2009-11 ❮❯
  3598. Lindenmayer systems → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  3599. Lindows → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 2 ❮❯
  3600. line → Line ❮❯
  3601. Line-crossing ceremony → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3602. Line art → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  3603. Line editor → Problems of Emacs's Manual ❮❯ •Problems of Emacs's Manual ❮❯
  3604. Line integral → Logical Operators, Truth Table, Unicode ❮❯
  3605. Lineage II → Portishead - “Elysium” ❮❯
  3606. Linear grammar → Formal Grammar ❮❯
  3607. Linear perspective → What Is Perspective Drawing ❮❯
  3608. Linear transformation → Linear Transformation ❮❯
  3609. linear transformations → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  3610. Lingerie → Similar Words ❮❯
  3611. Lingua franca → Gulliver's Travels. PART I — A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT ❮❯
  3612. Linguistic determinism → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3613. Link-state routing protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3614. Link grammar → Formal Grammar ❮❯
  3615. link rot → Emacs Lisp: Writing a make-citation Command ❮❯
  3616. Linkage (mechanical) → Geometry: Ellipses, Linkages, and Solids of Constant Width ❮❯
  3617. Linkage (mechanical) → Geometric Inversion ❮❯
  3618. linnet → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  3619. Linotype machine → How Are Books Made in 1950? Video of Linotype Machine in Action ❮❯
  3620. Linspire → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  3621. Linus Torvalds → Emacs Dev Inefficiency and Emacs Web 2.0? ❮❯
  3622. Linux → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  3623. Linux distro → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  3624. Linux kernel → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-05 ❮❯
  3625. Linux Libertine → Standard Fonts on Linuxes ❮❯
  3626. Linux Mint → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  3627. Linux Outlaws → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-07 ❮❯
  3628. Linux Standard Base → Linux: How to Find System Info ❮❯
  3629. lion → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  3630. Lionel Trilling → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3631. lip reading → SECTION 6. — Of Recognition by Sight ❮❯
  3632. lipstick lesbian → Lesbians in Second Life [ sl/les.html ]
  3633. Lisa Marie → Star Spangled Magazine Covers, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mag.html ]
  3634. Lisa McPherson → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3635. LISP → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  3636. Lisp (programming language) → Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  3637. Lisp machine → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  3638. Lisp Machine → Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯
  3639. Lisp programming language → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯
  3640. LispWorks → Thoughts on Common Lisp Scheme Lisp Based Emacs ❮❯
  3641. Lissajous figure → Lissajous ❮❯
  3642. List comprehension → Why is List Comprehension Bad? ❮❯
  3643. List of AMD Phenom microprocessors → Xah's PC Shopping List ❮❯
  3644. List of animal names → Similar Words ❮❯
  3645. List of Apple typefaces → Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2014-01 to 2014-01 ❮❯
  3646. List of cities proper by population density → Population Under the Firmament [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030911_populous.html ]
  3647. List of colors → Similar Words ❮❯
  3648. List of content management systems → Content Management Shootout 2006 ❮❯
  3649. List of countries and federations by military expenditures → Have You Heard of Congo War? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/congo_war.html ]
  3650. List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita → What is Al Jazeera? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/what_is_Al_Jazeera.html ]
  3651. List of countries by Human Development Index → 李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  3652. List of countries by military expenditures → The Stereotypical American [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031109_american.html ]
  3653. List of countries by population density → Population Under the Firmament [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030911_populous.html ]
  3654. List of curve topics → Websites on Plane Curves ❮❯
  3655. List of device bandwidths → Computer Devices Bandwidth Table ❮❯
  3656. List of fighter aircraft → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  3657. List of Google Doodles in 2013 → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-10 ❮❯
  3658. List of HTTP headers → How to Enable HTTP Server gzip Compression ❮❯
  3659. List of Intel Pentium Dual-Core microprocessors → Xah's PC Shopping List ❮❯
  3660. List of IP protocol numbers → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3661. List of Latin phrases (A–E)#E → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  3662. List of longest bridges in the world → Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201101.html ]
  3663. List of Microsoft Windows fonts → Chinese Fonts on Windows Mac Linux ❮❯
  3664. List of most expensive cities → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  3665. List of people declared persona non grata → Persona Non Grata in the Hacker Community ❮❯
  3666. List of political parties in the United States → California Political Parties [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/ca_jecta.html ]
  3667. List of Resident Evil characters → SAT Words ❮❯
  3668. List of rivers by length → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3669. List of Saw Traps → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3670. List of screencasting software → Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  3671. List of search engines → Google Search Problems; Alternative Search Engines ❮❯
  3672. List of skyscrapers → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  3673. List of social networking sites → Xah Lee LiveJournal Profile Intro [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/lj_intro.html ]
  3674. List of TCP and UDP port numbers → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯ •Interactive Clojure Notebook: gorilla-repl ❮❯
  3675. List of the most densely populated country subdivisions → Population Under the Firmament [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030911_populous.html ]
  3676. List of the world's tallest structures → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  3677. List of towers → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3678. List of trigonometric identities → Sine Curve ❮❯
  3679. List of typefaces included with Mac OS X → Chinese Fonts on Windows Mac Linux ❮❯
  3680. List of typefaces included with OS X → Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2014-01 to 2014-01 ❮❯
  3681. MPEG-4 AVC → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  3682. List of YouTube personalities → Humor Video: Magibon, Boxxy, 4chan Personalities ❮❯
  3683. Litany → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3684. Lithotomy position → Words, page 1 ❮❯
  3685. Litre → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200812.html ]
  3686. Little Red Corvette → Prince - “Little Red Corvette” ❮❯
  3687. Little Richard → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  3688. Lituus → Lituus ❮❯
  3689. lituus → Lituus ❮❯
  3690. Liu Genghong → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3691. Liu Huan → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  3692. Liu Xiaobo → Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ] •Liu Xiaobo, NED, CIA, USA Support [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_NED_CIA.html ]
  3693. Livery → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3694. Liz Phair → Liz Phair - Hot White Cum [ music/hot_white_cum.html ]
  3695. LL parser → Parser ❮❯
  3696. Loam → Words, page 13 ❮❯
  3697. Lobotomy → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  3698. Local Shared Object → How to Delete Flash Cookies ❮❯
  3699. Localhost → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3700. Locked-in syndrome → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 3 [ p/mopi/mopi3.html ]
  3701. Locomotive → 李杀網誌存档 2014-01 to 2014-01 ❮❯
  3702. Logan's Run → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3703. Logan's Run (1976 film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  3704. logarithm → Chapter 4: Systems Based On Numbers ❮❯
  3705. Logical connective → Logical Operators, Truth Table, Unicode ❮❯
  3706. logical positivism → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯ •The Codification of Mathematics ❮❯ •Alice in Wonderland, and Through the Looking-Glass ❮❯
  3707. Logicism → Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯ •What is the Difference of Russell's Logicism, Hilbert's Formalism, Axiomatic System? ❮❯
  3708. loglan → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  3709. Logo → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  3710. Logo (programming language) → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Special Meaning Words ❮❯
  3711. Logo (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  3712. Logo programming language → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯ •Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  3713. logorrhea → Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯
  3714. Logorrhoea (linguistics) → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3715. Logrolling → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3716. LOIC → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-12 ❮❯ •Wikileaks, Bank of America, Anonymous, US Government, Espionage [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Wikileaks_Bank_of_America_Anonymous_espionage.html ]
  3717. Loin → SAT Words ❮❯
  3718. lojban → What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language ❮❯ •Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯ •Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  3719. Lolicon → American's Obsession with Little Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wasp_girls.html ]
  3720. Lolita → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ]
  3721. Lolita (1962 film) → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3722. Lolita (1962 film) → Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  3723. Lolita fashion → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  3724. Lompoc → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  3725. London → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  3726. Long filename → Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  3727. Long Fist → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  3728. Long gun → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  3729. Long Now Foundation → Online Posting Accountability ❮❯
  3730. Long s → Allograph, Variant of the Letter s = ſ and Integral Sign ∫ ❮❯
  3731. longhorn beetle → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  3732. Longman → English Phonetics: IPA vs American Heritage Dictionary vs Merriam-Webster ❮❯
  3733. Longship → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  3734. Look (American magazine) → 李敖有话说; Li Ao Lectures [ Periodic_dosage_dir/li_ao_lectures.html ]
  3735. Look at Me Now (Chris Brown song) → Karmin - “Look at Me Now” ❮❯
  3736. Loquat → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  3737. Lord Kelvin → Geometric Inversion ❮❯
  3738. Lord of the Flies → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  3739. Lorem ipsum → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  3740. Lorenz attractor → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Second Life: Math Lorenz Attractor ❮❯ •Math in Second Life ❮❯
  3741. Los Angeles → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  3742. Lottery → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  3743. Lotus Temple → Architecture Beauties ❮❯
  3744. Loudness war → Hi-Fi Audio Systems, Binaural Recording [ Periodic_dosage_dir/binaural_recording.html ]
  3745. Louis IX of France → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3746. Lout (software) → The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯ •Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  3747. Love Field → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3748. Love You Like a Love Song → Selena Gomez - “Love You Like a Love Song” ❮❯
  3749. LR parser → Parser ❮❯
  3750. Lsof → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯
  3751. Lu Xun → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  3752. Lua (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  3753. Lucia di Lammermoor → the Diva Dance Song from The Fifth Element ❮❯
  3754. Luciano Pavarotti → Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  3755. Lucid dreaming → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Nightmares: Failure and Insanity [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/insanity.html ] •Sleep, Dream, Inception [ Periodic_dosage_dir/sleep.html ]
  3756. Lucida Grande → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  3757. Lucida Sans Unicode → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  3758. Lucius Apuleius → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  3759. Lucius Junius Brutus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  3760. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  3761. Lucrece → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 1 ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  3762. Lucretius → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3763. Ludacris → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  3764. Luddite → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  3765. Ludovico Ariosto → Art of Gustave Dore ❮❯ •The First Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  3766. Luhn algorithm → Luhn Algorithm ❮❯
  3767. Luis Royo → Art of Luis Royo [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/luis_royo.html ]
  3768. Luis von Ahn → Anti-bot Test: CAPTCHA! ❮❯
  3769. Luke Perry → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  3770. LulzSec → Computer Hacking: Lulz Security Farewell Note ❮❯ •Lulzsec Got Bursted, Leader Betrayed Team [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lulzsec_bursted_leader_betrayal.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201211.html ] •Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯
  3771. Lupins → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  3772. Lust, Caution (film) → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  3773. Luxor → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  3774. Luxor Hotel → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  3775. Lycoris radiata → 王菲 《彼岸花》 (Flower of Paradise) 曼珠沙华的故事 ❮❯
  3776. Lycos → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  3777. lycée → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  3778. Lyle and Erik Menendez → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  3779. Lynda Carter → Wonder Woman: from Bondage Heroine to Feminist to Sexpot [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/ww.html ]
  3780. lynx → Second Life's Furries 3 ❮❯
  3781. Lynx (web browser) → A Emacs Frustration (Blogger package) ❮❯ •Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 2 ❮❯
  3782. M-expression → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯ •Fundamental Problems of Lisp ❮❯
  3783. M. C. Escher → Art of M C Escher ❮❯
  3784. M4v → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  3785. Maalox → Little Red Riding Hood (Politically Correct version) ❮❯
  3786. MAC address → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  3787. Mac Mini → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  3788. Mac OS history → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  3789. Mac OS Roman → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-11 to 2010-12 ❮❯ •Mac: Keyboard Viewer and Unicode ❮❯
  3790. Mac OS X → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  3791. Mac OS X Snow Leopard → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-05 ❮❯
  3792. Mac Pro → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  3793. MacApp → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3794. Macarena (song) → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  3795. Macaulay Culkin → Mickey Avalon - “My Dick” Song [ music/my_dick.html ]
  3796. Macbeth → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  3797. Mach number → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  3798. Machiavellian → THE DANGER OF LEFTISM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s26.html ]
  3799. Machine gun → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  3800. Machine Gun (Portishead song) → Portishead - “Machine Gun” ❮❯
  3801. Machine learning → Stanford University Computer Science Courses — Review ❮❯
  3802. Machinima → Second Life's Architectures: Learning Centers ❮❯
  3803. machinima → Education in Second Life ❮❯
  3804. Macintosh → Control Key and Capslock Key Positions in Old Keyboards ❮❯
  3805. Macintosh Classic → Dvorak Keyboard Layout ❮❯ •Banish Key Chords ❮❯
  3806. Macintosh Common Lisp → A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯
  3807. Macintosh II → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  3808. Macintosh IIsi → Computer Tech Progress and Video On Demand ❮❯
  3809. Macintosh Programmer's Workshop → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  3810. Macports → Software Dependency Complexity: Fink, Unison ❮❯
  3811. MacPorts → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  3812. Macromedia Flash → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  3813. Macronutrient (ecology) → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  3814. MacUser → Computer Keyboards Gallery ❮❯ •Emacs cua-mode Problems ❮❯ •The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  3815. MacWorld → Computer Keyboards Gallery ❮❯
  3816. Macworld → Emacs cua-mode Problems ❮❯ •The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  3817. Mad (magazine) → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  3818. Mad Hatter → Wonderland: Chapter 6: Pig and Pepper ❮❯
  3819. Mad scene → the Diva Dance Song from The Fifth Element ❮❯
  3820. Madagascar → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  3821. Madame White Snake → Lost in Translation: Madame White Snake; 小青姨……你妈是白娘子吗… ❮❯
  3822. Madonna (entertainer) → Madonna - “Like It or Not” ❮❯
  3823. maelstrom → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3824. Maenads → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  3825. Magazine (firearm) → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  3826. Magi → The Tale Of The Ensorceled Prince ❮❯
  3827. Magibon → Humor Video: Magibon, Boxxy, 4chan Personalities ❮❯
  3828. Magic in Harry Potter → SAT Words ❮❯
  3829. Magna Carta → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  3830. Magnet URI scheme → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200811.html ]
  3831. Mahatma Gandhi → Math Prizes and Nobel Ignobility ❮❯ •Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ]
  3832. Mahavira → GRE Words ❮❯
  3833. Mahjong solitaire → Second Life's Indoor Games ❮❯
  3834. Mail-order bride → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-05 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200805.html ]
  3835. Mail (application) → Emacs Should Support HTML Mail ❮❯
  3836. Mail (Unix) → Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  3837. mailto → Google Chrome, SPDY Protocol, Browser War II ❮❯
  3838. Make (software) → Programing: GNU Make (gmake) Tutorial ❮❯
  3839. Make a mountain out of a molehill → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  3840. Malachite → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  3841. Malcolm Gladwell → On the Nomenclature of Eigenvector and the Igon Value Problem ❮❯
  3842. Maleficent (film) → Best Movies ❮❯
  3843. Mallory Hagan → is Miss America the Largest Scholarship Program for Women? [ sex/miss_america.html ] •is Miss America the Largest Scholarship Program for Women? [ sex/miss_america.html ]
  3844. Maltron keyboard → Maltron Keyboard Review ❮❯
  3845. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware → Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯ •Windows: How to Remove “Antivirus Action” Malware ❮❯
  3846. Mamba → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  3847. MAME → Ladybug Video Game, Optimal Strategy ❮❯
  3848. Mamluk → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  3849. Mammoth → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3850. Mammoth Cave National Park → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  3851. Man-of-war → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 3 ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  3852. Manadel al-Jamadi → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  3853. Mancala → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯ •Aladdin: A Brother ❮❯
  3854. Manchu → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  3855. Manchu language → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  3856. Manchukuo → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  3857. Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino → Las Vegas Travelog: Mandalay Bay [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mandalayluxor.html ]
  3858. Mandalay Resort Group → Las Vegas Travelog: Circus Circus [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/circus_circus.html ]
  3859. Mandatory access control → Linux: Firewall Tutorial, iptables, netfilter ❮❯
  3860. Mandelbrot Set → Mandelbrot Set Explained (no complex number needed) ❮❯
  3861. Mandible (insect mouthpart) → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  3862. Mandrake (plant) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  3863. Manga → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Words, page 14 ❮❯
  3864. Manhole → 留几手的话 (Words from Save A Hand Or Two) ❮❯
  3865. Manifest Destiny → Race Distribution in the USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/race_distribution.html ] •Vexillology of babes in World Cup 2002, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/bolci2.html ] •The Art of Propaganda ❮❯
  3866. manifold → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  3867. Manifold → Math Jargons Explained ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  3868. Mannerism → Literature: Metaphysical Conceit vs Shakespeare Sonnet 130 ❮❯
  3869. Manor house → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  3870. Manorialism → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  3871. manticore → Similar Words ❮❯
  3872. Mantis → SAT Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  3873. Manuel de Codage → Xah Math Blog Archive 2014-01 to 2014-01 ❮❯
  3874. Manuel Noriega → HOW SOME PEOPLE ADJUST (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s10.html ]
  3875. ManyCam → Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  3876. Mao Zedong → Words, page 11 ❮❯ •Words, page 5 ❮❯
  3877. Map projections → Illustrating Geometry with POV-Ray ❮❯
  3878. Marada (comics) → Marada the She-wolf ❮❯
  3879. Marble (toy) → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3880. Marc Klasfeld → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯
  3881. Marc Quinn → the Glorification of Female with Limblessness [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040201_limbles_ninmu.html ] •Sculpture of Armless Woman ❮❯ •Sculpture of Armless Woman ❮❯
  3882. March Hare → Wonderland: Chapter 6: Pig and Pepper ❮❯
  3883. Marchantiophyta → Time Machine: Chapter XI ❮❯
  3884. Marcus Junius Brutus → Gulliver's Travels. PART III. A VOYAGE TO LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB, AND JAPAN. ❮❯
  3885. Marcus Tullius Cicero → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  3886. Margaret Hoover → Politics: Bill Maher Mocks American Socialism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/american_socialism.html ]
  3887. Marge Schott → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3888. Margo St. James → the Littlest Harlot (by Tracy Quan) ❮❯
  3889. Marguerite Moreau → Double-Bun Hair Girls [ bb/ox_horns.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ] •Best Movies ❮❯
  3890. Maria Gaetana Agnesi → Witch of Agnesi ❮❯
  3891. Marianne → Freedom Goddesses [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040324_zifre_cevni.html ]
  3892. Marid → Aladdin: The Lamp ❮❯ •The Fisherman And The Jinni ❮❯
  3893. Marie Alfred Cornu → Cornu Spiral ❮❯
  3894. Marie Antoinette → Words, page 15 ❮❯
  3895. Marilyn Bergman → Dusty Springfield - “the Windmills of Your Mind” ❮❯
  3896. Marilyn French → ABBA - “The Day Before You Came” ❮❯
  3897. Marilyn Vos Savant → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3898. Marin Mersenne → Epicycloid and Hypocycloid ❮❯
  3899. Marissa Mayer → SAT Words ❮❯
  3900. Marjorie Heins → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  3901. Mark Crispin → Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2013-12 to 2013-12 ❮❯ •Emacs Why line-move-visual ❮❯ •Emacs Why line-move-visual ❮❯ •Rants on Emacs Visual Lines by Don Hopkins and Mark Crispin ❮❯
  3902. Mark Fiore → Apple iPad, Censorship ❮❯
  3903. Mark Liberman → Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus [ Periodic_dosage_dir/women_venus_men_mars.html ]
  3904. Mark P. McCahill → Emerald Viewer Banned by Linden Labs; What Viewer to Use? ❮❯
  3905. Mark Pilgrim (software developer) → HTML5 Canvas Game Demo: Halma ❮❯
  3906. Mark Russinovich → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  3907. Mark Ryden → Art of Mark Ryden ❮❯
  3908. Mark Shuttleworth → Emacs Dev Inefficiency and Emacs Web 2.0? ❮❯
  3909. Mark Twain → Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ]
  3910. Markdown → Markdown Tutorial ❮❯
  3911. Market research → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  3912. Markus Persson → JavaScript: Minecraft 3D Demo ❮❯
  3913. Marlon Brando → David Bowie - “China Girl” ❮❯
  3914. Marmalade → Wonderland: Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole ❮❯
  3915. Marque de Sade → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3916. Marquee element → HTML Marquee: Scrolling Text, Rolling Images ❮❯
  3917. Marquis de Sade → Swearing in Writing ❮❯
  3918. Marshall Brain → A Letter to Marshall Brain ❮❯
  3919. Martha's Vineyard → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  3920. Martha Argerich → Piano Keyboard Actions 4: Kawai MP9000 Problems ❮❯
  3921. Martha Stewart → Ireland Flag Babes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/ir.html ] •Words, page 3 ❮❯
  3922. Martin Amis → GRE Words ❮❯
  3923. Martin Gardner → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯ •Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯
  3924. Martin Luther King, Jr. → The Bimbo from Alaska: Sarah Palin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Sarah_Palin.html ]
  3925. Martina Navratilova → SAT Words ❮❯
  3926. Marvel vs. Capcom (series) → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  3927. Marvin Heemeyer → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201011.html ]
  3928. Mary Carey → Star Spangled California Gubernatorial Recall 2003 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mary_carey.html ]
  3929. Mary Carey (pornographic actress) → The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ]
  3930. Mary McCarthy (author) → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3931. Mary McCarthy (author) → Writer's Words ❮❯
  3932. Maryland → Starry Americana [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/starry_americana.html ]
  3933. Maserati GranCabrio → MegaUpload Crime Boss ❮❯
  3934. Massacre → SECTION 10. — Of the Suppression of the Chromatic Sedition ❮❯
  3935. Massif → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  3936. Massively multiplayer online role-playing game → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  3937. mastectomy → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  3938. Master-slave morality → Programing: comp.lang.lisp Fight on the Meaning of Closure ❮❯ •Goreans in Second Life [ sl/medieval.html ] •Why Do I Not Support the “Human Right” Concept? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_rights.html ]
  3939. Master-Slave Morality → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  3940. Master boot record → Ubuntu Linux Install Error: “'grub-install /dev/sdb' failed” ❮❯
  3941. Masters and Johnson → Second Life, Tech Geekers, And Escapism ❮❯
  3942. Mastiff → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  3943. Mata Hari → Madonna - “Like It or Not” ❮❯
  3944. Match → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  3945. materialism → the Philosophy of Fuck Shit Stack ❮❯ •Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3946. Math Overflow → Death of Newsgroups ❮❯
  3947. Mathematica → Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯ •Vector Normalize Function in Mathematica, APL, Haskell, Ruby, Python, Perl, Lisp, JavaScript, Java, … ❮❯ •Wallpaper groups: Introduction ❮❯ •Plane Geometry Software ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯ •Math Software for Programers ❮❯ •A Text Editor Feature: Extend Selection by Semantic Unit ❮❯ •The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  3948. Mathematical analysis → Sine Curve ❮❯
  3949. Mathematical Association of America → Computer Language Websites Popularity ❮❯
  3950. Mathematical constant → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  3951. Mathematical logic → What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language ❮❯
  3952. mathematical logic → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  3953. Mathematics of paper folding → Knitting, Chinese Knots, Braid Theory ❮❯
  3954. Mathematics Subject Classification → Web Keywords and Taxonomy ❮❯
  3955. MathML → 9 Tools to Display Math on Web ❮❯ •The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯ •Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯ •Fundamental Problems of Lisp ❮❯
  3956. Mathura → Sculpture of Asian Demigoddesses: Apsara, Devatas, Yakshini ❮❯
  3957. MATLAB → Language Design: Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1? ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  3958. matplotlib → Python Libs for Scientists ❮❯
  3959. Matroska → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200901.html ]
  3960. Matt Cutts → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-08 ❮❯ •Google: DON'T BE EVIL vs Don'T Do Evil ❮❯
  3961. Matt Kibbe → Politics: Bill Maher Mocks American Socialism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/american_socialism.html ]
  3962. Matthew Arnold → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  3963. Matthew Cook → Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯ •Great Software For 2D Visualization of Geometry ❮❯
  3964. Matthias Felleisen → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯
  3965. Mattock → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 3 ❮❯
  3966. Maunsell Sea Forts → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  3967. Maurice Girodias → Vocabulary: Words in Olympia Reader ❮❯
  3968. Maus → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  3969. mauve → SECTION 8. — Of the Ancient Practice of Painting ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  3970. Max Hardcore → Porn Freedom; What Is Obscenity? [ sex/porn_freedom.html ]
  3971. Max Headroom (character) → Selena Gomez - “Love You Like a Love Song” ❮❯
  3972. Max Headroom (character) → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  3973. Max Headroom pirating incident → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  3974. Max Martin → Britney Spears - “Baby One More Time” ❮❯
  3975. Max Payne (film) → Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯
  3976. Maxima (software) → Math Software for Programers ❮❯
  3977. Maximilien Robespierre → THE DANGER OF LEFTISM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s26.html ]
  3978. Maya (software) → Xah's Second Life Build Tutorial ❮❯
  3979. Maya civilization → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  3980. Maze → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  3981. Mazinger Z → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  3982. Maïwenn → the Diva Dance Song from The Fifth Element ❮❯
  3983. Mbox → Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  3984. McAfee → Windows: How to Remove “Antivirus Action” Malware ❮❯
  3985. MD5 → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  3986. meadowlark → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 8 [ p/mopi/mopi8.html ]
  3987. Mean Creek → Words, page 12 ❮❯
  3988. Measure theory → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  3989. Mecha → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  3990. Mechanic → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-02 to 2012-03 ❮❯
  3991. Mechanical pencils → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  3992. Mechanical work → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  3993. Mediawiki → Content Management Shootout 2006 ❮❯
  3994. MediaWiki → What Language Does Google Facebook Twitter Paypal Wikipedia … Use? ❮❯ •HTML Correctness and Validators ❮❯ •Problems of Emacswiki ❮❯
  3995. Medusa → Mythological Creatures In Second Life ❮❯ •Similar Words ❮❯
  3996. Medusa (mythology) → Words, page 6 ❮❯
  3997. Medusa (mythology), → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  3998. Megacity → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  3999. Megafauna → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  4000. Megan Fox → Hot Chicks and Their Personalities [ sex/hot_chicks_and_their_personality.html ]
  4001. megatherian → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  4002. Megaupload → SAT Words ❮❯
  4003. Melancholia (2011 film) → GRE Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  4004. Melanie Brown → Double-Bun Hair Girls [ bb/ox_horns.html ]
  4005. Melbourne → Hard Rock Cafe USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/rokci_ckafi.html ]
  4006. Melchior Ndadaye → Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence ❮❯
  4007. melee → Writer's Words ❮❯
  4008. Melee → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  4009. Melencolia I → Art of Albrecht Dürer ❮❯
  4010. Melissa (computer virus) → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  4011. Melody Thomas Scott → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  4012. Melpomene → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4013. Memcached → Database Tech 2012 ❮❯
  4014. Mena Suvari → “American Beauty” Screenshots [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina3.html ]
  4015. Menarche → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  4016. Mental calculator → Go Board Game as Cellular Automata ❮❯
  4017. Mercedes-Benz → Eagles - “Hotel California” ❮❯
  4018. Mercedes-Benz (song) → Janis Joplin - “Mercedes Benz” ❮❯
  4019. Mercurial (software) → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  4020. Mercury (mythology) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯ •SECTION 6. — Of Recognition by Sight ❮❯ •Words, page 11 ❮❯
  4021. Mercury (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  4022. Mercury Capri → Star Spangled Cars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/karce.html ]
  4023. Meridian (geography) → Easy Ways to Remember Latitude and Longitude and Their Order ❮❯
  4024. merle → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  4025. mermaid → Similar Words ❮❯
  4026. Merriam-Webster → American Heritage Dictionary vs Merriam Webster Collegiate ❮❯
  4027. Meryl Streep → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ] •Writer's Words ❮❯
  4028. mesa → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 5 [ p/mopi/mopi5.html ]
  4029. Mesa 3D → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  4030. Mesmerism → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4031. Mesopotamian → GRE Words ❮❯
