Periodic Dosage Archive 2012-05
I support Wikileaks and Julian Assange.
However, Julian's personality isn't the winning type.
If you've watched him on video, you get the impression that he's more of a calculating, conniving, asocial, loner, type of fellow. Such a character trait does not express emotion spontaneously. A significant percentage of geeks are like that. It does not correlate to one's ethical outlook and behavior.
Even in a prepared commercial Wikileaks's Mastercard Parody, you see a rather distant fellow.
This is in contrast to politicians and salesmen types, where, these smooth operators smile and laugh with you readily, easily making you like them, but what they really have in mind is anyone's guess.
United Kingdom declares war on Ecuador over a broken condom in Sweden.
I Got Stoned Sold into Slave Trade
火烧圆明园是怎么回事? Burning of the Imperial Palace
Human Walking Speed, Power Walk, Racewalking
Sci-fi, Orgasm Machine, Pain Machine, and Human Suffering
while updating the page The 2003 California GUBERNATORIAL thing RECALL, discovered that Peter Camejo died in 2008.
TED2012: The only way to learn to fly is to fly
If you want to understand how, ask yourself this question, “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” It's an uncomfortable question, because it forces you to realize that the fear of failure holds you back. The path to new and innovative things always contains failure, but we're constantly afraid of it — we have to get over that fear. Dugan quotes Clemenceau, “Life gets interesting if you fail, because it means we've surpassed ourselves.”
- TED2012: The only way to learn to fly is to fly By Regina Dugan. At