Lojban and Chinese, A Word A Day

By Xah Lee. Date:

clani ⇔ long ⇔ 长chang2

clani ≔ x1 is long in dimension/direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3
[(le tuple) be (le va nixli)] cu clani ⇔ that girl's legs are long ⇔ 那女孩腿很长
le tuple be ny cu centre ma ⇔ The legs of her (ny ⇔ le nixli) measure in centimeters how much? ⇔ 那 女孩 腿 几 公分

sovda ⇔ eggs ⇔  蛋dan4

sovda ≔ x1 is an egg/ovum/sperm/pollen/gamete of/from organism [mother/father] x2
xu do citka le sovda ⇔ haven you eaten eggs? ⇔ 你吃过蛋吗?
(xu do citka le sovda) (ca (lo prulamdei)) ⇔ did you eat eggs yesterday? ⇔ 你昨天有吃蛋吗?

kanro ⇔ healthy/well ⇔  健jian4康kang1

kanro ≔ x1 is healthy/fit/well/in good health by standard x2
xu do kanro ⇔ are you healthy? ⇔ 你健康吗?

“xu …” ⇔ “is it true …” ⇔ “…吗”

mi na kanro ca lo prulamdei ⇔ i'm not well yesterday ⇔ 我昨天身体不好

na ⇔ not ⇔ 不

mi jdika (lo (ka mi kanro)) ⇔ my health is declining ⇔ 我 身体 愈来愈 差了

“ka … [kei]” ⇔ “the property … ”. jdika ⇔ decrease.

mi jdika (lo (ka kanro kei) pa'a {lo nu (mi zenba) (lo ka nanca)}) ⇔ (I decrease in health in-parallel-with my increasing in years)my health is declining as i age ⇔ 我 年纪 愈大 身体 愈 差

zenba ⇔ increase.

“pa'a …” ⇔ (parallel; shared property) similarly; in addition to …

prulamdei ⇔ yesterday ⇔  昨天zhuo2tiang1

(mi te vecnu (lo xrula)) (ca (lo prulamdei)) ⇔ i bought flower yesterday ⇔ 昨天我買了花

“x1 f x2 x3” ⇔ “x3 te f x2 x1”. “ca” ⇔ present, currently.

xrula ⇔ flower ⇔  花hua1

xrula ≔ x1 is a/the flower/blossom/bloom [body-part] of plant/species x2; (adjective) x1 is floral
ta xrula cu melbi ⇔ that flower is beautiful ⇔ 那花真飘亮

真zhen1 ⇔ true, truely.

zo'e pu vecnu le xrula ku mi ⇔ someone sold me flower ⇔ 有人賣了花給我

“pu” ⇔ indicates past. “le … ku” ⇔ the thing.

tricu ⇔ tree ⇔  树shu4

tricu ≔ x1 is a tree of species/cultivar x2
mi djica nu viska le tricu kei ⇔ I wish to see a tree ⇔ 我想要见树

viska ⇔ see. “nu…kei” ⇔ a abstract idea.

mi djica nu viska le tricu .a le flecu kei ⇔ i wish to see a tree or running water ⇔ 我想要见树或流水

“.a” ⇔ or. viska ⇔ see. tricu ⇔ curent/river.