  4032. Message authentication code → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  4033. Messalina → Words, page 15 ❮❯
  4034. Meta element → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  4035. Meta key → Sun Microsystems Type 6 Keyboard ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  4036. Metamorphoses (poem) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ] •Art: Europa and the Bull ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  4037. Metaphysical art → Art Deco in Movie Batman [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/batman.html ]
  4038. Metaphysical conceit → Literature: Metaphysical Conceit vs Shakespeare Sonnet 130 ❮❯
  4039. Metaphysical poets → SAT Words ❮❯
  4040. Metasyntactic variable → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  4041. Metathesis (linguistics) → Words, page 5 ❮❯
  4042. metaverse → Second Life, Tech Geekers, And Escapism ❮❯
  4043. Methodism → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  4044. Metro → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4045. Metropolitan Museum of Art → Art: Leda and the Swan, page 2 ❮❯
  4046. Mexican drug war → SAT Words ❮❯
  4047. Mexican Revolution → ABBA - Fernando ❮❯
  4048. MGM Grand Las Vegas → Las Vegas Travelog: MGM Grand [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mgm.html ]
  4049. MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd. → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  4050. MH Message Handling System → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  4051. MHonArc → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  4052. miasma → A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯
  4053. Miasma theory → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4054. Mibbit → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  4055. Michael (archangel) → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  4056. Michael Badnarik → California 2004 General Election [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/ca_2004_general_election.html ]
  4057. Michael J Fox → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  4058. Michael Manning (fetish artist) → Art of Michael Manning [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/mm.html ]
  4059. Michael Newdow → American Enlist God to Fight Communism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040328_lanci_pledge.html ]
  4060. Michael Nielsen → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200912.html ]
  4061. Michael P. Fay → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4062. Michael S. Hart → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-08 ❮❯
  4063. Michael Shea → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  4064. Michael Tiemann → Famous Programers with Repetitive Strain Injury ❮❯
  4065. Michael Urvan → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  4066. Michel Legrand → Dusty Springfield - “the Windmills of Your Mind” ❮❯
  4067. Michelangelo's David → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ]
  4068. Michelangelo Buonarroti → Art of Michelangelo ❮❯
  4069. Michelle Manhart → Nakedness — a WASP Crime [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040203_lunbe_zekri.html ]
  4070. Mick Rock → David Bowie - “Life on Mars” ❮❯
  4071. Mickey Avalon → Mickey Avalon - “My Dick” Song [ music/my_dick.html ] •SAT Words ❮❯
  4072. Microblogging → URL Shortening is BAD ❮❯
  4073. Microcephaly → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  4074. MicroDVD → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯
  4075. Microexpression → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  4076. Microformat → What is HTML Microformat ❮❯
  4077. Micronutrient → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  4078. Micropayment → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  4079. Microsoft Compiled HTML Help → Windows Notes and Todo ❮❯
  4080. Microsoft Expression Encoder → Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  4081. Microsoft Fingerprint → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  4082. Microsoft Media Server → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  4083. Microsoft Notepad → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  4084. Microsoft Office Open XML → Fundamental Problems of Lisp ❮❯
  4085. Microsoft Office Outlook → Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail, Confusion Ball ❮❯
  4086. Microsoft Reader → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  4087. Microsoft Security Essentials → Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯ •Windows: How to Remove “Antivirus Action” Malware ❮❯
  4088. Microsoft Visual Studio → Problems of Emacs's Manual ❮❯ •Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  4089. Microsoft vs. MikeRoweSoft → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  4090. Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX → Unix tools on Windows: Cygwin vs VirtualBox ❮❯
  4091. Microsoft Word → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  4092. Middle Ages → Palpatine: The Portrait of a Perfect Sociopath and Master Politician ❮❯
  4093. Middle distance track event → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  4094. MIDI → The Unfortunate Fate of Music MIDI File ❮❯
  4095. Mignon McLaughlin → Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ]
  4096. migration → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  4097. Miguel de Icaza → Voodoo of Software Engineering ❮❯
  4098. Mike Diana → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  4099. Mikhail Baryshnikov → Writer's Words ❮❯
  4100. Milk → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4101. Milk float → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  4102. Milkshape → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  4103. Millbank Tower → Xah Arts Blog Archive 2011-12 ❮❯
  4104. Millenarianism → GRE Words ❮❯
  4105. Millennium Prize Problems → Grigori Perelman: Will You Decline 1 Million to Make a Statement? 📺 ❮❯ •Math Prizes and Nobel Ignobility ❮❯ •Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯
  4106. Million Voices against Corruption, President Chen Must Go → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  4107. Milo Manara → Art of Milo Manara [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara.html ] •Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  4108. Milton Friedman → The Microsoft Hatred FAQ ❮❯
  4109. MIME → Converting Email Formats ❮❯ •PHP: Send Mail with Attachment ❮❯
  4110. Mimicry → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ] •Words, page 19 ❮❯
  4111. Minced oath → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  4112. Minecraft → Second Life, the Worst Hack in Universe ❮❯
  4113. MinGW → Unix tools on Windows: Cygwin vs VirtualBox ❮❯ •Installing Cygwin Tutorial ❮❯ •Problems of Calling Unix grep in Emacs ❮❯
  4114. Mini Cooper → Union Jack Cars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/brits_karce.html ]
  4115. minimal surface → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  4116. minimalism → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4117. Ministry of Magic → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4118. Minix → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-05 ❮❯
  4119. MINIX → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  4120. Minotaur → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4121. minotaur → Similar Words ❮❯
  4122. MinTTY → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  4123. Mipmap → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  4124. Misanthropy → SAT Words ❮❯
  4125. Misery → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4126. Misogyny → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  4127. Miss World → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  4128. Missionary Man (Eurythmics song) → Eurythmics - “Missionary Man” ❮❯
  4129. Missionary position → Art of Sexual Positions [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rama.html ]
  4130. Missouri Botanical Gardens → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  4131. mistletoe → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  4132. Mitsubishi A6M → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  4133. Miura fold → Xah Math Blog Archive 2014-04 to 2014-06 ❮❯
  4134. Mixed martial arts → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  4135. Miyuki Nakajima → 王菲 《容易受傷的女人》 (Fragile Woman) ❮❯
  4136. Mizar system → State of Theorem Proving Systems 2008 ❮❯
  4137. MkLinux → Ubuntu Linux Install Error: “'grub-install /dev/sdb' failed” ❮❯
  4138. ML (programming language) → State of Theorem Proving Systems 2008 ❮❯ •F Sharp, OCaml Books and History of OCaml ❮❯
  4139. Moai → Words, page 17 ❮❯
  4140. Moberly-Jourdain incident → GRE Words ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯ •Easy Words ❮❯
  4141. Mobile phone → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4142. Mobile Status Notification Protocol → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  4143. Mobius transformation → Great Software For 2D Visualization of Geometry ❮❯
  4144. Moby Project → Emacs Dictionary Lookup ❮❯
  4145. Moccasin (footwear) → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  4146. Mock Turtle → Wonderland: Chapter 9: The Mock Turtle's Story ❮❯
  4147. Model M keyboard → IBM Model M keyboard, Unicomp ❮❯
  4148. Modem → Mathematician Marijke Van Gans Died (1955 to 2009) ❮❯ •The Sounds of Obsolete Technologies 1990 to 2000 ❮❯
  4149. Modern English Bible translations → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  4150. Modifier key → ErgoEmacs Keybinding: a Ergonomics Based Keyboard Shortcut System ❮❯
  4151. Modo (software) → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  4152. Module (mathematics) → Math, Algebra: on the Phraseology of X Over K, and What's Group Theory? ❮❯
  4153. Modulo operation → The Go Programming Language Specification - The Go Programming Language ❮❯
  4154. moebius strip → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  4155. Moebius Strip → Moebius Strip ❮❯
  4156. Moebius strip → Math in Second Life ❮❯
  4157. Moebius transformation → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  4158. Mohammedan → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  4159. Mohism → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  4160. MoinMoin → Content Management Shootout 2006 ❮❯
  4161. molehill → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  4162. Moloko → Moloko - “Fun For Me” ❮❯
  4163. Molucca Islands → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  4164. Momotarou → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  4165. Money laundering → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4166. money laundering → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4167. Mongkut → Writer's Words ❮❯
  4168. MongoDB → Database Tech 2012 ❮❯
  4169. Mongol Empire → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  4170. Mongolia → Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ]
  4171. Mongrel2 → Ruby Rails Mongrel, Zed Shaw: Rails Is A Ghetto ❮❯
  4172. Mongrel (web server) → Ruby Rails Mongrel, Zed Shaw: Rails Is A Ghetto ❮❯
  4173. Monica Mayhem → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  4174. Monit → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-01 ❮❯
  4175. Monkey Kung Fu → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  4176. Mono (UK band) → Mono - “Slimcea Girl” ❮❯
  4177. Monochrome monitor → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  4178. Monogram → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  4179. Monolithic dome → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  4180. Monomania → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  4181. Monomolecular wire → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  4182. Monopoly (game) → Toons in Second Life ❮❯
  4183. Monotone (software) → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  4184. Monotonic function → Equiangular Spiral ❮❯
  4185. Monotropa uniflora → Photo: Gorgeousness You Cannot Deny: Ghost Plant, Indian Pipe ❮❯
  4186. monsoon → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  4187. Monsoon → SAT Words ❮❯
  4188. Mont Saint-Michel → Mont Saint-Michel in Second Life ❮❯
  4189. Montblanc (company) → 李敖: 才女与美女如何兼备; Li Ao: Pretty Women vs Brainy Women ❮❯
  4190. Monte Carlo method → Random Notes on Randomness ❮❯
  4191. Monte Carlo Resort and Casino → Las Vegas Travelog: Montecarlo [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/montecarlo.html ]
  4192. Monterey, California → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ] •Starry Patriotic Neighborhood [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/tsani_dacti.html ]
  4193. Monterey Bay Aquarium → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  4194. Montgomery County, Maryland → Star Spangled Products by US Government [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_turni.html ]
  4195. Montgomery Ward → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  4196. Montreal → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4197. Montreal-style bagel → Story: My Teen Years in Bagel Making ❮❯
  4198. Montreal Biosphere → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  4199. Monty Hall problem → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4200. Moon landing → What's Lisp-1, What's Lisp-2? Bad Jargon or Good Jargon? ❮❯
  4201. Moore's law → Computer Devices Bandwidth Table ❮❯
  4202. Mora (linguistics) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯
  4203. Moral nihilism → Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201104.html ] •Why Do I Not Support the “Human Right” Concept? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_rights.html ]
  4204. Moray modeler → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  4205. Mordechai Richler → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4206. Morris Kline → Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯ •Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  4207. Mortar (weapon) → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  4208. Moscone Center → Conic Sections ❮❯
  4209. Moses → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  4210. Mosul → The Arabian Nights ❮❯
  4211. Mother Teresa → A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4212. Motif Window Manager → Random Linux Notes, Emacs on Ubuntu, 2011-05-26 ❮❯
  4213. Motion capture → Xah's Second Life Build Tutorial ❮❯ •Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  4214. Motorola 68030 → Computer Tech Progress and Video On Demand ❮❯
  4215. Motorola 68882 → Computer Tech Progress and Video On Demand ❮❯
  4216. Motorola Xoom → Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  4217. Moulin Rouge → Moulin Rouge, “C'est Féerie” [ music/moulin_rouge_cest_feerie.html ]
  4218. Mount Etna → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 3 Scene 1 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  4219. Mount Everest → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  4220. Mount Olympus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 1 ❮❯
  4221. Mountain View, California → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ] •Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ] •Starry Americana [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/starry_americana.html ] •Scarily Patriotic Heartland USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/t5.html ] •Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  4222. Mouse (computing) → Second Life Building Tutorial: Position, Rotating, Stretching Objects ❮❯
  4223. → THE NATURE OF FREEDOM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s12.html ]
  4224. Moxie → Words, page 2 ❮❯
  4225. Mozilla Corporation software rebranded by the Debian project → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-11 ❮❯
  4226. Mozilla Thunderbird → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯ •Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  4227. MP3 → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  4228. MPEG-4 Part 14 → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  4229. Mplayer2 → Linux: Music Players ❮❯
  4230. MPPP → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 3 [ p/mopi/mopi3.html ]
  4231. MPTP → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 3 [ p/mopi/mopi3.html ]
  4232. Mr. Do → Maze and Math in Video Games ❮❯
  4233. MS-DOS → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  4234. MSM-01 Zaku Marine Type → Second Life: Battle Droids ❮❯
  4235. Muammar al-Gaddafi → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  4236. Muammar Gaddafi → Wikileaks Rap News ❮❯
  4237. Much Ado About Nothing → SAT Words ❮❯
  4238. Mudbox → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  4239. Muhammad Ali → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  4240. Mulatto → A Double-bun Haired Sex Slave in Second Life [ sl/ox_horns.html ]
  4241. Mulberry → The Tale Of The Bull And The Ass ❮❯
  4242. Multiply (website) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  4243. MuMATH → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯
  4244. Mummy → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  4245. Muncie, Indiana → Humor: America Mid-West: Lazy Muncie (Video parody of Lazy Sunday) ❮❯
  4246. Muramasa: The Demon Blade → Demon Blade Chick by Muuten ❮❯
  4247. Murder ballad → Kylie Minogue - “Where The Wild Roses Grow” ❮❯
  4248. Murray Head → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  4249. Muses → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4250. Music box → Player Piano, Music Box, Designing Mechanical Music Devices ❮❯
  4251. Music on Console → Linux: Music Players ❮❯
  4252. Music Player Daemon → Linux: Music Players ❮❯
  4253. Musical notation → The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯
  4254. Musket → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  4255. Mussel → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  4256. Mustache (template system) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-05 ❮❯ •Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-02 ❮❯
  4257. Mustard gas → Psychology and Moral Attitude of “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/wmd.html ]
  4258. Mustard plant → Wonderland: Chapter 9: The Mock Turtle's Story ❮❯
  4259. MUTE → Ants, Insects, Decentralized Systems ❮❯
  4260. Mutt (e-mail client) → Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  4261. My Lai Massacre → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  4262. My Lai massacre → Terrorism from USA: Misery US Americans Have Done to the World [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040318_americanism.html ]
  4263. My So-Called Life → Writer's Words ❮❯
  4264. MyDoom → Words, page 7 ❮❯
  4265. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  4266. myotoxin → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4267. Myotoxin → SAT Words ❮❯
  4268. Myspace → Internet Hipsters and Hipstering of our Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/internet_age_thinking.html ]
  4269. MySQL → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  4270. Myst → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4271. MythTV → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  4272. Ménage à trois → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  4273. N-key rollover → What's NKRO, N-key Rollover? ❮❯
  4274. Na Ying → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  4275. Nabla symbol → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-11 to 2010-12 ❮❯
  4276. NAFTA → STRATEGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s24.html ]
  4278. Namespace (computer science) → What's Lisp-1, What's Lisp-2? Bad Jargon or Good Jargon? ❮❯
  4279. Namibia → Naked Himba Girl [ Periodic_dosage_dir/naked_nimba_girl.html ]
  4280. Nancy Kerrigan → Writer's Words ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  4281. Nanotechnology → HUMAN RACE AT A CROSSROADS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s21.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  4282. Naomi Chiaki → 王菲 《容易受傷的女人》 (Fragile Woman) ❮❯
  4283. Napoleon's invasion of Russia → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  4284. Napoleon Bonaparte → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  4285. Napoleon I of France → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  4286. Napster → Programer Simple Living Shanty Town Squatter ❮❯ •The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  4287. Narcissus (mythology) → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4288. Narco submarine → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4289. Narrowcasting → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  4290. NarusInsight → NSA Mass Surveillance ❮❯
  4291. Natacha Atlas → James Brown “It's a Man's World” ❮❯
  4292. Natalia Vodianova → Fashion Alice (Haute Couture) ❮❯
  4293. Nathan Myhrvold → Xah Lee's Resume [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/Xah_Lee_Resume.html ] •Words, page 8 ❮❯
  4294. Nathaniel Branden → Periodic Dosage Archive 2013-09 to 2013-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201309.html ]
  4295. National Air and Space Museum → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4296. National Anthem of Russia → Russian National Anthem ❮❯
  4297. National Banner Song → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ]
  4298. National Center for Reason and Justice → To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ] •The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  4299. National Center for Supercomputing Applications → Writer's Words ❮❯
  4300. National Endowment for Democracy → Liu Xiaobo, NED, CIA, USA Support [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_NED_CIA.html ]
  4301. National Geographic (magazine) → National Geographic Paints a Pretty Picture ❮❯
  4302. National Library of Belarus → Architecture Beauties ❮❯
  4303. National Mall → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4304. National Report → Gamer SWATTED Phenomenon [ Periodic_dosage_dir/gamer_swatted_phenomenon.html ]
  4305. National Socialist German Workers Party → Cabaret Screenshots [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/cabaret.html ]
  4306. Natural language processing → Stanford University Computer Science Courses — Review ❮❯
  4307. Natural law → California Political Parties [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/ca_jecta.html ]
  4308. natural law → Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4309. Natural semantic metalanguage → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  4310. Natural slavery → Why Do I Not Support the “Human Right” Concept? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_rights.html ]
  4311. Nautilus → Math: Fibonaci Sequence Video Fallacy 📺 ❮❯ •Spirals in Nature ❮❯
  4312. Nautilus (file manager) → Is Linux Desktop Ready for Mom and Pop? ❮❯
  4313. Nawa shibari → Dolls of Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031127_dolls.html ]
  4314. Nawab → Aladdin: The Unfinished Window ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  4315. Naxos Records → Naxos's CDs of Liszt ❮❯
  4316. Nazarene (sect) → The Tale Of The Ensorceled Prince ❮❯
  4317. Nazi salute → GRE Words ❮❯
  4318. Neal Adams → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  4319. Neal Stephenson → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  4320. Nebuchadrezzar II → Time Machine: Chapter II ❮❯
  4321. necromancy → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  4322. necrophilia → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4323. Necropolis → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  4324. Necrosis → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4325. NEdit → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  4326. negro → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  4327. Nekton → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  4328. Nella Fantasia → Choi Sung-bong - “Nella Fantasia” ❮❯ •Choi Sung-bong - “Nella Fantasia” ❮❯
  4329. Nelson Mandela → Nelson Mandela on USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Nelson_Mandela_on_USA.html ] •Third World Blind ❮❯
  4330. Nemesis (mythology) → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4331. Neo-Luddism → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4332. Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  4333. Neoteny → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ] •Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  4334. nepotism → Are You Schizoid or Autistic? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/schizoid.html ]
  4335. Nero → A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯
  4336. Nerve agents → Psychology and Moral Attitude of “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/wmd.html ]
  4337. Netbeans → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  4338. Netfilter → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯
  4339. Netinfo → Mac OS X Changes To Unix ❮❯
  4340. Netlink → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯
  4341. Netscape → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  4342. Netscape (web browser) → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  4343. Netscape Communicator → Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  4344. Netscape Navigator → HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Tech and Browser Timeline ❮❯
  4345. netstat → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯ •Windows: Networking Commands ❮❯
  4346. Nettle → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  4347. Network address translation → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4348. Network interface controller → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯ •Linux: How to Get Wireless to Work ❮❯
  4349. Network packet → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4350. Network segment → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4351. Network socket → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯ •Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  4352. Network switch → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4353. Netzero → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  4354. neurasthenia → English Vocabulary: Medical Words ❮❯
  4355. neurotoxins → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4356. New Atheism → Byte Magazine Cover on LISP, A Space Odyssey, Nietzsche ❮❯
  4357. New England Patriots → Star Spangled Cheerleaders [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/flag_cheerleaders.html ]
  4358. New Guinea → Quora's Future ❮❯
  4359. New India Assurance Building → Art Deco Buildings ❮❯
  4360. New Orleans Mardi Gras → Patriotic Girls Next Door [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_jmive.html ] •Censorship Humor: BPA - “Toe Jam” ❮❯
  4361. New Oxford American Dictionary → American Heritage Dictionary vs New Oxford American Dictionary ❮❯
  4362. New Testament → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  4363. New York → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  4364. New York-New York Hotel & Casino → Las Vegas Travelog: New York, New York [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/nynymgm.html ]
  4365. New York City → Alice Artwork (fable-styled) ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  4366. New York Yankees → Flag Images [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/t9.html ]
  4367. Newfoundland Tricolour → Ireland Flag Babes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/ir.html ]
  4368. newLISP → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Which Lisp Should You Learn? ❮❯ •Computer Languages ❮❯
  4369. News of the World phone hacking scandal → Writer's Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  4370. newsgroups → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  4371. Newspeak → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯ •Tom Cruise, 1984, NewSpeak, and the Language of Scientology ❮❯
  4372. Newton → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  4373. Newton fractal → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  4374. NeXT → Robby Villegas Died (1968 to 2010) ❮❯ •Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯ •The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4375. NFL Cheerleader → Star Spangled Cheerleaders [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/flag_cheerleaders.html ] •Star Spangled Cheerleaders [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/flag_cheerleaders.html ]
  4376. Niagara Falls → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  4377. Niccolo Machiavelli → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  4378. Nicholas Gurewitch → Nakedness — a WASP Crime [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040203_lunbe_zekri.html ] •Time Mag Asks American: Are You Mom Enough? a Man's Perspective [ sex/are_you_mom_enough.html ] •Art of Nicholas Gurewitch ❮❯
  4379. Nicholas Tse → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  4380. Nicolas Bourbaki → Reading Notes on Nicolas Bourbaki ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  4381. Nicole Sheridan → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  4382. Night-blooming cereus → 王菲 《彼岸花》 (Flower of Paradise) 曼珠沙华的故事 ❮❯
  4383. Nights in White Satin → Moody Blues - “Nights in White Satin” ❮❯
  4384. Nihilism → HUMAN RACE AT A CROSSROADS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s21.html ] •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Why Do I Not Support the “Human Right” Concept? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_rights.html ] •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  4385. Nikola Tesla → Words, page 16 ❮❯
  4386. Nikolai Ostrovsky → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2015-01 to 2015-03 ❮❯
  4387. Nile → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  4388. Nile River → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  4389. Nilus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 3 Scene 1 ❮❯
  4390. Nina Davuluri → is Miss America the Largest Scholarship Program for Women? [ sex/miss_america.html ]
  4391. Nina Hartley → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  4392. Ninepins → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  4393. Nineteen Eighty-Four → Humor: Motorola TV Commercial mocks Apple 1984 ❮❯ •Tom Cruise, 1984, NewSpeak, and the Language of Scientology ❮❯
  4394. Ninja → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  4395. Niobe → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4396. Nipple piercing → A Double-bun Haired Sex Slave in Second Life [ sl/ox_horns.html ]
  4397. Nix package manager → Xah Linux ❮❯
  4398. NixOS → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-05 ❮❯
  4399. nmap → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯
  4400. NMB48 → Double-Bun Hair Girls [ bb/ox_horns.html ]
  4401. No Fly List → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200907.html ]
  4402. Noah Webster → Writer's Words ❮❯
  4403. Noam Chomsky → John Walker, Macromedia Flash, Fischer Random Chess ❮❯ •Terrorism from USA: Misery US Americans Have Done to the World [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040318_americanism.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201112.html ] •Liu Xiaobo, NED, CIA, USA Support [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_NED_CIA.html ]
  4404. Nobel Prize controversies → Math Prizes and Nobel Ignobility ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  4405. Nobel Prize controversies#Peace → Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ]
  4406. Nobuo Uematsu → Faye Wong - “Eyes on Me” (Final Fantasy VIII Song) ❮❯
  4407. Node.js → Xah's Node.js Tutorial ❮❯ •Ruby on Rails Install and Intro ❮❯
  4408. Nofollow → Google's nofollow Rule ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  4409. Nomad → Words, page 11 ❮❯
  4410. Non-Newtonian fluid → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-09 to 2013-09 ❮❯
  4411. Non-vascular plant → Time Machine: Chapter XI ❮❯
  4412. Noncontracting grammar → Formal Grammar ❮❯
  4413. Nonlinear programming → Xah Math Blog Archive 2015-01 to 2015-03 ❮❯
  4414. Nonsectarian → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  4415. Norma Jean Almodovar → the Littlest Harlot (by Tracy Quan) ❮❯
  4416. Norman Mailer → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4417. Norman Rockwell → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  4418. Normans → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  4420. Northern Praying Mantis (martial art) → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  4421. Norton Internet Security → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  4422. Nosegay → Words, page 16 ❮❯
  4423. NoSQL → The NoSQL Movement ❮❯
  4424. Notary public → Writer's Words ❮❯
  4425. NotePad → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  4426. Notepad++ → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯ •Problems of Emacs's Manual ❮❯ •Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  4427. Notepad2 → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  4428. Notorious BIG → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  4429. Nova Scotia → Sexual Anthropology in Carly Simon's “You're So Vain” ❮❯
  4430. NPAPI → How to Delete Flash Cookies ❮❯
  4431. NSA → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  4432. NSA warrantless surveillance controversy → NSA Mass Surveillance ❮❯ •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4433. NTFS → What Characters Are Not Allowed in File Names? ❮❯ •Windows: is Your USB Drive Fast Enough for ReadyBoost? ❮❯
  4434. NTFS junction point → File Aliases Considered a Plague ❮❯
  4435. Nth root → Chapter 4: Systems Based On Numbers ❮❯
  4436. ntop → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯
  4437. Nucalc → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  4438. Nudibranch → Second Life: Seaslug Ride ❮❯
  4439. Num Lock → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  4440. Numbered musical notation → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  4441. Numeronym → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯
  4442. NumPy → Python Libs for Scientists ❮❯
  4443. NVidia → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  4444. nyancat → Humor: the State of Reason in the Age of the Interweb: Riding Nyan Cat to Nebula and Moar! ❮❯
  4445. Nymph → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4446. nymph → Art of William Bouguereau, page 2 ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 1 ❮❯ •Similar Words ❮❯
  4447. O3D → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  4448. O Fortuna → - “O Fortuna” ❮❯
  4449. O RLY? → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  4450. Oakland, California → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  4451. Oat → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  4452. obeisance → Aladdin: Proposal ❮❯
  4453. Obeisance → Words, page 15 ❮❯
  4454. obelisk → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  4455. Obesity → The Stereotypical American [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031109_american.html ]
  4456. Obi (sash) → A Double-bun Haired Sex Slave in Second Life [ sl/ox_horns.html ]
  4457. Obj → Intro to POV-Ray and 3D Geometry Programing ❮❯ •Math Software for Programers ❮❯
  4458. ObjectiveC → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  4459. Obscurantism → GRE Words ❮❯
  4460. Occupy Wall Street → SAT Words ❮❯
  4461. Ocean Sunfish → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  4462. octahedron → Math in Second Life, page 3 ❮❯ •Math in Second Life ❮❯
  4463. October Revolution → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  4464. Octonion → John Baez on Octonion 📺 ❮❯
  4465. octopus → Second Life: Flying Ammonite by Bathsheba ❮❯ •Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  4466. Odalisque → Art of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres ❮❯
  4467. Oddmuse → Content Management Shootout 2006 ❮❯ •Problems of Emacswiki ❮❯
