Tiananmen China, 1989-06-04

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Tankman Blocks Tank Leaving Square

new thread on TianAnMen 6.4 天安门事件. #Tiananmen30 nature of the tank man. the tanks are leaving the square. 坦克人的故事。坦克离开天安门,坦克人去挡。

truth about tankman  Gregory Clark 2017ish bfw6x
nature of the tank man. the tanks are leaving the square. 坦克人的故事。坦克离开天安门,坦克人去挡。 〔the truth about tankman By Gregory Clark. At http://www.fccj.or.jp/number-1-shimbun/item/984-the-truth-about-tankman/984-the-truth-about-tankman.html
Truth about The Tiananmen Square Protests
October 10, 2019
by Tovarishch Endymion

some details of TianAnMen 6.4 incident 天安门事件. #Tiananmen30 This article is based on wikileaks doc, linked in the article. 天安门的一些事。你不知道的。这文章内容是 維基解密 来的。有链接。

Tiananmen 64 2019-06-05 fmcdf
Tiananmen 64 2019-06-05 [source https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/06/tiananmen-square-do-the-media-say-what-really-happened.html]

here's a video of the student riot, grabing a soldier on a bus.

Tiananmen student take guns 3mnnf.mp4 [image source https://twitter.com/CarlZha/status/1136266744677330944 ]
burned soldier at TianAnMen China 4bf4h
burned soldier at TianAnMen China 4bf4h 〔image source https://twitter.com/Obscureobjet/status/1135970553184043009
burned soldier at TianAnMen China
burned soldier at TianAnMen China 〔image source https://twitter.com/Obscureobjet/status/1135970647153238016

目前以上所说的事情,其实就算真的,也是小事。大动乱的时候,死一个人是常事。美国常常发生。比方 so far, it's trivial facts. mob killing 1 is common in riot. e.g. USA has Bonus Army Incident and Kent State University Killings. Li Ao on Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989

美国退伍军人暴动,1989,华盛顿广场。第一天,2死 一千人伤。

Bonus Army Conflict 2019-06-05 9jtyg
Bonus Army Conflict, first day, 2 killed, 1017 injured.
kent state shooting 2019-06-05 pxb26
kent state shooting 2019-06-05 pxb26


i found this comment on youtube. Seems to summarize the complex situation well. and i learned, some leaders who took USA money, in USA now. Her name is 柴玲 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chai_Ling

here's the YouTube video. The girl speaking is 柴玲 Chai Ling.

侯德健與柴玲對質 (天安門廣場大屠殺事件)

saw this video about Tiananmen. 侯德健與柴玲對質 (天安門) [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSR9zgY1QgU ] 大陆每天翻墙喊六四的同学,看看。 那个女同学是 柴玲 Chai Ling. 53 岁。现在在美国活的很好。领了各种奖。还开了女童之声,就是反对大陆1个孩子限定以及 “争取维护中国妇女儿童的生命和权益”

柴玲,是个大人物。现在维基百科都有。 英文版: Chai Ling 中文版: 柴玲

here's the comment on the video i found. Seems to summarize the complex situation:

