Periodic Dosage Archive 2010-10
Augustness, Austerity, Pain and Suffering: 4 Piano Pieces to Die For
Just discovered that reddit this a section of Ephebophile (of photos almost naked teens). See bottom of: Reddit = Porn Fodder.
Autism Test (commentary)
Pole Dancing and Chinese Pole 📺
i kill animals daily, and consume their flesh. Say it as it is.
(See also: Xah Lee Food, Monk Diet .)
Flatland BMX (Bicycle Acrobat)
Last week's poll result:
With regards to swearing, do you prefer my articles to be:
Choices | Votes Count |
True Xah Lee style; (e.g. I don't really give a flying fuck if people can't read my article due to fucking words in it. Those “constructive criticism” thinking fuckers, go study philosophy and fuck off. At times, my copious copulative expletives littered thru-out makes aliterative art, and that's the worth by itself, besides solid content behind them. (google my essay on constructive criticism)) | 20 (68%) |
Criticize as usual, be honest, don't overswear; some swearing conveys needed altitude. | 2 (6%) |
Swearing distracts. I prefer less or no swearing. Maybe once in a while. | 4 (13%) |
Try to convery the same point, with expressions that are not so offensive or confrontational. Four-letter words is never really necessary in writing. | 3 (10%) |
Total Votes: 29
See also: The Writing Style of Xah Lee.
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Great Fire Wall, Chinese Net Censorship; When Will China Open Up Internet?.
Professor Victor Mair and 肏 (Fuck)
Binaural Tone, I-Doser, Made Me Crazy
Is Philosophy Useful? (essay)
The Language Log seems to recommend this book very much: Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage Buy at amazon
If Language Log recommends it, i recommend it.
See also: Review: American Heritage Dictionary vs Merriam Webster Collegiate.
Pretty girl, 15 yrs old, killed her self, due to bullying in highschool. Phoebe Prince. When i was in highschool, it was worst time in my life too. Am target of bullying.
A quick websearch shows that percentage of voting in US from 1960 to 2008 is all between 35% to 60%. lol. sad. way to go democracy. and, it also tells us how complex modern society is.
Who understands politics and today's political issues? who cares? In my life, i wouldn't know who is the current president in US in whatever country i was living in, until in my late 30s (~2005)
See: Voter turnout.
Can One Talk About Religion, Politics, with Friends?
Liu Xiaobo, NED, CIA, USA Support
Liu Xiaobo, Dalai Lama, Falun Gong, Nobel Peace Prize (commentary; politics)
Thanks a lot to [R. Michael Underwood] ( ), and [Carel Bertram] ( ) for donation!
Michael is a accomplished lawyer (and a friend) with wide range of interests, and Carel Bertram is a professor in humanities, in particular Islamic culture. She donated for The Arabian Nights.
What is Philosophy and Paul Graham (essay)
Last week's poll result:
What content would you like to see more?
emacs 5 other programing/computing/webdev topics 6 math 0 random pop, social, art, sex, politics 2 more technical (e.g. emacs, comp lang tutorial) 2 more rant/essay/opinion style writing 2 prefer longer (e.g. 1 or 2 pages essay/tutorial) 3 prefer short (1 paragraph emacs tips, etc) 0
Check out this week's poll:
With regards to swearing, do you prefer my writing style to be:
- (1) True Xah Lee style; (e.g. I don't really give a flying fuck if people can't read my article due to fucking words in it. Those “constructive criticism” thinking ignoramuses, go study philosophy and fuck off. At times, my copious copulative expletives littered thru-out makes alliterative art, and that's the worth by itself, besides solid content behind them. (google my essay on Constructive Criticism))
- (2) Criticize as usual, be honest, don't overswear; some swearing conveys needed altitude.
- (3) Swearing distracts. I prefer less or no swearing. Maybe once in a while.
- (4) Try to convery the same point, with expressions that are not so offensive or confrontational. Vulgarities are never really necessary in writing.
Vote at:
Stupid poll widget made me split the first item cause it's too long. What the fuck is with the web these days? Must we all just tweet 5 words blurbs? Fucking twits. What happened to eloquence? harangue?
Women and Penelope Trunk (commentary; women)
Lew Perin ( , a programer, who fixed a Windows Vista VirtualStore Problem for FSF Emacs with C code, has written a web app that translate tea names in Chinese to English, with good explanations. The app is called BabelCarp at: Quote:
I've been drinking tea, for want of a better word, *seriously* for a dozen years. Obviously Chinese tea is the majority of all the world's tea of any interest. After a few years, I realized that I would learn something about Chinese tea and then forget it, so I started thinking about how I'd memorialize what I learned. Then I said to myself "Hey dummy, you're a computer programmer - create a web application!" Hence Babelcarp.
If you don't know… tea in China is quite involved, with all sorts of knowledge and culture. Similar to, say, coffee and wine making. You know? the types, techniques to process, locations, brewing knowledge and secrets, etc, with aficionados, competitions, exhibitions, expert tasters etc. Some old masters, can take a whiff of your tea (baked dry leaves) and tell you how much it's worth (in wholesale level trading).
Personally i know quite a bit about tea, more so than a typical Chinese, because my dad is a tea merchant, he bakes tea. (and as a teen, i was beaten, etc, to learn and do the processing, delivery, etc in the family business.)
You can read Wikipedia to learn more: Tea.
One thing funny is that, in Taiwan (where i grew up), you never put sugar in tea. Unless it's bottled commercial iced tea, but even bottled tea is rare (it's like, as rare as bottled ice coffee in US). Nor have i ever heard of putting milk in tea. So, when in US, when people drop some sugar or milk in tea, it's like LOL, what a idiotic practice! That's like, hey let's put some sugar or lemon juice in red wine to enhance the taste. Also, there's never such things as lemon tea, or whatnot orange tea or herb tea or de-caff tea.
Thanks to Michael Jergens and Robert Pergl for donation!
The Harm of Active Voice in Online Dating (essay; writing)
What is Passive Voice? What's Aggressive Voice? (english; grammar; linguistics)
In writing, you know that there is passive voice and active voice, right? And the writing style guilds tell us, that we should use active voice. In the following sentences, can you tell which is active voice and which is passive voice?
- (1) At dawn the crowing of a rooster could be heard.
- (2) There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground.
- (3) It was not long before she was very sorry that she had said what she had.
- (4) The reason that he left college was that his health became impaired.
Pinyin 拼音, Zhuyin 注音, IPA Comparison (linguistics; chinese)
Taiwan, Politics, Tongyon Pinyin (social commentary)