  4468. Odium theologicum → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  4469. Odysseus → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯ •Words, page 6 ❮❯
  4470. Odyssey → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  4471. Oedipus → Art of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres ❮❯ •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4472. Oedipus Complex → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  4473. Off-side rule → Python Indentation Syntax Terminology: “Off-Side Rule” ❮❯
  4474. Ogg → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  4475. Ogg Vorbis → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  4476. ogre → Similar Words ❮❯
  4477. OGRE 3D → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  4478. Ojibwe language → Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  4479. Okapi → GRE Words ❮❯
  4480. Okay → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  4481. Old Summer Palace → 火烧圆明园是怎么回事? Burning of the Imperial Palace ❮❯
  4482. Old Testament → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  4483. Ole Roemer → Cardioid ❮❯
  4484. Ole Romer → Epicycloid and Hypocycloid ❮❯
  4485. Olfaction → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4486. Olga Korbut → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  4487. Oligarchy → Hacker News,, and What is Politics? ❮❯
  4488. Oliver Stone → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4489. Oliver Twist → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  4490. Olivier Theyskens → Fashion Alice (Haute Couture) ❮❯
  4491. Olympia (painting) → Paintings of Odalisque and Prostitutes ❮❯ •Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  4492. Olympia Press → Vocabulary: Words in Olympia Reader ❮❯
  4493. Omaha the Cat Dancer → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ] •Erotic Comics: Omaha The Cat Dancer [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/omaha_cat.html ]
  4494. Omar Khayyám → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯
  4495. Omni (magazine) → CONTROL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s20.html ] •Sleep, Dream, Inception [ Periodic_dosage_dir/sleep.html ]
  4496. OmniDictionary → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  4497. omniscience → SECTION 18. — How I came to Spaceland, and what I saw there ❮❯
  4498. Omniscient → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4499. One-drop rule → Race Distribution in the USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/race_distribution.html ]
  4500. One-night stand → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-08 to 2011-08 ❮❯
  4501. one-to-one → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  4502. One-upmanship → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-02 to 2012-03 ❮❯
  4503. One Night In Bangkok → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  4504. One Thousand and One Nights → The Arabian Nights, Introduction by Xah Lee ❮❯
  4505. OneKind → Poem: The Bell Tolls for Thee; 鐘為汝鳴 ❮❯
  4506. Oniomania → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4507. Online advertising → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  4508. Online algorithm → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-03 ❮❯
  4509. Online Certificate Status Protocol → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯ •Opera Browser Can't Load Twitter CSS: OCSP Error ❮❯
  4510. Online dating service → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-05 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200805.html ]
  4511. Onomatopoeia → English Vocabulary: Animalistic Cries (Onomatopoeia) ❮❯
  4512. Ontology → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  4513. Oops!... I Did It Again (song) → Britney Spears - “Baby One More Time” ❮❯
  4514. Opal → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4515. Open Directory Project → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ] •Words, page 18 ❮❯
  4516. Open dynamics engine → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  4517. Open Shortest Path First → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4518. Open XML Paper Specification → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  4519. OpenDoc → Unix Pipe as Functional Language ❮❯
  4520. OpenGL → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯ •Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  4521. → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  4522. OpenShot Video Editor → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  4523. OpenSSH → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  4524. OpenType → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  4525. OpenWrt → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4526. Opera (web browser) → Opera Browser Pains ❮❯
  4527. Opera Mail → Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  4528. Operation (mathematics) → What's Function, What's Operator? ❮❯
  4529. Operation Freakout → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  4530. Operation Paperclip → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201007.html ]
  4531. Operation Payback → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-12 ❮❯
  4532. Operation Pipe Dreams → I Got Stoned and Sold into Slave Trade [ Periodic_dosage_dir/stoned.html ]
  4533. Operator-precedence grammar → Parser ❮❯
  4534. Operator-precedence parser → Parser ❮❯
  4535. Opium war → 1997 Hong Kong Return To China [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hong_kong_return_china.html ]
  4536. Opium Wars → 火烧圆明园是怎么回事? Burning of the Imperial Palace ❮❯
  4537. Optical Character Recognition → Anti-bot Test: CAPTCHA! ❮❯
  4538. Oracle bone script → Chinese Character Script Styles 甲骨,金文,篆書,隸書,行書,草書,楷書,楷軆,宋體,… ❮❯
  4539. Oracle database → The NoSQL Movement ❮❯ •Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  4540. Oracle RAC → The NoSQL Movement ❮❯
  4541. Orca → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  4542. Orchid → 《初恋女》 (Maiden Love) ❮❯
  4543. Order of the Solar Temple → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4544. Organic compound → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-11 to 2014-12 ❮❯
  4545. orgy → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  4546. Orientability → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯ •Dead Reckoning in a Non-Orientable 3D Space ❮❯ •Reading Notes on 〈The Shapes of Space〉 ❮❯
  4547. Oriental Pearl Tower → Python Snake Becometh Dragon in China 蛇变龙! ❮❯
  4548. Origa → Yoko Kanno - “Moon” (Song from Turn A Gundam) ❮❯
  4549. origane → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  4550. Origin of AIDS → SAT Words ❮❯
  4551. Orion → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4552. Orion (mythology) → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ]
  4553. Orkut → The Demise of ❮❯ •A Cross-Cultural Look of Sexual Anthropology thru [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/orkut_sex_anthro.html ]
  4554. Orlando Furioso → Art of Gustave Dore ❮❯
  4555. Orpheus → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4556. OS X Mavericks → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-01 ❮❯
  4557. Osamu Tezuka → Art of Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫) ❮❯
  4558. Oscar Hijuelos → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4559. OSCAR protocol → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  4560. Oscar Wilde → Feminism Perving Archive 2012-10 [ sex/blog_past_2012-10.html ] •Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •English: Ostentatious, Spurious, but Uranian! ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  4561. OSI Model → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  4562. Ossicone → GRE Words ❮❯
  4563. Ossification → GRE Words ❮❯
  4564. Osteomyelitis → English Vocabulary: Special Meaning Words ❮❯
  4565. Ouachitas → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 8 [ p/mopi/mopi8.html ]
  4566. Outlaws of the Marsh → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4567. Outlook Express → Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail, Confusion Ball ❮❯ •Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  4568. outrigger → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 7 [ p/mopi/mopi7.html ]
  4569. Overhand knot → Math in Second Life ❮❯
  4570. Ovid → Art: Europa and the Bull ❮❯
  4571. Oxbow → 〈The Autumn Of The Patriarch〉 by Gabriel Garcia Marquez ❮❯
  4572. oxeye → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  4573. Oxygen (TV channel) → Writer's Words ❮❯
  4574. Oxytocin → Oxytocin Molecule Necklace ❮❯
  4575. Oz (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  4576. Ozarks → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 8 [ p/mopi/mopi8.html ]
  4577. P-38 → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯ •Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  4578. P-38 Lightning → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  4579. P-3 Orion → Air Screws ❮❯
  4580. P. G. Wodehouse → Jeeves and the Ph.D ❮❯
  4581. P. J. O'Rourke → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4582. P.I.M.P. → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  4583. Pachinko → 大日本 (the (great) Place where Sun rises) [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040110_ponjo.html ]
  4584. Packet switching → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4585. Pagan Poetry → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4586. Page (servant) → SECTION 16. — How the Stranger vainly endeavoured to reveal to me in words the mysteries of Spaceland ❮❯
  4587. Page Three → Apple iPad, Censorship ❮❯
  4588. Page view → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  4589. pagoda → Seashell: Spindle Shell ❮❯
  4590. Pagoda → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  4591. Painted Skin (2008 film) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  4592. Painter's algorithm → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  4593. Pakistan → Third World Blind ❮❯
  4594. PAL (software) → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  4595. Palacio Nacional → Art of Diego Rivera ❮❯
  4596. Palais Garnier → Las Vegas Travelog: Paris Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/paris.html ]
  4597. Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana → Julie Taymor's Titus ❮❯
  4598. Palazzo Vecchio → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  4599. Paleontology → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  4600. Palimpsest → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  4601. Pall mall (game) → The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯
  4602. Pall Mall Gazette → Time Machine: Chapter XII ❮❯
  4603. Palo Alto, California → US Flag Women's Apparel [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko.html ]
  4604. palp → Time Machine: Chapter XI ❮❯
  4605. Palpatine → GRE Words ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  4606. Pamela Anderson → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ] •Star Spangled Playmates [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/playmates.html ]
  4607. Pamphlet → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4608. Pan's Labyrinth → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200909.html ]
  4609. Pan's Labyrinth → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  4610. Pan (mythology) → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4611. Pan Am → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  4612. Pan American World Airways → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  4613. Panama Canal → 1421 Hypothesis [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/1421.html ]
  4614. Pancake → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  4615. Pangolin → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  4616. Panic Attack → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  4617. Pantheon, Rome → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  4618. parabola → Parabola ❮❯
  4619. Parabolic trough → Giant Parabolic-dish Photo Gallery ❮❯
  4620. Paraboloid → Hyperbolic Paraboloid ❮❯
  4621. paraboloid → Paraboloid ❮❯
  4622. Paradise Lost → Allograph, Variant of the Letter s = ſ and Integral Sign ∫ ❮❯
  4623. Paraffin → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  4624. Paraiyar → GRE Words ❮❯
  4625. Parallel computing → Guy Steele Says: Don't Iterate, Recurse, and Get rid of cons! ❮❯ •Why Must Software be Rewritten for Multi-Core Processors? ❮❯
  4626. Parallel curve → Parallel Curve ❮❯
  4627. Parallel projection → What Is Perspective Drawing ❮❯
  4628. parametric equation → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯
  4629. Paramnesia → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  4630. Parasitic plant → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  4631. parasol → Words, page 15 ❮❯
  4632. Pareidolia → Math Mysticism: is Hurricane Shape a Fibonaci Spiral? ❮❯
  4633. Paresthesia → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201009.html ]
  4634. Pargeting → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  4635. Paris Hilton → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  4636. Paris Las Vegas → Las Vegas Travelog: Paris Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/paris.html ]
  4637. Parkinson's Disease → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 3 [ p/mopi/mopi3.html ]
  4638. Parkinson's disease → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  4639. Paro Taktsang → Taktshang Monastery ❮❯
  4640. Parsecs → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 4 [ p/mopi/mopi4.html ]
  4641. Parser combinator → Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial: Grammar Syntax ❮❯
  4642. Parsing → Parser ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  4643. parsing expression grammar → HTML6, JSON SXML Simplified ❮❯ •HTML6, JSON SXML Simplified ❮❯
  4644. Parsing expression grammar → Pattern Matching vs Grammar Specification ❮❯ •Formal Grammar ❮❯
  4645. Particle system → Linden Scripting Language Tutorial: Particle System ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  4646. Partimage → Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯
  4647. Pascal's Wager → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4648. Pascal (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  4649. Pashmina → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ]
  4650. Pashto language → Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  4651. Passive voice → What's Passive Voice? What's Aggressive Voice? ❮❯
  4652. pasta → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  4653. pastern → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  4654. Pasteurization → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  4655. Pasties → Flag Microkini Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/flag_girls.html ]
  4656. Pastille → The Tale Of The Ensorceled Prince ❮❯
  4657. Pat Califia → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  4658. Path integration → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  4659. Patrone → Anya Marina - “Whatever You Like” “Gossip Girl” ❮❯
  4660. Patter → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-02 to 2013-02 ❮❯
  4661. pattern matching → Pattern Matching vs Grammar Specification ❮❯ •The Problems with CSS ❮❯
  4662. Patty Solis Doyle → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  4663. Paul Baran → Writer's Words ❮❯
  4664. Paul Ekman → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4665. Paul Gauguin → Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence ❮❯
  4666. Paul Graham (computer programmer) → Famous Programers on How Common Lisp Sucks ❮❯
  4667. Paul Graham (computer programmer) → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯ •Paul Graham's Infatuation with the Concept of Hacker ❮❯ •What's Philosophy and Paul Graham ❮❯
  4668. Paul Krassner → Misc Satirical Artwork ❮❯
  4669. Paul Rand → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  4670. Paul Shanley → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  4671. Paul the Apostle → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  4672. Paula Jones → Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯
  4673. Paulette Cooper → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  4674. Paulina Rubio → Flags Babes in Asia [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/elsewhere.html ]
  4675. Pavillion (structure) → Math in Second Life, page 2 ❮❯
  4676. Payback (film) → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4677. PC-Doctor → Windows Blue Screen of Death — a Account of My PC's Memory Failure ❮❯ •Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  4678. pcap → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯
  4679. PDF → The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯
  4680. Peaches (artist) → Peaches ♪〈Fuck the Pain Away〉 ❮❯
  4681. Peaches Geldof → More Flag Clad Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/flag_clad_girls.html ]
  4682. Peak oil → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4683. Pear → 《梨花淚》 (Tears of Pear Blossom) ❮❯
  4684. Pearl S. Buck → 李敖: 才女与美女如何兼备; Li Ao: Pretty Women vs Brainy Women ❮❯
  4685. Peat → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 6 [ p/mopi/mopi6.html ]
  4686. Peat bog → Words, page 17 ❮❯
  4687. Peaucellier-Lipkin linkage → Geometric Inversion ❮❯
  4688. Pederasty → English: Ostentatious, Spurious, but Uranian! ❮❯
  4689. Pedobear → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯ •Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  4690. Pedomorphosis → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  4691. pedophile → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ] •Porn, Wikipedia, Larry Sanger Censorship [ sex/Larry_Sanger_censorship.html ]
  4692. Pedophilia → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  4693. Peer-to-peer → The State of Affairs of DVD Rippers ❮❯
  4694. Peer-to-peer file sharing → Programer Simple Living Shanty Town Squatter ❮❯
  4695. Peer gardian → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  4696. Peer Gynt (Grieg) → Xah Music Blog Archive 2013-04 to 2013-07 ❮❯
  4697. Peg solitaire → Great Math Software on Puzzles ❮❯
  4698. Pegasus → Las Vegas Travelog: Alladin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mcaladdin.html ] •Similar Words ❮❯
  4699. peignoir → Similar Words ❮❯
  4700. Pelagic zone → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  4701. Pen spinning → Pen Spinning ❮❯
  4702. Pencil → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  4703. Penciling → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  4704. Penelope Trunk → Women Don't Want To Run Startups Because They'd Rather Have Children: Women and Penelope Trunk [ Periodic_dosage_dir/women_and_Penelope_Trunk.html ] •Feminism Perving Archive 2015-05 to 2015-06 [ sex/blog_past_2015-05.html ]
  4705. Pengo (video game) → Maze and Math in Video Games ❮❯
  4706. Penis → Second Life's Furries, page 1 ❮❯
  4707. Penis removal → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ] •Words, page 18 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4708. Penn Badgley → Anya Marina - “Whatever You Like” “Gossip Girl” ❮❯
  4709. Penrose tiling → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯ •Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  4710. Pentahedron → SECTION 19. — How, though the Sphere shewed me other mysteries of Spaceland, I still desire more; and what came of it ❮❯
  4711. Pentatonix → Feminism Perving Archive 2013-10 [ sex/blog_past_2013-10.html ] •Smiling and Attractiveness to Opposite Sex [ sex/smiling_and_attractiveness_to_opposite_sex.html ]
  4712. Penthouse Magazine → Jefferson Airplane - “White Rabbit” ❮❯ •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  4713. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals v. Doughney → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  4714. peptone → Time Machine: Chapter II ❮❯
  4715. Percent-encoding → URL Percent Encoding and Ampersand Char ❮❯
  4716. perdition → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  4717. Perfect Cherry Blossom → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  4718. Perfect forward secrecy → Encryption: What's Perfect Forward Secrecy? ❮❯
  4719. perfume → Female Perfume vs Male Perfume [ sex/female_perfume_vs_male_perfume.html ]
  4720. Perfume → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ] •GRE Words ❮❯
  4721. Perfume (novel) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  4722. peripheral vision → BDSM in Second Life: Pony Girls [ sl/pony.html ]
  4723. peristalsis → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  4724. Perl6 → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  4725. Perl 6 → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-07 ❮❯
  4726. Persephone → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  4727. Persephone (mythology) → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4728. Perseus → Hollywood and Disney's Rape of Culture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hollywood_disney_rape_of_culture.html ]
  4729. Perseus (geometer) → Spiric Section ❮❯
  4730. Persian language → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Emacs 24.1 New Features (released 2012-06) ❮❯ •Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  4731. Persistent data structure → Clojure Tutorial: misc notes ❮❯
  4732. Persona non grata → Persona Non Grata in the Hacker Community ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  4733. Perspective (graphical) → What Is Perspective Drawing ❮❯ •Illustrating Geometry with POV-Ray ❮❯
  4734. Perspective (visual) → What Is Perspective Drawing ❮❯
  4735. Perspective transform → What Is Perspective Drawing ❮❯
  4736. Perspectivism → Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201104.html ] •Why Do I Not Support the “Human Right” Concept? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_rights.html ]
  4737. Peter Camejo → The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ]
  4738. Peter Carey (novelist) → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4739. Peter Ho → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  4740. Peter I of Russia → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  4741. Peter Laird → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  4742. Peter Ludlow → Emerald Viewer Banned by Linden Labs; What Viewer to Use? ❮❯
  4743. Peter Norvig → The Condition of Industrial Programers: Learn LISP in 10 Days ❮❯
  4744. Petri dish → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  4745. Petrichor → Words, page 13 ❮❯
  4746. Petrified Forest National Park → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  4747. Petrified wood → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  4748. Petroglyph → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4749. Petronas Towers → Petronas towers ❮❯
  4751. Phalanx formation → SECTION 10. — Of the Suppression of the Chromatic Sedition ❮❯
  4752. Phase (matter) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  4753. Pheromones → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  4754. Phil Foglio → Unix Humor: the Origin of BSD Daemon Beastie ❮❯
  4755. Phil Katz → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  4756. Phil Zimmermann → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4757. Philip W. Schiller → Apple Macbook Air Review ❮❯
  4758. Philippines → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  4759. Phillipe de la Hire → Cardioid ❮❯
  4760. Philomela (princess of Athens) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 1 ❮❯
  4761. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica → Epicycloid and Hypocycloid ❮❯
  4762. Philosophical language → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  4763. Philosophical Transactions → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  4764. Philosophy → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯
  4765. Philosophy of education → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯
  4766. Philosophy of language → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯ •What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language ❮❯ •Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  4767. Philosophy of math → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯
  4768. Philosophy of mathematics → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  4769. Philosophy of science → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯
  4770. Phineas Taylor Barnum → Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯
  4771. Phoebe Prince → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201010.html ]
  4772. Phoenicia → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯ •Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  4773. Phoenix → Hard Rock Cafe USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/rokci_ckafi.html ]
  4774. phoenix → Similar Words ❮❯
  4775. Phoenix (arcade game) → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  4776. Pholcidae → English Accent: Alabama Accent 📺 ❮❯
  4777. phone sex → Second Life, Tech Geekers, And Escapism ❮❯
  4778. Photo-realism → What Is Perspective Drawing ❮❯
  4779. Photographic film → What is Gamma Correction in Images and Video? ❮❯
  4780. Photographic memory → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  4781. Photon mapping → POV-Ray Glassy Spheres and Transparency ❮❯
  4782. PhpBB → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  4783. Phraseme → Writing Style: Logic vs Phraseme ❮❯
  4784. Phyle → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  4785. Physical modelling synthesis → Digital Piano Chromatic Abruption ❮❯
  4786. Pi → Chapter 4: Systems Based On Numbers ❮❯
  4787. Piano → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4788. Pianoteq → Piano Technology: Pianoteq ❮❯
  4789. Picadilly Circus → Jeeves and the Ph.D ❮❯
  4790. Picasa → Picasa Pains: Using Picasa Web as Backup; Sync All Folders ❮❯
  4791. Pidgin (software) → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  4792. Pie menu → Second Life Viewer 2 Problems ❮❯
  4793. Pier delle Vigne → The First Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  4794. Pierre Bezier → Bezier Curve ❮❯
  4795. Pierre de Fermat → Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  4797. Piety → Aladdin: the Fatimah ❮❯
  4798. Piggly Wiggly → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  4799. Piguaquan → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  4800. pillory → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  4801. Pina Colada → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  4802. pinball → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  4803. Pine (e-mail client) → Converting Email Formats ❮❯
  4804. Pineapple → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  4805. Ping (networking utility) → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯ •Windows: Networking Commands ❮❯
  4806. Pingpong → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  4807. Pinyin → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •John DeFrancis Idiot on Chinese Language ❮❯
  4808. pip (package manager) → Python: What's PyPi, pip, easy_install, setuptools? ❮❯ •Python: pip Tutorial ❮❯
  4809. Pipe organ → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4810. Piquance → GRE Words ❮❯
  4812. Pistil → Time Machine: Chapter XII ❮❯
  4813. Pitchfork → The Fisherman And The Jinni ❮❯
  4814. PiTiVi → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  4815. Place de Grève → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  4816. Place de la Concorde → Las Vegas Travelog: Paris Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/paris.html ]
  4817. Placer mining → Words, page 3 ❮❯
  4818. Plain Old Documentation → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯
  4819. Plane-filling curve → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  4820. Planetarium → Euler Angles Can Cause Gimbal Lock, But Not Quaternions ❮❯
  4821. plantation → HOW SOME PEOPLE ADJUST (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s10.html ]
  4822. Plants vs. Zombies → Plants vs Zombie; Thoughts on Strategy and Game Formulation ❮❯ •Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-06 ❮❯
  4823. Plasma → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4824. Plasma lamp → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4825. Plato → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯
  4826. Platonic love → Are You Schizoid or Autistic? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/schizoid.html ]
  4827. platonic solids → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  4828. platypus → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4829. Playboy → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Why Playboy Centerfold Photography Are So Ugly? [ sex/why_playboy_centerfold_ugly.html ]
  4830. Player piano → Player Piano, Music Box, Designing Mechanical Music Devices ❮❯
  4831. plea bargain → Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  4832. Plebiscite → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  4833. plebs → SAT Words ❮❯
  4834. Pledge of Allegiance → American Enlist God to Fight Communism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040328_lanci_pledge.html ]
  4835. Plimpton 322 → Mathematical Notation: Past and Future ❮❯
  4836. PLT Scheme → The Fate of Lambda in Python 3000 and Scheme v300 ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  4837. Plurk → Opera Browser Pains ❮❯
  4838. Pluto (mythology) → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  4839. Pocahontas → Hollywood and Disney's Rape of Culture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hollywood_disney_rape_of_culture.html ]
  4840. Pocahontas (1995 film) → Avatar and District 9 Movie Review ❮❯
  4841. podcast → TV Has Arrived on The Web ❮❯
  4842. Poetic license → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  4843. Poincare conjecture → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  4844. Point-blank range → Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  4845. Point-free programming → What's Point-free Programing? (point-free function syntax) ❮❯
  4846. Point Counter Point → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  4847. Point reflection → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  4848. Pointe shoe → Ballet as Acrobat ❮❯
  4849. Pointing stick → Math Models of 3D Inputs Control ❮❯
  4850. Poker → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  4851. Poland China → 李敖有话说; Li Ao Lectures [ Periodic_dosage_dir/li_ao_lectures.html ]
  4852. Pole dance → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  4853. pole dancing → Second Life's Furries, page 1 ❮❯
  4854. Pole dancing → Pole Dancing and Chinese Pole 📺 [ sex/pole_dancing.html ]
  4855. Political Correctness → How to Increase Your Vocabulary? ❮❯
  4856. Politically Correct Bedtime Stories → Little Red Riding Hood (Politically Correct version) ❮❯
  4857. Politics → Hacker News,, and What is Politics? ❮❯
  4858. Polyamory → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Snake River Conspiracy - “You And Your Friend” ❮❯
  4859. Polycube → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  4860. polyform → Great Math Software on Puzzles ❮❯
  4861. Polyglot (person) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-09 to 2011-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4862. Polyhedron → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  4863. polyhedron → Great Math Software: Polyhedrons and Polytopes ❮❯
  4864. Polyhymnia → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4865. Polymath → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-09 to 2011-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  4866. polymino → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  4867. Polynesia → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  4868. polynomial → Polynomial ❮❯
  4869. Polyomino → Great Math Software on Puzzles ❮❯
  4870. Polyphasic sleep → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  4871. polytope → Math Terminology and Naming of Things ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  4872. Polytope → Math Jargons Explained ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  4873. Polyvinyl chloride → Japan Kiriko Hattori (服部 霧子) PVC Figure ❮❯
  4874. pomegranate → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4876. Pon de Replay → Rihanna - “Pon de Replay” ❮❯
  4877. Poncho → Words, page 5 ❮❯
  4878. Pont Neuf → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  4879. Pontiac Grand Am → Star Spangled Cars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/karce.html ]
  4880. Pony Girl → BDSM in Second Life: Pony Girls [ sl/pony.html ]
  4881. Ponzi scheme → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  4882. Pope Gregory I → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  4883. Populism → GRE Words ❮❯
  4884. Porcelain → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  4885. Porn industry → Moving Porn out of [ sex/moving_porn_out.html ]
  4886. Port scanner → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4888. Poseidon → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ] •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4889. Poser → Xah's Second Life Build Tutorial ❮❯ •List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  4890. Positional notation → Chapter 4: Systems Based On Numbers ❮❯
  4891. Possibly Maybe → Björk - “Possibly Maybe” ❮❯
  4892. Poster child → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4893. PostgreSQL → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  4894. posture collar → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  4895. Potala Palace → Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ]
  4896. Potassium nitrate → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  4897. POV-Ray → Intro to POV-Ray ❮❯ •Intro to Mathematica's 3D Graphics Format ❮❯ •Math Software for Programers ❮❯
  4898. Powder keg → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  4899. Power (physics) → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  4900. Power management keys → Keyboard Evolution: Zoom Button, Dedicated Keys ❮❯ •Computer Keyboards Gallery ❮❯
  4901. PowerDVD → The State of Affairs of DVD Rippers ❮❯
  4902. PowerPC → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  4903. PPAPI → How to Delete Flash Cookies ❮❯
  4904. Prada → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  4905. pragmatics → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  4906. Precession → Time Machine: Chapter VII ❮❯
  4907. Precipitation (meteorology) → SAT Words ❮❯
  4908. Precocial → Rabbit vs Hare, Rabbit Meat Poisoning, Three-Rabits Motif, Cuniculture ❮❯
  4909. Predator → “American Beauty” Screenshots [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina3.html ]
  4910. Predatory lending → The Art of Torture: a Photographic Tour [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/saw.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201010.html ]
  4911. Predicate (grammar) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-02 to 2012-03 ❮❯
  4912. Predicate (mathematical logic) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-02 to 2012-03 ❮❯
  4913. predicate logic → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  4914. Prefect → SECTION 21. — How I tried to teach the Theory of Three Dimensions to my Grandson, and with what success ❮❯
  4915. Prefetcher → Windows: What's Prefetcher, SuperFetch, ReadyBoost? ❮❯
  4916. Prepaid mobile phone → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200901.html ]
  4917. Presbyterianism → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  4918. Presentation of a group → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  4919. Priam → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 5 Scene 3 ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  4920. prima facie → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  4921. Prima facie → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  4922. Primitive culture → Avatar and District 9 Movie Review ❮❯
  4923. Prince (artist) → Sheena Easton - “My Sugar Walls” ❮❯
