Lojban and Chinese, A Word A Day

By Xah Lee. Date:

badri ⇔ sad,unhappy ⇔ 悲伤bei1shang1,不快乐bu4kuai4le4

badri ≔ x1 is sad/depressed/dejected/[unhappy/feels sorrow/grief] about x2 (abstraction)
mi na badri ⇔ i'm not unhappy ⇔ 我 没有 不快乐
mi badri prenu ⇔ i'm a sad person ⇔ 我是 一个 悲伤 的人

tsani ⇔ sky ⇔ 天tian1

tsani ≔ x1 is an expanse of sky/the heavens at place x2;[celestial]
ko catlu lo tsani ⇔ look at the sky! ⇔ 看天上

ko ⇔ you! ⇔ 你!.

klaku ⇔ cry, weep ⇔ 哭ku1

klaku ≔ x1 weeps/cries tears x2 about/for reason x3 (event/state)
e'osai ko na klaku ⇔ please don't cry ⇔ 请你 不要 哭

e'osai ⇔ please ⇔ 请. | na ⇔ no; negate ⇔ 不

ranti ⇔ soft ⇔ 软ruan3

ranti ≔ x1 is soft/malleable/moldable/yielding to force x2 in conditions x3
loi matne cu ranti ⇔ Butter is soft ⇔ 牛油 是 软的.

lei ⇔ the mass I describe as. | loi ⇔ part of the mass of those which really are | lai ⇔ the mass of those named. | The terminator for lei, loi, lai is ku.

tcidu ⇔ read ⇔ 读du2

tcidu ≔ x1 [agent] reads x2 [text] from surface/document/reading material x3; x1 is a reader
le tcidu ⇔ reader ⇔ 读者
mi cusku (lu e'osai li'u) le tcidu ⇔ I express “Please!” to the reader ⇔ 我 跟 读者 说“请”

“lu … li'u” ⇔ “quote…unquote”

zo'e tcidu (le mi papri) ⇔ someone reads my book ⇔ 有人 读 我的書