Periodic Dosage Archive 2008-11
Thoughts on Hi-Fi Audio Systems. (technology, Binaural Recording)
Emacs Lisp For HTML Processing: Updating Page Tags (computing; emacs; lisp)
Learned this quote today:
The most important and urgent problems of the technology of today are no longer the satisfactions of primary needs or of archetypal wishes, but the reparation of the evils and damages by technology of yesterday. -- Dennis Gabor, Innovations: Scientific, Technological and Social, 1970.
Dennis Gabor is a inventor in the field of holography. The source of the above quote is not verified by me.
For more functional lang logo with lambda see: A Lambda Logo Tour.
How To Write A Emacs Major Mode For Comment Handling (computing)
Killing Hope
“Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II” (2003),
by William Blum.
Official site:
Another of Blum's book: Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, got cited by Bin Laden in 2006, and its sell soared.
See also: Hawking WASPs.
How To Write A Emacs Major Mode For Syntax Coloring (computing; emacs; tutorial)
“Dolcett play” -- Sexually torturing and eating women. Just found 2 blogs about this for Second Life. See bottom of: Sadomasochism in Second Life: Hardcore Torture.
Li Ao on Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989
English vocabulary page cleaned up: Xah's A Word A Day.
Emacs's Mode Line Modernization Suggestions (computing)
Player Piano, Music Box, Designing Mechanical Music Devices
Just found this fantastic song.
The Bimbo from Alaska: Sarah Palin
Voting system. Interesting reading. In particular, “It is impossible for one voting system to pass all criteria in common use. Economist Kenneth Arrow proved Arrow's impossibility theorem, which demonstrates that several desirable features of voting systems are mutually contradictory.”
Problems of Open Source Dictionaries (English; dictionary)
Emacs: Lookup Google, Dictionary, Documentation (computing; English vocabulary)