  4924. Prince of Orange → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  4925. Prince Randian → Perception of Difficulty Levels of Human Feats ❮❯
  4926. Princess Knight → Art of Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫) ❮❯
  4927. Principia Mathematica → Principia Mathematica ❮❯
  4928. Pringles → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  4929. Print screen → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  4930. printf → Programing: Why I Hate C ❮❯
  4931. Printing press → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  4932. Prison → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200810.html ]
  4933. Prius → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4934. Privacy mode → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2010-07 ❮❯
  4935. Private network → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4936. Privateer → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4937. privet → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  4938. Privy Council of the United Kingdom → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  4939. PRO-IP Act → SAT Words ❮❯
  4940. Probability distribution → Random Notes on Randomness ❮❯
  4941. Probability theory → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  4942. Problem of Apollonius → Crop Circles Art: Apollonius Circles, Taiji Diagram ❮❯ •Geometric Design thru Crop Circle ❮❯
  4943. Process Explorer → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯ •How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  4944. Processed cheese → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4945. Processing (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  4946. Procne → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 5 Scene 2 ❮❯
  4947. Prodigy (online service) → Mathematician Marijke Van Gans Died (1955 to 2009) ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  4948. Professional wrestling → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  4949. Programmer's Notepad → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  4950. Prograph → Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  4951. Project Athena → Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2011-11 to 2011-11 ❮❯
  4952. Project Gutenberg → Programing: Tab vs Space in Source Code ❮❯
  4953. Project Normandy → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  4954. Projectile → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  4955. Projective geometry → Intro to Real Projective Plane ❮❯
  4956. projective geometry → Websites on Conic Sections ❮❯ •What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra ❮❯
  4957. projective transformations → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  4958. Prometheus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 1 ❮❯ •SECTION 22. — How I then tried to diffuse the Theory of Three Dimensions by other means, and of the result ❮❯ •SECTION 19. — How, though the Sphere shewed me other mysteries of Spaceland, I still desire more; and what came of it ❮❯
  4959. Promiscuous mode → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4960. Proof by contradiction → Unicode Astrology Astronomy Symbols ☿ ♆ ♋ 🌙 🌛 🌝 🌞 ❮❯
  4961. Propaganda → STRATEGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s24.html ] •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  4962. Property list → A Syntax Highlighting Language? ❮❯
  4963. Propædia → Web Keywords and Taxonomy ❮❯
  4964. Proscenium → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-11 to 2014-12 ❮❯
  4965. Prosthesis → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ]
  4966. Prostitution → A Close Encounter with a Prostitute in Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/20031015_copulate.html ]
  4967. Prostitution in Nevada → A Close Encounter with a Prostitute in Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/20031015_copulate.html ]
  4968. Prostitution in the Netherlands → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  4969. Protestantism → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  4970. Prototype JavaScript Framework → JavaScript: Dollar Sign in JavaScript ❮❯
  4971. protégé → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  4972. Proxima Centauri → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 4 [ p/mopi/mopi4.html ]
  4973. proxy server → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  4974. PrtScn → Keyboard Backspace Key: Key Label's Influence on Key Purpose ❮❯
  4975. Prussian Blue (American duo) → Prussian Blue - “Victory Day” [ music/pblue.html ]
  4976. Przewalski's Horse → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  4977. PS10 Solar Power Plant → Solar Power Architectures Gallery ❮❯
  4978. Pseudorandom number generator → Emacs Lisp: Insert Random UUID ❮❯
  4979. pseudosphere → Pseudosphere ❮❯
  4980. Pseudosphere → Breather Surface ❮❯
  4981. Psilocybin mushrooms → Jefferson Airplane - “White Rabbit” ❮❯
  4982. Psyche → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  4983. Public-key cryptography → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  4984. Public-key infrastructure → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  4985. Public key certificate → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  4986. Pulp-fiction → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  4987. Pulp Fiction (film) → GRE Words ❮❯ •Words, page 7 ❮❯
  4988. Pulp magazine → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  4989. Pulse (legume) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-06 to 2013-06 ❮❯
  4990. Punch (magazine) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-12 to 2012-01 ❮❯
  4991. Punched card → How to Set Emacs's User Interface ❮❯
  4992. PunkBuster → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-04 ❮❯
  4993. Punycode → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯ •URL Percent Encoding and Unicode ❮❯
  4994. Puppet (software) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-09 ❮❯ • web tech 2012: blackbox/whitebox testing, Jenkins, Puppet, Selenium ❮❯
  4995. Pure (programming language) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  4996. Pure tone → Chiptune, Fugue, Pure Music ❮❯
  4997. Purple Heart → the Saving of Private Lynch [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030902_lynch.html ]
  4998. Purr → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  4999. Pushdown automaton → Parser Notes ❮❯
  5000. Pushing hands → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  5001. PuTTY → Windows Console Key Shortcuts ❮❯ •Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  5002. PyGTK → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  5003. Pylons project → Python Tech 2012: django, CherryPy, unittest, nose, celery, decorator ❮❯
  5004. pyramid → Exotic Architectures in Second Life ❮❯
  5005. Pyramid scheme → Second Life Product Market Value ❮❯
  5006. Pyramus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  5007. Pyre → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 8 [ p/mopi/mopi8.html ]
  5008. Pyrrhic victory → Words, page 3 ❮❯
  5009. Pythagorean theorem → Coordinate Transformation ❮❯
  5010. Pythagorean Theorem → Vectors ❮❯
  5011. Python Package Index → Python: What's PyPi, pip, easy_install, setuptools? ❮❯
  5012. Python syntax and semantics#Decorators → Python: Decorator Tutorial ❮❯
  5013. Pál Szinyei Merse → Xah Arts Blog Archive 2011-01 ❮❯
  5014. Père Lachaise Cemetery → Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯
  5015. Q*bert → Maze and Math in Video Games ❮❯
  5016. Q (equational programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  5017. Qadi → The Tale Of The Bull And The Ass ❮❯
  5018. Qatar → What is Al Jazeera? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/what_is_Al_Jazeera.html ]
  5019. QEMU → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  5020. Qi → Qi Lisp Language Logo ❮❯
  5021. Qi (programming language) → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful? ❮❯ •Software Freedom is Free Speech or Free Beer? ❮❯ •Which Lisp Should You Learn? ❮❯ •A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯ •Qi Lisp Language Logo ❮❯
  5022. Qing Dynasty → Dragon Flags ❮❯
  5023. Qinghai → Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama [ Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html ]
  5024. Qipao → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  5025. Qix → Maze and Math in Video Games ❮❯
  5026. Qixi Festival → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  5027. Qiyamah → The Fisherman And The Jinni ❮❯
  5028. Qom → Architectural Beauty: Islamic Bazaar ❮❯
  5029. Qt (toolkit) → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  5030. Qtch → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  5031. Quadratic form → What is Quadratic Form in Math? ❮❯
  5032. Quadratrix → Quadratrix Of Hippias ❮❯
  5033. Quadriplegia → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-06 to 2013-06 ❮❯
  5034. quail → SAT Words ❮❯
  5035. Quake III Arena → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200911.html ]
  5036. Quake Live → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200911.html ]
  5037. → Website And Domain Lookup Tools ❮❯
  5038. Quantum computer → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200912.html ]
  5039. quantum mechanics → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5040. QuarkXpress → The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯
  5041. QuarkXPress → Syntax Design: Use of Unicode Matching Brackets as Specialized Delimiters ❮❯
  5042. Quaternion → Math Font, Unicode, Gothic Letters, Double Struck, ℤ ℚ ℝ ℂ ℜ ℑ ℵ ❮❯
  5043. Quaternions → Euler Angles Can Cause Gimbal Lock, But Not Quaternions ❮❯ •Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  5044. Queen (band) → Queen - “Bohemian Rhapsody” ❮❯
  5045. Queen dowager → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  5046. Queens → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  5047. QuickDraw3D → 3D Graphics Formats and Social Causes in Computer Languages ❮❯ •Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  5048. QuickDraw 3D → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯
  5049. Quicksand → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-09 to 2013-09 ❮❯
  5050. Quicksilver (software) → Mac: Key Remapping and Keybinding Tools ❮❯
  5051. Quicksilver (novel) → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  5052. Quicksilver (software) → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯ •Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  5053. QuickTime → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯ •Computer Tech Progress and Video On Demand ❮❯ •Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  5054. QuickTime Broadcaster → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  5055. QuickTime Streaming Server → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  5056. Quid pro quo → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  5057. Quietism → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  5058. Quirks mode → HTML Correctness and Validators ❮❯
  5059. Quiz Show → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5060. Quotation mark, non-English usage → The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  5061. Quotations From Chairman Mao Zedong → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  5062. QWERTY → the Myth of Myth of QWERTY vs Dvorak Layout ❮❯
  5063. QWERTZ → Idiocy of Keyboard Layouts: QWERTZ, AZERTY ❮❯
  5064. R-Type → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  5065. R5RS → Jargons, and What Determines a Computer Language's Popularity? ❮❯
  5066. R (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  5067. Rabbit starvation → Rabbit vs Hare, Rabbit Meat Poisoning, Three-Rabits Motif, Cuniculture ❮❯
  5068. RabbitMQ → Database Tech 2012 ❮❯
  5069. Rabies → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  5070. Rachelle Leah → Why Playboy Centerfold Photography Are So Ugly? [ sex/why_playboy_centerfold_ugly.html ]
  5071. Racial profiling → SECTION 12. — Of the Doctrine of our Priests ❮❯
  5072. Racial slurs → English Vocabulary: Racial Slurs ❮❯
  5073. Racket (programming language) → Nested Syntax Design: XML vs LISP ❮❯
  5074. Radia Perlman → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5075. radiator → Radiator Fan ❮❯
  5076. Radio Shack → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5077. Radiological weapon → Psychology and Moral Attitude of “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/wmd.html ]
  5078. RadioShack → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5079. Ragdoll physics → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  5080. Rage comic → SAT Words ❮❯
  5081. RAID → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  5082. Rainbow Islands → Maze and Math in Video Games ❮❯
  5083. Rake (software) → Ruby: What's RVM, Gem, Rake, Bundler, RDoc, ri, irb? ❮❯
  5084. Rally to Restore Sanity → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  5085. Ralph Ellison → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5086. Ramada → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  5087. Ramadan → Fasting, Religion, Mind Control [ Periodic_dosage_dir/fasting_religion_mind_control.html ]
  5088. Ramanujan → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  5089. Ramanujan summation → 1+2+3+4+… = -1/12, Ramanujan's Sum 📺 ❮❯
  5090. Randal L. Schwartz → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-07 ❮❯ •Persona Non Grata in the Hacker Community ❮❯ •The Unix Pestilence: Theory vs Practice, II ❮❯ •Emacs Dev Inefficiency and Emacs Web 2.0? ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  5091. Randall Munroe → Visual Arts Appreciation: Math Themed Art ❮❯ •Photo: Cherry, Venus Flytrap, and the Lure of Sex ❮❯ •Xah Arts Blog Archive 2011-07 ❮❯
  5092. Random process → Random Notes on Randomness ❮❯
  5093. Random sequence → Emacs Lisp: Insert Random UUID ❮❯
  5094. Random variable → Random Notes on Randomness ❮❯
  5095. Randomness → Random Notes on Randomness ❮❯
  5096. ranitidine → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  5097. Ranitidine → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  5098. Ranma → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  5099. Rape of the Sabine Women → Las Vegas Travelog: Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars.html ] •What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5100. Rapid plant movement → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  5101. rapier → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  5102. Rappelz → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-06 ❮❯
  5103. RAR → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  5104. Rastan Saga → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  5105. Ratchet (device) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  5106. rationalism → SAT Words ❮❯
  5107. Ratpoison → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯ •Mouse vs Keyboard: Is Mouse Bad for Programer? ❮❯ •Xah's Emacs Tutorial: Acknowledgment ❮❯
  5108. Rattlesnake → Xah Arts Blog Archive 2011-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  5109. Raymond Chen → File Aliases Considered a Plague ❮❯
  5110. Raymond Smullyan → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5111. Raëlism → Cults: Lawsonomy, David Icke, Moonie, Falun Gong, Raelism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lawsonomy.html ]
  5112. RC5 → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  5113. Rdoc → Ruby: What's RVM, Gem, Rake, Bundler, RDoc, ri, irb? ❮❯
  5114. ReadyBoost → Windows: What's Prefetcher, SuperFetch, ReadyBoost? ❮❯
  5115. Readyboost → Windows: is Your USB Drive Fast Enough for ReadyBoost? ❮❯
  5116. Real-time Streaming Protocol → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  5117. Real-time Transport Control Protocol → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  5118. Real-time Transport Protocol → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  5119. Real Character → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  5120. Real Time Messaging Protocol → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  5121. Realism (arts) → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  5122. Realist fiction → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  5123. Realtek → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  5124. Reason (magazine) → To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ] •Feminism Perving Archive 2010-07 [ sex/blog_past_2010-07.html ]
  5125. Rebecca Black → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯ •Rebecca Black - Friday ❮❯
  5126. Rebekah Del Rio → Llorando - “Crying” in - “Mulholland Drive” ❮❯
  5127. reCAPTCHA → Anti-bot Test: CAPTCHA! ❮❯
  5128. Received Pronunciation → English Accent: British Accent 📺 ❮❯
  5129. Reclining Buddha → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  5130. Recursion → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  5131. Recursive grammar → Formal Grammar ❮❯
  5132. Recursive language → Parser Notes ❮❯
  5133. Recursive set → Parser Notes ❮❯
  5134. Recuva → Windows: Best Anti-virus Software ❮❯
  5135. Red-eye effect → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  5136. Red Arrows → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  5137. Red Dragon (film) → Words, page 3 ❮❯ •Words, page 3 ❮❯ •Words, page 3 ❮❯
  5138. Red Hat → Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  5139. Red Queen → Wonderland Looking-Glass: Chapter 2: The Garden of Live Flowers ❮❯
  5140. Red Queen's Hypothesis → The Red Queen's Hypothesis [ sex/red_queen_hypothesis.html ]
  5141. Red Queen's Hypothesis → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  5142. Red Queen's race → Wonderland Looking-Glass: Chapter 2: The Garden of Live Flowers ❮❯
  5143. Red Sorghum → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  5144. Red Star → International Flags Babes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/elsewhere2.html ]
  5145. Red state vs. blue state divide → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  5146. Red Wolf → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  5147. Reddit → Reddit = Porn Fodder [ Periodic_dosage_dir/reddit_porn_fodder.html ]
  5148. Redis → Database Tech 2012 ❮❯
  5150. Reduce (computer algebra system) → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯
  5151. Redux (literary term) → GRE Words ❮❯
  5152. Reebok → Union Jack Things [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/brits_things.html ]
  5153. Reed (plant) → The Eldest Lady's Tale ❮❯
  5154. Reed Waller → Erotic Comics: Omaha The Cat Dancer [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/omaha_cat.html ] •Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  5155. Referential transparency (computer science) → Programing Style: Variable Naming: English Words Considered Harmful ❮❯
  5156. Refraction → POV-Ray Glassy Spheres and Transparency ❮❯
  5157. Reggie Watts → the Philosophy of Fuck Shit Stack ❮❯
  5158. Regular expression → Regex Limits, or, Should You Read Mastering Regular Expressions? ❮❯
  5159. Regular polyhedron → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  5160. Regular polytope → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  5161. Regular script → Chinese Character Script Styles 甲骨,金文,篆書,隸書,行書,草書,楷書,楷軆,宋體,… ❮❯
  5162. Rei Ayanami → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  5163. relatively prime → Rose Curve ❮❯
  5164. relativism → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  5165. Religulous → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200912.html ] •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5166. Remind Me (Röyksopp song) → Over-the-Top Infographics: Röyksopp - “Remind Me” ❮❯
  5167. remora → GRE Words ❮❯
  5168. Remote Desktop Services → Windows Console Key Shortcuts ❮❯
  5169. Remote desktop software → Skype Chat Encryption and Screen Sharing ❮❯
  5170. Renaissance → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5171. Rene Descartes → Equiangular Spiral ❮❯ •Folium of Descartes ❮❯
  5172. Reno, Nevada → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  5174. Representation theory → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  5175. Republic of Ireland → Ireland Flag Babes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/ir.html ]
  5176. Requiescat in pace → Erik Naggum and the Phrase RIP ❮❯
  5177. ResEdit → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  5178. Reserved IP addresses → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5179. Resident Evil (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  5180. Resource Description Framework → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  5181. Resource fork → Mac OS X Resource Fork and Command Line Tips ❮❯
  5182. ReStructuredText → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯ •Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2013-10 to 2013-10 ❮❯
  5183. Retinal scan → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  5184. Reuters → Vexillology of babes in World Cup 2002 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/bolci.html ]
  5185. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5186. Reversi → Great Math Board Game Software ❮❯
  5187. Revised Version → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  5188. Revolution → REVOLUTION IS EASIER THAN REFORM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s19.html ]
  5189. Revue → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  5190. RFC 1149 → Unixers, RFC, and Perl ❮❯
  5191. Rhetorical modes → Rhetorical Modes (Just Say: Writing Styles) ❮❯
  5192. Rhinoceros → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  5193. Rhinoceros 3D → Xah Math Blog Archive 2013-01 to 2013-02 ❮❯ •Outline Rendering of 3D Models (POV-Ray) ❮❯ •List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  5194. rhododendrons → Time Machine: Chapter IV ❮❯
  5195. Rhombic dodecahedron → High-tech Architectures in Second Life ❮❯
  5196. Rhotic and non-rhotic accents → English Accent: Why Kevin Spacey's accent in House of Cards sounds off 📺 ❮❯
  5197. Rialto Bridge → Las Vegas Travelog: Venetian [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/venetian.html ]
  5198. Rich Text Format → Emacs Should Support HTML Mail ❮❯
  5199. Richard Behar → Scientology and Falun Gong [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/scientology_falun_gong.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  5200. Richard Dawkins → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5201. Richard Fateman → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯ •Programing Language: Systematic Syntax: Lisp vs Mathematica ❮❯ •Fundamental Problems of Lisp ❮❯ •Emacs Why line-move-visual ❮❯ •Famous Programers with Repetitive Strain Injury ❮❯
  5202. Richard Francis Burton → The Arabian Nights, Introduction by Xah Lee ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5203. Richard Garriott → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  5204. Richard Gere → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5205. Richard Nixon → David Bowie - “Young Americans” ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  5206. Richard P. Gabriel → Famous Programers on How Common Lisp Sucks ❮❯ •Voodoo of Software Engineering ❮❯ •Emacs Why line-move-visual ❮❯
  5207. Richard Palais → Random Math Notes: Friedrich Hirzebruch, Theorema Egregium, … ❮❯ •Xah Lee's Resume [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/Xah_Lee_Resume.html ] •I'm About as Good as Dead: the End of Xah Lee ❮❯
  5208. Richard Schoen → Gyroid ❮❯
  5209. Richard Stallman → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •Famous Programers with Repetitive Strain Injury ❮❯ •Emacs Lisp References ❮❯
  5210. Richard Wrangham → Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence ❮❯
  5211. Richie Ren → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  5212. Rick Perry → GRE Words ❮❯
  5213. Ricochet → Words, page 4 ❮❯
  5214. Riemann sphere → Stereographic Projection 3D-Printed Physical Model ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  5215. Riemann surface → What is Riemann Surface? Understanding the Concept Without Math ❮❯
  5216. Riemann zeta function → 1+2+3+4+… = -1/12, Ramanujan's Sum 📺 ❮❯ •Chapter 4: Systems Based On Numbers ❮❯
  5217. Rifle → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  5218. Rifling → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  5219. Riga → Xah Arts Blog Archive 2013-07 ❮❯
  5220. Rihanna → Rihanna - “SOS” ❮❯ •Rihanna - “Pon de Replay” ❮❯
  5221. Rind et al. controversy → To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ] •The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  5222. ringdove → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  5223. Ringo Starr → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  5224. Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-03 to 2014-04 ❮❯
  5225. Rita Rudner → Las Vegas Travelog: MGM Grand [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mgm.html ]
  5226. River Styx → Phantasmagoria of Flower View 東方花映塚 〔とうほうかえいづか〕 小野塚 小町 ❮❯
  5227. Riviera (hotel and casino) → Las Vegas Travelog: Riviera [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/riviera.html ]
  5228. RNA → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  5229. Rob Zicari → Porn and Law in USA: Robert Black and Obscenity Charges [ sex/Robert_Black.html ]
  5230. Robert A. Heinlein → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2009-11 ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200911.html ]
  5231. Robert B Cialdini → What Motivate Us? and What Motivates Book Sellers? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/motivation.html ] •Can You Talk About Religion, Politics, with Friends? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/friends_politics_religion.html ]
  5232. Robert Bishop (artist) → Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5233. Robert Crumb → Art of Robert Crumb ❮❯ •Words, page 18 ❮❯
  5234. Robert Feys → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5235. Robert Gates → Taiwan, Politics, Tongyong Pinyin ❮❯
  5236. Robert J. Chassell → Emacs Lisp References ❮❯
  5237. Robert J. White → GRE Words ❮❯
  5238. Robert Maplethorpe → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  5239. Robert Oppenheimer → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 2 ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  5240. Robert Scoble → Internet Hipsters and Hipstering of our Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/internet_age_thinking.html ] •SAT Words ❮❯
  5241. Robert Simson → Deltoid ❮❯
  5242. Robertson Davies → Words, page 12 ❮❯
  5243. Robin Milner → State of Theorem Proving Systems 2008 ❮❯ •Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯ •Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2013-05 to 2013-05 ❮❯
  5244. Robot → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5245. Robot (dance) → Robot Dance and Dubstep Videos ❮❯
  5246. Robot Rock (song) → Dancing in Second Life ❮❯
  5247. robotics → HUMAN RACE AT A CROSSROADS (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s21.html ]
  5248. Robots exclusion standard → Blocking Image Leechers in Apache ❮❯
  5249. Roc → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯ •Aladdin: the Fatimah ❮❯
  5250. ROC presidential election, 2004 → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ] •Words, page 5 ❮❯
  5251. Rocco Siffredi → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  5252. Rocket-propelled grenade → Leaked Video: US Helicopter Killing Iraqi [ Periodic_dosage_dir/leaked_video_US_helicopter_killing.html ]
  5253. Rocket engine → Xah Particle Maker Tutorial ❮❯
  5254. Rockhounding → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-03 to 2014-04 ❮❯
  5255. Rockstar (drink) → SAT Words ❮❯
  5256. Rocky → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  5257. Rocky Mountains → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 8 [ p/mopi/mopi8.html ]
  5258. Rodney Brooks → Famous Programers on How Common Lisp Sucks ❮❯
  5259. Roedy Green → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5260. Roger Cotes → Lituus ❮❯
  5261. Roger Ebert → Words, page 7 ❮❯
  5262. Rogue security software → Windows: How to Remove “Antivirus Action” Malware ❮❯
  5263. Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200811.html ] •Terrorism from USA: Misery US Americans Have Done to the World [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040318_americanism.html ]
  5264. Rola Bola → Perception of Difficulty Levels of Human Feats ❮❯
  5265. role playing → Animal Love in Second Life [ sl/sx-danlu.html ]
  5266. Rolled oats → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  5267. roller coaster → Time Machine: Chapter III ❮❯
  5268. Rolling Stone → Star Spangled Magazine Covers, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mag.html ]
  5269. Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé → MegaUpload Crime Boss ❮❯
  5270. Roma people → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5271. Roman Catholic sex abuse cases → Misc Satirical Artwork ❮❯
  5272. Roman mythology → Words, page 17 ❮❯
  5273. Roman Polanski → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  5274. Roman square capitals → SAT Words ❮❯
  5275. Roman surface → Steiner Surface ❮❯
  5276. Romance novel → What Do Women Want? Romance Novels Tell it All [ Periodic_dosage_dir/bodice-ripper.html ]
  5277. Romance of the Three Kingdoms → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5278. Romanesco broccoli → Equiangular Spiral ❮❯ •Spirals in Nature ❮❯
  5279. Romulus and Remus → Las Vegas Travelog: Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars.html ] •Milk, Tits, Caryatids [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031016_caryatids.html ]
  5280. Ron Kovic → Stars'n'Stripes Book Covers and Movie Posters [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/movie_cover.html ] •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  5281. Ronald Graham → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯ •A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯
  5282. Ronald Reagan → A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯
  5283. Rooster → Body and Mind Modification [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031129_body_mod.html ] •The Tale Of The Bull And The Ass ❮❯
  5284. Rootkit → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ] •Hacker Humor: Illustration of Botnet and Rootkit ❮❯
  5285. rope-a-dope → Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯
  5286. Rosa multiflora → 《初恋女》 (Maiden Love) ❮❯
  5287. Rose (mathematics) → Rose Curve ❮❯
  5288. Rose quartz → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  5289. Roseanne Arnold → GRE Words ❮❯
  5290. Rosegarden → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  5291. Rosemary Kennedy → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  5292. Roswell (TV series) → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5293. Roswell UFO incident → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5294. ROT13 → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  5295. Rotary dial → The Sounds of Obsolete Technologies 1990 to 2000 ❮❯
  5296. Rotation (mathematics) → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  5297. Rotten Tomatoes → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  5298. roulette → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  5299. Roulette (curve) → Roulette ❮❯
  5300. Round Round → Sugababes - “Round Round” ❮❯
  5301. Route (command) → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯ •Windows: Networking Commands ❮❯
  5302. Router → How to Setup a Network Between Mac and Windows ❮❯
  5303. Router (computing) → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯ •TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5304. Routing → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯ •TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5305. Routing Information Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5306. Routing loop problem → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5307. Routing protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5308. Routing table → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯ •TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5309. Roy Orbison → Llorando - “Crying” in - “Mulholland Drive” ❮❯
  5310. Royal Academy (China) → 蝶恋花,鸟恋虫,人恋米。毛泽东,李敖,诗词。 ❮❯
  5311. RPG-7 → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  5312. RSA (algorithm) → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  5313. RSS → Atom Webfeed Basics ❮❯ •Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  5314. Rsync → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  5315. Rubber fetishism → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  5316. Rubik's cube → Great Software For 2D Visualization of Geometry ❮❯
  5317. Rubus rosifolius → 王菲 《開到荼蘼》 (Last Blossom) ❮❯
  5318. Ruby (programming language) → From Why Not Ruby to Screw Python Hello Ruby ❮❯
  5319. Ruby Version Manager → Ruby: What's RVM, Gem, Rake, Bundler, RDoc, ri, irb? ❮❯
  5320. RubyGems → Ruby: What's RVM, Gem, Rake, Bundler, RDoc, ri, irb? ❮❯
  5321. Rudder#Aircraft rudders → Google Earth Flight Simulator Controls ❮❯
  5322. Rudy Rucker → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯ •Flatland: A Introduction (by Xah Lee) ❮❯
  5323. Ruff (clothing) → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5324. Ruffle → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  5325. Rule, Britannia! → David Bowie - “Life on Mars” ❮❯
  5326. Rule 110 → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯
  5327. Rule 110 cellular automaton → Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯ •Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5328. Ruled Surface → Hyperboloid of One Sheet ❮❯
  5329. Ruled surface → Conical Surface Juggling ❮❯
  5330. Rules of the road → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5331. Rumiko Takahashi → Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  5332. Rumination (psychology) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2014-10 to 2014-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201410.html ]
  5333. Run-length encoding → Best Video Codec for Screencast or Line Animation ❮❯
  5334. Runnin' (Dying to Live) → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  5335. RuPaul → RuPaul - “Super Bitch” (South Park song) ❮❯
  5336. Russ Meyer → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5337. Russell Mulcahy → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  5338. Russia → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  5339. Russian alphabet → Unicode Basics: What's Character Set, Character Encoding, UTF-8? ❮❯
  5340. Russian cruiser Aurora → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  5341. Russian icons → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  5342. Rust (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  5343. Rwandan Genocide → Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence ❮❯
  5344. Ryukyuan music → Blondie - “Magic” ❮❯
  5345. S. T. Yau → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  5346. saber → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  5347. Saber-tooth cat → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  5348. Sable → The Masque of the Red Death ❮❯
  5349. Sabotage → SAT Words ❮❯
  5350. Sabu (hacktivist) → Lulzsec Got Bursted, Leader Betrayed Team [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lulzsec_bursted_leader_betrayal.html ]
  5351. Sacramento, California → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  5352. Sacred king → GRE Words ❮❯
  5353. Sacroiliac joint → Blondie - “Rapture” ❮❯
  5354. Saddam Hussein → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  5355. Sadomasochism → BDSM in Second Life: Bondage [ sl/bd.html ]
  5356. sadomasochism → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  5357. Safari (web browser) → HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Tech and Browser Timeline ❮❯
  5358. Safeway Inc. → Star Spangled Supermarket Things [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/supermarket.html ]
