4D-Chess Pol View
4D-Chess Pol View
this is mentality of 4d-chessers
- kinda idiotic.
- the mentality is that, 4d chess, more specifically, everything must be some illuminati plot, or controlled opposition.
- the logical problem with this view is that, it implies there isn't anyone powerful doing anything good. or that, such is impossible.
- and, the problem of such view is that, when there's actually someone powerful doing good, they got smeared together with the bad lots.
- because if anyone is doing good, we say they are just pretending to be, or allowed to be.
- this controlled position view, is really idiotic in many ways.
- at a deeper level, these type of people, their world is that, u have to ask, what is the result of their behavior.
- basically, their behavior prevents justice to prevail.
- they want a world that is eternally in chaos, in cloak and dagger, then, they r happy. is that it.
- or, they take a non-participation observer seat, and just comment and analysis with the american idiom of popcorn.
- the very concept of controlled opposition, is a questionable abstract philosophical take.
- the concept is that, for mind control by the evil lords, they sometimes need to create distraction.
- this controlled-opposition, is a concept more broadly belong to strategy of mind-control.
- that is the context.
- so again, like, playing 4d-chess.
- it is a view, that view politics as a game, full of wiles and guiles.
- when such people view the world, to them, it's all about games and strategies.
- they stop seeing the world as good deeds and bad deeds.
- everything is a strategy by someone.
- these types, are idiots. they are, to their own style, a behavior that's created by the deepstate.
- so that they forever discuss politics as a game. not actual relevance on what to do about it.
- now, who r these types, viewing pol as 4d chess?
- actually, not many. it's a handful.
- but popular on a sector of internet.
- typically, the academic types, or the memers, younglings, or conspiracy enjoyers.
- let me give my view, what's a better take.
- for example, take mike benz, or elon musk.
- let's take elon musk as example, since more people know him.
- elon musk, did at least a few important things against deepstate.
- eg the twitter files, and allowing massive freespech on x, not necessarily on all aspects of pol, but on many aspects against deepstate with major impact.
- for example, twitter files exposing the fbi, cia, gov collusion, election inteferance by us gov.
- and exposing the millions of alien voter army biden imported.
- and heavy dissing the sjw men get pregnant and sjw trans and cutting off of dicks and tits of teen.
- to a degree that, the deepstate, want elon musk dead.
- now, these are some very serious stuff, elon musk has done, against deepstate.
- however, some anti usa guys, or the 4d chess types, will say, elon musk is bad, is just a controlled opposition.
- eg the anti usa guys say, elon musk is part of the deepstate.
- he is part of the usa military, essential part.
- and the 4d chess types will say, elon musk is just a controlled opposition. because for example, he visited isral, chat with the geno criminal netyahoo. etc.
- but the problem with these views is that, it ignored, what elon musk did against deepstate. big time.
- because for example, if not for elon musk, their say, won't be seen on xcom.
- but these types, ignore this fact.
- they post on twitter, as if, somehow, elon musk is forced to let them litlle beings have a mouth. lol.
- so what is a proper view?
- u need to just look at things as they are, sans adding in some abstract or academic view.
- did elon musk did good, in many thing againist the evil deepstate.
- but what about, he is big part of usa deepstate weapon makers, and meet and welcome the geno criminal netyahoo?
- that is true, but that does not obliterate what the good part elon did.
- u see, human animals, r not flat.
- nobody is perfect good.
- and also, especially on the israle issue, u may not go all out on powerful evil forces in a blunt way. else u die.