y gs on tiananmen 2019-06-05 jyw9n
y gs on Tiananmen

六四过来人告诉你们吧:6月3日,木樨地,38军接到死命令必须赶到广场,但是被学生工人强力拦截,于是开枪。 死亡人数大概在150人左右。 6月4日凌晨天安门清场,没有杀人。 3日4日暴民杀死烧死的解放军战士约20人,许多的确是被打死没开枪的。 据说,38军的开枪有报复成分。 整件事情今天已经很清楚了,80年代是共产党右派自由派执政,社会比较自由开放,但是西方的确试图颠覆共产党。 邓小平特别敏锐感觉情况不对了,才铁腕镇压。 虽然学生游行是以反腐败为号召,并且很快得到了广大人民的支持,但是邓小平的阅读完全不同,他敏锐的嗅觉放在今天看的确厉害,他判断背后有西方势力,并且目标就是颠覆共产党统治。 以我观点看:当时没人相信共产党,人人信学生自发而且就是反腐。 今天回头再看发现,没那么单纯,西方的确想干掉共产党。 然后是共产党说没屠杀,学生说杀了几千几万,双方都是鬼扯。 木樨地当然有屠杀,但是天安门母亲花了二十几年了,搜集到的死亡人数才一百五六十,结果反而与共产党在1989公布的人数最贴合,当年可是没人信共产党只杀了这么少。 所以说,学生的确是被一部分反共力量当枪使唤了,因为别说当年,就算今天,你要学生大投票要不要推翻共产党,一样会输。 当年95%的学生没有带着颠覆共产党的想法去的,他们就是要反腐,连民主自由都没那么积极。 事情的急剧恶化是王丹他们几个,在权力斗争中失去了高自联的领导地位,于是极端的出来绝食。 结果学生被带动一起都绝食,连续七天,于是矛盾彻底激化了。 整个运动本意是爱国的,但是,对于爱国的定义大家都不同。 国民党和共产党都觉得自己爱国呢,同样推翻和拥护共产党的也都觉得自己爱国。 反腐,是有共同语言的。 自由民主,在80年代也很有市场,现在不行了,会被人笑。 反共,在那时市场和现在差不多,中国永远有大概20%人积极反共,30%拥共,50%不关他屁事。 一直都是这样,没变过。 64现在口碑不好主要是柴玲的谎话被拆穿,然后东欧苏联的结果很差,最近阿拉伯之春惨不忍睹,于是中国人现在都很头疼自由民主这种口号。 加上最近二十年经济发展很快,人民经济上的需求得到满足了,于是政治上也比较不关心。 所以64是个复杂的事情,我们必须还原真相。 我来总结一下:64是爱国学生以反腐为主要目标,以自由民主为副目标推动,受到西方势力支持引导,最终具有颠覆共产党政权的目标,然后引发部分暴乱,最后受到共产党铁腕残酷镇压的一个复杂的历史事件。

i've already spend several hours researching tiananmen 64. But today, any controversial topic, you can find truth, if you are willing, to spend hours or days. The rest, just gonna cry what they believe. for typical white american, it's basically china = evil, period.

if you like more info about tiananmen 64, a source i trust is https://twitter.com/CarlZha he's already posted several. by the way, he was born in china, came usa at teen or so, is American now. his past tweets has lots info.

one common response from white american about my pro china posts is that, “at least usa has freedom of speech”. lol. 2 things about it: (1) today u can't even say men women not same or mention ng word. (2) when the most powerful is doing regime change to your country, whadcha do?

some american, are still chanting democracy. in a diff view, that's like china chanting communism to usa, and sent billions to help us dissidents free usa. Today, as you may know, is not funny. Notice today the sjgang is singing islamism and communism and getting somewhere.

do chinese know tiananmen 64 2019-06-05 fp4p5
do chinese know tiananmen 64 2019-06-05 fp4p5

CIA sent 1.7 million to Tibet rebels, and weapons, and training tibet rebels in usa. Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama http://xahlee.org/Periodic_dosage_dir/tibet.html this is also well known, de-classified. lots YouTube video about it. So, is this not a example of trying to regime change?

妈了个屄。 花了半天研究天安门(6小时)。 正事,编程,数学,没干。

@mattskala i take your point. But, as i've argued with other people in recent past, i disagree. First, take today's us situation, where we cannot talk about men n women not same. Even no gov censorship, but it's effectively a wide censorship. 2 issues: 1, do we diff censorship from gov or effective ones? 2 which is more wrong: ban talk about biology, or a historical fact?

2019-06-05 xah lee twitter post https://twitter.com/xah_lee/status/1136427761793265664

1989 Tiananmen Square Protests