  5359. Sage (mathematics software) → 9 Tools to Display Math on Web ❮❯ •Math Software for Programers ❮❯
  5360. Sahara → Las Vegas Travelog: Sahara, Stratosphere [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/sahara.html ]
  5361. Sahara (hotel and casino) → Las Vegas Travelog: Sahara, Stratosphere [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/sahara.html ] •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  5362. Saigon → Bruce Springsteen - “Born in the USA” ❮❯
  5363. Saint Augustine → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5364. Saint Basil's Cathedral → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  5365. Saint Erasmus → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  5366. Saint Patrick's Day → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  5367. Saint Thomas Aquinas → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5368. Salamander → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  5369. Salisbury Cathedral → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  5370. Sally Mann → Feminism Perving Archive 2010-03 [ sex/blog_past_2010-03.html ] •The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ] •The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  5371. Sally Yeh → 葉蒨文 《晚风》 (Night Breeze) ❮❯
  5372. Salma Hayek → Art of Frida Kahlo ❮❯
  5373. Salted duck egg → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  5374. Sam Harris (author) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ] •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5375. Samba software → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯ •Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  5376. Samsung Galaxy Tab → Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  5377. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 → Phone and Tablet Screen Density Comparison ❮❯
  5378. Samuel Butler (novelist) → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5379. Samuel Foote → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  5380. Samuel Irving Newhouse, Jr. → Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  5381. Samuel Johnson → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5382. San Francisco → Starry Americana [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/starry_americana.html ] •Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  5383. San Francisco Airport → Las Vegas Travelog: Alladin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mcaladdin.html ]
  5384. San Francisco Bay Area → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  5385. San Jose International Airport → Starry Americana [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/starry_americana.html ]
  5386. San Luis Obispo → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  5387. San Mateo Bridge → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  5388. Sand Creek massacre → White American Atrocity on American Indians [ Periodic_dosage_dir/white_american_atrocity_on_american_indians.html ]
  5389. sandbank → Time Machine: Chapter XI ❮❯
  5390. Sanitization (classified information) → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  5391. Santa Ana, California → Mickey Avalon - “Jane Fonda” Song [ music/Mickey_Avalon__Jane_Fonda_song.html ]
  5392. Santa Cruz, California → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  5393. Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ] •Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  5394. Santa Maria del Fiore → Architectural Beauty: Duomo di Milano ❮❯
  5395. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis → Jargons and High Level Languages ❮❯
  5396. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  5397. Sarah Hughes → The Female Exhibition [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030913_ninmu_exhibit.html ]
  5398. Sarah Jessica Parker → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ] •Star Spangled Magazine Covers, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mag.html ]
  5399. Sarah Lane → Women in Tech: Today's Google Plus Recommendation? You Decide. ❮❯
  5400. Sarah Palin email hack → The Bimbo from Alaska: Sarah Palin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Sarah_Palin.html ]
  5401. Sardinia → Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5402. SASL (programming language) → Functional Programing Languages History Diagram ❮❯ •Language Design: Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1? ❮❯
  5403. SAT → How to Increase Your Vocabulary? ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  5404. Satori → - “Information High” from - “Macross Plus” ❮❯
  5405. Saturn (mythology) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 1 ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯ •The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  5406. saturnalia → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5407. satyr → Art of William Bouguereau, page 2 ❮❯
  5408. Satyr → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •Writer's Words ❮❯
  5409. Saving Private Ryan → Movie: American Crowd Pleasers Hall of Fame [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/mov2.html ] •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  5410. Saw (film) → The Art of Torture: a Photographic Tour [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/saw.html ]
  5411. Saw VI → The Art of Torture: a Photographic Tour [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/saw.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201010.html ]
  5412. Saxons → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  5413. Saṃsāra → 胡彦斌 《红颜》 (Maiden) ❮❯
  5414. Scala & Kolacny Brothers → A View to the Wilderness of Human Animals. Rammstein - “Engel” ❮❯ •Cry For Love (Schrei nach Liebe) ❮❯
  5415. Scala (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  5416. Scalability → The NoSQL Movement ❮❯
  5417. Scalping → White American Atrocity on American Indians [ Periodic_dosage_dir/white_american_atrocity_on_american_indians.html ]
  5418. Scam → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5419. Scancode → Linux: Keyboard Software Guide ⌨ ❮❯ •Linux: xmodmap Tutorial ❮❯ •USB Keyboard Scancode Reference, Physical Key Layouts ❮❯
  5420. Scar → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  5421. Scarabaeidae → Words, page 8 ❮❯
  5422. Scaramouche → Queen - “Bohemian Rhapsody” ❮❯
  5423. Scatology → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  5424. Scene graph → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  5425. Schadenfreude → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  5426. Scheme (programming language) → Clojure: Basic Syntax ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  5427. Scheme (programming language) → Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯ •Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  5428. Schindler's List → Classical Piano Music In Movies ❮❯
  5429. Schizoid personality disorder → 21st Century Schizoid Man ❮❯
  5430. Schleswig-Holstein → Wind Turbine Photos ❮❯
  5431. Schloss Neuschwanstein → New Swanstone (Schloss Neuschwanstein) Castle ❮❯
  5432. Schrei nach Liebe → Cry For Love (Schrei nach Liebe) ❮❯
  5433. Science 2.0 → World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯
  5434. Science Ninja Team Gatchaman → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯ •Science Ninja Gatchaman Jun Cosplay (科學小飛俠) ❮❯
  5435. Science wars → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  5436. Scientific Visualization → Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯
  5437. Scientology terminology → Tom Cruise, 1984, NewSpeak, and the Language of Scientology ❮❯
  5438. SCIgen → Gulliver's Travels. PART III. A VOYAGE TO LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB, AND JAPAN. ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5439. scimitar → Sword Fighting in Second Life ❮❯
  5440. Scimitar Oryx → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  5441. SciPy → Python Libs for Scientists ❮❯
  5442. Scott Kim → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  5443. Scott McCloud → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ] •Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯ •Drawings and Comics ❮❯
  5444. Scott McNealy → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  5445. Scramble (arcade game) → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  5446. Scratch (programming language) → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  5447. screenshot → Keyboard Backspace Key: Key Label's Influence on Key Purpose ❮❯
  5448. scrivener → Words, page 14 ❮❯
  5450. Scroll (music) → Lituus ❮❯
  5451. Scroll lock → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  5452. Scroll Lock → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  5453. Scrum (rugby) → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  5454. scsh → The Unix Pestilence: Shells ❮❯
  5455. SCUM Manifesto → S.C.U.M Manifesto (by Valerie Solanas) [ p/scum.html ]
  5456. Scunthorpe problem → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  5457. Scuttling → Vocabulary Study: Arcane ❮❯
  5458. Scythia → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  5459. Sea anemone → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  5460. Sea jelly → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  5461. Sea lamprey → Xah Arts Blog Archive 2011-07 ❮❯
  5462. Sea otter → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  5463. sea turtle → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  5464. Sea urchin → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ] •Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  5465. Seal script → Chinese Character Script Styles 甲骨,金文,篆書,隸書,行書,草書,楷書,楷軆,宋體,… ❮❯
  5466. Search engine optimization → How To Be A Online Ad Publisher (Monetize Your Website) ❮❯
  5467. Search engine results page → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  5468. Sears → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  5469. Seashell surface → Mathematics of Seashell Shapes ❮❯
  5470. Seat of the European Parliament in Strasbourg → Art: Europa and the Bull ❮❯
  5471. Seattle Seahawks → A Tale of Two Seahawks [ Periodic_dosage_dir/_p/tale_seahawks.html ]
  5472. Sebastien Truchet → Celtic Knots, Truchet tiles, Combinatorial Patterns ❮❯
  5473. Secchi disk → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  5474. Second Congo War → Have You Heard of Congo War? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/congo_war.html ]
  5475. Second Life → Introduction to Second Life ❮❯
  5476. Second life → Second Life Product Market Value ❮❯
  5477. Second Sino-Japanese War → Flags Babes in Asia [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/elsewhere.html ] •花样的年华 (Age of Blossom) ❮❯ •Words, page 17 ❮❯ •Words, page 17 ❮❯
  5478. Secondary metabolite → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  5479. Secret Museum, Naples → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  5480. Secure attention key → Windows Flip 3D, Instant Viewer, Productivity Tips ❮❯
  5481. Secure Shell → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  5482. Sedan chair → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  5483. Sedenion → Math Font, Unicode, Gothic Letters, Double Struck, ℤ ℚ ℝ ℂ ℜ ℑ ℵ ❮❯
  5484. Sedge → English Vocabulary: Nouns Misc Unsorted ❮❯
  5485. Seduction community → Seduction Community as Social Engineering [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/seduction_community.html ]
  5486. Seifert surface → Great Software For 3D Visualization Of Geometry ❮❯
  5487. Selective breeding → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  5488. Selective fire → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  5489. Selena Gomez → Selena Gomez - “Love You Like a Love Song” ❮❯ •Selena Gomez Name in Chinese: 赛琳娜·戈梅茲 or 戈麦斯? ❮❯
  5490. Selenium (software) → web tech 2012: blackbox/whitebox testing, Jenkins, Puppet, Selenium ❮❯
  5491. Self-deprecation → Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201101.html ]
  5492. Self-powered lighting → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200812.html ]
  5493. SELinux → Linux: Firewall Tutorial, iptables, netfilter ❮❯
  5494. Semantic Web → The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯ •Web Keywords and Taxonomy ❮❯
  5495. semantic web → Special Plane Curves: What's New ❮❯ •HTML Correctness and Validators ❮❯
  5496. Semantics → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  5497. Semen → Semen Nutrition: Health Benefits of Eating Cum [ sex/semen_nutrition.html ]
  5498. Semi-cursive script → Chinese Character Script Styles 甲骨,金文,篆書,隸書,行書,草書,楷書,楷軆,宋體,… ❮❯
  5499. Semipredicate problem → Programing: Why I Hate Exceptions ❮❯
  5500. Semiramis → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 1 ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  5501. SendGrid → Industrial Tech: Twilio, SendGrid, Google Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service ❮❯
  5502. Sense and Sensibility (1995 film) → Classical Piano Music In Movies ❮❯
  5503. Sentimentality → Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •English: Ostentatious, Spurious, but Uranian! ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  5504. Sephora → Las Vegas Travelog: Alladin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mcaladdin.html ]
  5505. Sepia (color) → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  5506. Sepsis → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  5507. Sequence → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  5508. seraglio → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯ •Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 2 ❮❯ •The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯
  5509. Serge Lang → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  5510. Sergei Eisenstein → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  5511. Sergey Brin → Sergey Brin Talk on China, Wikipedia, Search Engines, … 📺 ❮❯
  5512. Sergey Mikhalkov → Russian National Anthem ❮❯
  5513. Serial comma → SAT Words ❮❯
  5514. serial comma → English Writing Style: Oxford Comma and Strippers ❮❯
  5515. Server Message Block → Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  5516. Service set (802.11 network) → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5517. Sex, Lies, and Videotape → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  5518. Sex, Lies and Videotape → Conic Sections ❮❯
  5519. Sex and intelligence → SAT Words ❮❯
  5520. Sex doll → Dolls of Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031127_dolls.html ]
  5521. Sexual cannibalism → Sexual Cannibalism [ sex/sexual_cannibalism.html ]
  5522. Sexual conflict → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  5523. Sexual dimorphism → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ] •Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  5524. Sexual intercourse → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  5525. Sexual positions → Art of Sexual Positions [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rama.html ]
  5526. Sexual selection → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  5527. Sexy sons hypothesis → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  5528. SGI Indy → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5529. SHA-1 → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  5530. Shader → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  5531. Shae Marks → Star Spangled Playmates [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/playmates.html ]
  5532. Shampoo → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5533. Shamrock → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  5534. Shanghai → Hard Rock Cafe USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/rokci_ckafi.html ] •Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  5535. Shanghai Blues → 葉蒨文 《晚风》 (Night Breeze) ❮❯
  5536. Shanghi → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  5537. Sharbat → Aladdin: The Pavilion ❮❯
  5538. Sharbat Gula → the Concerns of US American Female and Male Human Animals [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/female_wants.html ]
  5539. Shard (database architecture) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2013-06 ❮❯
  5540. Shark fin soup → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ] •SAT Words ❮❯
  5541. Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay → Las Vegas Travelog: Mandalay Bay [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mandalayluxor.html ]
  5542. Sharon Lopatka → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5543. Sharp PC-1211 → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  5544. Shavian alphabet → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  5545. Shawn Nelson → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201011.html ]
  5546. Shawty (slang) → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ] •Anya Marina - “Whatever You Like” “Gossip Girl” ❮❯
  5547. she-male → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  5548. She Bop → Cyndi Lauper - “She Bop” ❮❯
  5549. Sheena Easton → Sheena Easton - “My Sugar Walls” ❮❯
  5550. Shellback → Words, page 6 ❮❯
  5551. Shemale → Dolls of Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031127_dolls.html ]
  5552. sherbet → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  5553. Sherlock Holmes → 周杰倫 《夜的第七章》 “Twilight's Chapter 7” ❮❯
  5554. Sherwood Anderson → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5555. shibboleth → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  5556. Shielded cable → What's the Ugly Cylinder at the End of Computer USB Cables? ❮❯
  5557. Shift-reduce parser → Parser ❮❯ •Parser ❮❯
  5558. Shiing-Shen Chern → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  5560. shimmy → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5562. Shin Min-a (actress) → Vexillology of babes in World Cup 2002, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/bolci2.html ]
  5563. Shing-Tung Yau → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  5564. Ship grounding → GRE Words ❮❯
  5565. Shiver → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  5566. Shock jock → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  5567. Shocking Asia → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201009.html ]
  5568. Shoes (Kelly song) → Humor: Liam Show: Shoes (Kelly song) ❮❯
  5569. Shore leave → - “A Whiter Shade of Pale” ❮❯
  5570. Shortfin Mako Shark → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  5571. Shotacon → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  5572. Shred (Unix) → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  5573. Shuowen Jiezi → 李杀網誌存档 2015-01 to 2015-01 ❮❯
  5574. SI prefix → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  5575. SI system → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  5576. Sichuan → 西游记,第十八回:观音院唐僧脱难,高老庄行者降魔 ❮❯
  5577. SICP → Jargons, and What Determines a Computer Language's Popularity? ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ] •Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  5578. Sideshow → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201009.html ]
  5579. Sidewiki → Google Sidewiki Block ❮❯
  5580. Siegfried & Roy → Las Vegas Travelog: the Mirage, Treasure Island [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mirage.html ]
  5581. Sierpinski triangle → Math in Second Life, page 3 ❮❯
  5582. Siesta → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5583. siesta → King Sindibad and his Falcon ❮❯
  5584. SightSpeed → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  5585. Sigil (computer programming) → Sigil for Function Parameter Names ❮❯
  5586. Sigmund Freud → Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5587. Sign language → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Sign Language Interpreter Girl Steals the Show 📺 ❮❯
  5588. Signing machine → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  5589. Silicon Graphics → SGI Logo Visual Illusion ❮❯
  5590. Silicon Valley → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ] •Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5591. Silvio Berlusconi → Wikileaks Rap News ❮❯
  5592. Sim City → Plants vs Zombie; Thoughts on Strategy and Game Formulation ❮❯
  5593. Simba → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  5594. Simile → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  5595. simile → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  5596. Simon Bolivar → THE NATURE OF FREEDOM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s12.html ]
  5597. Simon Plouffe → Cardioid ❮❯
  5598. Simple Network Management Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5599. Simple Service Discovery Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5600. SimpleText → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  5601. Simplex → Math Jargons Explained ❮❯
  5602. Simplified characters → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  5603. Simplified Chinese characters → Chinese Character Script Styles 甲骨,金文,篆書,隸書,行書,草書,楷書,楷軆,宋體,… ❮❯ •John DeFrancis Idiot on Chinese Language ❮❯
  5604. Simplified English → The Writing Style of Xah Lee ❮❯ •Writing: Elements of Style in English ❮❯
  5605. Simson Garfinkel → Unix Pestilence: Quotations ❮❯ •The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  5606. Simulacra → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  5607. Sin → Madonna - “Like It or Not” ❮❯
  5608. Sin City (movie) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ] •A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ] •Words, page 11 ❮❯
  5609. Sina Weibo → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-10 ❮❯ •Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-10 ❮❯ •Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  5610. Sinbad the Sailor → Hollywood and Disney's Rape of Culture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hollywood_disney_rape_of_culture.html ]
  5611. Sine-Gorldon equation → Breather Surface ❮❯
  5612. Sine qua non → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  5613. Singing sand → Silkroad Watchtower Ruin ❮❯
  5614. Singular point of an algebraic variety → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  5615. Singularity theory → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ]
  5616. Sinh → Hyperbolic Trig Functions ❮❯
  5617. Sinon → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 5 Scene 3 ❮❯
  5618. Sintra → Jerónimos Monastery ❮❯
  5620. Siren → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  5621. Sirius → Time Machine: Chapter VII ❮❯
  5622. SISAL → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯
  5623. Sissy bar → Words, page 16 ❮❯
  5624. Sitemaps → Emacs Lisp: Create Sitemap ❮❯
  5625. Siteswap → Juggling: Orbits in Siteswap Notation ❮❯
  5626. siteswap → Juggler's Shifty Legs and Snaky Torso ❮❯
  5627. Sjón → Björk - “Bachelorette” ❮❯
  5628. Sketchup → Intro to POV-Ray and 3D Geometry Programing ❮❯
  5629. SketchUp → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  5630. Skinny dipping → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  5631. skunk → Second Life's Furries 4 ❮❯
  5632. Skunk → GRE Words ❮❯
  5633. Skype → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  5634. Skype security → Skype Chat Encryption and Screen Sharing ❮❯
  5635. Slacktivism → The White Savior Industrial Complex; Forrest Gump Syndrome [ Periodic_dosage_dir/forrest_gump_syndrome.html ]
  5636. Slalom skiing → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 6 [ p/mopi/mopi6.html ]
  5637. slang → What's Lisp-1, What's Lisp-2? Bad Jargon or Good Jargon? ❮❯
  5638. Slavery → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  5639. Slavery in ancient Greece → Words, page 19 ❮❯
  5640. Sled dog → Second Life's Furries, page 1 ❮❯
  5641. Sleep → Sleep, Dream, Inception [ Periodic_dosage_dir/sleep.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  5642. Sleep paralysis → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5643. Sleeping Beauty → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  5644. Sleeping Beauty (1959 film) → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  5645. Sleeping Beauty Castle → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  5646. Sleepy Hollow (film) → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  5647. Sleepy Hollow (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ] •A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  5648. Slimcea → Mono - “Slimcea Girl” ❮❯
  5649. SLIME → Text Processing: Emacs Lisp vs Perl ❮❯ •Thoughts on Common Lisp Scheme Lisp Based Emacs ❮❯
  5650. SlimFast → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  5651. Slinky → Second Life Building Tutorial: the Features Tab (Flags and Light Bulbs) ❮❯
  5653. Slope → English/Chinese Math Terminology 中/英 数学术语 ❮❯
  5654. Slot Machine → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  5655. slot machine → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  5656. SLR parser → Parser ❮❯
  5657. Slush fund → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  5658. Smale's paradox → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  5659. Small claims court → John Bokma Harassment (DreamHost Review) [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/harassment.html ]
  5660. Smalltalk → Language Design: Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1? ❮❯ •Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  5661. Smalltown Boy → Bronski Beat - “Smalltown Boy” ❮❯
  5662. Smart meter → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-03 ❮❯
  5663. Smart TV → This Poor Sob Got a New Monitor ❮❯
  5664. → - “Butterfly” (Song from Dance Dance Revolution) ❮❯
  5665. Smith-Corona → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  5666. Smithsonian Institution → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5667. Smog → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200809.html ]
  5668. Smokestack industry → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5669. Smoking pipe → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  5670. Smoothbore → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  5671. smotherbox → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  5672. SMS language → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ] •The Tyranny of Twit Writing: Facebook Twitter Char Limits and SMS Abbrevs ❮❯
  5673. Snail mail → Internet, Future, Old School Net Lingoes ❮❯
  5674. Snake case → Programing Style: camelCase vs snake_case ❮❯
  5675. Snakebite → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  5676. Snap dance → Cherish - “Do It To It” ❮❯ •Cherish - “Do It To It” ❮❯
  5677. Snap music → Cherish - “Do It To It” ❮❯
  5678. Snapfish → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  5679. SnapPea → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  5680. Sniper → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5681. Snow-White and Rose-Red → Easy Words ❮❯
  5682. Snow Crash → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  5683. Snow White → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ] •Writer's Words ❮❯
  5684. Snow White: A Tale of Terror → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-08 ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Poesy Words ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  5685. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film) → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  5686. Snowballing (sexual practice) → Semen Nutrition: Health Benefits of Eating Cum [ sex/semen_nutrition.html ]
  5687. Snuff film → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200812.html ]
  5688. So You Think You Can Dance → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5689. Soap → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5690. Soba → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  5691. Soccer mom → Quora's Future ❮❯
  5692. Social contract → GRE Words ❮❯
  5693. Social network → Xah Lee LiveJournal Profile Intro [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/lj_intro.html ]
  5694. Social network service → Web Keywords and Taxonomy ❮❯
  5695. socialism → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  5696. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics → Mathematician Marijke Van Gans Died (1955 to 2009) ❮❯
  5697. sociopath → Palpatine: The Portrait of a Perfect Sociopath and Master Politician ❮❯
  5698. → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-12 ❮❯
  5699. Socrates → The Strengths of the Academic Enterprise ❮❯ •Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART III. A VOYAGE TO LAPUTA, BALNIBARBI, LUGGNAGG, GLUBBDUBDRIB, AND JAPAN. ❮❯
  5700. Sodom and Gomorrah → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  5701. Sodomy → Portishead - “Wandering Stars” ❮❯
  5702. Sodomy laws in the United States → Porn Freedom; What Is Obscenity? [ sex/porn_freedom.html ]
  5703. SoHo → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5704. Sokal Affair → World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  5705. Sokal affair → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5706. Sokoban → Great Math Software on Puzzles ❮❯ •Great Math Software on Puzzles ❮❯
  5707. Sola Aoi → Sola Aoi 蒼井空, and Origin of the Scissor-Hand in Asian Photos [ sex/sola_aoi_scissor_hand.html ] •李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  5708. Solar Energy Generating Systems → Giant Parabolic-dish Photo Gallery ❮❯
  5709. Solaris (operating system) → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  5710. solecism → Words, page 6 ❮❯
  5711. Solid-state drives → Advantages of Solid-State Drive vs Hard Drive (SSD vs HDD) ❮❯
  5712. Solid compression → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  5713. Soliton → Breather Surface ❮❯
  5714. Solomon → The Fisherman And The Jinni ❮❯
  5715. Solon → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  5716. solstice → Time Machine: Chapter III ❮❯
  5717. Solved board games → Great Math Board Game Software ❮❯
  5718. Somalia → Third World Blind ❮❯
  5719. sombrero → Vexillology of World Cup 2006 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/wc2006-3.html ]
  5720. Somerset Maugham → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  5721. Something about mary → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5722. Son Yeon-Jae → Korean Rhythmic Gymnast Son Yeon-Jae [ sex/Korean_gymnast_Son_Yeon_jae.html ]
  5723. Sonia Gandhi → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  5724. Sonic the Hedgehog (character) → Toons in Second Life ❮❯
  5725. Sonnet 130 → Literature: Metaphysical Conceit vs Shakespeare Sonnet 130 ❮❯
  5726. SOPA → SOPA: Stop or Start Online Piracy Act? ❮❯
  5727. Sophie's Choice (novel) → The Google Plus Song (humor) ❮❯
  5728. Sophie's World → GRE Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  5729. Sophie Muller → Eurythmics - “I Need A Man” ❮❯
  5730. sophism → SECTION 8. — Of the Ancient Practice of Painting ❮❯
  5731. Soprano → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  5732. Sorbonne → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  5733. Sorenson codec → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  5734. Sorrel → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  5735. Sorting algorithm → Mathematica: Optimizing A Raytrace Code: Jon Harrop vs Xah Lee ❮❯ •Python, Perl: Sort Matrix, Object, Math of Sorting ❮❯
  5736. SOS (Rihanna song) → Rihanna - “SOS” ❮❯
  5737. Soul caliber → Soul Caliber Voldo Dance ❮❯
  5738. Soulja Boy → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  5739. SoundFont → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  5740. Sous Vide → Sous Vide Cooking and Fat-Induced Habits ❮❯
  5742. South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut → RuPaul - “Super Bitch” (South Park song) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  5743. Southern American English → English Accent: Alabama Accent 📺 ❮❯
  5744. Southern Praying Mantis (martial art) → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  5745. Southern United States → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  5746. Soy bean → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-06 to 2013-06 ❮❯
  5747. Space-cadet keyboard → Space-cadet Keyboard ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ] •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful ❮❯ •Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯
  5748. Space-filling curve → Space-Filling Curve ❮❯ •Xah Math Blog Archive 2011-01 to 2011-03 ❮❯ •Naming and Classification of Curves ❮❯
  5749. Space (mathematics) → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  5750. Space Dementia (song) → Midnight Poison - “Space Dementia” 📺 Eva Green ❮❯
  5751. Space group → Xah Math Blog Archive 2012-05 to 2012-06 ❮❯
  5752. Space Harrier → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  5753. Space Invaders → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  5754. Space Oddity → David Bowie - “Space Oddity” ❮❯
  5755. Space partitioning → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  5756. Spaceland (novel) → Flatland: A Introduction (by Xah Lee) ❮❯
  5757. Spaceship Earth (Disney) → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  5758. Spam blog → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200809.html ]
  5759. Spam in blogs → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  5760. Spanish Inquisition → Art of Francisco Goya ❮❯
  5761. SPARCstation → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  5762. Sparrow → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  5763. Spars → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 7 [ p/mopi/mopi7.html ]
  5764. SPDY → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯ •Google Chrome, SPDY Protocol, Browser War II ❮❯
  5765. P0lyglut → Encyclopedia, My Experiences ❮❯
  5766. Speed reading → On Speed Reading ❮❯
  5767. Spelling Bee → Words, page 2 ❮❯
  5768. sphere → Sphere ❮❯
  5769. Sphere packing → John Baez on Octonion 📺 ❮❯
  5770. Sphereland → Flatland: A Introduction (by Xah Lee) ❮❯
  5771. Sphinx → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •SECTION 22. — How I then tried to diffuse the Theory of Three Dimensions by other means, and of the result ❮❯
  5772. sphinx → Similar Words ❮❯
  5773. Spice → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  5774. Spice Girls → Babes of the Union Jack, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/brits.html ]
  5775. Spice trade → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  5776. Spindle (textiles) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  5777. Spinner (wheel) → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  5778. Spinor → John Baez on Octonion 📺 ❮❯
  5779. spiracle → An Etymology Rhapsody on Spiracle ❮❯
  5780. Spiric section → Spiric Section ❮❯
  5781. Spirited Away → Words, page 18 ❮❯ •Words, page 3 ❮❯ •Words, page 3 ❮❯
  5782. Spiro Agnew → 21st Century Schizoid Man ❮❯
  5783. Spirograph → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  5784. SpongeBob SquarePants → Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  5785. Sporran → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  5786. Spotlight (software) → Mac OS X Changes To Unix ❮❯
  5787. spritsail → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  5788. Sputnik → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  5789. Spy vs. Spy → Spy vs Spy: Tech Geekers vs Spammers ❮❯ •STRATEGY (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s24.html ] •Misc Satirical Artwork ❮❯
  5790. SQL → Computer Languages ❮❯
  5791. SQLAlchemy → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-01 ❮❯
  5792. SQLite → Database Tech 2012 ❮❯
  5793. Squaring the circle → Quadratrix Of Hippias ❮❯
  5794. Squatters → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5795. Squatting → Programer Simple Living Shanty Town Squatter ❮❯
  5796. squirrel → Tinies in Second Life ❮❯
  5797. St. George's cross → Vexillology of World Cup 2006 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/wc2006-2.html ]
  5798. St. Louis, Missouri → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  5799. St. Louis Science Center → Hyperboloid of One Sheet ❮❯ •Hyperboloid Architectures Gallery, page 1 ❮❯
