打油诗 (Chinese limerick): 你妈大B肥又宽…

By Xah Lee. Date:

not sure what's the date of this. From the context “战后你妈立大功”, seems to be after Sino-Japanese war, that puts it after 1945. Also, “跑飞机, 跑船” seems to be a phrase in Shanghai used during that time.

This reminds me of China war time songs of that period:

B = 逼 = 屄

another interesting thing is the euphemism “B” or “逼”, for “屄”. Today, you almost never ever see the word 屄. It appears, the char 屄 is not in simplified character set, and is in traditional character set only. e.g. In Microsoft Pinyin Input, the char appear only if you set to traditional char set (繁) or extended character set (大). In emacs (set-input-method 'chinese-py), the character is not there, but is in “chinese-py-b5”. It is in Google Pinyin. (i think Google Pinyin uses extended char set.)

See also: 高级程序员装逼指南 (Zhuangbility Manual).

Chinese Linguistics: Phrase 跑飞机, 跑船

Another interesting thing with respect to Chinese linguistics, is the phrase “跑飞机, 跑船”. Literally, it is “run airplanes”, “run ships”. It usually means “busy flying (airplane)” or someone who fly frequently. (similarly for boat). So “跑船” can mean that the person is a sailor. But in this limerick, 跑飞机 also describes the physical aspect of running airplane, i.e. that 屄 is a runway. And 跑船 would mean ships run in it!