  5800. St Paul's Cathedral → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  5801. Stack overflow → Death of Newsgroups ❮❯
  5802. Stack Overflow → Emacs Dev Inefficiency and Emacs Web 2.0? ❮❯
  5803. Stackless Python → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  5804. Stacy Ferguson → Black Eyed Peas - “My Humps” ❮❯
  5805. Stag beetle → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200910.html ]
  5806. Stained glass → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  5807. Stalactites → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  5808. Stand by Your Man → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  5809. Standing desk → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-11 ❮❯
  5810. Stanford University → Milk, Tits, Caryatids [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031016_caryatids.html ]
  5811. Stanislaw Szukalski → Art of Stanislaw Szukalski ❮❯
  5812. Stanisław Lem → SAT Words ❮❯
  5813. Stanley Baldwin → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  5814. Stanley Kubrick → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5815. Stanley Tucci → The Hunger in Hunger Games: Breath it All In, Children ❮❯
  5816. Staple food → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  5817. star-crossed → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯
  5818. Star-spangled → Star Spangled Second Life [ sl/us.html ]
  5819. Star Blazers → Art of Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫) ❮❯
  5820. Star Trek → GRE Words ❮❯
  5821. Star Trek Generations → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  5822. Star Trek Into Darkness → Best SciFi Movies ❮❯
  5823. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 2 ❮❯
  5824. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith → Palpatine: The Portrait of a Perfect Sociopath and Master Politician ❮❯
  5825. starboard → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ]
  5826. Starboard → Words, page 16 ❮❯
  5827. Stardust Resort & Casino → Las Vegas Travelog: Stardust [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/stardust.html ]
  5828. Stars (M. C. Escher) → Art: M C Escher “Stars” Chameleon Polyhedron 📺 ❮❯
  5829. Start Menu → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  5830. Stateful firewall → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5831. Static random access memory → Advantages of Solid-State Drive vs Hard Drive (SSD vs HDD) ❮❯
  5832. Static single assignment form → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  5833. Statue of Liberty → Las Vegas Travelog: New York, New York [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/nynymgm.html ]
  5834. Steam locomotive → Geometry: Ellipses, Linkages, and Solids of Constant Width ❮❯ •〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  5835. → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-02 ❮❯
  5836. Steatite → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  5837. Stefanie Sun → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  5838. Stefano Lentini → “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  5839. Stephanie Swift → Star-Spangled Porn Stars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno2.html ]
  5840. Stephen Colbert → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  5841. Stephen Colbert at the 2006 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner → GRE Words ❮❯
  5842. Stephen Hawking → Humor: Weird Al - “White and Nerdy” ❮❯
  5843. Stephen King → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Did Stephen King Really Say that on Twilight? ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  5844. Stephen Wolfram → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯ •Robby Villegas Died (1968 to 2010) ❮❯ •Notes on A New Kind of Science ❮❯ •World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯ •Programing Language: Systematic Syntax: Lisp vs Mathematica ❮❯ •Xah Lee's Resume [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/Xah_Lee_Resume.html ]
  5845. Stephenie Meyer → Discovering Twilight Dawn Reaction [ sex/Twilight_Dawn_reaction.html ] •Did Stephen King Really Say that on Twilight? ❮❯
  5846. steppe → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  5847. Steve jobs → GRE Words ❮❯
  5848. Steve Jobs → My Personal Photos of Steve Jobs (1955 to 2011) ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Words, page 9 ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Abstract Nouns ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5849. Steve McConnell → Voodoo of Software Engineering ❮❯
  5850. Steve Wozniak → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  5851. Steve Yegge → Steve Yegge's Google Platforms Rant ❮❯ •Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2014-05 to 2014-05 ❮❯ •Emacs Dev Inefficiency and Emacs Web 2.0? ❮❯ •Syntax Coloring in Editors ❮❯
  5852. Steven Jobs → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  5853. Steven Levitt → Words, page 19 ❮❯
  5854. Steven Levy → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-01 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  5855. Steven Pinker → Direct vs Indirect Use of Language (Steven Pinker Talk) ❮❯
  5856. Stewart Lee → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  5857. Stile → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  5858. stingray → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  5859. Stockholm syndrome → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200812.html ]
  5860. Stockholm Syndrome → Vocabulary Study: Sexual Words ❮❯
  5861. stomach → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  5862. stone skipping → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  5863. Stone skipping → Words, page 4 ❮❯
  5864. Stonehenge → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-07 ❮❯ •The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 5 [ p/mopi/mopi5.html ]
  5865. Stop-motion → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200909.html ] •Best Animation Movies ❮❯
  5866. Stopzilla → Windows: How to Remove “Antivirus Action” Malware ❮❯
  5867. Stork → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  5868. Storming of the Bastille → GRE Words ❮❯
  5869. Story arc → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  5870. Story of O → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ] •Feminism, Students, and BDSM [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/feminism_studensts_bdsm.html ] •Jefferson Airplane - “White Rabbit” ❮❯
  5871. Strappado bondage → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  5872. Strata 3D → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  5873. Stratosphere Tower → Las Vegas Travelog: Sahara, Stratosphere [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/sahara.html ]
  5874. Stream Control Transmission Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5875. Streaming media → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  5876. Street Angel (1937 film) → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  5877. Stress (psychology) → Heartache [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/heartache.html ]
  5878. Strida → Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201101.html ]
  5879. String theory → John Baez on Octonion 📺 ❮❯
  5880. Stroker Serpentine → Second Life Product Market Value ❮❯
  5881. Stronghold (software) → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  5882. Strongman (strength athlete) → Las Vegas Travelog: Circus Circus [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/circus_circus.html ]
  5883. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs → Why You Should Avoid the Jargon Tail Recursion ❮❯ •A Lambda Logo Tour (and why LISP languages using λ as logo should not be looked upon kindly) ❮❯
  5884. Structured program theorem → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  5885. Structured programming → Learning Notes on Goto, Continuation, Coroutine ❮❯
  5886. Structured storage → The NoSQL Movement ❮❯
  5887. Strut (Sheena Easton song) → Sheena Easton - “Strut” ❮❯
  5888. Stuart Chase → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  5889. Stud (animal) → Second Life's Furries, page 1 ❮❯
  5890. Studio 54 → Las Vegas Travelog: MGM Grand [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mgm.html ]
  5891. Studio monitor → Hi-Fi Audio Systems, Binaural Recording [ Periodic_dosage_dir/binaural_recording.html ]
  5892. Stumpwm → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯ •Xah's Emacs Tutorial: Acknowledgment ❮❯
  5893. Stupa → Sculpture of Asian Demigoddesses: Apsara, Devatas, Yakshini ❮❯
  5894. Stutter → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  5895. Stuxnet → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-11 ❮❯
  5896. Styx (mythology) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  5897. Stéphane Sednaoui → Björk - “Possibly Maybe” ❮❯
  5898. Su Shi → 鄧麗君 《但願人長久》 ❮❯
  5899. Subic rape case → SAT Words ❮❯
  5900. Sublime Text → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •TextMate Gone Open Source ❮❯
  5901. Subnetwork → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  5902. SubRip → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯
  5903. Substantia nigra → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 3 [ p/mopi/mopi3.html ]
  5904. Substantive → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  5905. SubStation Alpha → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯
  5906. Substitution cipher → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  5907. Subversion (software) → svn Tutorial ❮❯ •Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  5908. Succubus → Similar Words ❮❯
  5909. → Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  5910. → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  5911. Suddenly, Last Summer (film) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  5912. sudo → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  5913. Sugababes → Sugababes - “Round Round” ❮❯
  5914. sui generis → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  5915. Sumatran Orangutan → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  5916. Sumatran Rhinoceros → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  5917. Sun-3 → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  5918. Sun Microsystems → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯ •The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  5919. Sun Myung Moon → Cults: Lawsonomy, David Icke, Moonie, Falun Gong, Raelism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lawsonomy.html ]
  5920. Sun Nan → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  5921. Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy → Nakedness — a WASP Crime [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040203_lunbe_zekri.html ] •DMCA Takedown Notice of Janet Jackson's Wardrobe Malfunction 2004 Photo [ Periodic_dosage_dir/DMCA_takedown_Janet_Jackson.html ]
  5922. Super Hornet Replacement Controversy → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  5923. Superior Dome → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  5924. Supermarine Spitfire → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯
  5925. Supersonic transport → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  5926. Surat → Gulliver's Travels. PART I — A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  5927. Surround sound → Hi-Fi Audio Systems, Binaural Recording [ Periodic_dosage_dir/binaural_recording.html ]
  5928. Susan Boyle → Internet Hipsters and Hipstering of our Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/internet_age_thinking.html ]
  5929. Suspended animation → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  5930. Suspension bridge → Catenary ❮❯
  5931. Suze Randall → Erotic Photographer: Suze Randall [ sex/suze_randall.html ]
  5932. suzerain → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  5933. Swahili language → Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  5934. Swallowtail Butterfly (film) → 鄧麗君 《南海姑娘》 (The Tropics Sea Girl) ❮❯
  5935. Swan → Words, page 14 ❮❯
  5936. Swan song → Politics and the English Language (George Orwell) ❮❯
  5937. Swarthmore College → Xah Lee Site Awards and Recognitions [ PageTwo_dir/Bookmarks_dir/linksToMySite.html ]
  5938. Swastika → David Bowie - “China Girl” ❮❯
  5939. swastika → Writer's Words ❮❯
  5940. Swatow → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-02 to 2012-03 ❮❯
  5941. Swatting → Gamer SWATTED Phenomenon [ Periodic_dosage_dir/gamer_swatted_phenomenon.html ]
  5942. Sweet Dreams Are Made of This → Eurythmics - “Sweet Dreams” ❮❯
  5943. Swing (Java) → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  5944. Switzerland → Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  5945. Swordfish (film) → NSA Mass Surveillance ❮❯
  5946. Swordsmen (film) → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  5947. SXML → HTML6, JSON SXML Simplified ❮❯
  5948. Sybaris → English: I'm a sybarite with lots fripperies! ❮❯
  5949. Sydney Biddle Barrows → the Littlest Harlot (by Tracy Quan) ❮❯
  5950. Syllogism → What's Philosophy and Paul Graham ❮❯
  5951. Sylvan Learning Centers → CONTROL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s20.html ]
  5952. Sylvester–Gallai theorem → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯ •Sylvester-Gallai Theorem ❮❯
  5953. Symantec → Website And Domain Lookup Tools ❮❯ •Windows: How to Remove “Antivirus Action” Malware ❮❯
  5954. Symbolic link → File Aliases Considered a Plague ❮❯
  5955. Symbolics → vi, Emacs, Keybinding Design ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •Lisp Programer Daniel Weinreb Died (1959 to 2012) ❮❯
  5956. Symmetric-key algorithm → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯ •Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  5957. Symmetric space → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  5958. Symmetry → Introduction to Symmetry ❮❯
  5959. Synaptic (software) → Linux: Package System {dpkg, apt-get} Tutorial ❮❯
  5960. Synecdoche → Words, page 14 ❮❯
  5961. Synesthesia → Words, page 4 ❮❯
  5962. Syntax → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  5963. Synthesizer#ADSR envelope → Chiptune, Fugue, Pure Music ❮❯
  5964. Syria → 2011-08-07 Anonymous Hacked Syrian Military Site [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Anonymous_hacked_Syrian_military_site.html ] •〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  5965. Sysinternals → How to Secure Delete Files, Shred Files, Wipe Drive ❮❯
  5966. SysRq → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯ •Keyboard Backspace Key: Key Label's Influence on Key Purpose ❮❯
  5967. Systemd → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-11 ❮❯
  5968. Systems theory → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  5969. T-ara → T-ara - “Bo Peep Bo Peep” ❮❯
  5970. T-square → What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra ❮❯
  5971. → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-04 ❮❯
  5972. T.I. → Anya Marina - “Whatever You Like” “Gossip Girl” ❮❯
  5973. Tabarnak → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  5974. Table of keyboard shortcuts → Microsoft Windows Keyboard Shortcuts ❮❯ •ErgoEmacs Keybinding: a Ergonomics Based Keyboard Shortcut System ❮❯ •Emacs: Usability Problems of Mode Documentation ❮❯
  5975. Table of mathematical symbols by introduction date → Xah Math Blog Archive 2015-01 to 2015-03 ❮❯
  5976. Table tennis → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  5977. Tableau vivant → GRE Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  5978. Tableless web design → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200710.html ]
  5979. Tablet computer → Modern Tablet Computer Features ❮❯
  5980. Taboo (1999 film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  5981. Tabula Rasa (video game) → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  5982. Tachikoma → Second Life: Droids ❮❯
  5983. Taekwondo → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  5984. Tag (metadata) → Web Keywords and Taxonomy ❮❯
  5985. Tag cloud → HTML5 Killed the ‹big› Tag?! ❮❯
  5986. Tagged pointer → Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  5987. Taiji (philosophy) → “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  5988. Taijitu → Crop Circles Art: Apollonius Circles, Taiji Diagram ❮❯
  5989. Taipei → Hard Rock Cafe USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/rokci_ckafi.html ]
  5990. Taiping Rebellion → Scientology and Falun Gong [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/scientology_falun_gong.html ]
  5991. Taiwan → Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯
  5992. Taiwan under Dutch rule → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  5993. Taiwanese Hokkien → 李敖有话说:台湾语早晚被淘汰; Li Ao on Taiwaness Dialect ❮❯
  5994. Take A Chance On Me → ABBA - “Take a Chance on Me” Courtship Dissected ❮❯
  5995. Tales of a Traveller → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  5996. Taliban → Women with Nose Cut Off [ Periodic_dosage_dir/nose_cut_off.html ]
  5997. Talos → Art: Europa and the Bull ❮❯ •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  5998. Tamara de Lempicka → Art of Tamara de Lempicka ❮❯
  5999. Tammuz → The Tale of the Husband and the Parrot ❮❯
  6000. Tammy Wynette → Why Women Shouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton (By Camille Paglia) ❮❯
  6001. Tangent → English/Chinese Math Terminology 中/英 数学术语 ❮❯
  6002. Tangram → Great Math Software on Puzzles ❮❯
  6003. Tank → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6004. Tape (film) → Feminism Perving Archive 2012-03 [ sex/blog_past_2012-03.html ]
  6005. tar (file format) → UNIX Tar Problem: File Length Truncation, Unicode Name Support ❮❯
  6006. Taren Steele → Star-Spangled Porn Stars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno2.html ]
  6007. Tarn (lake) → The Tale Of The Ensorceled Prince ❮❯ •The Fisherman And The Jinni ❮❯
  6008. Tarquin → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 3 Scene 1 ❮❯
  6009. Tartary → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  6010. Taskbar → Microsoft Windows Keyboard Shortcuts ❮❯
  6011. taskbar → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6012. Tasseography → Hyphenated Words, page 1 ❮❯
  6013. Tatami → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6014. Tattoo → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 8 [ p/mopi/mopi8.html ]
  6015. Taurus (constellation) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 3 ❮❯
  6016. Tawana Brawley rape case → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ] •Words, page 18 ❮❯
  6017. Tawny Roberts → Star-Spangled Porn Stars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno2.html ]
  6018. Taxi Driver (film) → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  6019. Taxonomy → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  6020. Tcl → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯ •Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯ •Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯
  6021. tcpdump → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯
  6022. tcsh → What's the Difference Between .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, …? ❮❯
  6023. Tea → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201010.html ]
  6024. Tea egg → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  6025. TeamSpeak → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯ •The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  6026. Teapot Dome scandal → Google Glass Dating, and History in Downton Abbey ❮❯
  6027. Tear tattoo → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  6028. tears of the sun → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  6029. Technical drawing → What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra ❮❯
  6030. Techno-utopianism → Time Machine: Chapter X ❮❯
  6031. Technological singularity → Second Life, Tech Geekers, And Escapism ❮❯ •Time Machine: Chapter X ❮❯
  6032. Technorati → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-07 ❮❯
  6033. Ted Nugent → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  6034. Teen drama → Babble of the Twits [ Periodic_dosage_dir/babble_of_the_twits.html ]
  6035. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  6036. Teflon → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  6037. Tekken 3 → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  6038. Telecom Italia → High-tech Architectures in Second Life ❮❯
  6039. Telegraph → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  6040. Telestrator → GRE Words ❮❯
  6041. telnet → Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful (Version 2011) ❮❯
  6042. Tempering → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  6043. Tempest (arcade game) → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  6044. Tencent QQ → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  6045. TENS → BDSM in Second Life: Hardcore Torture [ sl/tor3.html ]
  6046. Tentacle porn → American's Obsession with Little Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wasp_girls.html ]
  6047. Tentacle rape → Forced Play in Second Life [ sl/sx3.html ]
  6048. Tenure → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200909.html ]
  6049. Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama → Wikipedia ban on Editing Tibet [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Wikipedia_ban_on_tibet.html ]
  6050. Tera Term → Windows Console Key Shortcuts ❮❯
  6051. Terence Tao → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  6052. Teresa Deng → 鄧麗君 Teresa Deng Songs ❮❯
  6053. Tereus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 4 ❮❯
  6054. Terminal emulator → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6055. Terpsichore → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  6056. terra incognita → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  6057. Terracotta soldiers → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  6058. terrier → Wonderland: Chapter 2: The Pool of Tears ❮❯
  6059. Tesla Roadster → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  6060. Tesseract → Math Jargons Explained ❮❯
  6061. Testosterone → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  6062. Tetanus → Words, page 5 ❮❯
  6063. Tetrahedron → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-01 to 2010-05 ❮❯
  6064. tetrahedron → Math in Second Life, page 3 ❮❯
  6065. Teumessian fox → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  6066. TeX → Math Notation, Proof System, Computer Algebra, in One Language ❮❯ •The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  6067. texinfo → My Experience of Emacs vs XEmacs ❮❯ •Problems of Emacs's Manual ❮❯
  6068. Texinfo → A Record of Frustration in IT Industry; Disappearing FSF URLs ❮❯ •Emacs: View Info Page ❮❯
  6069. Text browser → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2012-03 ❮❯
  6070. TextEdit → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  6071. Textile → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6072. Textile (markup language) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6073. Textile Museum → Xah Lee Site Awards and Recognitions [ PageTwo_dir/Bookmarks_dir/linksToMySite.html ]
  6074. Textmate → Problems of Emacs's Manual ❮❯ •Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  6075. TextMate → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯ •TextMate Gone Open Source ❮❯
  6076. Texture mapping → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  6077. TextWrangler → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯ •TextMate Gone Open Source ❮❯
  6078. Tha Dogg Pound → 50 Cent - “PIMP” [ music/pimp_50_cent.html ]
  6079. Thailand → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6080. Thales' theorem → Circle ❮❯
  6081. Thalia → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  6082. Thanatos → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6083. Thanksgiving → SAT Words ❮❯
  6084. The 48 Laws of Power → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  6085. The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  6086. The Alphaville Herald → Emerald Viewer Banned by Linden Labs; What Viewer to Use? ❮❯
  6087. The Ambidextrous Universe: Mirror Asymmetry and Time-Reversed Worlds → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯
  6088. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language → American Heritage Dictionary vs Merriam Webster Collegiate ❮❯
  6089. The angel problem → Modeling Math Problem Into a Question in Formal Language: Conway's 2-Angle Problem ❮❯
  6090. The Art of the Fugue → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6091. The Ballad of Reading Gaol → Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯
  6092. The Baroque Cycle (novel) → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  6093. The Beatles LOVE by Cirque du Soleil → Las Vegas Travelog: the Mirage, Treasure Island [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mirage.html ]
  6094. The Beautiful Boy → The Last Taboo: Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children [ sex/the_american_pedo_craze.html ]
  6095. The Bell Curve → GRE Words ❮❯
  6096. The Blair Witch Project → Movie: American Crowd Pleasers Hall of Fame [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/mov2.html ] •Writer's Words ❮❯
  6097. The Blue Kite → GRE Words ❮❯
  6098. The Book of One Thousand and One Nights → Words, page 6 ❮❯
  6099. The Brick Testament → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  6100. The Broads → David Bowie - “Life on Mars” ❮❯
  6101. The Canterbury Tales → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ] •♪ “A Whiter Shade of Pale” ❮❯
  6102. The Carnal Prayer Mat → The Carnal Prayer Mat ❮❯
  6103. The Castle of Otranto → Anne Rice's Vampire and Sleeping Beauty ❮❯
  6104. The Cat in the Hat → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  6105. The Cat in the Hat (film) → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  6106. The Championships, Wimbledon → GRE Words ❮❯
  6107. The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy → John DeFrancis Idiot on Chinese Language ❮❯
  6108. The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty → Feminism, Students, and BDSM [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/feminism_studensts_bdsm.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  6109. The Collector (film) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200812.html ]
  6110. The Confusion (novel) → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  6111. The Conjuring → Best Movies ❮❯
  6112. The Devil's Rejects → The Art of Torture: a Photographic Tour [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/saw.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201010.html ]
  6113. The Devils (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  6114. The Diamond Age → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  6115. The Disneyland Memorial Orgy → Misc Satirical Artwork ❮❯
  6116. The Double Life of Veronique → Xah Arts Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  6117. The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife → Erotic Artwork [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rozgu.html ] •Censorship: Illustrated Guide to ESRB [ sex/illustrated_guide_to_ESRB.html ]
  6118. The Elements of Style → Are You Getting Truth From Pop Blogs? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pop_blog_truth.html ] •What's Passive Voice? What's Aggressive Voice? ❮❯ •Writing: Elements of Style in English ❮❯
  6119. The Emperor's New Mind → Humor: Weird Al - “White and Nerdy” ❮❯
  6120. The Executioner's Song → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6121. The Firm (novel) → SAT Words ❮❯
  6122. The Flowers of War → Best Movies ❮❯
  6123. The Fly (1986 film) → Classical Piano Music In Movies ❮❯
  6124. The Fox and the Stork → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  6125. The Geometer's Sketchpad → Plane Geometry Software ❮❯ •Great Software for Plane Geometry ❮❯
  6126. The Ghost Writer (film) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-07 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201007.html ]
  6127. The Glitch Mob → Industrial Music + Scifi/Fantasy: Apple Tree: Glitch Mob ❮❯
  6128. The Grandmaster (film) → “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  6129. The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in the Sun → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6130. The Haunting (1999 film) → English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  6131. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey → Best Movies ❮❯
  6132. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug → Best Movies ❮❯
  6133. The Huffington Post → The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ]
  6134. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame → 火烧圆明园是怎么回事? Burning of the Imperial Palace ❮❯
  6135. The Hunchback of Notre Dame → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6136. The Hunger Games → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯
  6137. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire#Critical response → Periodic Dosage Archive 2014-01 to 2014-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201401.html ]
  6138. The Ice Storm → Best Drama Movies ❮❯
  6139. The Importance of Being Earnest → Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯
  6140. The Intervention of the Sabine Women → Art: The Rape of the Sabine Women ❮❯
  6141. The King and I → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  6142. The King and I (1956 film) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6143. The Language Instinct → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  6144. The Last Samurai → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  6145. The Last Seduction → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  6146. The Lawnmower Man (1992 film) → Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020, page 2 ❮❯
  6147. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time → Legend of Zelda Songs ❮❯
  6148. The Little Mermaid → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  6149. The Little Mermaid (1989 film) → Disney Princesses and Sexual Attraction Between the Sexes [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/disney_princess.html ]
  6150. The Little Mermaid (film) → The Little Mermaid - “Poor Unfortunate Souls” ❮❯
  6151. The Little Prince → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6152. The Logical Song → Supertramp - “the Logical Song” ❮❯
  6153. The Lord of the Rings → Evil Lords In Second Life ❮❯
  6154. The Man From Earth → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  6155. The March of the Volunteers → Chinese National Anthem ❮❯
  6156. The Mask (film) → Writer's Words ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  6157. The Matrix → Second Life: Cybernetics ❮❯
  6158. The Matrix Online → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  6159. The Matrix Reloaded → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6160. The Metamorphosis → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  6161. The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect [ p/mopi/index.html ]
  6162. The Miller's Tale → - “A Whiter Shade of Pale” ❮❯
  6163. The Mirage → Las Vegas Travelog: the Mirage, Treasure Island [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mirage.html ]
  6164. The Misfortunes of Virtue → GRE Words ❮❯
  6165. The Mist → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6166. The Motherland Calls → Freedom Goddesses [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040324_zifre_cevni.html ]
  6167. The One (film) → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  6168. The Penguin → Words, page 11 ❮❯
  6169. The People vs. Larry Flynt → US Flag Culture in Cinema [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko4_skina.html ]
  6170. The Pianist (film) → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  6171. The pirate bay → Software Piracy, Open Source, Free Software, Copyright ❮❯
  6172. The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981 film) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  6173. The Power of Love (Jennifer Rush song) → Jennifer Rush - “The Power of Love” ❮❯
  6174. The Prestige → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6175. The Prestige (film) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6176. The Prince → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  6177. The Princess Bride (film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ] •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 2 ❮❯
  6178. The Raft → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6179. The Rape of the Sabine Women → Las Vegas Travelog: Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars.html ] •American's Obsession with Little Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wasp_girls.html ] •Art: The Rape of the Sabine Women ❮❯
  6180. The Revolt of the Masses → the Barbarism of Specialization (philosophy) (by Jose Ortega Y Gasset) ❮❯
  6181. The Rite (2011 film) → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6182. The Satanic Verses controversy → Christianity, Islam as Violent Cults [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/scripture.html ]
  6183. The School of Athens → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  6184. The search for the perfect language → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  6185. The Serpent and the Rainbow → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  6186. The Sheik (novel) → What Do Women Want? Romance Novels Tell it All [ Periodic_dosage_dir/bodice-ripper.html ]
  6187. The Silence of the Lambs (film) → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  6188. The Silence of the Lambs (film) → English Vocabulary: Racial Slurs ❮❯
  6189. The Sims Online → Emerald Viewer Banned by Linden Labs; What Viewer to Use? ❮❯
  6190. The Skeptic's Dictionary → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  6191. The Skin I Live In → The Skin I Live In ❮❯
  6192. The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy → Anne Rice's Vampire and Sleeping Beauty ❮❯
  6193. The Smiling, Proud Wanderer → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ] •♪ “The Swordsman” 笑傲江湖,滄海一聲笑 ❮❯
  6194. The Star-Spangled Banner → The Star-Spangled Banner, US National Anthem ❮❯
  6195. The Stepford Wives → Second Life Dolcett: a Record of Virtual World Sex Torture Role-Playing [ sl/sl_dolcett.html ]
  6196. The Storm (play) → 顿河的哥萨克,饮马在河流上 (Please Kill Me Later) ❮❯
  6197. The Story of Perrine → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  6198. The Swordsman → - “The Swordsman” 笑傲江湖,滄海一聲笑 ❮❯
  6199. The System of the World (novel) → Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺 ❮❯
  6200. The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009 film) → NSA Mass Surveillance ❮❯
  6201. The Tell-Tale Heart → “The Tell-Tale Heart” By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  6202. The Tempest (play) → Flatland: A Introduction (by Xah Lee) ❮❯
  6203. The Tick → Toons USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/toons.html ]
  6204. The True Story of Ah Q → China, Chinese, Blog [ Periodic_dosage_dir/china.html ]
  6205. The Twilight Saga: New Moon → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  6206. The Unarchiver → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯ •Mac OS X Resource Fork and Command Line Tips ❮❯ •Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  6207. The United States and weapons of mass destruction → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  6208. The UNIX-HATERS Handbook → Unix Pestilence: Quotations ❮❯
  6209. The Unix-Haters Handbook → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯ •Words, page 3 ❮❯
  6210. The Vampire Chronicles → Anne Rice's Vampire and Sleeping Beauty ❮❯
  6211. The Vanishing (1988 film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  6212. The Vanishing Hitchhiker → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-04 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200904.html ]
  6213. The Venetian → Las Vegas Travelog: Venetian [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/venetian.html ]
  6214. The Virtuoso Pianist In 60 Exercises → Xah's Music Learning Notes ❮❯
  6215. The Voyage of the Beagle → GRE Words ❮❯
  6216. The War of the Worlds → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6217. The War of the Worlds (novel) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  6218. The Weather Underground → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200901.html ]
  6219. The White Man's Burden → Terrorism from USA: Misery US Americans Have Done to the World [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040318_americanism.html ]
  6220. The Windmills of Your Mind → Dusty Springfield - “the Windmills of Your Mind” ❮❯
  6221. The Wizard of Oz (1939 film) → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 2 ❮❯
  6222. The World Factbook → 1913 Websters Dictionary and WordNet ❮❯
  6223. Theocracy → Math Prizes and Nobel Ignobility ❮❯
  6224. Theodicy → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6225. Theodore Kaczynski → Unabomber Manifesto (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um.html ]
  6226. Theora → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6227. Theorema Egregium → Random Math Notes: Friedrich Hirzebruch, Theorema Egregium, … ❮❯ •Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  6228. Theory of equations → Theory Of Equations ❮❯ •Geometry: Coordinate Systems for Plane Curves ❮❯
  6229. Theory of multiple intelligences → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ]
  6230. There (virtual world) → Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows ❮❯
  6231. Thespis → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6232. Thetis → Art of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres ❮❯ •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  6233. Thick Black Theory → 《厚黑學》 Thick Black Theory ❮❯
  6234. THINK C → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  6235. This Is the End → Best Movies ❮❯
  6236. This Week in Tech → Women in Tech: Today's Google Plus Recommendation? You Decide. ❮❯
  6237. Thomas Bulfinch → the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯
  6238. Thomas Carlyle → Time Machine: Chapter VII ❮❯
  6239. Thomas Dietz → World's Best Jugglers ❮❯ •The Cases of Elegance in Juggling ❮❯ •Elegance and Respectability of Juggling ❮❯
  6240. Thomas Gainsborough → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6241. Thomas Henry Huxley → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-12 to 2012-01 ❮❯
  6242. Thomas Hobbes → The Hunger Games, and Highbrowism of The New Yorker: hobbesian, dystopian, epicene, courtier, cosseted ❮❯
  6243. Thomas L. Heath → Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯ •Cissoid of Diocles ❮❯
  6244. Thomas Pynchon → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6245. Thomas Sowell → THE DANGER OF LEFTISM (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s26.html ] •Personal Info about Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah.html ] •Xah's Favorite Quotations [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/quotes.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ] •Is Lisp's Objects Concept Necessary? ❮❯ •Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  6246. Thomas Wolfe → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6247. Thor → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  6248. Thora Birch → “American Beauty” Screenshots [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/skina3.html ]
  6249. Thou → Words, page 6 ❮❯
  6250. Thracian → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 4 ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  6251. Three Colors: White → SAT Words ❮❯
  6252. Three Gorges Dam → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6253. Three hares → Rabbit vs Hare, Rabbit Meat Poisoning, Three-Rabits Motif, Cuniculture ❮❯
  6254. Three laws of robotics → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  6255. Three strikes law → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  6256. Thriller (song) → Michael Jackson - “Thriller” ❮❯
  6257. Thrush (bird) → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  6258. Thrust vectoring → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  6259. Thumb-shift keyboard → TRON Operating System, TRON Encoding ❮❯
  6260. Thunderbirds (TV series) → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  6261. Thunderbolt (interface) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-01 ❮❯
  6262. Thunderstorm (play) → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  6263. Thus Spoke Zarathustra → Byte Magazine Cover on LISP, A Space Odyssey, Nietzsche ❮❯
  6264. Thylacine → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  6265. TI-Nspire → Best Scientific Calculators ❮❯
  6266. Tian Han → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  6267. Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200811.html ] •Li Ao on Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Li_Ao_on_Tiananmen_Square.html ]
  6268. Tiangong 1 → SAT Words ❮❯
  6269. Tiara → The Arabian Nights ❮❯ •Words, page 5 ❮❯
  6270. Tic → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6271. Tiffany & Co. → Eagles - “Hotel California” ❮❯
  6272. Tiffany Mynx → Star-Spangled Porn Stars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno2.html ]
  6273. Tiger → Nearly Extinct Animals 📺 [ creatures/extinct_animals.html ]
  6274. tiger → Cats: Physiology, Sociology, Communication ❮❯
  6275. Tik Tok → GNAA Weev Troll Song (Kesha - “TiK ToK”) [ music/gnaa_weev_song.html ]
  6276. Tilda Swinton → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  6277. Tilting at windmills → Wilt Thou Gallantly Tilt at Windmills? ❮❯
  6278. Tim Bray → Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯
  6279. Tim Rice → Madonna “Don't Cry For Me Argentina” ❮❯ •Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  6280. Tim Storms → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6281. Tim Wu → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-01 ❮❯
  6282. Timbuktu (software) → Skype Chat Encryption and Screen Sharing ❮❯ •Mac OS X Changes To Unix ❮❯
  6283. Time Magazine → How to Increase Your Vocabulary? ❮❯
  6284. Timeline of binary prefixes → Kilo vs Kibi, Mega vs Mibi ❮❯
  6285. Timeline of web browsers → HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Tech and Browser Timeline ❮❯
  6286. TiMidity → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  6287. Timothy Leary → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ] •To What Degree USA Allow Free Speech? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/freedom_human_rights_in_USA.html ] •Jefferson Airplane - “White Rabbit” ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Abstract Nouns ❮❯
  6288. Timothy Treadwell → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  6289. Tinychat → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-11 ❮❯
  6290. Titan (mythology) → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 1 Scene 1 ❮❯
  6291. Titan A.E. → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6292. Titanic (1997 film) → Raw Spite, Motherfucker, - “I Am On a Boat” [ music/i_am_on_a_boat.html ]
  6293. Titans → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  6294. Titus (film) → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  6295. Titus Andronicus → 〈The Tragedy Of Titus Andronicus〉 by Shakespeare ❮❯
  6296. Tivoization → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  6297. Tk (framework) → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  6298. To hell in a handbasket → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-12 to 2012-01 ❮❯
  6299. To His Coy Mistress → Poetry: Brevity of a Woman's Life: To His Coy Mistress ❮❯
  6300. To Live → The Strengths of the Academic Enterprise ❮❯
  6301. Tobacco smoking → Words, page 10 ❮❯
  6302. toboggan → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 6 [ p/mopi/mopi6.html ]
  6303. TOC2 protocol → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  6304. TOC protocol → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  6305. Toe Jam (The Brighton Port Authority song) → Censorship Humor: BPA - “Toe Jam” ❮❯
  6306. Toe tag → YoungBloodZ - “Damn” [ music/damn.html ]
  6307. Toff → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  6308. Togo → Vexillology of World Cup 2006 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/wc2006.html ]
  6309. Toki Pona → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2013-03 to 2013-03 ❮❯
  6310. Tokyo → Hard Rock Cafe USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/rokci_ckafi.html ] •Google Earth Geography 101 ❮❯ •Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  6311. Tom-tom drum → The First Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  6312. Tom and jerry → Smooth! How to Impress a Girl. from Tom and Jerry [ sex/smooth_tom_and_jerry.html ]
  6313. Tom Anderson (entrepreneur) → Internet Hipsters and Hipstering of our Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/internet_age_thinking.html ]
  6314. Tom Byron → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ] •Star-Spangled Porn Stars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno2.html ]
  6315. Tom Christiansen → Unix, RFC, Line Truncation ❮❯
  6316. Tom Hanks → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  6317. Tom McClintock → The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030926_gubernatorial.html ]
  6318. Tom Snyder → Camille Paglia on Feminism, Men, Date Rape [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/camille_paglia.html ]
  6319. Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker → Julie Taymor's Titus ❮❯
  6320. tomcat → Second Life's Furries, page 1 ❮❯
  6321. Tommy Chong → I Got Stoned and Sold into Slave Trade [ Periodic_dosage_dir/stoned.html ]
  6322. Tone mapping → What is High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI)? ❮❯
  6323. Tongyong Pinyin → Taiwan, Politics, Tongyong Pinyin ❮❯
  6324. Tonkin → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  6326. Tony Leung Chiu-Wai → “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  6327. Tonya Harding → Persona Non Grata in the Hacker Community ❮❯ •Vocabulary Study: slang ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  6328. Tooth Fairy → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  6329. Top-down parsing language → Formal Grammar ❮❯
  6330. Top hat → Flag Images [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/t9.html ]
  6331. Topiary (hacktivist) → Lulzsec Got Bursted, Leader Betrayed Team [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lulzsec_bursted_leader_betrayal.html ]
  6332. Topological space → Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics ❮❯
  6333. topology → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯ •Math in Second Life, page 3 ❮❯
  6334. Tor (anonymity network) → Cookies, Super Cookies, Your Privacy ❮❯
  6335. Tornado (web server) → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-02 ❮❯
  6336. Torrie Wilson → Star Spangled Magazine Covers, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/mag.html ]
  6337. Tort law → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6338. Tortoise → Wonderland: Chapter 9: The Mock Turtle's Story ❮❯
  6339. Tortoise formation → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  6340. Torture → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  6341. Torture porn → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 6 [ p/mopi/mopi6.html ] •The Art of Torture: a Photographic Tour [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/saw.html ] •Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201010.html ]
  6342. Torus → Torus ❮❯
  6343. torus → Math in Second Life, page 3 ❮❯
  6344. Total Eclipse of the Heart → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  6345. touchpad → Math Models of 3D Inputs Control ❮❯
  6346. touchscreen → Math Models of 3D Inputs Control ❮❯
  6347. Toupee → Karmin - “Look at Me Now” ❮❯
  6348. Tourette syndrome → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6349. Tove Jansson → English Vocabulary: Special Meaning Words ❮❯
  6350. Tow hitch → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 6 [ p/mopi/mopi6.html ]
  6351. Tower defense → Plants vs Zombie; Thoughts on Strategy and Game Formulation ❮❯
  6352. → Quora's Future ❮❯
  6353. Toyota MR2 → Star Spangled Cars [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/karce.html ]
  6354. Traceroute → Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯ •Windows: Networking Commands ❮❯
  6355. Tractrix → Tractrix ❮❯
  6356. Trade winds → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 7 [ p/mopi/mopi7.html ]
  6357. Traditional Chinese characters → Chinese Character Script Styles 甲骨,金文,篆書,隸書,行書,草書,楷書,楷軆,宋體,… ❮❯
  6358. Traditional Chinese medicine → SAT Words ❮❯
  6359. Trafalgar Square → 周杰倫 《夜的第七章》 “Twilight's Chapter 7” ❮❯ •What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  6360. Trainspotting (movie) → Bedrock - “For What You Dream Of” (Trainspotting) ❮❯
  6361. Tram → Las Vegas Travelog: Luxor [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/luxor.html ]
  6362. Transcendental Etude No. 12 (Liszt) → Liszt Keyboard Music List ❮❯
  6363. Transcendental Etudes → Classical Keyboard Music ❮❯ •Liszt Keyboard Music List ❮❯ •Piano Scale Practice; Liszt Transcendental Etude № 12 ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  6364. Transcendental number → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  6365. Transcendentalism → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  6366. Transcription into Chinese characters → Selena Gomez Name in Chinese: 赛琳娜·戈梅茲 or 戈麦斯? ❮❯
  6367. Transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong → 1997 Hong Kong Return To China [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hong_kong_return_china.html ]
  6368. Transformation (geometry) → Geometry: Transformation of the Plane ❮❯
  6369. Transformers (toy line) → Second Life: Transformers ❮❯
  6370. Transhumanists → Words, page 7 ❮❯
  6371. Translation → Art of Translation ❮❯
  6372. Transmission (BitTorrent client) → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  6373. Transmission Control Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  6374. Transport Layer Security → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  6375. Traumatic insemination → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-02 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200902.html ]
  6376. Treacle → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6377. Treaty of San Francisco → Taiwan, Politics, Tongyong Pinyin ❮❯
  6378. Trefoil knot → Math in Second Life ❮❯
  6379. Trepanation → SECTION 7. — Concerning Irregular Figures ❮❯
  6380. Trespass → SAT Words ❮❯
  6381. Trevor Brown → Art of Trevor Brown [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/trevor_brown.html ]
  6382. Triangle inequality → Vectors ❮❯
  6383. Tribadism → Art of Sexual Positions, page 4 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rama4.html ]
  6384. Tribune → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 3 Scene 1 ❮❯
  6385. Trigonometric identities → Vectors ❮❯
  6386. Trigonometry → Coordinate Transformation ❮❯
  6387. Trigun → Drifting (car driving) ❮❯
  6388. Trimaran → English Vocabulary: Special Meaning Words ❮❯
  6389. Triple DES → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  6390. Tristan Needham → Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯
  6391. Triton of the Sea → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  6392. Triumph of the Will → Movie: American Crowd Pleasers Hall of Fame [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/mov2.html ]
  6393. Triumph of the will → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  6394. Triumphal arch → Las Vegas Travelog: Paris Las Vegas [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/paris.html ]
  6395. Trobriander → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  6396. troff → Syntax Design: Use of Unicode Matching Brackets as Specialized Delimiters ❮❯
  6397. Trojan War → Hollywood and Disney's Rape of Culture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hollywood_disney_rape_of_culture.html ] •Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯ •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 3 Scene 1 ❮❯
  6398. troll → Similar Words ❮❯
  6399. Tron: Legacy → Math: TRON Light Cycle Optimal Strategy 📺 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  6400. TRON (encoding) → TRON Operating System, TRON Encoding ❮❯
  6401. Tron (film) → Xah's Second Life Build Tutorial ❮❯
  6402. TRON project → TRON Operating System, TRON Encoding ❮❯
  6403. Trophy wife → Censorship, Erotica, Racism: Cindy's Torment [ p/cindys_torment.html ]
  6404. Tropic of Cancer → What's a Year? Why Not Just 100 Days? ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6405. Tropic of Cancer (novel) → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ]
  6406. Tropism → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  6407. True Lies → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  6408. TrueSpace → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  6409. TrueType → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯ •The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  6410. Truncheon → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 1 [ p/mopi/mopi1.html ]
  6411. Truth or dare → Michael Jackson - “Beat It” ❮❯
  6412. Tubingen → Time Machine: Chapter II ❮❯
  6413. tug-of-war → Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  6414. tuna → Monterey Bay Aquarium; Pinball Machines ❮❯
  6415. Tunis → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  6416. Tunneling protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  6417. Tupac Shakur → Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ]
  6418. Tupperware → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  6419. Turing complete → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯
  6420. Turkish bath → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  6421. Turning torso → Architecture Beauties ❮❯
  6422. Turnip → Buddhism Wreath-eating Ghost 食蔓鬼 ❮❯
  6423. Turnover (food) → Star Spangled Supermarket Things [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/supermarket.html ]
  6424. turtledove → The Third Kalandar's Tale ❮❯
  6425. Tutsis → Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence ❮❯
  6426. Tux → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  6427. Tween (demographic) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-01 to 2014-02 ❮❯
  6428. Tweety Bird → Toons in Second Life ❮❯
  6429. Twenty-Eight Mansions → 鄧麗君 《星》 《昴 すばる》 (Teresa Deng, Subaru) ❮❯
  6430. Twilight (2008 film) → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  6431. Twilight (novel) → Shakespeare vs Dr Seuss Rap Battle 📺 ❮❯
  6432. Twilight (series) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯
  6433. Twilio → Industrial Tech: Twilio, SendGrid, Google Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service ❮❯
  6434. Twin → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6435. Twin boom → Airplanes in Second Life ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ]
  6436. Twin Galaxies → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  6437. Twin Peaks → Twin Peaks Theme Songs - “Into the Night” ❮❯
  6438. Twin prime → Twin Prime Conjecture Breakthru: Yitang Zhang ❮❯
  6439. Twisted (software) → Python Libs for Scientists ❮❯
  6440. Twitter → URL Shortening is BAD ❮❯ •Babble of the Twits [ Periodic_dosage_dir/babble_of_the_twits.html ]
  6441. Twitter#Technology → What Language Does Google Facebook Twitter Paypal Wikipedia … Use? ❮❯
  6442. Two's complement → The Go Programming Language Specification - The Go Programming Language ❮❯
  6443. TXL (programming language) → parser notes ❮❯
  6444. Tyche → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ]
  6445. Type code → Mac OS X Resource Fork and Command Line Tips ❮❯
  6446. Typewriter → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  6447. Typhon → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 4 Scene 2 ❮❯
  6448. Typographical ligature → The Moronicities of Typography: Hyphen, Dash, Quotation Marks, Apostrophe ❮❯
  6449. Týr → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  6450. U.S. Electoral College → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6451. U.S. Highway 101 in California → Travelog: Reno 2006 ❮❯
  6452. Ubuntu (operating system) → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  6453. Ubuntu Software Center → Linux: Package System {dpkg, apt-get} Tutorial ❮❯
  6454. UFC → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  6455. Ultra 5 → Sun Microsystems Type 6 Keyboard ❮❯
  6456. UltraEdit → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  6457. ultramarine → SECTION 8. — Of the Ancient Practice of Painting ❮❯
  6458. Ulysses (novel) → YouTube = Porn Fodder? and Larry Sanger Reported me to FBI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/is_YouTube_porn_fodder.html ]
  6459. Ulysses S. Grant → Star Spangled Products by US Government [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_turni.html ]
  6460. Umami → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6461. UN → What Desires Are Politically Important? (by Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  6462. UN Human Development Index → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Population Under the Firmament [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030911_populous.html ]
  6463. Unalaska, Alaska → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ] •Video: Cat, Eagle, Fox, in Unalaska, Alaska 📺 ❮❯
  6464. Uncial script → SAT Words ❮❯
  6465. Uncle Sam → Star Spangled Second Life [ sl/us.html ] •Hard Rock Cafe USA [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/rokci_ckafi.html ] •Flag Images [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/t9.html ]
  6466. Uncomplicated Firewall → Linux: What's Netfilter, iptables, Their Differences? ❮❯
  6467. Underscore.js → Backbone Tutorial ❮❯ •Backbone Tutorial ❮❯
  6468. Understanding Comics → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200611.html ] •Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  6469. Understeer → Drifting (car driving) ❮❯
  6470. Underwood Dudley → Printed References On Plane Curves ❮❯
  6471. Underworld (2003 film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  6472. Unequal treaty → 1997 Hong Kong Return To China [ Periodic_dosage_dir/hong_kong_return_china.html ]
  6473. Unicode and HTML → HTML: Character Sets and Encoding ❮❯
  6474. Unicode character property → Python: Process Unicode, unicodedata Module ❮❯
  6475. Unicode equivalence → Unicode Character Equivalence Support in Web Browsers ❮❯
  6476. Unicode font → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  6477. unicorn → Second Life's Furries 4 ❮❯ •Similar Words ❮❯
  6478. Unification church → Cults: Lawsonomy, David Icke, Moonie, Falun Gong, Raelism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lawsonomy.html ]
  6479. Uniform Naming Convention → How to Setup a Network Between Mac and Windows ❮❯
  6480. Unihan font → Windows Font and Unicode ❮❯
  6481. Union Flag → Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  6482. Unisex public toilet → Quora's Future ❮❯
  6483. Unison (file synchronizer) → How to Use Unison for Syncing Files (Unison tutorial) ❮❯
  6484. United Internet → Site Terms Of Use [ terms.html ]
  6485. United States bombing of Libya → The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect: Chapter 2 [ p/mopi/mopi2.html ]
  6486. United States diplomatic cables leak → Wikileaks: US Diplomatic Cables Leak [ Periodic_dosage_dir/US_diplomatic_cables_leak.html ]
  6487. United States invasion of Panama → HOW SOME PEOPLE ADJUST (Industrial Society and its Future) [ p/um/um-s10.html ]
  6488. United States Natural Law Party → California Political Parties [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/ca_jecta.html ]
  6489. United States v. Extreme Associates → Porn and Law in USA: Robert Black and Obscenity Charges [ sex/Robert_Black.html ]
  6490. Unity (game engine) → Second Life, the Worst Hack in Universe ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯
  6491. Unity (user interface) → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  6492. Unity (game engine) → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  6493. Universal algebra → Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders ❮❯
  6494. Universal human rights#Debate → Why Do I Not Support the “Human Right” Concept? [ Periodic_dosage_dir/human_rights.html ]
  6495. Universal Turing machine → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯
  6496. Universal v. Reimerdes → The State of Affairs of DVD Rippers ❮❯
  6497. Universally Unique Identifier → What's Windows CLSID? Second Life UUID? ❮❯
  6498. Universally unique identifier → Emacs Lisp: Insert Random UUID ❮❯
  6499. University of California, Berkeley → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  6500. University of California, Irvine → Notes on 3D-XplorMath Conference 2006 at UCI [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/3dxm_conf_2006.html ]
  6501. UNIX-HATERS Handbook → The X-Windows Disaster ❮❯
  6502. Unix directory structure → random Linux notes 2012-04-28 ❮❯
  6503. Unix philosophy → The Nature of the Unix Philosophy ❮❯
  6504. Unix time → Atom Webfeed Basics ❮❯ •Emacs Lisp: Formatting Date Time ❮❯
  6505. Unladen Swallow → Programer Humor: Wolfram Alpha Ad: Python Unladen Swallow ❮❯
  6506. Unlambda → Avoiding Variables in Functional Programing ❮❯
  6507. Unreal Engine 3 → Alice: Madness Returns ❮❯
  6508. UnxUtils → Unix tools on Windows: Cygwin vs VirtualBox ❮❯
  6509. Uppercut → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  6510. Upstart → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-01 ❮❯
  6511. Upstream Color → Best SciFi Movies ❮❯
  6512. Urania → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯
  6513. Uranian → English: Ostentatious, Spurious, but Uranian! ❮❯
  6514. Urine therapy → BDSM in Second Life 1 [ sl/tor.html ]
  6515. URL shortening → URL Shortening is BAD ❮❯
  6516. Urolagnia → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ] •Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  6517. Urophagia → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  6518. Ursula Martinez → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200801.html ]
  6519. Usage share of web browsers → Web Browser Market Share 2010-02 ❮❯
  6520. USB 3.0 → USB3 Drive Speed ❮❯
  6521. USB flash drive → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯ •Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  6522. Usb hub → Windows: is Your USB Drive Fast Enough for ReadyBoost? ❮❯
  6523. USB human interface device class → USB Keyboard Scancode Reference, Physical Key Layouts ❮❯
  6524. UseModWiki → Problems of Emacswiki ❮❯
  6525. Usenet newsgroup → A Interloper in alt.usage.english Theater ❮❯
  6526. User:P0lyglut → Think Twice Before You Donate to Wikipedia ❮❯ •Xah Lee Profile/Contacts [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/presences.html ]
  6527. User:Rama → Art of Sexual Positions [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/rama.html ]
  6528. User Datagram Protocol → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  6529. User talk:P0lyglut → Why Can't You Be Normal? ❮❯ •Wikipedia ban on Editing Tibet [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Wikipedia_ban_on_tibet.html ]
  6530. USS Scorpion (SSN-589) → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6531. USS Texas (SSN-775) → Starry Americana [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/starry_americana.html ]
  6532. USS Thresher (SSN-593) → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6533. UTF-16 → What Characters Are Not Allowed in File Names? ❮❯
  6534. UTF-8 → The Go Programming Language Specification - The Go Programming Language ❮❯
  6535. V formation → Bird Flight V Formation as Geometry Problem of Max Visual Contact ❮❯
  6536. V sign → Sola Aoi 蒼井空, and Origin of the Scissor-Hand in Asian Photos [ sex/sola_aoi_scissor_hand.html ]
  6537. Vagabond (person) → David Bowie - “Young Americans” ❮❯
  6538. Vaginal lubrication → Moon Cup, IUD, Cervix [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/menstrual_cup.html ]
  6539. Vala (programming language) → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯
  6540. Valen Hsu → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6541. Valerie Perrine → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6542. Valerie Tryon → Naxos's CDs of Liszt ❮❯
  6543. Valkyrie → Apocalypse Now, Ride of the Valkyries [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/apocalypse_now.html ]
  6544. Valley Girl → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6545. Valspeak → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6546. Value proposition → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-06 ❮❯
  6547. Vampire Chronicles → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  6548. Van Diemen's Land → Gulliver's Travels. PART I — A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT ❮❯
  6549. Vanessa del Rio → Xah's Porn Outspeak [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html ]
  6550. Vanessa Woods → Female, Sex, and Bonobo [ sex/female_sex_and_bonobo.html ] •Feminism Perving Archive 2012-08 [ sex/blog_past_2012-08.html ]
  6551. Vanilla → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  6552. Varanasi → Photo: Ganges River ❮❯
  6553. Variety Big Brother → Australian Flag Girls [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/aussie.html ]
  6554. Variety show → Las Vegas Travelog: Alladin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mcaladdin.html ]
  6555. Vaughan Pratt → Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯ •The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  6556. Vaughan Ronald Pratt → LISP Infix Syntax Survey ❮❯
  6557. Vault → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  6558. Vazquez Sounds → Cute Girls Singing Adele's - “Rolling in the Deep” ❮❯
  6559. VBScript → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6560. VC-1 → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6561. VCR → The Sounds of Obsolete Technologies 1990 to 2000 ❮❯
  6562. Venice → Las Vegas Travelog: Venetian [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/venetian.html ]
  6563. Ventrillo → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  6564. Venus → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 2 Scene 3 ❮❯
  6565. Venus and Adonis (Shakespeare poem) → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-09 to 2012-09 ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Poesy Words ❮❯
  6566. Venus and Adonis (Shakespeare poem) → Words, page 10 ❮❯ •Words, page 19 ❮❯ •Words, page 19 ❮❯
  6567. Venus de Milo → References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •the Glorification of Female with Limblessness [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040201_limbles_ninmu.html ]
  6568. Venus Flytrap → Photo: Cherry, Venus Flytrap, and the Lure of Sex ❮❯
  6569. Vera Lynn → Vera Lynn “We'll Meet Again” ❮❯
  6570. Verbosity → SAT Words ❮❯
  6571. Verdigris → Time Machine: Chapter V ❮❯
  6572. verdigris → Time Machine: Chapter III ❮❯
  6573. Verginia → 〈Titus Andronicus〉 Act 5 Scene 3 ❮❯
  6574. Verisimilitude → Vocabulary: Poesy Words ❮❯
  6575. vermilion → Qi Lisp Language Logo ❮❯
  6576. vermillion → SECTION 8. — Of the Ancient Practice of Painting ❮❯
  6577. Very Large Array → Giant Parabolic-dish Photo Gallery ❮❯
  6578. Vestal Virgin → - “A Whiter Shade of Pale” ❮❯
  6579. Vesti la Giubba → Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  6580. Vic Gundotra → Humor: Google Logo Boobs ❮❯
  6581. → Periodic Dosage Archive 2014-10 to 2014-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201410.html ]
  6582. Viceroy → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯
  6583. Vicki Zhao → Double-Bun Hair Girls [ bb/ox_horns.html ] •Flags Babes in Asia [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/elsewhere.html ]
  6584. Vicky the Viking → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  6585. Victor H. Mair → Professor Victor Mair and 肏 (Fuck) ❮❯
  6586. Victor Hugo → The Masque of the Red Death ❮❯
  6587. Victoria's Secret → Las Vegas Travelog: Alladin [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mcaladdin.html ]
  6588. Video codec → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6589. Videotape format war → Programing: Scheme and Failure ❮❯
  6590. Vienna → Curlicues ❮❯
  6591. Viet Cong → Bruce Springsteen - “Born in the USA” ❮❯ •Bruce Springsteen - “Born in the USA” ❮❯
  6592. Viking → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯ •The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  6593. Village of the Damned → Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart” ❮❯
  6594. Village of the Damned (1960 film) → SAT Words ❮❯
  6595. Village of the Damned (1995 film) → A Love of Torture [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20031204_torture.html ]
  6596. Vim (text editor) → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯
  6597. Vim script → A Syntax Highlighting Language? ❮❯
  6598. Vincent Fang (lyricist) → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  6599. Vinod Khosla → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  6600. Violet Blue (author) → Censorship from Sex Blogger Violet Blue [ sex/Violet_Blue_censorship.html ]
  6601. Virgin Atlantic → Union Jack Things [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/brits_things.html ]
  6602. Virgin Killer → The Free Lunch of Concerns of Concern of Children [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/verba_kurji.html ]
  6603. Virginia Woolf → 李敖: 才女与美女如何兼备; Li Ao: Pretty Women vs Brainy Women ❮❯ •How to Increase Your Vocabulary? ❮❯
  6604. Virtua Fighter 5 → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  6605. Virtual hosting → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  6606. Virtual private network → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  6607. Virtual Studio Technology → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  6608. Virtual world → Introduction to Second Life ❮❯
  6609. VirtualBox → PHP + MySQL Documentation Redux, 2012 ❮❯ •random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  6610. VirtualDub → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  6611. Visual Basic → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  6612. Visual Basic .NET → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  6613. Visual Basic for Applications → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6614. visual literacy → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  6615. Visual programming language → Proliferation of Computing Languages ❮❯
  6616. Visual Studio → Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  6617. Vitalism → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2014-11 to 2014-12 ❮❯
  6618. Vivian Hsu → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6619. Vivisection → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6620. Vizier → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯ •Aladdin: Proposal ❮❯ •The Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban ❮❯ •Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 1 ❮❯ •Words, page 19 ❮❯
  6621. Vizio → This Poor Sob Got a New Monitor ❮❯
  6622. Vladimir Lenin → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ] •David Bowie - “Life on Mars” ❮❯
  6623. VLC media player → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯ •The State of Affairs of DVD Rippers ❮❯ •Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯ •Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  6624. Vocal range → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6625. Vocaloid → Hatsune Miku, Vocaloid: Computer Generated Virtual Singing Doll ❮❯
  6626. Volcano → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  6627. Voldo → Soul Caliber Voldo Dance ❮❯
  6628. Voltaire → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  6629. volute → Spirals in Nature ❮❯
  6630. Volute → Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯ •Lituus ❮❯
  6631. Von Neumann programming languages → Hardware Modeled (Von Neumann) Computer Languages and Functional-Level Languages ❮❯
  6632. Vorarephilia → BDSM in Second Life: Hardcore Torture [ sl/tor3.html ] •Second Life Dolcett: a Record of Virtual World Sex Torture Role-Playing [ sl/sl_dolcett.html ] •Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  6633. Vorbis → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6634. Vornado Air Circulation Systems → Electric Fans ❮❯
  6635. Voronoi diagram → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-06 to 2010-10 ❮❯ •Math: Fibonaci Sequence Video Fallacy 📺 ❮❯ •JavaScript D3 Rotating Voronoi Demo ❮❯
  6636. Voter turnout → Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-201010.html ]
  6637. Voting system → Voting Systems: Why Winner Isn't Liked by Majority ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200811.html ] •Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2011-12 to 2012-01 ❮❯ •SAT Words ❮❯
  6638. Vova and Olga Galchenko → World's Best Jugglers ❮❯ •Best Videos of Girl Jugglers ❮❯
  6639. VP8 → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6640. VPython → Intro to POV-Ray and 3D Geometry Programing ❮❯
  6641. VRML → Introduction to Second Life ❮❯ •Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  6642. VT100 → Control Key and Capslock Key Positions in Old Keyboards ❮❯ •GNU Emacs and XEmacs Schism ❮❯
  6643. VT52 → Control Key and Capslock Key Positions in Old Keyboards ❮❯ •Control Key and Capslock Key Positions in Old Keyboards ❮❯
  6644. Vuze → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  6645. W3C Markup Validation Service → HTML Correctness and Validators ❮❯
  6646. W3m → A Emacs Frustration (Blogger package) ❮❯ •Emacs AutoHotkey Mode Problems ❮❯
  6647. Wakin Chau → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6648. Wal-Mart → Star Spangled Supermarket Things [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/supermarket.html ] •Reading Notes on Basic Economics ❮❯
  6649. Wal Mart → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6650. Walker (Star Wars) → Second Life: Cybernetics ❮❯
  6651. WALL-E → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  6652. Wallpaper group → Wallpaper groups: References and Related Web Sites ❮❯
  6653. Wally Wood → Misc Satirical Artwork ❮❯
  6654. Walmart → Shit Southern Women Say (slang, accent, Humor) 📺 ❮❯
  6655. walrus → Wonderland: Chapter 2: The Pool of Tears ❮❯
  6656. Waltz → Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/intimate_behavior.html ]
  6657. Wanda Landowska → Piano Keyboard Actions 4: Kawai MP9000 Problems ❮❯ •Augustness, Austerity, Pain and Suffering: 4 Piano Pieces to Die For ❮❯
  6658. Wandsworth → Time Machine: Chapter VIII ❮❯
  6659. Wardriving → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6660. warmonger → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  6661. Warren Farrell → PostModern, American, and Feminism [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040226_feminism2.html ]
  6662. Warriors of Heaven and Earth → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  6663. Wasabi → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6664. Washing machine → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200711.html ]
  6665. Washington, D.C. → David Bowie - “Young Americans” ❮❯
  6666. Washington (state) → David Bowie - “Young Americans” ❮❯
  6667. Washington Irving → The Adventure of the German Student ❮❯
  6668. Washington Metro → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6669. Washington Monument → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6670. WASP → Movie: American Crowd Pleasers Hall of Fame [ Periodic_dosage_dir/skina/mov2.html ]
  6671. Watch → Chronograph and Chronometer ❮❯
  6672. Watch Out (Alex Gaudino song) → English Vocabulary: Special Meaning Words ❮❯
  6673. Watergate scandal → GRE Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6674. Watt → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  6675. Watt-hour → What is Watt-Hour? ❮❯
  6676. Wattle and daub → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  6677. WAV → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6678. Way of the Dragon → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  6679. Wayback Machine → Emacs Lisp: Change URL into HTML Link ❮❯
  6680. We Are The World → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6681. Weapons of mass destruction → Psychology and Moral Attitude of “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/wmd.html ]
  6682. Wear leveling → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  6683. WeatherBug → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  6684. Weatherman (organization) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200901.html ]
  6685. Web2py → Python Tech 2012: django, CherryPy, unittest, nose, celery, decorator ❮❯
  6686. Web bug → Micropayment on the Web: It's Only a Matter of Time ❮❯
  6687. Web feed → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  6688. Web Intents → Emerging Web Tech: Web Intents ❮❯
  6689. Web of trust → Public-key Cryptography Tutorial; What's SSH, SSL, TLS, AES, SHA-1, MD5 ❮❯
  6690. Web portal → Advantages of FeedBurner and Some Web Feed History ❮❯
  6691. Web search engine → Google Search Problems; Alternative Search Engines ❮❯
  6692. Web Server Gateway Interface → Python Tech 2012: django, CherryPy, unittest, nose, celery, decorator ❮❯
  6693. Web typography → Google Webfont Tutorial ❮❯
  6694. Web Workers → Google Chrome, SPDY Protocol, Browser War II ❮❯
  6695. webalizer → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  6696. webcast → TV Has Arrived on The Web ❮❯
  6697. → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2011-06 ❮❯
  6698. Webcomic → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  6699. WebM Project → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6700. WebP → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-07 ❮❯
  6701. WEBrick → Ruby on Rails Basic Tutorial ❮❯
  6702. Webster's Dictionary → Emacs Dictionary Lookup ❮❯ •1913 Websters Dictionary and WordNet ❮❯
  6703. WebVTT#WebVTT → Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2014-07 ❮❯
  6704. Weekday names → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  6705. Weev → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2013-02 ❮❯ •GNAA Weev Troll Song (Kesha - “TiK ToK”) [ music/gnaa_weev_song.html ]
  6706. Wei Wei (singer) → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6707. Weightlifting → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  6708. Well-Tempered Clavier → Piano Keyboard Actions 4: Kawai MP9000 Problems ❮❯
  6709. Well Tempered Clavier → Classical Keyboard Music ❮❯
  6710. Wendy Kaye → Star Spangled Playmates [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/playmates.html ]
  6711. Wendy Melvoin → Prince - “Kiss” ❮❯
  6712. Wenling → 李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  6713. WenQuanYi → Standard Fonts on Linuxes ❮❯
  6714. werewolf → Mythological Creatures In Second Life ❮❯
  6715. Werner Boy → Boy's Surface (Apery) ❮❯
  6716. West Indies → Gulliver's Travels. PART I — A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUT ❮❯
  6717. West Country → English Accent: British Accent 📺 ❮❯
  6718. West Lake → 高胜美 《千年等一回》 (Millennial Wait) ❮❯
  6719. Westfield Valley Fair → Curlicues ❮❯
  6720. Westminster → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  6721. Westward Ho Hotel and Casino → Las Vegas Travelog: Riviera [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/riviera.html ]
  6722. WGRZ → Gamer SWATTED Phenomenon [ Periodic_dosage_dir/gamer_swatted_phenomenon.html ]
  6723. What I Believe → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6724. Where The Wild Roses Grow → Kylie Minogue - “Where The Wild Roses Grow” ❮❯
  6725. Wherry → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  6726. Whig → Gulliver's Travels. PART II. A VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG ❮❯
  6727. Whitaker's Almanack → Why I am Not a Christian (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  6728. White-box testing → web tech 2012: blackbox/whitebox testing, Jenkins, Puppet, Selenium ❮❯
  6729. White & Nerdy → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-01 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200701.html ] •Humor: Weird Al - “White and Nerdy” ❮❯
  6730. White Flag (song) → Dido - “White Flag” ❮❯
  6731. White Lotus Society (triad) → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-12 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200612.html ]
  6732. White Rabbit → Wonderland: Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole ❮❯
  6733. White Rabbit (song) → Jefferson Airplane - “White Rabbit” ❮❯
  6734. White Rhinoceros → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200608.html ]
  6735. White tea → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200609.html ]
  6736. → Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Resell Market ❮❯
  6737. Whitespace character → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2012-05 ❮❯
  6738. Whitey Bulger → GRE Words ❮❯
  6739. Whitney umbrella → Whitney Umbrella ❮❯
  6740. Who Framed Roger Rabbit → Jessica Rabbit “Why Don't You Do Right” ❮❯
  6741. Who killed the electric car → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-03 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200803.html ]
  6742. Whois → Website And Domain Lookup Tools ❮❯
  6743. Whole grain → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  6744. Whole wheat flour → Diet of Xah Lee [ PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah_lee_diet.html ]
  6745. Why Don't You Do Right? → Jessica Rabbit “Why Don't You Do Right” ❮❯
  6746. Why the future doesn't need us → Futuristic Calamity [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030909calamity.html ]
  6747. Wi-Fi Protected Setup → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2014-02 ❮❯
  6748. Wickerwork → Knitting, Chinese Knots, Braid Theory ❮❯ •Algorithmic Mathematical Art ❮❯
  6749. Wide area network → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  6750. Wikileak → Computer Hacking: Lulz Security Farewell Note ❮❯
  6751. Wikileaks → Leaked Video: US Helicopter Killing Iraqi [ Periodic_dosage_dir/leaked_video_US_helicopter_killing.html ]
  6752. Wikipedia → Problems of Emacswiki ❮❯
  6753. Cindy's Torment → Wikipedia Article on Cindy's Torment [ p/cindys_torment_wikipedia.html ]
  6754. Wikipedia:Logos and slogans → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  6755. Wikipedia Scanner → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  6756. Wiktionary → Online Dictionaries ❮❯
  6757. Wilber (mascot) → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  6758. Wild West → BDSM in Second Life: Hardcore Torture [ sl/tor3.html ]
  6759. → Black Eyed Peas - “My Humps” ❮❯
  6760. Will Ferrell → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  6761. Willem de Kooning → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-08 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200808.html ] •Oscar Wilde's Tomb and Quips ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  6762. William Blum → Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200811.html ] •Terrorism from USA: Misery US Americans Have Done to the World [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040318_americanism.html ] •Liu Xiaobo, NED, CIA, USA Support [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_NED_CIA.html ]
  6763. William Bouguereau → Art of William Bouguereau ❮❯
  6764. William Empson → GRE Words ❮❯
  6765. William Gaines → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  6766. William Hazlitt → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2015-04 to 2015-08 ❮❯
  6767. William Hogarth → Reading Notes on Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics ❮❯
  6768. William Hyde Wollaston → 〈The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade〉 By Edgar Allan Poe ❮❯
  6769. William I of England → Wonderland: Chapter 2: The Pool of Tears ❮❯
  6770. William Poundstone → Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯
  6771. William the Conqueror → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  6772. William Thurston → Xah Math Blog Archive 2012-08 to 2012-12 ❮❯
  6773. Win32 console → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6774. Wind Turbine → Wind Turbine Photos ❮❯
  6775. Windmill → Windmills ❮❯
  6776. Window Maker → Random Linux Notes, Emacs on Ubuntu, 2011-05-26 ❮❯
  6777. Windows Action Center → Microsoft Windows Update Fail KB2691905 ❮❯
  6778. File Explorer → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6779. Windows Live Mail → Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail, Confusion Ball ❮❯ •Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  6780. Windows Live Messenger → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  6781. Windows Live Movie Maker → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  6782. Windows Mail → Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail, Confusion Ball ❮❯
  6783. Windows Management Instrumentation → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6784. Windows Media Audio → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6785. Windows Media Encoder → Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  6786. Windows Media Video → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6787. Windows NT → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6788. Windows PowerShell → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6789. Windows Registry → Microsoft Windows Registry Tutorial ❮❯
  6790. Windows Script Host → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6791. Windows Search → How to Use Windows Search; Stop Indexing USB Drives; Rebuilding Index ❮❯
  6792. Windows shell → random Linux notes 2012-04-11 ❮❯
  6793. Windows Shell → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯
  6794. Windows Sidebar → Removing Junk PC AdWare, TrialWare, BloatWare from HP/Compaq ❮❯
  6795. Windows Speech Recognition → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-09 ❮❯
  6796. Windows thumbnail cache → Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  6797. O technologies#SuperFetch → Windows: What's Prefetcher, SuperFetch, ReadyBoost? ❮❯
  6798. Windstorm → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ] •Words, page 4 ❮❯
  6799. WinDVD → The State of Affairs of DVD Rippers ❮❯
  6800. Winesburg, Ohio (novel) → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6801. Winesburg, Ohio (novel) → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 3 ❮❯
  6802. Wing Chun → “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  6803. Winged Victory of Samothrace → Las Vegas Travelog: Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars.html ] •References Used On Las Vegas Travelog Caesars Palace [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/caesars_cukta.html ] •the Glorification of Female with Limblessness [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/20040201_limbles_ninmu.html ]
  6804. Winglet → Union Jack Things [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/brits_things.html ]
  6805. Wings 3D → Intro to POV-Ray and 3D Geometry Programing ❮❯
  6806. Wings 3d → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  6807. Wink (tutorial software) → Software for Video Capture and Screencasting ❮❯
  6808. Winnowing → Gulliver's Travels. PART IV - A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ❮❯
  6809. Wire frame model → What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra ❮❯
  6810. Wireless LAN → How to Setup a Network Between Mac and Windows ❮❯
  6811. Wireless network interface card → How to Setup a Network Between Mac and Windows ❮❯
  6812. Wireless network interface controller → Linux: How to Get Wireless to Work ❮❯
  6813. Wireshark → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-06 ❮❯ •Xah Programing Blog Archive 2013-10 ❮❯ •Linux: Networking Commands ❮❯ •Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  6814. Witch-hunt → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  6815. Witch-king of Angmar → Evil Lords In Second Life ❮❯
  6816. Witch of Agnesi → Witch of Agnesi ❮❯
  6817. Witchcraft → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  6818. Witchhunt → BDSM in Second Life [ sl/bdsm.html ]
  6819. wmctrl → Linux: Add Key to Switch App ❮❯
  6820. Wolf → Second Life's Furries 3 ❮❯
  6821. Wolfdog → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  6822. Wolff Olins → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-07 to 2012-07 ❮❯ •GRE Words ❮❯
  6823. Wolfram's 2-state 3-symbol Turing machine → Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance ❮❯
  6824. Wolfram's 2-state 3-symbol Turing machine → Criticisms on Criticisms on a New Kind of Science ❮❯
  6825. Wolfram Alpha → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-11 ❮❯ •Special Plane Curves: What's New ❮❯
  6826. Wolfram alpha → Great Math Software for Curves and Surfaces ❮❯ •Periodic Dosage Archive 2009-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200906.html ]
  6827. Wolof language → Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  6828. Womanizer (song) → Britney Spears - “Womanizer” ❮❯
  6829. Wonder Woman → Wonder Woman: from Bondage Heroine to Feminist to Sexpot [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/ww.html ] •Words, page 16 ❮❯ •Words, page 16 ❮❯ •Words, page 5 ❮❯
  6830. Wong Fei Hung → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  6831. Wong Jim → 葉蒨文 《晚风》 (Night Breeze) ❮❯
  6832. Wong Kar-wai → “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  6833. Wong Kar Wai → Midnight Poison - “Space Dementia” 📺 Eva Green ❮❯
  6834. Woodstock Festival → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6835. Wookiee → Second Life's Furries, page 1 ❮❯
  6836. Word count → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ]
  6837. Word of mouth → Hyphenated Words, page 3 ❮❯
  6838. WordNet → Emacs Dictionary Lookup ❮❯ •1913 Websters Dictionary and WordNet ❮❯
  6839. WordPad → Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  6840. WordPress → Google Blogger Porn Content Policy [ sex/google_blogger_porn_policy.html ]
  6841. Workers Stadium → 留几手的话 (Words from Save A Hand Or Two) ❮❯
  6842. World Book → Encyclopedia, My Experiences ❮❯
  6843. World Chess Championship → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  6844. World English Bible → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  6845. World Juggling Federation → Juggler's Shifty Legs and Snaky Torso ❮❯
  6846. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics → World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics❓ ❮❯
  6847. World of Warcraft → Xah Second Life Blog Archive 2010-01 ❮❯
  6848. World population → Population Under the Firmament [ Periodic_dosage_dir/20030911_populous.html ]
  6849. Worlds in Collision → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-11 to 2010-12 ❮❯
  6850. Worse is better → Lisp Celebrities and Computing History from “Worse Is Better” ❮❯ •How Shall I Respond? ❮❯
  6851. WOT: Web of Trust → Website And Domain Lookup Tools ❮❯
  6852. Wrestler Chyna → Star-Spangled Stars, page 2 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno_2.html ]
  6853. Wrestling → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  6854. Wright brothers → What is Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra ❮❯
  6855. writing system → The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯
  6856. Writing system → How to Tell the Difference Between Chinese, Japanese, Korean? ❮❯
  6857. WS FTP → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  6858. Wuxia → 胡彦斌 《红颜》 (Maiden) ❮❯ •Words, page 19 ❮❯
  6859. Wuyontana → Macross Plus - “Pulse” (song) ❮❯
  6860. wxWidgets → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  6861. Wynn Las Vegas → Las Vegas Travelog: Riviera [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/riviera.html ]
  6862. WYSIWYG → GNU Emacs and XEmacs Schism ❮❯
  6863. Wōden → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  6864. X-Games → Juggler's Shifty Legs and Snaky Torso ❮❯
  6865. X-height → CSS's “ex” Width In Different Browsers ❮❯
  6866. X10 (programming language) → Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string ❮❯
  6867. X11 color names → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2011-09 ❮❯
  6868. X Window selection → Emacs: Sync Copy/Paste Clipboards with Linux X11 ❮❯
  6869. X Window System → Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯ •Geometry: Requirements for a Visualization System for 2020 ❮❯ •Short Survey of Keyboard Shortcut Notations ❮❯
  6870. X Window System core protocol → Microsoft IntelliType Review ❮❯
  6871. Xbox → Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 4 ❮❯
  6872. XCHM → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  6873. Xcode → Problems of Emacs's Manual ❮❯ •Text Editors Popularity and Market Research ❮❯ •Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt ❮❯
  6874. XDarwin → The Unix Pestilence ❮❯
  6875. XEmacs → Emacs Dev Inefficiency and Emacs Web 2.0? ❮❯ •GNU Emacs and XEmacs Schism ❮❯
  6876. XEmbed → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯
  6877. Xeni Jardin → Internet Hipsters and Hipstering of our Age [ Periodic_dosage_dir/internet_age_thinking.html ] •Censorship from Sex Blogger Violet Blue [ sex/Violet_Blue_censorship.html ]
  6878. Xesam → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯
  6879. XeTeX → The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks) ❮❯ •How to Create APL or Math Symbols Keyboard Layout ❮❯
  6880. Xevious → Top 7 Arcade Video Games of the 1980s ❮❯
  6881. Xft → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯
  6882. Xhosa language → Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  6883. xinetd → Mac OS X Changes To Unix ❮❯ •Unix History 2000, Software ❮❯
  6884. Xingyiquan → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  6885. Xinhua News Agency → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6886. XML namespace → What's Lisp-1, What's Lisp-2? Bad Jargon or Good Jargon? ❮❯
  6887. Xoops → Content Management Shootout 2006 ❮❯
  6888. XRI → URL Percent Encoding and Unicode ❮❯
  6889. XScreenSaver → Mac and Windows File Conversion ❮❯
  6890. xterm → Intro to Scripting Tech on Windows (Compared to Unix) ❮❯ •Random Linux Notes, Emacs on Ubuntu, 2011-05-26 ❮❯
  6891. Xu Zhimo → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-06 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200706.html ] •再别康橋 Goodbye Cambridge, Poem ❮❯
  6892. Xvid → Intro to Video Codecs ❮❯
  6893. XZ Utils → Xah Programing Blog Archive 2010-12 ❮❯
  6894. Yacy → Google Search Problems; Alternative Search Engines ❮❯
  6895. Yaeyama Islands → Blondie - “Magic” ❮❯
  6896. yahoo → Purpose of Logo and Principle of Logo Design ❮❯
  6897. Yahoo! Mail → Emacs Should Support HTML Mail ❮❯
  6898. Yahoo! News → Google Search Problems; Alternative Search Engines ❮❯
  6899. Yahoo! query language → Emacs Lisp Power: Text-Soup Automation ❮❯
  6900. Yahoo! Messenger → The Landscape of Instant Messaging and the Mac 2006 ❮❯
  6901. Yaksha → Las Vegas Travelog: Mandalay Bay [ Periodic_dosage_dir/las_vegas/mandalayluxor.html ] •Yaksha (夜叉) in “Journey to the West” (西游记) ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  6902. Yakshini → Sculpture of Asian Demigoddesses: Apsara, Devatas, Yakshini ❮❯ •Yaksha (夜叉) in “Journey to the West” (西游记) ❮❯
  6903. YAML → What is YAML? ❮❯
  6904. Yangtze River → Third World Blind ❮❯
  6905. Yankee → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6906. Yankees → English Vocabulary: Foreign Words ❮❯
  6907. Yaoi → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  6908. Year 2000 problem → Death of a Troll — My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009) ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 2 ❮❯ •Writer's Words ❮❯
  6909. Yellow Dog Linux → random Linux notes 2012-04-18 ❮❯
  6910. Yellowdog Updater, Modified → random Linux notes 2012-04-18 ❮❯
  6912. Yi (editor) → Thoughts on Common Lisp Scheme Lisp Based Emacs ❮❯
  6913. Yiddish language → Polyglot: Young Man Speaks 20 Languages 📺 ❮❯
  6914. Yip Man → “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  6915. Yitang Zhang → Twin Prime Conjecture Breakthru: Yitang Zhang ❮❯
  6916. Yo-yo → Science Ninja Gatchaman Jun Cosplay (科學小飛俠) ❮❯
  6917. Yoko Kanno → Macross Plus - “Pulse” (song) ❮❯ •Yoko Kanno - “Moon” (Song from Turn A Gundam) ❮❯ •♪ “Information High” from - “Macross Plus” ❮❯
  6918. Yotsuba Koiwai → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  6919. You're So Vain → Sexual Anthropology in Carly Simon's “You're So Vain” ❮❯
  6920. Young's Literal Translation → A Simple Intro to Bible and its Versions for Non-Believers [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t1/bible_versions.html ]
  6921. Young-adult fiction → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯
  6922. YoungBloodZ → YoungBloodZ - “Damn” [ music/damn.html ] •Hip-Hop Rap and the Quagmire of Blacks [ music/hiphop.html ] •Cherish - “Do It To It” ❮❯
  6923. Youporn → Periodic Dosage Archive 2007-09 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200709.html ]
  6924. Youtube → Periodic Dosage Archive 2006-10 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/pd-200610.html ]
  6925. Yu Quan (pop duet) → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6926. Yuan T. Lee → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6927. Yukihiro Matsumoto → Emacs 23.1 New Features (released 2009-07) ❮❯ •Ruby Creator Matz on How Emacs Changed My Life ❮❯
  6928. Yukon → To Build a Fire ❮❯
  6929. Yul Brynner → Murray Head - “One Night in Bangkok” ❮❯
  6930. Yumiko Cheng → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯ •《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6931. yuppie → Hyphenated Words, page 2 ❮❯
  6932. Yuri (genre) → Humor: 4chan /b/ random — Internet Culture ❮❯
  6933. Yuri Gagarin → Russian Milestones [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara_russia.html ]
  6934. Yusuf → Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother, page 2 ❮❯
  6935. Z → Info Rhapsody [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/wiki_vrici.html ]
  6936. Z-buffering → Graphics Programing Pains ❮❯
  6937. Zac Hanson → Katy Perry - “Last Friday Night” ❮❯
  6938. Zafu → The Carnal Prayer Mat ❮❯
  6939. Zaire → Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence ❮❯
  6940. Zang Toi → Star-Spangled Stars, page 1 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/merko_misno.html ]
  6941. Zanjan, Iran → Architectural Beauty: Islamic Bazaar ❮❯
  6942. Zbrush → List of 3D Modeling Software ❮❯
  6943. Zdeňka Podkapová → Feminism Perving Archive 2012-10 [ sex/blog_past_2012-10.html ]
  6944. Zebra → GRE Words ❮❯ •English Vocabulary: Noun Things ❮❯
  6945. Zed Shaw → It's Not You, It's Them: Why Programming Languages Are Hard To Teach 📺 ❮❯
  6946. Zeena Parkins → English Vocabulary: Nouns ❮❯
  6947. Zeitgeist → the Littlest Harlot (by Tracy Quan) ❮❯
  6948. Zero-sum game → Wonderland: Chapter 9: The Mock Turtle's Story ❮❯
  6949. Zero configuration networking → TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner ❮❯
  6950. Zeus → A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •A Love of Mythology of the Greeks ❮❯ •the Story of Cupid and Psyche ❮❯ •Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (Bertrand Russell) ❮❯
  6951. Zhang Zhidong → 李敖有话说:台湾语早晚被淘汰; Li Ao on Taiwaness Dialect ❮❯
  6952. Zhang Zilin → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6953. Zhang Ziyi → “House of Flying Daggers” 《十面埋伏》 《佳人歌》 ❮❯ • “The Grandmaster” The Opera Fight Scene; 《一代宗師》 📺 ❮❯
  6954. Zhao Wei → Flags Babes in Asia [ Periodic_dosage_dir/lanci/elsewhere.html ]
  6955. Zheng He → 1421 Hypothesis [ Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/1421.html ]
  6956. Zhou Bichang → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6957. Zhou Xuan → 花样的年华 (Age of Blossom) ❮❯ •周璇 《真善美》 (Truth, Virtue, Beauty) ❮❯ •《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  6958. Zhuyin → Pinyin 拼音, Zhuyin 注音, IPA Comparison ❮❯
  6959. Zip-line → What is Assault Rifle? What's the Advantage of Multi-Barrel Gun? [ sl/sl_firearms.html ]
  6960. ZIP (file format) → ZIP, Open Source, Mother-Son Relationship ❮❯
  6961. Zippy the Pinhead → Emacs Fun: Download Zippy the Pinhead Yow File ❮❯
  6962. Zmacs → Lisp Programer Daniel Weinreb Died (1959 to 2012) ❮❯
  6963. Zoids → Second Life: Transformers ❮❯
  6964. Zone of the Enders (series) → Drifting (car driving) ❮❯
  6965. ZoneAlarm → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  6966. Zonotope → Russell Towle Died (1949 to 2008) ❮❯
  6967. Zoophilia → Animal Love in Second Life [ sl/sx-danlu.html ] •Art: Leda and the Swan, page 1 ❮❯
  6968. Zoot-suit → Writer's Words ❮❯
  6969. Zoroaster → Byte Magazine Cover on LISP, A Space Odyssey, Nietzsche ❮❯
  6970. Zui Quan → Kung Fu and Martial Arts Video Game ❮❯
  6971. ZynAddSubFX → Audio Recorder, Synthesizers, MIDI Software ❮❯
  6972. À la carte → The History of English in 10 Minutes, Annotated ❮❯
  6973. Élie Cartan → John Baez on Octonion 📺 ❮❯
  6974. Éric Serra → the Diva Dance Song from The Fifth Element ❮❯
  6975. Étienne Pascal → Cardioid ❮❯
  6976. ñ → Accent Marks: Trema, Umlaut, Macron, Circumflex, and All That ❮❯
  6977. μTorrent → Great Software for Microsoft Windows ❮❯
  6978. ∂ → Xah Math Blog Archive 2010-11 to 2010-12 ❮❯
  6979. Joey Dyser → Joey Dyser “100 years” ❮❯
  6980. Alvernia Studios → Regular Polyhedron Domes (Geodesic Dome) Photo Gallery ❮❯
  6981. 3B大战 → 李杀網誌存档 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  6982. 3D肉蒲團之極樂寶鑑 → The Carnal Prayer Mat ❮❯
  6983. AV女優 → 李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  6984. 中国中央电视台春节联欢晚会 → 王菲 《传奇》 (Faye Wong - “Legend”) ❮❯
  6985. 丰都鬼城 → Buddhism Wreath-eating Ghost 食蔓鬼 ❮❯
  6986. 义勇军进行曲 → Chinese National Anthem ❮❯
  6987. 人類發展指數列表 → 李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  6988. 伍思凯 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6989. 切线 → English/Chinese Math Terminology 中/英 数学术语 ❮❯
  6990. 列女传 → The Biographies of Exemplary Women 《列女传》 ❮❯
  6991. 北京欢迎你 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  6992. 吉祥三宝 → 吉祥三宝 (the Joyous-Treasures) ❮❯
  6993. 周璇 → 花样的年华 (Age of Blossom) ❮❯ •周璇 《真善美》 (Truth, Virtue, Beauty) ❮❯ •《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  6994. 唐鳳 → Poem: The Bell Tolls for Thee; 鐘為汝鳴 ❮❯
  6995. 圆明园 → 火烧圆明园是怎么回事? Burning of the Imperial Palace ❮❯
  6996. 夜叉 → Yaksha (夜叉) in “Journey to the West” (西游记) ❮❯ •Vocabulary: Combination Words, page 1 ❮❯
  6997. 太乙救苦天尊 → 李杀網誌存档 2015-01 to 2015-01 ❮❯
  6998. 奇虎360与腾讯QQ争斗事件 → 李杀網誌存档 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  6999. 孙悦 (歌手) → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  7000. 孟庭苇 → 孟庭苇 《羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄的开》 (Blushing Rose Shyly Blooms) ❮❯
  7001. 导数 → English/Chinese Math Terminology 中/英 数学术语 ❮❯
  7002. 小天使 → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  7003. 小英的故事 → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  7004. 廖昌永 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  7005. 张益唐 → Twin Prime Conjecture Breakthru: Yitang Zhang ❮❯
  7006. 张韦建 → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-02 to 2012-03 ❮❯
  7007. 徐志摩 → 再别康橋 Goodbye Cambridge, Poem ❮❯
  7008. 恐龍救生隊 → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  7009. 戴望舒 → 《初恋女》 (Maiden Love) ❮❯
  7010. 戴玉强 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  7011. 教坊 → 蝶恋花,鸟恋虫,人恋米。毛泽东,李敖,诗词。 ❮❯
  7012. 斜率 → English/Chinese Math Terminology 中/英 数学术语 ❮❯
  7013. 曹禺 → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  7014. 李延年 (汉) → “House of Flying Daggers” 《十面埋伏》 《佳人歌》 ❮❯
  7015. 李敖 → Poem: The Bell Tolls for Thee; 鐘為汝鳴 ❮❯ •李敖在微博; Li Ao Tweet Collection ❮❯
  7016. 李煜 → 鄧麗君 《相见欢》 (Union Joy) ❮❯ •鄧麗君 《胭脂泪》 (Rouge Tears) ❮❯
  7017. 李玉刚 → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  7018. 林依轮 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  7019. 林夕 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  7020. 林黛 → 《痴痴的等》 (I Wait For You) ❮❯
  7021. 梅艳芳 → 《痴痴的等》 (I Wait For You) ❮❯
  7022. 汕头市 → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-02 to 2012-03 ❮❯
  7023. 汪峰 (音乐家) → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  7024. 海棠 → 李杀網誌存档 2014-09 to 2014-09 ❮❯
  7025. 海韵 → 鄧麗君 《海韵》 (Sea Rhythm) ❮❯
  7026. 温岭市 → 李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  7027. 潘源良 → 王菲 《容易受傷的女人》 (Fragile Woman) ❮❯
  7028. 無敵鐵金剛 → Childhood Memories: Japanese Cartoons of 1970s: 小蜜蜂,小甜甜,海王子,北海小英雄,小天使,小英的故事,無敵鐵金剛,科學小飛俠,恐龍救生隊 ❮❯
  7029. 田漢 → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  7030. 秦韬玉 → 《未識綺羅香》 (A Poor Girl) ❮❯ •李杀網誌存档 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯
  7031. 章子怡 → “House of Flying Daggers” 《十面埋伏》 《佳人歌》 ❮❯
  7032. 簡繁轉換一對多列表 → 李杀網誌存档 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  7033. 繁体中文 → 李杀網誌存档 2012-10 to 2012-10 ❮❯
  7034. 纪晓君 → 纪晓君 《彩虹》 (Rainbow) ❮❯
  7035. 胡茵梦 → 李敖: 才女与美女如何兼备; Li Ao: Pretty Women vs Brainy Women ❮❯
  7036. 莫文蔚 → 莫文蔚 《左岸 右转》 “Left Bank, Turn Right” ❮❯
  7037. 萧亚轩 → 萧亚轩 - And I Know (song) ❮❯
  7038. 葉童 → Double-Bun Hair Girls [ bb/ox_horns.html ]
  7039. 蒲團 → The Carnal Prayer Mat ❮❯ •The Carnal Prayer Mat ❮❯
  7040. 蒼井空 → Sola Aoi 蒼井空, and Origin of the Scissor-Hand in Asian Photos [ sex/sola_aoi_scissor_hand.html ] •李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  7041. 蔓菁 → Buddhism Wreath-eating Ghost 食蔓鬼 ❮❯
  7042. 蔷薇 → 《初恋女》 (Maiden Love) ❮❯
  7043. 蘇轼 → 鄧麗君 《但願人長久》 ❮❯
  7044. 蘭花 → 《初恋女》 (Maiden Love) ❮❯
  7045. 蝶恋花 → 蝶恋花,鸟恋虫,人恋米。毛泽东,李敖,诗词。 ❮❯
  7046. 西游记 → 西游记 (Journey To The West) ❮❯
  7047. 谭晶 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  7048. 賽琳娜·戈梅茲 → Selena Gomez Name in Chinese: 赛琳娜·戈梅茲 or 戈麦斯? ❮❯
  7049. 贺绿汀 → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  7050. 赵微 → Double-Bun Hair Girls [ bb/ox_horns.html ]
  7051. 那伽 → Naga Goddess ❮❯
  7052. 阎维文 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  7053. 陈歌辛 → 《初恋女》 (Maiden Love) ❮❯
  7054. 雷雨 (話劇) → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  7055. 韋小寶 → Xah's Belles-lettres Blog Archive 2012-02 to 2012-03 ❮❯
  7056. 马路天使 → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  7057. 鳳飛飛 → 《雪花片片》 ❮❯
  7058. 黃霑 → 葉蒨文 《晚风》 (Night Breeze) ❮❯ •♪ “The Swordsman” 笑傲江湖,滄海一聲笑 ❮❯
  7059. 黄大炜 → 《北京欢迎你》 (Beijing Welcomes You) ❮❯
  7060. 黄巢 → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  7061. 翁倩玉 → 鄧麗君 《珊瑚恋》 (A Coral Romance) ❮❯
  7062. 花木兰 → 木蘭辭 (Mulan Ballad) ❮❯
  7063. 鄧麗君 → 鄧麗君 Teresa Deng Songs ❮❯
  7064. 薛家燕 → 薛家燕 《再會吧十七歲》 (Bye-Bye Seventeen) ❮❯
  7065. 说文解字 → 李杀網誌存档 2015-01 to 2015-01 ❮❯
  7066. 钱其琛 → Li Ao on Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Li_Ao_on_Tiananmen_Square.html ]
  7067. 书名号 → Intro to Chinese Punctuation ❮❯
  7068. 标点符号 → Intro to Chinese Punctuation ❮❯
  7069. 李敖 → Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ]
  7070. 三教九流 → 李杀網誌存档 2012-12 to 2012-12 ❮❯
  7071. 中二病 → Chinese Internet Slang 网络俚語 ❮❯
  7072. 刘晓波 → Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ]
  7073. 北京工人体育场 → 留几手的话 (Words from Save A Hand Or Two) ❮❯
  7074. 堆栈 → 李杀網誌存档 2014-12 to 2014-12 ❮❯
  7075. 张之洞 → 李敖有话说:台湾语早晚被淘汰; Li Ao on Taiwaness Dialect ❮❯
  7076. 方文山 → 周杰倫 《菊花台》 Chrysanthemum Terrace (Curse of the Golden Flower) ❮❯
  7077. 杭州地铁 → 李杀網誌存档 2012-11 to 2012-11 ❮❯
  7078. 王彩樺 → T-ara - “Bo Peep Bo Peep” ❮❯
  7079. 石蒜 → 王菲 《彼岸花》 (Flower of Paradise) 曼珠沙华的故事 ❮❯
  7080. 编辑部的故事 → 编辑部的故事,第22集,人工智能人 ❮❯
  7081. 羅百吉 → 罗百吉 (Jerry Lo)♪ “China Girl” ❮❯
  7082. 草榴社区 → 李杀網誌存档 2015-01 to 2015-01 ❮❯
  7083. 荼蘼 → 王菲 《開到荼蘼》 (Last Blossom) ❮❯
  7084. 鄭蘋如 → 《天涯歌女》 (The Wandering Songstress) and Can You Trust Women? ❮❯
  7085. 陳水扁 → Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ] •Taiwan, Politics, Tongyong Pinyin ❮❯
  7086. 零八宪章 → Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize [ Periodic_dosage_dir/Liu-Xiaobo_Dalai-Lama_Falun-Gong.html ]

On Wikipedia at